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Rya Nitely

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Everything posted by Rya Nitely

  1. Yes, and it is exactly what I did. I went back to my full time day job after the increases started, and it pays so much money for hardly doing anything at all. Anyway, I did exactly what you suggest people should do, but there is no way that I would come into this thread and slam people who may not be as fortunate as I am. I completely understand why people would be upset and concerned about their reduced income, although I am not in that boat anymore. What's wrong with just understanding? And stop saying if some creators close up shop it won't affect SL, because everyone knows that - nobody says it will. If the majority of creators packed up and left slowly over time, well I think it would be the death nail because SL needs that money flow. Unlike minecraft, it isn't been sold as a game to millions of people.
  2. Thank you, it's good to see things from others' perspective.
  3. Second life is a very different thing to Minecraft. There are many reasons why people join and stay in SL. I don't think many people joined for the purpose of putting boxes together.
  4. And, in some small way, do you also understand the concerns of creators who depend on every cent of their SL income, and who feel they deserve it for their efforts? 🙂
  5. so anyone who wants to cash out before the increase be aware there will be a bit of a rush. It already takes days to sell at 251, not sure how long because I had to go 252.
  6. of course you're right. New talent exists and will take anyone's place over time and with increasing experience and exposure, reputation etc., but the point is would they want to, if you changed the conditions? Would they feel the drive to strive for that if it was not longer financially worthwhile, that's the question. Money makes SL go round. And yes, although this increase in fees, and the others we have experienced over the past couple of years will not kill anything off, but it can reach the point where people will say why bother. Is it worth the time effort, stress, customer service. It's not easy - remember that. And it's not always fun or rewarding.
  7. and my question wasn't answered. Why is it soo important to them that they can carry on pages and pages of debating, even following the thread daily, when it probably has no or very little impact on them. They probably don't cash out regularly; they probably don't depend on SL as a source of income; and they probably don't work hard in SL to get a product out; or prepare for a gig; or provide tenants with support, resolve conflicts etc. on a daily basis; provide customer support and patiently educate them on how to edit and use products and on the latest advances in SL - example of this 'you need to set it to alpha masking' 'oh, what is that?' ' you need to select edit link' 'How do I do that?'. Don't underestimate the role we play in SL.
  8. I just don't know why non-merchants get their backs up about this, when it really has no impact on them? I just don't get it.... why? If land owners were told tier was going up, and that they may have to charge more in rent and they said they won't because they may lose tenants, I would see that as being totally their discussion and would feel absolutely no need to butt in with my views by contradicting and belittling their concerns. I would just feel it has nothing to do with me, and stay out of it, and maybe sympathise even though it isn't me. Why, why is it so important for some non merchants to get their backs up about this? Maybe they are entertained by just annoying others who are feeling a bit down.
  9. It would be like Sansar, that's a much better comparison. Sansar has NOT attracted creators/merchants because there is No profit to be made, and hardly anyone goes there just to have fun building for free.
  10. Me too, that's why I went back to my rl job and only do SL as a hobby now. So now I take months to make one item instead of busting a gut to bring new items out fast. But then, SL would NOT survive without its slaves.
  11. No cash out -> no merchants -> no quality items -> the end of SL. The only reason it has survived is because of the profit incentive driving designers to produce their very best. Take that away and.....nobody works so hard for years and years just because they love it.
  12. There are some people I admire here, you're one. Making a mistake is easy, but admitting it takes a strong, self confident personality.
  13. thank you I really did need that. I've never seen this side of you before - I like it.
  14. No need for warm blankets in forums - that was the message thrown at me. So, why the change in opinion? Oh, and I'm just waiting for Solar to come along with his scornful laugh. And Tari, if you are busy writing me a book, I'm not going to read it all. I might skim the gist of it, and then give up because I don't want to read a book. I'm already reading War and Peace atm and that is enough for me right now.
  15. Exactly. And this wasn't even directly at the merchant. I'm sure if it was then a different tone would have been used. It's funny how people can change their tune, and advocate for politeness when it suits them. But I do recall that you told me there was nothing rude or blunt about Solar telling me to 'So, just turn the bloody page' when I spoke about rudeness in the forums. And you said there was nothing wrong with what he said or his tone, - I just took it the wrong way, and sometimes people can take text the wrong way, and you went on and on. And I'm still not over that thread, because here we have the same people not liking the tone of the original post because it isn't polite, and those same people argued with me, that I shouldn't be so sensitive, and that bluntness in forums can be expected and accepted. I see the people who gave likes to Tamara's post. When it suits them they change their tunes - some, when they feel it is aimed at them and others just to stay on the 'safe' side of the fence.
  16. Me too. And I started my very unsuccessful attempt at making jokes because I was just starting to feel more comfortable and accepted here, now there is that familiar feeling of - just let go, don't come back. In all my years here, I have never felt a need to block so many people until just now. In fact I had a completely empty block list, and now I have 5. Well, I guess that was the advice right at the start - I didn't think I would need to actually use it. Some people are carefully scanning my posts for anything they can be use to pull me up. And yes, the emphasis on the words 'proud' and 'born with' were aimed at a certain post in another thread. I'm definitely not the only one who does that, and it's being done to me all the time and nobody cares. People knew what the emphasis referred to, so there was no need to mention names. I made an example of how wrong that post was. Now comes the very hard job of not coming back, see how long I last. And yes, I imagine a few people will go YAY.
  17. Yes, I have noticed that jokes are often taken seriously. But It sort of takes away the humour if you need to explain that it's a joke. Like the angry face, well it wouldn't be the soup nazi with a smiley face. And Ethan did keep insisting he didn't want a warm blanket, and he was being mean to me first with my other attempt at a joke about Dakota saying ' And we are done' like she did in the other forum where people started to argue, and that was my other failed attempt at joking, because he took it so seriously and you did too. But anyway I'll try not to joke anymore ?
  18. There are some people who will never change their views, will not bend an inch, and will find any excuse to justify their actions/views. Oh well, I like being me, and I guess different strokes for different folks. I feel sorry for people, and I'm proud of that quality - and it's a quality I believe I was born with. I see newbies running from the forums and never daring to return, and that's a shame. So, we end up with just this small group of the same people posting over and over again. I don't know how I survived being a newbie, because I was always very opinionated, and also sensitive. But I guess I never discuss anything I'm not passionate about, but I do think I can bend, as many others do. And that's healthy. Admitting I may be a little bit wrong (and a little bit right), and also being able to apologise. That's something to be proud of. Yeah, I'm humming The Monkeys song now
  19. But here you are talking from your own perspective. It's how you experience it. Do you believe a newbie would also experience it that way? I witness newbies given a hard time much more often than a well known forum member.
  20. The warm blanket helps me. The funny thing is that the effects of my involvement in this thread carried over to work, and I started to become jumpy again, anxious. And I had to remind myself I'm in a safe place here. I've been wrapped in a warm blanket at work and I love it. I feel warmth from management, HR and the staff. I think HR see me as an amazing example of how the new policies are working. As I recover my smiles are getting bigger and they are reflected back at me. Some of the people I disliked most are now becoming my support group - how's that? I think it's because they also had issues and are now recovering through mindful meditation etc. I can handle these forums now, even though I was a little bit jumpy there for a bit. I don't understand the mentality of some people, but the warm blanket has made me stronger and I can now cope with people who prefer bluntness. As we head into spring downunder I am slowly starting to take the warm blanket off, knowing it's there for me whenever I need it, going forward. Thanks Luna, for your understanding
  21. Obviously Cindy wasn't a Seinfeld fan, or maybe my sense of humour is just not her cup of tea.
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