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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. There is only a OFFICIAL word about that, the LL's word Maturity: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Maturity-ratings/ta-p/700119 Policy about roleplay: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Clarification_of_policy_disallowing_ageplay And others. Our words are only opinions, personal thoughts, I think ... IMHO it is you who has to decide. ETA: typos
  2. I own a Mainland region. I have not ban lines, I have not a security system. If I'm connected to SL and someone want to use any of the elements of my region, I don't know where is the problem. If I'm connected and someone causes problems, it's enough for me the Freeze/Eject/Ban of the About Land window. If I'm not connected and someone uses my home, mi table and chairs, my bed, or whatever, what's the problem? Just my opinion, of course.
  3. [off topic but related] Then can we assume that is solved your question about the Visa <26? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/Visa-Euro-lt-26/qaq-p/1694601 [end off topic]
  4. Totally agree with the perfect answers of Lindal and Rolig. I emphasize the Eject and Ban system (see Lindal's answer).
  5. Home has these everyday problems LOL
  6. SweetAkira1 wrote: como tengo que hacerle Adivinos no somos No dices cuál es el problema: ¿por qué no puedes colocarlas, qué pasa cuando lo intentas, algún mensaje, etc., etc., etc. Sin esos datos es imposible contestarte. Si quieres añadir información atu mensaje, pulsa Options > Edit y explícate más. No es necesario (ni conveniente) que abras un tema nuevo. ¡Saludos!
  7. No es fácil saber por qué LL no ha autorizado el pago. Desde luego hay un teléfono gratuito para este tipo de problemas ( https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/ ), el problema es que sólo te atienden en inglés. Personalmente, dejaría pasar unos días (hasta que en tu banco cancelaran el pago) y volvería a intentarlo. Eso sí, lo intentaría comprando L$ desde la web de SL, no desde el visor. O si lo prefieres, puedes abrir un tique de Soporte, usando como tipo Billing >> LindeX Billing and Trading Limits Review Request.
  8. If you are asking for this "Answers" forum, there is no way for reply To add information, select Options > Edit in the top right corner of your question. Then ALSO press permalink below one of the responses and add a comment saying you added information to your main post. This will cause a notification to be sent out to anyone who have provided an answer to your question.
  9. Apparently the problem is not the rolling restarts, beacuse in a previous thread the OP has the problem for several days: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/problem-from-logging-in/qaq-p/1693225 bryanmmags. it's not a gooi idea to open new threads Use only a thread and for add information, select Options > Edit in the top right corner of your question. Then ALSO press permalink below one of the responses and add a comment saying you added information to your main post. This will cause a notification to be sent out to anyone who have provided an answer to your question
  10. Maybe you don't fit any of the requirements about land: https://secondlife.com/my/community/events/tos.php?nextpage=%2Fmy%2Fcommunity%2Fevents%2Fedit.php%3Flang%3Den-US
  11. Irene Muni


    Es muy fácil que alguien detecte la instalación de SL (o de cualquier otro programa) en tu ordenador. Basta mirar la lista de programas instalados (lista que no es fácil de ocultar y menos en un ordenador que no es tuyo; además, también es fácil detectar que has ocultado la lista jejeje). Lo que quizá podrías hacer es usar SL desde un pen drive (o flash drive, en cada sitio se llama de un modo jejeje). Yo lo probé hace unos meses y me funcionó, aunque con una calidad muy pobre. Las instrucciones están en inglés, pero con calma creo que no tendrás problemas en entednerlas, mira este tema: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Running-Second-Life-from-a-flash-drive/td-p/1427391 (Con todo, piensa si merece la pena jugarte un follón en tu trabajo por usar en él SL ).
  12. In addition to perfect Rolig's answer: I'm using without problem that Visa Electronic card, Visa card ( Euro < 26), I'm from Spain.
  13. Hola Zeus. Como bien te ha dicho Valerie, casi seguro que tu problema era que en ese momento Linden Lab estaba manteniendo sus servidores, lo que hace que, en algún momento, sea imposible la conexión a unas u otras regiones. De todos modos, si el problema permanece, pulsa en tu mensaje Options > Edit y añade las características de tu ordenador, memoria, tarjeta gráfica, tipo de conexión a internet, etc. Saludos.
  14. Thanks for you edit with the solution A new and unknown (for me of course) way for the issues logging in.
  15. In addition to Knowl's answer, see also the Solution Provider Program: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Solution_Provider_Program
  16. The thread continues here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/ilog-in-fail/qaq-p/1695345
  17. If you use the correct way for "deed" land to a group, the land bots cannot act. See how: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079#Section_.3
  18. Read my answer to the OP
  19. I'm sure it's a good idea for you read the Quick Start Guide: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919 And welcome to SL!
  20. I know "put a steak between your legs and don't open the legs". But I guess that this system is very late for the OP Kisses from Spain Lindal
  21. The thread comes from: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/I-cant-rebake/qaq-p/1694807 Hi Tester It's not necessary open a new thread. This Answers forums it's a very odd forum, but to add information, select Options > Edit in the top right corner of your question. Then ALSO press permalink below one of the responses and add a comment saying you added information to your main post. This will cause a notification to be sent out to anyone who have provided an answer to your question. Greetings
  22. The thread cotinues here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Cant-rebake/qaq-p/1694847
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