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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. Thank you so much once again! I'm putting these scripts in a very, very safe place!!
  2. Hi again Innula Thank you again for posting the links to this issue/workaround as well as posting Debbie Trilling's script here for me. I really appreciate that! I just tried the script (the entire script as posted) in a welcome mat, walked over it several times, then placed it in my store and tp'd in and out many times and it is working wonderfully!!! I can't tell you how much angst this issue has given to me and the hours I've spent trying to figure out why it would poof when it wasn't supposed to. I wasn't sure where to place the event script you added in the original particle script I was using. I tried adding it to the end of the script but got an error message when saving, so opted to try the entire script. Since it's working, I'm going to leave well enough alone for now...lol. However, if I did wish to put the added event entry into the original script, where would I place it please? Thank you so much once again!!!
  3. Claireschen Hesten wrote: as i understand it Phoenix will never have a merchant outbox but can recieve direct delivery items if you want to use the DD merchant outbox you need Firestom after some initial teething prolems trying to get the merchant outbox to work everythings been just peachy and i have no issues sending stuff to the markeplace using the merchant outbox Interestingly, the Phoenix version I'm using ( - the one previous to the current Phoenix viewer that requires a PC graphics card with SSE2 compatibility) has a Merchant Outbox folder. It popped up out of the blue about 3 weeks or so after DD went live. Another thread on this forum mentions that Phoenix will "eventually" be compatible with DD, but I would imagine it would be the newer version when/if that happens. Thus I find it very curious that I have a Merchant Outbox folder in my older version of Phoenix. At this point, anything that happens with SL doesn't surprise me.
  4. I've been noticing this recently as well, Lasher. I'm in the habit of always taking a quick look at the mail in my spam folder to make sure I don't delete something that *should* be in my inbox. Usually it is the first email from a new friend, etc.; however, for about the last 2 weeks or so, anything SL related (sales notifications/notice when an item has been rezzed per a script in the box, even notices of new comments to jiras) may be in email *or* spam and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason. Some sales notifications are in my inbox, others in spam; ditto with the SL-related email. Strange times.
  5. Oooo, thank you, Innula!!!!! Will put this script in one of the mats and see if that does the trick and report back. (Just left SL to return to RL, but can't wait to try it out tonight!!!!)
  6. Thanks, Dora I have looked over each line in this script and similar ones (I'm not a scripter by any means but have learned to get an idea of what scripts do), and couldn't find any way to stop this. I think it's interesting that when I rez a fresh mat with this script in it and don't walk on it, I can tp back and forth and the emitter never goes off; but once I walk on it...from that time on even a tp near it causes the emitter to go off.
  7. I posted about this issue about 2 years ago but now can't find the post and it would be a necro anyway so.... I am using a Bare Bones particle script - exact name is: The BARE BONES Particle Script, Vers 4.0 - 10/23/2006 - Jopsy Pendragon I have this script in a welcome mat that I sell. When someone walks on/over the mat the emitters....emit. ;) My problem is that after the first time the script is "activated" (ie. a fresh mat is rezzed and someone walks over it), thereafter if anyone teleports into the location of the mat it sets off the emitters, which is frustrating. (I would like to set a demo of this product in my store, but whenever a customer tps in they are encompassed in a flurry of emitters which is annoying.) In addition to this script, I have also tried: Particle Script 0.4j // Created by Ama Omega 3-7-2004 // Updated by Jopsy Pendragon 5-11-2004 which is basically the same script updated by Jopsy. I realize these are really old scripts. Can someone point me to either a newer script that would perform the same function with the emitters but NOT activate upon teleport - or - perhaps tell me how to customize the current script which I will post below? (I will post just the script parts, not all the commentary to save space.) Thank you for any assistance as this has been frustrating me for years. default { collision(integer n) { llParticleSystem( [ PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE, llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, 0), PSYS_PART_START_SCALE, <.5,0.5, 0>, PSYS_PART_END_SCALE, <1.0,1.0, 0>, PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <1,1,1>, PSYS_PART_END_COLOR, <1,1,1>, PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA, 1.0, PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA, 1.0, PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT, 400, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE, 1, PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE, 5.0, PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE, 0.8, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, 2, // 1=DROP, 2=EXPLODE, 4=ANGLE, 8=ANGLE_CONE, PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, <0.0,0.0,0.0>, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS, 1.0, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN, 2.0, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX, 5.01, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN, 45*DEG_TO_RAD, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END, 0*DEG_TO_RAD, PSYS_SRC_OMEGA, <0,0,0>, // PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY, llGetLinkKey(llGetLinkNum() + 1), PSYS_PART_FLAGS, ( 0 | PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK | PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK | PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK | PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK // | PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK // | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK // | PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK // | PSYS_PART_TARGET_LINEAR_MASK ) ] ); } } // (particle appearance settings) // TEXTURE, can be an "Asset UUID" key copied from a modable texture, or the name of a texture in the prim's inventory. // SCALE, vector's x and y can be 0.0 to 4.0. z is ignored. Values smaller than 0.04 might not get rendered. // END_SCALE requires the INTERP_SCALE_MASK // COLOR, red,green,blue values from 0,0,0(black) to 1,1,1 (white) // ALPHA, 0.0 = invisible, less than 0.1 may not get seen, 1.0 = solid/opaque // END_COLOR and END_ALPHA both require INTERP_COLOR_MASK // (emitter controls) // BURST_PART_COUNT 1 to 4096 // BURST_RATE 0.0 to 60.0? # of seconds between bursts, smaller = faster // PART_MAX_AGE, 0.0 to 30.0, particle lifespan in seconds // SRC_MAX_AGE - emitter auto-off interval 0.0 never times out. 1.0 to 60.0. // (placement and movement settings) // PATTERN, // DROP, no initial velocity, direction or distance from emitter // EXPLODE, spray in all directions // ANGLE, "fan" shape defined by ANGLE BEGIN and END values // ANGLE_CONE, "ring" or "cone" shapes defined by ANGLE BEGIN and END values // ACCEL, x,y,z 0.0 to 50.0? sets a constant force, (affects all patterns) // RADIUS 0.0 to 50.0? distance from emitter to create new particles // (Useless with DROP pattern and FOLLOW_SRC option) // SPEED, 0.01 to 50.0? Sets range of starting velocities. (Useless with DROP pattern.) // ANGLE_BEGIN & END, 0.0 (up) to PI (down), (Only useful with ANGLE patterns) // OMEGA, x,y,z 0.0 to PI? Sets distance to rotate emitter nozzle between bursts // (Only useful with ANGLE patterns) // TARGET_KEY, "key", (requires a TARGET option below) can be many things : // llGetOwner() // llGetKey() target self // llGetLinkKey(1) target parent prim // llGetLinkKey(llGetLinkNum() + 1) target next prim in link set // (on/off options that affect how particles look) // EMISSIVE identical to "full bright" setting on prims // FOLLOW_VELOCITY particle texture 'tilts' towards the direction it's moving // INTERP_COLOR causes color and alpha to change over time // INTERP_SCALE causes particle size to change over time // (on/off options that affect how particles move) // BOUNCE particles can't go below altitude of emitter // WIND sim's wind will push particles around // FOLLOW_SRC makes particles move (but not rotate) if their emitter moves, (disables RADIUS) // TARGET_POS causes particles to home in on a target object // TARGET_LINEAR forces a DROP pattern like behavior and disables wind.
  8. Sassy Romano wrote: I doubt that there's any appetite for any more now and I suspect that based on observed achievement, it would be woefully lacking in features. That was my first thought when I read the post. Considering the current borked state of the MP, the last thing we need is to have LL messing with more scripting.
  9. Sassy Romano wrote: Your customers have a facebook "like" button though, how cool is that? Of course, that is assuming one has facebook. lol
  10. Sassy Romano wrote: One factor that I haven't seen mentioned is those who visit an inworld store and then buy off MP. I hope the merchants closing their stores have suitably cross correlated their sales on MP against visitors? Sometimes I will buy like this, if its a new merchant to me and I have no experience of any customer service that might be needed then I have the review option. I don't wish to support dormant merchants. (Emphasis mine.) I've mentioned this on several threads in this forum, albeit from a merchant point of view. 99% of my sales continue to be from the MP but a good percentage of those sales are customers who also show up as having been in my in world store per my visitor counter, but then purchase from the MP.
  11. WADE1 Jya wrote: i think the name 'Pile of Bugs' suits it well. kinda catchy too... :catlol: ROFL!!! Only trouble with that is, after reading "Transverse" which made me think of Trannsylvania, now "Pile of Bugs" evokes images of Renfield. I definitely need to get my first caffeine hit of the day.
  12. Zed Avedon wrote: Firstly, many thanks and congrats to the SL team for the development over the last year and a half! Now I think its time to make an extra important tweak! If ever I mention the name of this establishment I have to cringe a little... Second Life as a name is too easily associated with 'second chance' - its terrible! So can we come up with alternative names please, till we find one that is sooo right, it sticks (hopefully Ill start the ball rolling ... >>> 'Transverse' ... would shorten to TV ...which would cause a little confusion, which is ideal as it will help the dissemination/ understanding/ discussion of what it is ... at least i reckon alright then... whats your best effort!? "Transverse" makes me think of Trannsylvania, not a virtual world. OTOH, with the number of "vampires" in SL...
  13. Josh Susanto wrote: But our responsibility as merchants is more to consumers than to each other. Not getting into the debate of having or not having an in world store, but this statement is really the bottom line, imo. Merchants working together, such as trying to troubleshoot this MP fiasco, etc., is wonderful and I am so glad this forum exists for an exchange of ideas that can be beneficial to all of us. Many fellow merchants are also customers. As a content creator, I enjoy thinking of things to sell and honing my building skills. As a merchant, my first priority is my customers.
  14. Since you also use a TPV for your alt, have you ever tried Firestorm (the Phoenix TPV version of SL v2/v3)? I currently cannot use any of the new viewers due to my older PC, but I LOVE Phoenix. I loaded Firestorm on my father's PC a few weeks ago. He has an All-in-One PC that does not have a dedicated graphics card, but it ran Firestorm with the settings on high beautifully with no lag!!! (Can't wait to get a new PC - just having difficulty deciding which one.)
  15. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Peggy Paperdoll wrote: And watch sims go away and abandoned mainland grow.........and complain about SL dying. Which finally will impact Market Place. Everyone will wonder why they just can't get sales to finance their intertainment (and their land where they have a "home".......that is mostly unused because you are not in-world tending to your SL business but tending your Market Place business instead). You can't blame people for closing their inworld stores if they are not at least self supporting. Most people can't afford to operate at a loss all the time, even if they are doing OK on MP. Why pay a commission to LL for sales on MP, then use the net to pay them tier in world thereby eating up any profit? Its just business. Certainly it is your choice to shop where you want to shop. I shop marketplace and if there is an inworld store I'll go there and buy it if I can just to save the merchant the commission and of couse some things I want to see before buying. But there is no real advantage to shopping for clothes, or many other items, as you only have a picture to go on in world or MP, If you want to blame some thing for inworld stores closing blame the high cost of land and blame the time and inconvenience of shopping inworld. Inworld search is borked,. Many times you have to try to tp multiple times to get places and then are hit with lag too. I don't consider shopping entertainment and many other people don't either. I'm not going to spend all day searching for a couple items because of all the things mentioned when I can obtain it on MP in a few minutes and go back to what I do consider fun. Saying that merchants are responsible for SL's downfall because they don't have an inworld store that bleeds them is unfair. The blame goes on LL for the technical and financial issues that make an inworld store not viable. Actually I'm beginning to wonder if the undisclosed long range plan is to move most commerce out world and focusing soley on residential and entertainment in world. Other VW's are like this and seem to do ok. Wanted this posted again because you explain the situation very well, Amethyst.
  16. I appreciate your perspective from a customer's point of view and taking your time to post here, Rufferta. I too agree with almost everything you said and have encountered some of the same issues as a customer. As other merchants have stated, the vast majority of my sales come from the MP but I have kept a small in-world store to allow customers to at least see some of my products before purchasing. Your post confirms that decision and I'm very pleased that not being able to display everything is not a deterrant. The only point I have any disagreement with is putting a price on the vendors; Princess provided almost the exact response I was going to give: Princess Verwood wrote: Putting the price on ads just like the choice to have an in-world store is completely personal preference. I personally don't put price on ads beacuse I'm usually involved in events or sales, etc or even if I wanted to change the price for whatever reason it is much easier than to constantly re-do pictures and re-upload all because I have the price listed. But again, from merchant to merchant it's just personal preference. :matte-motes-smile: (Emphasis mine.) In additon to the above, I would just add that in my shop the price can be easily determined by either clicking displayed items for sale, getting the pie chart that says "Buy" which will then bring up the price. (I do that all the time in other stores as it is a common practice in furniture stores to be able to purchase the displayed item instead of having a vendor as well.) My vendors are set to "Sell Contents" so a click on the vendor will show the items plus the price; click cancel to back out. As Princess said, I may offer a promotion, gift, etc. or just adjust the price for whatever reason and like the flexibility of not having to upload another texture for the same item.
  17. Spica Inventor wrote: Fewer and fewer want to waste time and money shopping in world. There's no stopping the demise of in world shopping. ;-) This would make an interesting poll. Just based on anecdotal statements, I've been surprised at the number of people I have encountered recently, two in my store while I was there, who have said they either don't like shopping on the MP, much preferring the fun of in world shopping as one of their activities; or quit shopping the MP when the current mess started, stating they don't trust it. This is just a handful of random people and could well be outweighed by people who shop on the MP. I just found it interesting that in the space of a few days I kept running into people in world who said the above. I personally do both. I usually begin on the MP to find the item I'm looking for then, most of the time, go in world to see it and/or purchase it. There are other times I'm not in the mood to tp around so I purchase other items, usually gadget type things, on the MP.
  18. Flea Yatsenko wrote: I think it may be more difficult if you are selling clothes and stuff like that. I mostly sell caves, prefabs, and builder's kits, so people have a huge incentive to come see them in world before they make a big purchase. They usually come in world and see them and then buy them at a later date. I don't know what kind of vendors you use, but if you had some sort of mannequin or something it might help a lot. I sell home furnishings which, as you said, is why I likely have customers who come into the shop to see the product, then purchase on the MP (based on my in store visitor list as compared to MP purchases), so that's not my issue. Most of my furniture items and rugs are on display...running into a prim limit but I'm working on that.
  19. Hey Flea :smileyhappy: In answer to your questions and a comment: Yes, my sales have been good for the last few days, reminds me of "my normal" before all this brewhaha started. This is following a good 5 days or so of no sales. As for premium members - I haven't been a premium member for about two years so at least my sales this week with the corresponding emails isn't predicated on that. Not disputing your theory, though.
  20. Emma Krokus wrote: Hi Czari:) yes all my stuff is still in Magic Boxes - I am scared of DD and what running a DD enabled viewer will do to my creaky pc . And everything was fine up until a couple days ago... Strangely since opening this thread, I had a few come in!! OMG, maybe the Lindens do read the fora??!!!!! /me faints Emma:) Let's hear it for those of us with creaky PCs!!! :smileywink: I realize that, as technology goes, my PC is outdated, but it still irks me that it runs everything wonderfully, including two very graphics-intensive MMORPGs but can't be used for the new SL viewers. (As a side note, I had this PC custom-built for me as a gaming computer - probably why it still works so well. Just doesn't have that pesky SEE2 component.) I'm with you on DD. Hoping at this point that, due to all the MP issues, the MBs will stay indefinitely, or better yet, allow merchants to choose which delivery system they prefer. To your post - the delivery notifictions must be one of those issues that are affecting some merchants and not others. Of course, I could easily become one of the "affected" at any moment...lol. You may have discovered the "workaround" though!!! :smileywink:
  21. Flea Yatsenko wrote: You should have an in world store. I have noticed people are transitioning towards shopping in world (I'm guessing they're just using SLMP to view pictures and read a description before teleporting in world). I wish this would start happening for my store. At present, despite a March Rez Day promo offering two free gifts, posted in the designer groups of which I am a member and participating in the June Silk Road Hunt (which *is* driving a lot of traffic to my store), all my sales continue to be from the MP. I realize I have only just begun efforts to advertise my in world store again and many hunters generally like to finish a hunt and then rez their gifts and may return to a store they liked, so I will continue to do what I can to promote my in world store.
  22. Flea Yatsenko wrote: The fact that emails are not getting sent regardless of MB or DD usage tells me that there's probably something wrong with the software between the MB/DD and the customer. If you're referring to the notification emails, I'm getting mine - both the notification from my MB as well as the MP notification. Wondering if this is another issue that affects some merchants and not others.
  23. I am laughing so hard here RL. I love your posts, Dartagan! I think this line pretty much sums up the current situation: "There are also several issues that occurred around the time of the Direct Delivery launch that we are still working to address, but are not issues with Direct Delivery. Stuff that didn't work before showed up when we put something in that partially worked. This is how we roll, get used to it. We call this the Big Bang method. If everything goes wrong at the same time we know we got something right." ....This is how we roll....brilliant!
  24. Wow....just....wow!!! I've had several mixed listings (my listing, another merchant image and vice versa) in my MP store since the whole disaster began but to have your entire store not showing any of your products is just unacceptable to say the least. After posting on the jira and filing a ticket, which resulted in being contacted by Brooke L. & Dakota L., being directed to file another ticket by Brooke, which resulted in several "responses" from some "Guides" telling me I had to file an AR in world (that one was almost funny) to telling me my issue had been resolved and closed my ticket, which in turn resulted in receiving apologies from Brook & Dakota....:takes a deep breath: the original mixed listings went away...to be replaced by new ones. So, I'd say to file a ticket and become persistent in asking for action - ESPECIALLY since this affects your entire store; but based on the hoops I jumped through for a few items...and based on your total frustration at this point, and rightly so, starting over may be a better way to go but it is a SHAME that you are even in this position. Not that any of the above was helpful, but that makes me mad to hear something like this and wanted to add my support, for what it's worth, to your situation. I am so very sorry to hear this.
  25. Emma, you mention receiving the Magic Box delivery emails so I'm assuming you're still using MB; or do you have some products on DD and others on MB? The reason I'm asking is I'm still using MB and have been receiving both emails for my sales continually (meaning I've never not received them even after DD began...that is when I have sales. :smileywink:)
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