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Janelle Darkstone

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Everything posted by Janelle Darkstone

  1. Another one is Peek360 although I have no idea how/if it works. Definitely a good stalker tool if nothing else. :smileyfrustrated:
  2. Marigold Devin wrote: I think if I was wanting to be a hot cheerleader, I would have to make myself look hot, dress like a cheerleader, and know how to jiggle, wiggle and wave those pom poms about at the appropriate places, oh and be in the right place at the right time. Am I right? It probably wouldn't be a great idea to be a hot cheerleader in the middle of an empty sim, for example. -- If a cheerleader jiggles, wiggles and waves her pom poms in the middle of an empty sim and no one is around to see her... is she still hot?
  3. I agree completely with you, on all points. It strikes me that truly caring, becoming an activist is very much a lifetime commitment, something very few of us are capable (or willing) to undertake. Sally Struthers, for instance, and not knowing all the details -- but I respect her for trying. Those weren't our kids, true, but the argument could be made that they were most in need. Being portrayed as Jabba the Hutt on South Park decades later isn't much of a legacy for someone who put down what they were doing and tried to do their part to make the world right, but what can you do? We need to stop thinking in terms of countries and political boundaries. We are all part of the same family and they are all our children.
  4. Dresden Ceriano wrote:Are you saying that this horrible type of thing should not be reported? What good would that do? ...Dres I'm saying that, for every unusual news story they feel titillating or provocative enough to catch the public's attention, there are hundreds and hundreds of stories just like it happening every day in Sudan, Syria, Côte_d'Ivoire, India, Nigeria and dozens other parts of the world. Children starving to death, dying, being enslaved... if the news agencies really cared about changing the world they wouldn't be concentrating on a single child in a washing machine. And neither would we.
  5. Maelstrom Janus wrote: Definition of the eternal optimist - a person who jumps off the Eifel tower and half way down thinks 'well Im not dead yet' Depends where you jump from. :smileywink:
  6. The human race is fine. It's the fringe idiots like that that give the rest of us a bad name. More so it's the absolute scum and wastes of life reporters and news agencies that wait patiently for news stories like this one to plaster all over to give us the illusion that the world is falling apart and to fear our neighbors. Not worth it.
  7. I just watched and I agree with you. Horrible, hellish, nightmarish and dissonant. But the sad thing is most Second Life machinima is about that bad (seriously). Not much more than animated corpses walking around with horrible music, not to mention postcards from Uncanny Valley from that creepy uncle everyone ignores at Christmas.
  8. It never ceases to amaze me how a lot of SL artists and photographers seem like they have never looked at another human being before in real life. Paying attention to how one moves, how they stand, sit, fidget. How they hold themselves up in different moods.. just so many things about life and being lifelike that can't translate into a SL screenshot. I could never be a SL photographer; I'm much too OCD about everything being perfect that I'd never snap the shutter. And even then it still wouldn't be good enough.
  9. In addition, in the advanced menu you might try turning off water and flexible objects. If I'm on an older computer this seems to help immensely.
  10. I'm already a little perturbed how all of our avatars' skins, hair, clothing and accessories look so radically different to someone else depending on what windlight or graphics settings they have. We want to present ourselves a certain way and on someone else's screen we might look like a deranged monkey telling ghost stories at a campfire. :smileysad: I'll continue using Phoenix for as long as I'm able and it doesn't bother me one bit that I might see the world wearing more and more boxes on their hips and heads. In my opinion, mesh is simply another unnecessary monkey wrench in a machine already held together with duct tape and bailing wire.
  11. Thanks JoJo. :smileytongue: This one was a bit of a struggle and we considered skipping it, but I'm kind of glad we got it all explained and straightened out. If only it worked in RL where you could adopt random kids that show up on the doorstep, this house would be busy.
  12. (This made a lot more sense in my head. But then again, everything does.)
  13. How about (Fluttershy kicks ass when she wants to. :smileytongue:)
  14. Storm Clarence wrote: (Post here to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Whatever that means.) I would but it's a PG forum.
  15. WADE1 Jya wrote: My avatar has been in freefall all day, now only 250000 meters remaining until impact. LOOK OUT BELOW! Would you like us to put out an ACME brand trampoline? It's got the Wile E. Coyote Seal of Approval. (...or that might be a court summons to the ACME corporation for injuries due to defective products, I'm not sure -- the paper is really old and hard to read. Either way, c'mon, it's a trampoline! What could go wrong?)
  16. 1. I have no idea. I am down to a grand total of two friends plus alts on my list, and those two I converse with almost daily. But like Kattatonia said in the other thread, 'you can still be friends with a person even if they are not on your list'. 2. I use Phoenix and it usually runs quite well. I won't use V2 and most likely will never use Firestorm. 3. Five years old. But I'm sure I speak for many of us that a computer upgrade is the least important item on a list of a hundred different things if the only reason is to run SL better. It's like having a good, reliable Toyota that takes you everywhere but upgrading to a Ferrari just to drive to a single taco stand across town, faster.
  17. I miss having a film camera. :smileysad: I like and appreciate digital immensely -- but there's just something comfortable and soothing about loading film and hearing the sound of the shutter and mirror when you press the button. In town we still have a few places that do professional developing and tons of Walgreens, but that doesn't mean I still don't have about six undeveloped disposable cameras from my wedding thirteen years ago. :smileysurprised:
  18. Meanwhile, at home others are napping and daydreaming. (*grumble* second day in a row the power has blinked off for a moment, just long enough to reset the computer. I really have to get in the habit of saving more often.)
  19. Maryanne Solo wrote: It's probably that "bad side of town" attitude lol. 'If you love someone, set them free'. :smileywink: Plus it gave Janelle another chance at a first impression. The "bad side of town" thing is being worked into the storyline when we all move. I wandered around Pamela's store last night and was blown away at how amazing her stuff looked... and it'd be very difficult to claim they all live in a house with barbed wire on the outside when everything inside looks so classy. :smileytongue:
  20. P.S. On the application's "desired position" line I keep writing "princess". I don't think they're taking me seriously. :smileymad:
  21. We were thinking about that, actually. Marigold and I were standing in front of a lovely furniture display in a SL store and while build was enabled there, I didn't feel right just dropping our stands and props and crowding up her display... even if it was only for an hour. But for some shots I'd absolutely prefer a live set over the sandbox and green screen. I might take you up on your offer and be sure to give you brand credit at the bottom. :smileytongue: @Everyone, as always, you know how much I appreciate the encouragement. Thank you. :smileywink: And on the childrens books, I'm dying to write 'The Princess Who Was Always Right'. Well, not really, but it does sound like a lot of fun.
  22. I know. :smileywink: But the main concern is taking over the thread as I seem to have done. It's not my thread to continue bombarding with these huge, huge images, especially when a lot of other people have added their own amazing pics and backstories with/about OLoPS. Anyway, the main characters are introduced and future story ideas are being scribbled down in wordpad. Now I have to figure out the whats, wheres, whys and how muches. :smileysurprised:
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