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Peewee Musytari

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Everything posted by Peewee Musytari

  1. You were lucky, my friend wanted one that he had 2 sides of and the Linden that came out to see it said you needed 3 sides to claim it and it had to go to auction. No one else was after it, he ended up buying it at auction. That was about 2 years ago too. Didn`t take 40 days though, they came out really quick to put it up for auction.
  2. If you own land on 3 sides of an abandoned plot you can claim it, if you are only one or 2 sides then yes you have to buy it at auction. Submit a ticket under the "Other land issues" category.
  3. Sounds like something is getting totally overloaded by SL, if its not connected long enough to be an overheating problem is it possible its your PSU?
  4. Hi Pure, Do you have a Netgear Router?
  5. Yeah they used to be popular back before the max height changed to 4K (hence them being set to 768m) they send you up to top of sim and back again and then unsit you. They seemed to work when other people saw you as ruthed but you saw yourself as ok but they didn`t seem to help the other way around. The same way that you could TP out and back to fix it. EDIT: I guess the logic would be that you go out of their draw distance and then come back and re-render...Might explain why it didn`t help if you saw yourself Ruthed as you are always in your own draw distance lol
  6. Did you backtrack on your teleport history from before your crash that hosted you?
  7. I just had a look on a basic account and it does ask you for relevant info in that one, like what error message you are getting and it gives u a box to explain your problem...Go for it, looks closer than any other options.
  8. Wesley Siemens wrote: I also think that Linden Labs cannot help me, because for basic accounts, there is not such an option for login issues when submitting a ticket. That's only available for premium accounts. Even for Basic accounts there should be a ticket for Login issues under the account section.
  9. If it is a new installation of SL on your computer they could be the tutorial pop-ups, such as "this is your inventory where all your stuff gets lost", if it is those ones, they only show once for each thing (fortunately) so they should stop when you have clicked every button at least once.
  10. Sie können Ihren Avatar auf die Standardeinstellung zurücksetzen. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie alle Ihre normalen Teile wieder aufgesetzt wieder nach (Haut, Form, Augen, Kleidung, Arbeitsgeräte, HUDS, usw.) müssen Für Viewer 2: Entwickler-Menü (Ctrl-Alt-Q)>> Avatar>> Zeichen Tests>> Test (bzw. Frau)
  11. Great news, well done If you used Method 1, keep the folder somewhere that you can always find it easily in case you need it again. If you used Method 2, make a folder of the basic you anyway so that it is easy to rebuild yourself after a reset.
  12. Entschuldigen Sie mein Deutsch, ich bin mit einem Übersetzer. Gehen Sie auf "Bearbeiten Erscheinung " und überprüfen Sie, ob Sie sie nicht tragen "Alpha"Ebenen "auf einigen Teilen des Avatars.
  13. Darl McGinnis wrote: Hmm... that's odd. I always thought that logging from two different computers results in the second login to log the first computer off, and I believe it even happened to me before some time ago (years). Is this ghosting thing around since the SL beginning? Thanks! You are correct in the sense that double logging should kick you out but these Ghosts are stubborn things, we have even tried downlloading Radegast (which is very good at booting yourself) but that fails to kick a Ghost too. The sim restart or confronting yourself face to face seem to be the only 2 ways to fix them. There is this bug report that Maestro Linden and the team are working on currently - please take a look & add your support - if nothing else, it might just improve the level of support (I hope) https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6193 Also there is an item that should be on everybody's wish list - a request for an Avatar Reset Button (which I don't think LL would allow if it were possible, but it certainly would again emphasise to LL the need for better and faster support when locked out by a ghost presence). https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6602
  14. Marigold Devin gives some great tips on finding your Ghost in her various posts on this thread: http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/407595#407595 If you have an alt account or a friend with a decent radar this will be much easier.
  15. You are correct that Rael owns that sim, but it is Mainland, he will not be able to restart it, only LL can.
  16. Lira Laval wrote: I have the same exact problem. I can login if I keep hitting the Log In button repeatedly until the stated time is up; waiting won't do it, I tried that. I have also tried a completely fresh install of the viewer, a new viewer, clearing my cache, restarting my computer, logging into different sims, and had another person paying me. By the way, it happens no matter what viewer I am using, so that's not it. And to make matters more frustrating, it's only this account; none of my alt accounts have a problem. I thought I fixed it yesterday when I turned off HTTP Get Textures, but it only worked once. Damn frustrating to have to keep pressing the log in button repeatedly, but I guess it's the only way,... unless someone can help. I'll submit a help ticket too, like that will help, lol. You do need to submit a ticket because LL can find your Ghost avatar a lot faster than you sometimes and they can restart the sim that it is on to kill it. If you want to try finding it yourself while waiting for LL that is fine, but still do the ticket. If you have an alt that can get in, use that to go around to the places that you visited before you got stuck out of SL (not necessarily the sim where you last crashed) & try to find your Ghost, a good radar helps. Yes you can force a login on your account, but if you don`t know where your Ghost is, the forced login will not solve the problem, as you will just be locked out again next time you logout or crash. Find your Ghost, force a login & go to meet your Ghost in person, or get the sim restarted that it is on. To OP: I checked that airport, your Ghost does not appear to be on that sim.
  17. Yay!! Thanks for adding more suggestions Ella, could you tell we were floundering when we started blaming alien bots? LOL
  18. Well that is just the weirdest thing ever, so congrats on that lol It seems such a specific thing to be broken when everything else is fine. Trying to think what could affect prim contents but nothing else. You can build yeah? You can create a prim, texture it, cut it up and manipulate it every which way? You said it won`t let you add any contents, what about if you click New Script, what happens then? If a prim has contents, even though you can`t see them, do they still work? Rezzers still rezz for example. The only thing I can think of that ignores prim contents is stuff like copybots, has your puter turned into a bot? LOL
  19. Is SL a complete reinstal since the upgrade? If you download a viewer that you have never used before on that puter does that work ok?
  20. Whoa, how cool...Well not for you obviously lol...Its not even stuck on loading it has just decided nothing is there. What was the upgrade you did? Vista 32bit to Vista 64bit?
  21. Is that the only thing that isn`t there? - Is your inventory loaded, friends list, groups, does search work? What happens if you try to drag something into contents of an object, does it just not appear? When you open contents, does it say "loading" and never finish loading?
  22. Neya Ashmoot wrote: it happened to me too, and I followed the suggestion. my avie resetted but, relogging, I find it again with shape and skin in loading... When you put all you stuff back on after you reset your avatar, make sure that you are not adding something that caused the problem in the first place. The reason that basic avvies load is because they are not wearing high render clothing or attachments.
  23. Hi Ambyer, Well dang thats like opening your pressies on Xmas morning and they are all empty!! I have never heard of such a thing, you mean no objects at all, anywhere have any contents? I run 64bit Windows 7 so its not a problem linked specifically to that, I assume you are not just looking at empty boxes, sorry to clarify that but I`m facinated by this problem lol
  24. Woots!! /me wants to see limbo dancing Ghostie Yes, hotrod you have a Ghost, submit a ticket so that LL get working on it too and in the meantime follow Marigold`s ghosthunting & killing tecniques to try and get back in a bit faster if possible
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