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Rya Nitely

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Everything posted by Rya Nitely

  1. Dakota, calling Dakota ? Dakota Linden Advanced Member Moderators 881 1,205 posts And we are done!
  2. Ok, Ok, so I'm in bed as I have to go work tomorrow. Ok, so that post by Pamela I didn't like it either, and I felt that the 6 foot guy was being put down unnecessarily. And the way he reacted to the post suggested that he felt the put down. I believe Phil saw this too, as he reacted in much the same way I would have wanted to it was that power thing that Luna was talking about in another thread. Pamela had the power, being well known and popular, and the guy is newish in comparison. So, Phil was defending him with his posts, and at his own expense, because he had nothing to gain but something to lose as shown by the lack of support he got, and even being called out on it by Love. He was being altruistic. Goodnight
  3. Phil did exactly what I would have liked to have done myself.
  4. Yes, I imagine it to be a huge and very complicated thing to do because, besides the Jira, it has also been raised and requested at almost every MP inworld meeting going back many many years, and also raised here on the forums many times over those several years ( as long as the MP has been owned by SL), and we've always been told that it's either not going to happen or it will be considered. So, it is a very long backlog and this request is way way down the list, or it's been sitting in the too hard basket, or our request has been ignored up until now. So, there has been progress as it has now been raised by LL as a future feature. Therefore, even with the 'hopefully if', that's a big step forward, and I'll take it ?
  5. I haven't seen anyone argue against customer redelivery of copy items. Lifetime support and updates is my policy, and I would like this option or I can imagine complaints.
  6. And my comment about the public supporting our struggling farmers was not off topic. As I explained. It was very much triggered by this thread.
  7. But I did respond to your other post. I gave it a like. It was close to my bed time and I didn't have time to say any more than give a like. And I meant my post to you to be light hearted humour and not an attack or revenge, but if you saw it that way then I'm sorry. Gosh, I'm saying that a lot in a thread where most people don't feel the need for soft blankets. It just shows how we need to be very careful with what we say, and I need to be even more careful than I think I am, even with those who say soft blankets aren't necessary. And yes, it does show how tone can be misread, so for those who have been saying it, there's an example. Ethan, I wish I knew what to say. I know you are suffering, as many of us are and I do genuinely feel empathy for you. I only do warm blankets, so I want to wrap you in a warm hug and I do believe it works. I don't think anyone is damaged by a warm hug.
  8. hey Ethan, how does this relate to the topic? I'm reading it all directions and can't see it ?
  9. I'm sorry Ethan, if it annoyed you ? but I thought the relevance was 'public awareness' leading to kindness.
  10. Yes, that's why I didn't mention age, and I don't know how old people are here so I take it back Callum, I just love what's happening with the strawberry situation on television. I don't even like strawberries but I want to buy them. This shows how the public can be educated, to do something generous and altruistic. Oops I forgot to mention for those who don't know. Someone put needles in our strawberries, out of spite, and these farmers are losing money. We've been asked to help them by buying strawberries and just cut them up before you eat it.
  11. I was trying hard to avoid mentioning age, but I think most of us are the older generation. And so this is a tough crowd to talk to about change. apologies ahead of time for anyone offended by my bringing age into it, see my later post where I take it back ?
  12. Does that always apply though? That reality doesn't need to change through education awareness? It's never necessary? A gay teenager struggling for acceptance, a child facing gender identity issues, etc. - educating society isn't necessary, because reality is what it is?
  13. All my life I've stood against the group and next to a victim, and the group would turn against me too. When I was at school I was usually the first to make friends with the new person, even though I had plenty of friends. I always move towards the weaker, less powerful person. when I was 6 I was asked to choose a puppy out of a litter, and I was warned that the one over there is sick. I said ' I'll have the sick one'. Because I felt sorry for it. Of course I didn't get the sick puppy. One of my siblings got to choose, because I was 'stupid' ?
  14. It's altruism - its a characteristic that some have, and I believe most don't. When I started talking about kindness, people immediately thought I was meaning towards me, and they gave me advice about blocking people etc.. I was only ever using myself as an example. When I see new people having a hard time, my instinct is to protect them, like Luna and Phil and some others do as well.
  15. Luna. You are saying everything I've been thinking and feeling for so long.
  16. I acknowledged that I misunderstood your post. People in the forums are very much the same as anywhere else though. I agree with you there - it is a pretty regular mix of humanity. And although you didn't say it, I wanted to add it - this mix of humanity is everywhere. And people with social anxiety isolate themselves because they can't cope. People with social anxiety do have to help themselves, but there are so many people who suffer from it that society needs to be aware of it, because that helps. That's all ?
  17. Education and awareness - it has been proven that it works.
  18. Phil, I accept that I misunderstood you, but please allow me to say this without offending you again. “pretty regular mix of humanity” and “As a community, we are what we are. If a community of people is unappealing, then the best thing to do is opt out of it” A ‘pretty regular mix of humanity’ would be found everywhere, creating ‘Little Fires Everywhere’ (a good book that has a very good example of bullying, and how one little girl tries to defend the victim, when nobody else does, and she gets blamed - typical). Anyone who opts out of a forum of a pretty regular mix of humanity, because they can’t take the heat, would most likely be opting out of other social groups and communities. I isolated myself to the point where I couldn't go to work. There are many people who do, because these fires are everywhere. These loners will often be sitting in front of their computers, and they will look for company there...and get burnt. People who just don't see and understand it, it's simply because you don't experience it yourself. And that is why mental health awareness is so important. People can change, we've seen it happen in our society over and over again - through education and awareness. It has happened at my work. The bullies don't get support anymore, and so they stop. Stop supporting bullies, call them out on it, don't ignore it, don't defend it - make the world a better place.
  19. ^ this and the most disappointing part of it, is that the power comes from having like minded people backing you up, and that's when you get a gang up.
  20. I'm sorry I was unkind. If you felt it that way then I didn't respond in an appropriate way, and therefore I failed at what I was trying to accomplish. I acknowledge it, accept and will learn from it. I also apologize to Solar Legions too ( although he probably doesn't feel he needs it, I give it anyway). Advice given kindly and firmly, such as was described earlier is often helpful,. Cruel to be kind in the right measure, as long as this is the intention. Thank you Luna, I love you ?
  21. Yes, that's a good example, if delivered in the right way. It can be a bit motherly, therefore kind
  22. Sorry, if I misunderstood your post but here is why: 'We in this forum are a mix of people - of natures. Some tend to be more kind than others, some tend to be more negative than others, some are both at different times, some tend to be argumentative, some tend to be accusatory (is that a word?), some tend to be helpful, etc. etc. In other words we are a pretty regular mix of humanity, each of us different to everyone else, and each of us displays the various aspects of our natures at different times.' So, this is implying that 'the fire' is everywhere. This type of community or group is everywhere. 'As a community, we are what we are. If a community of people is unappealing, then the best thing to do is opt out of it' hence, why doing this would be to isolate oneself.
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