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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Valerie and Rolig are ok. There is not that option in the offcial viewer (there is a JIRArequesting that improvement, but I cannot find it now... and who knows if the actual JIRA system is interesting).
  2. In addition to perfect Dilbert's answer, if you are asking about how create a board in THIS web site (the SL web site), you cannot. You can create a thread in the appropiate forum, but you cannot create in this web site something similar yo a site you manage.
  3. Los 300 L$ se pagan los martes. Si el miércoles no lo has recibido, envía un tque de soporte (o usa Live Chat o el teléfono de soporte para facturación si te defiendes con el inglés: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Base-de-conocimientos/C%C3%B3mo-contactar-con-el-servicio-de-Soporte-al-cliente/ta-p/796091 ).
  4. Irene Muni

    LLuvia en SL

    Busca el objeto que sacaste de tu inventario y que pusiste en el terreno, y elimínalo. Es probable que sea transparente, pero puedes pulsar Ctrl+Alt+T y verás en rojo los objetos transparentes.
  5. Duplicated: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Creation/how-to-become-a-back-up-dancer/qaq-p/1686507 Please, see the answer in your previous question.
  6. La respuesta de Rolig es perfecta, haz lo que dice. Y un añadido: al igual que en la vida real,en SL no es suficiente decir que buscas trabajo de lo que sea, también hay que decir qué sabes hacer, porque si no lo dices es casi imposible pensar en un trabajo. Y otro añadido que es una mera opinión personal: si lo que buscas es trabajo para ganar unos cuantos L$, ¿no te será más fácil comprarlos y disfrutar SL en vez de meter horas y horas en trabajr para otro para sacarte unos escasos L$? Repito que es sólo una opinión personal.
  7. Otra posibilidad además de los controladores es que estés usando una conexión inalámbrica. De todos modos sería bueno saber que entiendes por "no se inicia". ¿En qué momento se para la carga del visor, algún mensaje de error, etc.?
  8. You can see also the official Knowledge Base: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Creating-managing-moderating-and-disbanding-groups/ta-p/700111
  9. Well, I'm nurse, but this is my "long distance" job Kisses and my best wishes
  10. Marianne McCann wrote: How many of those riders are folks who unwittingly ended up sittign in them. I've rideen them a number of times thanks to them being set to click-sit. Also, have oyu ever kept stats on how many times people have been mowed down by the little blighters? ;-) And this. And other posts. Marianne McCann wrote: How many of those riders are folks who unwittingly ended up sittign in them. I've rideen them a number of times thanks to them being set to click-sit. Also, have oyu ever kept stats on how many times people have been mowed down by the little blighters? ;-) And this. And other posts.
  11. IM sent, but user not online. IM refering to this post. Gazillion of kisses for you from Spain.
  12. Lenovo: http://www.lenovo.com/es/es/ Or in France: http://www.lenovo.com/fr/fr/index.html Apparently a great compaby: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenovo
  13. What happens exactly when you try to view an adult video? You click the TV or monitor and then ... Any message? Any error? Any anything? Edited for typo.
  14. Irene Muni

    Last Names ?

    No, unfortunatey Last Names are not coming back. See this veteran JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7125
  15. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-contact-customer-support/ta-p/739385#Section_.4 How to report an offline region "This region is offline." "The simulator is offline." "Region not available." "We've got a sim down!" No matter how you put it, it's the same thing: sometimes a region will go offline, rendering it inaccessible. The reasons are many and various. The important thing is to report it so that Linden Lab can correct the situation. Note: Remember to check the Status Blog — Linden Lab might already be aware of the issue, in which case we're working to fix it. To report a region as offline, submit a support case. Both basic and premium account holders can submit cases for this particular problem: Under What type of problem are you having?, select Land & Region. Under Land & Region, select Report an offline Region. Enter the region's name and any other pertinent information, such as anything unusual observed before the region went offline Click Submit. Linden Lab will address the report as soon as possible.
  16. The OP added info to the question, but I don't know the answer
  17. The thread comes from: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/I-Can-t-login-Aftter-3-min-of-loading-world-clothing-ect-it-logs/qaq-p/1675265
  18. The thread continues: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/I-cant-login-After-3-min-of-loading-clothing-world-ect-it-logs/qaq-p/1675899
  19. Añado a la buena respuesta de Valerie que, concretamente en el caso de las uñas, suele ser un objeto que da problemas. Probablemente tendrás que editarlo y ajustar su posición a la de tu mano.
  20. BTW debit cards are accepted in some cases, but I don't know when and how. I'm using a debit card as payment info, but I have a friend that cannot use her debit card
  21. You can try Third Party resellers: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Archive/Third_Party_Linden_Dollar_Exchanges Caution: read the "note" of that document.
  22. No sé qué más decirte aparte de lo que bien ya te ha dicho Valerie. La forma de añadir capas múltiples es esa, usar un visor que las acepte (por ejemplo el ofocial) y elegir "añadir" y no elegir "ponerme". Pero si dices que haces eso y la cara sigue volvi´`endose blanca, no tengo ni idea de qué puede pasar. ¿Has probado si con otra skin (piel) te ocurre lo mismo? Porque si con otras skin no te pasa, el problema estaría en la skin que llevas, la que te convierte la cara en blanca.
  23. girlycard12 wrote: i am trying to do a new account but i cant why is that plz And why you cannot? Impossible answer without more information. Use Optioons > Edit for add information to your question explaining the exact problem.
  24. And also different accounts with different RL information and different household and the same billing info
  25. There is no problem. Different Residents can pay her/his membership with the same credit card.
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