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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Hugsy Penguin wrote: Wow, I really need to lurk more. The ship looks like a lot of fun and would fit in nicely at my skyport. I'd like one if you don't mind. Thanks! You got it Hugsy. I wont be able to send you one tonight after work, as I have a band practice, but tomorrow after work I will send you one! Woot! Be sure to read the flying instructions! Peace!
  2. Mayalily wrote: Hi Hippie, I'll be on the bus too! Far out! I penciled you in! Woot! Peace!
  3. I am still giving this away! All you have to do is post here, and it is yours! Far out! Peace! 
  4. There must be more volunteers out there! Your post is welcome! Peace! 
  5. Any more Real Life you! Your Posts are welcome! Woot! Peace!
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: Hippie, your words go right to my heart my friend. Thanks a lot! Greta is greatly missed but Gordon is such a wonderful, loving and funny dog, he incredibly succeeded to ease the pain. So here's us two in the morning, hugs time before breakfast! :smileyhappy: Ahh Val! I see so much love there! That is good! Offer stands! Contact me anytime Val! Peace!
  7. MrFrosti wrote: I'm currently 10 days old, I picked up this game fairly fast and I alrady have land am doing texturing and sculpties aswell as building. I'm easy going and always willing to help anyone, I love to talk and I love to listen. I'm currently looking for friends as I basically have none. All I ask is no perverts or people just wanting lindens I'm looking for lasting friendships and people to hang out with. Hi Frosti! Welcome to SL and to the SL forums! My spaceport has a lot of friendly people. Feel free to friend me inworld, and I can take you over there and introduce to some great people! Woot! Peace!
  8. Good Monday morning everyone! Welcome home Val! Sigh. Still thinking about Greta. So sad! If you need anyone to talk to, I have good ears, and wide shoulders too! Hugs and love Val! Peace!
  9. You can only create a first name, now that display names are in place. Your last name will be resident! Hope His helps! Peace!
  10. LOL! That is so funny! Love your signature! Peace!
  11. Oh Val! :matte-motes-crying: So sorry! That must have hurt so much. Hippie says hi to gordon! Ahh! So sad. Welcome home Val! Peace!
  12. Rachel Seelowe wrote: Fantastic Hippie! Let us all know when you’ll be playing inworld Thank you Rachel! I plan to in the near future. Just need the mixer and the SAM program! Woot! Peace!
  13. Oh that is so good Nyla! What a success story! Bravo! Peace!
  14. Dillon Levenque wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: I think someone should alert alphaville herald and Sigmund so we don't have any unintentional mis-information printed. I am sure Sigmund would thoroughly enjoy himself. Especially when he sees the lengths everyone goes to ensuring enjoyment for all. I especially look forward to Live Reports coverage and Sigmunds possible first hand opinion 8^) This was my first reaction on arrival: (sneaks piccie in one more time) :matte-motes-smitten: Come to think of it, I'll probably still be wearing the same clothes. *shrugs It's only been a year ^^ I've also been thinking of how to turn an $L or two... A leg hair dreadlock stall should do it! roflz. Thanks for the pic again. I really like that dress; it's perfect! I still have my pic safely stored away too. @Hippie—you know I will be there! And thanks, again and in advance. :smileyvery-happy: Peace! Far out Dillon! Peace!
  15. Canoro Philipp wrote: you can count me in! ill be there for sure! YAY Canoro! Woot! Peace!
  16. kattatonia Wickentower wrote: I plan to be on the bus, Hippie, can't wait! Far out Kattatonia! Peace!
  17. Jo Yardley wrote: This is me in RL. As you can see, totally different to my SL. In SL I live in 1920s Berlin, in RL I live in 1930s Amsterdam. So good! Thank you for sharing Jo! Peace!
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