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Lasher Oh

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Everything posted by Lasher Oh

  1. There is definitely something odd going on with the Lindex. After similar experiences to yours over the past month I placed a limit order at 254. It was filled in seconds - Yippee - until I discovered that it had been wrongly filled at the fast sell rate which currently works out at around a rate of 268. Thought I might have hit the wrong button by mistake however the transaction history shows the correct 254 limit sell rate and the wrong final settlement. *sigh* I really, really, really don't want to go through the raising a ticket dance. Sellers Beware! ^L^ Ammended after tip off from Qie
  2. 7 of my newest items completely lost in beta search - they just don't show. The 'Relevence' and 'Best Selling' which has always been a pigs breakfast anyway is now even worse. Especially best selling which is amazingly wrong. Experimental searchs so far reveal nothing to write home about, in other words not much different from current search. I echo what others have already stated - it would have helped to know what has actually been changed so we could know what we are meant to measure and what might or might not be a bug. Back to the drawing boards guys or perhaps just kick this one into the long grass and let it wither away. ^L^
  3. I've experienced the same problem recently. It's a pain in the you know where. At the risk of raising the ire of many a fan I have to say that I can't see any real advantage to the new listing method. It takes more time, is fiddly, and requires that I login with the horrid SL viewer which I thought I might get accustomed too as time passes, but everytime I use it I discover new things that I really hate about it. I can't even say it's a triumph of style over substance because the UI is one of the worst I have ever encountered in any program or app. Ho Humm!
  4. I'm with you on that. I downloaded and logged in with the required SL viewer yesterday. Was the first time I've used their viewer in nearly 2 years. It was an abomination then and it still is today.
  5. The reason for many keyword problems and inumerable false flaggings is because of the Spanish version pages. For some inexplicable reason when a new listing is created the MP often duplicates the English listing and places it in the Spanish section. As most merchants don't translate their listing they have no idea that there is a Spanish page containing their English product details. So when you as a merchant choose to use the quick fill tool and then edit your listing for a new product the orginal poduct is still there under the Spanish tab. It is possible to have 100s of different products all carefully crafted in English to avoid keyword spam only to be serially flagged because 'sunglasses' is still lurking in the title and keywords in the Spanish translation section. When I read your post I suspected this was the problem I sourced the furniture chappies goods found no keyword spam. So while still on one of the pages I switched my MP browser page to Spanish and voila .... "A brown coffee cup" turned into .... "Style SunGlasses # 1 Unisex, scripted" I'm 99% certain the merchant hasn't a clue this is happening to his product listing, and it must also be harming his / her sales. Chances are it's also happening to some of your products as well if you happen to use the quick fill tool and don't translate your listings into the other 5 lanquages. You could say it's sloppy of the merchant not to check all the lanquage sections each time a listing is created, do you do that?. I say the real problem lays at the feet of the Market Place and the merchant you flagged hundreds of times has been royaly shafted for something he had no idea was happening.
  6. I could have sworn the reason we had to migrate to the current system a few years back was because storing product in our inventories /magic boxes was the cause of all the major delivery failures. Region lag outages and all that sort of thing. The Grand Old Duke of York comes to mind - marched them up to the top of the hill and marched them down again. Ho Hum L
  7. Arwen you were exactly right - thank you. There was a case sitting there in the support records and I definitely didn't get and email from them. I'm surised they don't at least flag it up on the process credit history. Ho Hum. Also suprised they wanted the tax gubbins from me as I'm well inside their limits. Oh well foreign resident details sent now, I'll just need to wait and see if they process the cashout before I head off for my hols. ^L^
  8. 14 days now and my most recent Lindex cashing out to Paypal transaction is still 'in progress'. Come on LL get your finger out I'm a patient man but..... ^L^
  9. Thx all - I had a feeling I wasn't alone. Amazing how their database can suffer payout glitches not in our favour but it NEVER fails to charge and remove our liabilities and fees. They must keep the liabilities and fees database in a watertight ironcast server room but the stipend database is clearly kept in a leaky tin bucket :-) ^L^
  10. Regular as clockwork my Stipend from LL arrived on Tuesdays unless there was some rare database glitch. However I see that there is no stipend credit to me recorded on the new 'style over substance' look transaction history page. Although all of my long list of group and land liabilities have been deducted. Am I alone in not receiving stipend on time this week? or did I miss some announcement that they were either changing the payment date or going out late? ^L^
  11. Just discovered this problem, it's same here in the UK a day later, with all browsers returning nothing but text. Wondering when the commerce team are going to start banging on some things and get it fixed. Also wondering why someone on the forum team decided to move this thread to the 'Answered section' - totally inappropriate! ^L^
  12. No your not dreaming - mine has also gone back to the proper working page. I suspect we have just had a leaked preview of a potential horror the Lab is currently brewing up for us in the near future :-(
  13. It's utterly dreadful. No wonder they sneaked it in under the wire without even a hint it was happening. That tells me that the devs and MP team themselves know it's nothing but a pigs breakfast forced on them by inept managers. If it had been any good they would have been shouting it from the rooftops. ^L^
  14. "I would settle for it working consistently in its present incarnation. " I second that. Fix the things that should work first before moving on to introducing new features that inevitably won't work anyway. Some Examples - Merchants tools - basic as they are I still have not been able to get a 'best selling' report without having a 30 minute wait for it to load and as for 'Top Searched' I've never been able to generate a report since day one. - Listing enhancements that don't make erroneous multiple charges, requiring time consuming tickets and chasing refunds , would be appreciated. - Sorting merchant store by Relevance that is really relevant and Best Selling that is REALLY the best selling and not just the same as relevance. - Sort search filtering for example when a search term retruns say 1,000 possible hits and on the left it says of those there are 600 under building components but when you click to view those 600 there's only 50 or so. OR it shows there are 11 pages of possible results ( 96 per page) but when you click page 2 there are only 5 results showing. - Reducing market place lag. I can live with eccentric irrelevant search results. I can tolerate a zillion freebies and ancient widgets from year dot. I can even cope with the strange sorting issues but the frequent time eating will to live destroying refresh times make me walk away from potential purchases. I can't possibly be alone with this experience.
  15. It's a well known problem that we have had to live with since the day Market place team dumped the very efficient working Xstreet in favour of this new improved model. Probably the very helpful Dakota Linden will get back to you in due course (I thinks she's the only one left doing customer support on Market place these days). Your money will be reimbursed but you might have to wait a couple of weeks until they do a reconcilation run on the database. It happened to me a while back when I renewed a lapsed enhancement and was charged every hour on the hour for nearly 24 hours. Now I completely avoid the whole enhancement facility. Other than purely for brand awarenes I don't believe that many people have actually found the enhancements worth the money. ^L^
  16. Saw that article too. This passage made me laugh out loud on the bus... "Meanwhile, the FBI, CIA, and the Defense Humint Service were all running human intelligence operations – undercover agents – within Second Life. In fact, so crowded were the virtual worlds with staff from the different agencies, that there was a need to try to "deconflict" their efforts – or, in other words, to make sure each agency wasn't just duplicating what the others were doing." The mind boggles. And here I was thinking Johnny English was just a made up farce. ^L^
  17. I was lucky. Dakota replied to my ticket on Monday and told me that the MP team flush the system out on the 3rd of the month to reimburse erroneous charges. By the middle of the 4th my funds were restored and my inworld rent's been paid on time with a couple of days to spare :-) ^L^
  18. I knew as soon as I hit the button I shouldn't have *sigh* Like an idiot I took out a Market Place listing enhancement for one of my Christmas products. The L$999 for four weeks deal. But of course after Commerce Linden took my cash he decided that it wasn't enough and then proceeded to automatically help him/herself to another L$11,000 worth of transaction fees. Of course I've filed a ticket and it being the weekend I don't expect a quick response or reimbursment but just thought I'd give anyone thinking of taking an enhancement the heads up. The Marketplace devs have still not fixed the listing enhancement bug and I suspect they have no intention of ever doing so. Instead the Marketplace Team prefer to waste both ours and their time following through support tickets for an issue that they know has been borked for years. ^L^
  19. No funny business going on. Those are old ratings migrated over from the old Xstreet Market to the current SL Marketplace. The older rating system was by and large much better than what we have today. Now the marketplace makes a customer jump through more hoops which in turn discourages folks from rating a purchase except when they are bad ones. ^L^
  20. "LL could have just moved it to the right section and send a notification. So much drama could have been avoided. jeez." Hussssssssh! That would imply a degree of efficiency on the part of LL, the more back and forth comunication you have with a support rep the busier they look to their bosses. Can't have someone sipping a leisurely Starbuck's at their desk when they could be creating more work for themselves and their customers all round. Just a thought ^L^
  21. Singularity is for me, the best and least fussy viewer. Of course FS is enormously popular and rightly so but I don't need 3/4 of the features they have built into it. Also when running FS, my Mac's freeze and crash ratio usually rockets especially if I am doing any photowork at high res. ^L^
  22. I'll second that with another thumbs up for Singularity. After giving the most recent Firestorm an extensive 2 month run I was being driven round the bend by it's remarkable bloatware. that was slowing down up my entire SL experience. Don't read me wrong, I have nothing but admiration and respect for the Phoenix / Firestorm team who managed to turn LLs pigs ear of a viewer into a more silky purse. However Firestorm (even with it's phoenix style interface) is sooo packed with features and tweakable bitz that it was having a detrimental effect on my system in spite of several clean installs etc. So when I gave Singularity a spin I could hardly believe how smooth and problem free it is. Everything that I appreciated from the old 1.23 viewer was there and functioning beautifully. Tweaking the preferences is also a delight because they don't need to be accompanied with a 1,000 page wiki and daily tutorials to help users understand what does what. I did go back to Firestorm to compare running my regular productivity tasks (mainly photographic) with Singularity. Conclusion after the most recent test.... Singularity is now my main viewer of choice and I hope and pray the clever team will continue to keep it nice and simple as it is and resist adding all the whistles and balloons that the othger team love to build in. So Phil if your looking for a viewer that does what you have always enjoyed and you have a luddite tendency like me , give it a spin ^L^
  23. Absolutely right however I would question your statement "the product review team reviewd it and agreed with his/her opinion" I don't believe there is a serious 'product review team' and if there is a review person that same individual is unbelievably overworked and does not take care to seriously evaluate a flag. Thus all flags regardless of whether they are legitimate or not are automatically upheld - just for sheer convenience of said employee. Jeez! LL can't even afford time or money to fix all the mistakes and bugs endemic in the Market Place programming so the idea of them employing a specific 'team' to review all the flags sent in by their trigger happy vigilantes beggers belief. ^L^
  24. Thanks - I've been aware of local textures for quite some time and I have always found them a poor, fussy and inferior substitute which is why I didn't use the facility. Not being a tech head or SL geek I find it odd that LL intoduce Server Side Apearance to make an improvement to our 'user eperience' (horrible phrase) and then force us to use the very thing for temporary uploads that they brought about these changes to avoid. Surely for every session I have utilising 'tempory uploads' (local textures to use their jargon) is going to put extra load on their already pathetically overloaded low spec servers just as much as uploading a tempory texture does. I may be wrong and not understanding what the technology involves but wasn't SSA introduced in order to avoid their servers having to access files that were stored on our 'puters ? ^L^
  25. I've been on my holidays since just before the roll out that forced us all to update to the newer viewers. Upon return today I've seen snippets of conversation that sugest that tempory uploading of textures is no longer possible where SSA has already been enabled. Is this true? ^L^
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