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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Thanks Torley... I knew if a yelled loud enough you'd show up. *wonders if saying your name three times in a mirror would work as well* But you are too late... I think I get it now... next time try harder, alright... lol. Okay, here's what I think... this should have never been tied to our friends list in the first place. This should have been a completely opt-in situation. When you join Facebook or Twitter you don't automatically have all these people on your feed... you chose who you want to follow (or friend as the case might be). There may be people on your current friends list that you don't wish to follow and, conversely, there are probably people that are not on your friends list that you might wish to follow. That should be our choice... what LL has effectively done is made those choices for us... as Poison Ivy would say... "not good". It ticks me off that the people in charge of this at LL didn't think of this before they decided to thrust this upon all of us. I think this is a great feature, but once again, LL has failed to implement it in an acceptable way. Can't they get anything right from the start? Expletive!!! ...Dres
  2. As far as I know, you can't get rid of the ability to double click on a computer as it is essential to a lot of programs and in fact Windows itself. What you don't need is a special program to be able to double click... it's a part of the Windows operating system. I don't know what that program did, but I'm sure you don't need it to be able to double click. Let me see if I can explain the bridge to you. The bridge is an attachment that you wear that enables you to do certain things that you couldn't do without it. It enhances some features of the radar (don't ask me what) and allows you to double click teleport in areas where you normally can't (say one with a set landing point), to name only two. The video Venus sent you was probably about the introduction version of Firestorm, the one I sent was about it's current version. The reason she is hiding things is to show that you can. Firestorm is very customizable, that is mainly what the video's are meant to show, plus a little about the extra features that are offered. If you install Firestorm and try it, you might get a better grasp on what it's all about. And by all means, get help from the support group I sent you, they are better able to answer any questions you may have about it in real time. Then, if you find you just don't like it, uninstall it and don't use it again... no big deal.  ...Dres
  3. Seems to me only two of my friends have used it so far. I think that could be because so many are on TPVs that don't have web profiles, such as myself. I have to think that when TPVs implement either web profiles or some other way to use this (considering some TPVs have no intention of moving to web profiles until and unless they're forced to do it), maybe then it will catch on. I just slummed my sister and she received the notification inworld. Then I went to her room and looked for myself at what happens when you slum someone, so that helps me to understand it better. Now if I can convince her to reply to me I might understand even more. So I guess, I see the usefulness of this feature, but only once it can really catch on with the population of SL at large. That and LL really needs to implement a "follow" feature so that way you can follow someone that isn't your friend and unfollow someone that is, if you are so inclined to do so. Friends doesn't mean the same thing in SL as it does on Facebook, nor should it. The following feature would alleviate the need to friend anyone you want to just follow, and therefore leave SL friendship as it should be, something that actually means something... at least it does for me. ...Dres
  4. My rundown? Good? I hardly know what I'm talking about. I'll tell you what concerns me the most... If what I said is accurate and you have to be friends with someone to "follow" someone than that could make it so that people will start getting friend requests from people that just want to follow them and not really be their friend. Sounds crazy, but I could see it happening... people might start to treat friending like they do on Facebook and start friending everyone and anyone. That would not be good imho. ...Dres
  5. Right, but your posts will not show up on my "Home" because we aren't friends, right? So in essence, you can't "follow" someone without being their friend, right? But you can go to their feed page if they have it open to people in SL or everyone and see what they've posted... I hope I'm getting it... lol. What I'm really confused about is the fact that your post to my feed doesn't show up in my feed at all, and for that matter, I don't see it in yours either. I'm completely perplexed. ...Dres
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: Lovely picture Argus! I love the colours here! I woke up this morning and went to the top of the hill on my land to admire my new offsim landscape. Seems autumn will be coming soon... Nice landscape. And as far as I'm concerned, autumn can't come quick enough... summertime in New Orleans is not the most wonderful thing. ...Dres
  7. I certainly understand your aversion to that particular person and share it, but it seems a shame to let one person stop you from enjoying something that is otherwise a very positive thing. Why let one sour grape get in the way of your enjoying the rest of the bunch? Just saying. ...Dres
  8. Oh okay, so I'd have to be your friend for it to show up for me, right? I realize my ignorance is trying to derail this thread, so I'll just have to get some friends to help me figure this out later. Thanks though. ...Dres (Now where can I get some friends?... lol.)
  9. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Feed is your feed. Home is the slum wall, and notifications tells you what's new in the stuff you've posted or posted to. So my reply to Keli will be published for all to see? And if so, where? My feed? Her feed? Nothing new is showing up except in my Notifications tab. And what's the difference between Feed and Home? I'm so confused. Where's Torley when you need him... lol. ...Dres
  10. Keli Kyrie wrote: /me post to Dres' wall to open his mind. ETA: you can log in here to check it without going to viewer 2: https://my.secondlife.com/ Thanks, I actually have a direct link to my web profile on my blog, which I keep as a locked tab so I can get to it and easily access all of the links I use most for SL (that's really all my blog is for, seeing as I haven't written anything on it except my intro post... lol). But now I'm confused, what you posted is in my "Notifications" area... I thought it would show on my "Feed" or my "Home"... is "Home" what the so-called wall is? I don't get it... what's the difference? Has Torley done a video yet that explains all this stuff or do I just have to start posting in various places to figure out what ends up where? I'd like at least try to look like I know what I'm doing... lol. ...Dres
  11. Dillon Levenque wrote: Dres comes to mind because he kept almost knocking me down with that goofy flag. How dare you call me a g... oh, you said goofy flag... never mind. @Perrie: I was fortunate enough to be rather out of the loop at the time, as far as personal blogs go anyway. So for me to was just a fun, happy time, at least from what I can remember (damn NyQuil)... lol. I find it difficult to hold conversations in crowded places like that... it's just impossible for me to keep up with it most of the time. Usually by the time I type a reply to something I pick out of the noise, the subject has changed a few times already. And if I do happen to catch something in time, I usually just say something stupid that makes people laugh or groan or both. So, often times, I tend to feel left out of the conversation. Hell, I'm usually happy if I'm acknowledged at all... guess I'm just naturally better at smaller gatherings or one on one conversations. One thing's for sure, if you decide (and I hope you do) to go to HS2, you will definitely be engaged this time around. I, for one, will make a point of it, as long as I can keep up and don't get too messed up by the time you get there, that is... lol. ...Dres
  12. Oh okay, in that case, I would like to remind you that it is still in beta and will probably more stable once it's officially released. Allow Multiple Viewers only needs to be enabled if you intend to run more than one of the same exact viewer at the same time, which, from what you've said, I seriously doubt your system could handle. It could be that your antivirus software is blocking it, there have been issues with false positives during installation. The other nice thing about Firestorm is that they have an excellent support group inworld (link). They should be able to talk you through it or at least give you the information to get it done yourself. Good luck... Dres
  13. Void Singer wrote: that's because I started in the slums, but I've risen above it.... as god is my witness I'll never... hey gimme back that microphone... what do you mean copyright infringement... Scarlett who!? Awww... I wanted you to finish... *finishes for you* "...be SLummy again" que the music... lol. Anyway, I'm not sure how I feel about this. I like Twitter for the fact that I only have to pay attention to it when I want to... otherwise it tends to become information overload to me. I could see this being the same way. But since I don't use the official viewer, I'm not sure how the web profiles work in them to begin with, so for me, at this point, I suppose it's not a big deal. So I guess I'll give it a big meh, for now and reserve any further judgement until I see how it effects me in the long run. Oh hell, I might even play around with it a little... I'm trying to keep an open mind. ...Dres
  14. Mayalily wrote: After watching that video, I'm like huh? Everything looks different. It looks like I'd have to go to SL college all over again. I hardly understood a thing she was saying as she was speaking just to fast. It might as well have been in Japanese as I pretty much understood nothing she way saying. Anyone have a beginner's Firestorm video to share, or are there several step-by-step videos for newcomers because all of that was Japanese to me, and I don't speak Japanese. Then you might just want to forget it and stick with what you know. If you don't want or need the options it allows you then why bother? ...Dres
  15. Honestly, that's just not possible for me to answer... I have no idea what you would find confusing. If options confuse you then perhaps you will be confused. If, on the other hand, you like having the flexibility to customize your user interface, you might like it. It's like trying to compare Internet Explorer to Firefox... ultimately, it's just a matter of choice. ...Dres
  16. Roseysun Galicia wrote: One noticeable difference is the side bar when it closes it "hides" from view until one of the options is selected on the menu bar on the bottom of the screen. That really depends on the skin you use... some have tabs, some don't. @Maya: Honestly the nicest thing about Firestorm is that it's very customizable and probably it's biggest selling point is that it can be made to look very similar to the old user interface that a lot of SL residents are used to. Therefore, hopefully being easier to adapt for these users than having to switch to LL's V2 cold turkey. There's also I lot of features being included from the Phoenix Viewer that were very popular, but being that it's still in beta, not all of them have be ported over yet. ...Dres
  17. This video might help... but honestly if you really want to know what it's all about, download it and use it. There are far too many little differences for someone to write them all down for you. ...Dres
  18. I'm sure you wouldn't be the first. ...Dres
  19. Damn you, Void, for improving on my concept without my expressed consent. I'll see you in court. ...Dres
  20. Um... wasn't the point that, with all of our differences, for one day, we could all come together for a higher purpose?... one day of unity? I, for one, had no quarrels with anyone that participated last year (though afterwards I couldn't exactly say that). I would certainly, for one day of the year (and hopefully more), be able to do that again... how sad that you feel that you can't. I hope you will reconsider, it doesn't have to be about what is wrong between us, but what can be right. Perhaps I'm naive. ...Dres
  21. Wish I had run across this thread sooner. I have to side with C & V on this. Roleplaying to me means playing a role. In SL, I usually play myself, perhaps an optimized, glamorized version of myself but myself non-the-less. So even if I were to be on a beach in SL, swimming or laying out or whatever, that doesn't mean I'm trying to be anything other than myself while I do it. To me it's more akin to playing with toys and pretending. Just interacting with your environment isn't enough to constitute roleplaying. That doesn't mean that I don't sometimes dress up as a demon or a xenomorph or Jesus or a sweet transvestite, but even in doing so, sometimes I actually play the role of one of these things and other times I'm just me dressed up as one of these things. But the question remains, should SL be classified as a roleplaying game simply because you can roleplay when you're there? I like Void's multiuser suggestion, it seems more inclusive to me. ...Dres
  22. Actually, wouldn't it be more like posting your songs on YouTube? I wonder if that would work as well, legally. I mean, could it be that that is the updated version of a poor man's copyright? It's an interesting thought. Btw, I would think that the reason there are so many views and so little posting is that there are far more people not working with mesh than people that are. And it's not only mesh developers that read this forum... I do and I haven't even tried mesh yet. Sculpties zapped my determination to get into 3D modeling a long time ago. But hey, I might give it another try in the future... you never know. ...Dres
  23. Pixie Chaffe wrote: Was watching Nikita and had the urge too ... Wow, just wow. Looks a little windy up there. ...Dres
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