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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. If you are asking how transfer an "account", you cannot, it's against the TOS. If you are asking how transfer the elements of an avatar (skin, clothes...), assuming the elements are transfer you can give them to the other resident as give any object.
  2. From the KB http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-contact-customer-support/ta-p/739385#Section_.4 How to report an offline region "This region is offline." "The simulator is offline." "Region not available." "We've got a sim down!" No matter how you put it, it's the same thing: sometimes a region will go offline, rendering it inaccessible. The reasons are many and various. The important thing is to report it so that Linden Lab can correct the situation. Note: Remember to check the Status Blog — Linden Lab might already be aware of the issue, in which case we're working to fix it. To report a region as offline, submit a support case. Both basic and premium account holders can submit cases for this particular problem: Under What type of problem are you having?, select Land & Region. Under Land & Region, select Report an offline Region. Enter the region's name and any other pertinent information, such as anything unusual observed before the region went offline Click Submit. Linden Lab will address the report as soon as possible.
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: While I can only guess at it, my guess is that the ratio of the number of sales to page views is pretty dismal. I know I have abandoned many shopping attempts because of how poorly search works. It is too onerous and time consuming. I'd just wind up deciding to do with out what ever it was that I was looking for. As a consumer, totally agree, absolutely agree, deeply agree.
  4. Nada que añadir a la perfecta respuesta de Valerie, lo que te ha dicho es la solución exacta. Si no sabes cómo actualizar tus controladores (drivers) de la tarjeta gráfica, pregunta, Aunque no tiene ningún misterio si navegas por la página web del fabricante de tu tarjeta (Nvidia, ATI, la que sea). Y para otra vez no tardes tanto en actualizar tu visor de SL, que ese problema ya es vejete jejeje Saludos.
  5. I cannot answer all your questions. But a friend had this problem a few months ago. My friend sent a notecard to the founder of the group ( Nawak Acoustic ) explaining the problem and the issue was finished in a couple of days. You can try, who knows.
  6. I asked the same thing a while to Billing Support. Delete your actual billing info an introduce the new info (same card number of course, but differente expiration date).
  7. And another very simple resource (probably commented in some of the other links): open your Viewer and click the "How" button (or go to Help > How menu). Edited for typo, as always LOL
  8. Totally agree with Valerie. Thanks for post the solution of your issue Kotori
  9. Protocolo wrote: Can the LL consider my apologies in a ticket based on this? - I created my banned account in 2009, today it's 2012 and i'm 17 years old. Does that make me elligeble to play the game again? I seriously believe that what I done back then was wrong, I aknowledge my previous mistakes 100%. After years of reflection here I am begging for another chance. I would be very grateful if I could play SL again in my computer. I already sent a ticket explaining and I am considering calling the l support via phone. Please help me...(sorry if I typed incorrectly some of the words, I'm from Portugal). We can say one thing or another, but nothing more. We are not Lindens. Submit the appeal and ... cross fingers. I wish you good luck (from your neighbor Spain) in any case.
  10. Por favor, descreva (Options > Edit) o seu problema exatamente. O que acontece quando você tenta se conectar. Quando a conexão é interrompida. Existe uma mensagem de erro? Obrigado
  11. Irene Muni

    HIRACHE 260361

    No hay pregunta, no es necesaria una respuesta
  12. The thread continues here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/ATI-Radeon-HD-3200-graphics-card-won-t-start-on-win-xp-how-can-i/qaq-p/1704243
  13. Have you seen the answers to your previos thread?: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/the-video-card-drivers-did-not-install-properly-are-out-of-date/qaq-p/1166841 Any useful?
  14. From the offcial Knowledge Base ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109#Section_.1.3 ): You cannot log into Second Life from this location This error message may also appear as: Login failed. Second Life cannot be accessed from this computer. These messages generally indicate you have been blocked from the Second Life servers by Linden Lab as the result of: Documented cases of fraud Use of Second Life by a minor Exceptionally flagrant abuse activity Note that someone else in your household may be responsible for this activity, not necessariliy with your account. If you believe that this is an error, submit a support ticket via the support portal. To help customer support determine what block has been placed and why, include in the ticket your Second Life account name and any Second Life accounts that log in from your location. (ETA URL of the KB article)
  15. Perdón por mi torpeza pero no entiendo bien la pregunta. ¿Ese mensaje lo ves en tu historial de transacciones en tu Panel de Control ( https://secondlife.com/my/account/transactions.php?lang=en-US ) pero no has recibido ese dinero? ¿Ese mensaje te ha aparecido en el visor pero el dinero no está en tu cuenta? Si es lo primero contacta con Soporte. Da los datos de tu historia d etransacciones y, si puedes, da los datos del historial de transacciones de Leweislvish. Si es lo segundo, revisa tu historial de transacciones ( https://secondlife.com/my/account/transactions.php?lang=en-US ) y si verdaderamente aparece ahí, contacta con Soporte (si no aparece, es que a Lewislvish no le han cogido ese dinero). Si lo que preguntas es otra cosa mil disculpas, pero no me he enterado.
  16. No es fácil la respuesta, hay varias posibilidades: a) Como dice Knowl, quizá se hayan vuelto transparentes, haz lo que te dice a ver si aparecen. b) No son pocas las camas que no siempre tienen las bolas visibles. Muchas camas las bolas sólo aparecen cuando pulsas en la cama, o aceptas en el menú que aparece que se anime tu avatar. c) Puede haber un fallo de scrpits. Intenta editar la cama y, en la pestaña de contenido, ir dándole a cada script que veas y pulsando "Reset scripts" o como se diga en tu visor. En todo caso, esto es responder un tanto a ciegas sin saber exactamente qué es lo que pasó, cuando desaparecieron las bolas, si hay algún mensaje, etc.
  17. Justyn, interesting copy+paste of the KB ... 6 months later of the OP
  18. A side note: Bruce, thank you very much for search the KB before ask!! A very unusual behavior in these forums Unfortunately you are right, The KB don't show any article for that (relatively frequent) issue. But thanks for search
  19. Perrie Juran wrote: Flax Cuttita wrote: i was thinking how many pics of ppl does this guy have in his inv kinda sounds like some one with nothng better to do than spy on what other ppl do . its hardly important and probably not harming any one ppl keep cats n dogs why not a horse or a dragon does he often spy what other ppl have in there houses ? Well, one thing that is unsightly and annoying about the breedables is all that damned hovertext over them which is visible I believe its for 10 meters. You don't have to be 'spying' to see it. I have no need to know that your father was Mr. Ed and your mother was Chicken Little. LOL I'm not sure if a marriage Mr. Ed & Chicken Little is G rated in this forums
  20. What do you see in your Dashboard > Account > Account Summary? https://secondlife.com/my/account/?lang=en-US In any case, I think your best option is more and more calls to Billing Support.
  21. El tema conitnua aquí: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inventory/problemas-con-los-objetos-que-me-envian-en-los-group-notices-o/qaq-p/1702119
  22. Puf, pues no tengo ni idea, lo siento. A ver si otros saben ayudarte, porque a mí no se me ocurre nada
  23. AFAIK Phoenix don't have implemented Shared Media on a Prim, and no plans about future implementation: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/PHOE-4041
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