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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. my first sale was a freebie item but when i saw the sales notification inworld from my magic box it gave me a warm fuzzy glow inside knowing someone thought that item was good enough to buy
  2. with out the other person explictly telling you they have one or more alts and the name of the alts you can't reliably tell if someone has more than one account
  3. if you want land (not a sandbox) you will have to pay for it unless you have a very generous friend there's no such thing as free land anymore there used to be a guy who had 3 full mainland sims that anyone could live on free but that vanished more than a year ago when he disappeared from SL and stopped paying tier
  4. i have a few skins but i only ever wear one of them i spent a long time skin shopping and the skin i've been wearing the last few years was the only one that made me feel like me if you get what i mean. as for shape i've had the same shape since day one except i did tweak it exactly how i wanted it over a period of a several months and haven't changed it since
  5. phaedra Exonar wrote: I just tested cashing out with out the hud and it works, I'm using firestorm, next time I go there I'll try the LL viewer to see if there's any difference. i've not tried cashing out with out the hud maybe it's just me but non of the orange pads seem to work in any portal i use Firestorm after about 5 minutes on some portals and running up the rocks several times the hud always loads you just need a little patience
  6. unlike the magic boxes Direct Delivery doesn't give you an inworld notification i went total DD around the time it was first rolled on to main grid and don't get any inworld notifications i was sort of expecting to since you get them when you buy DD items there's no viewer or marketplace option to get notifications inworld but they do go to email which is atleast sommething
  7. see http://secondlife.com/land/pricing.php for mainland tier pricing, if you want to know the cost to buy land it's what ever the current owner is charging or if it's land thats been abandoned in Gov Linden ownership it's L$1/sqm if it's land at auction it's whatever the highest bidder bids for private land the land owners will often charge L$1 for the land then a weekly rent on top or the cost of the land will be the first weeks rent
  8. if your Av is jerking you might have an extra frame in your animation i ran in to this problem with the first pose i made in Daz some how i added an extra frame in to my pose. apparently the first frame is supposed to be zero'd then you create the pose on the next one i don't bother with that and leave everything as is zeroing the body first then creating the pose and i haven't had any problems when i upload. it could also be you need to zero all the joints you haven't posed i have a vague memory that when i first figured out how to export save and import a pose in to SL from using the Animare HUD that the joints i hadn't zero'd moved around and did their own thing Daz Studio is still free you might get on with it better than Qavimator it's a bit of a faf trying to get the SL avatar meshes imported but once you do save it as a scene for future use plus it's easy to use or for a few hundred L$ there's always the Animare HUD making a static pose is more time consuming but you'll never get jerking if you zero all unposed joints
  9. those messages are achieved with a titler something like https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MyTitle-v192-titler/498581 or one of the many available on the marketplace by searching titler will do what you want most people that use them use them fairly though i have seen some people using them in Linden Realms to defame people
  10. now might be the ideal time to migrate to Direct Delivery as long as you use a viewer with a merchant outbox just put all the items presently in your store in to the outbox click send to marketplace as long as the products in the merchant outbox have the same name as the associated item name in your listings it will automatically convert to DD this article from the knowledge base will explain everything you need to know about migrating to Direct Delivery http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Marketplace-Direct-Delivery-migration-guide/ta-p/1293139
  11. i'm not premium anymore but i went premium the first time LL did the 50% off promo purely because it was 50% off, i had always thought about trying it but could never afford to but then was the perfect time, i worked some things and it worked out i'd get more money in stipend and bonuses being premium than spending the equivalent money on L$ at my regular exchange. i didn't exactly need to be premium i had and still have a steady mainland rental, but i did like the premium sandboxes and the stipend i did have a linden home as i didn't need land and i loved the location of my first home but i didn't like my neighbours that moved in after i did so i moved and it was somewhere less nice. i didn't really care for the premium gifts the boat was nice but i didn't need the furniture and would have loved to have had the rail road hand cart that came along this year instead i didn't care for Linden Realms when it was premium only but now i regularly visit it
  12. if you want to migrate all your items to DD go to your magic box(s) open them so the contents copies to your inventory then highlight the contents (everyting but scripts) open the merchant outbox drag everything that you highlighted in to it click send to marketplace as long as the items have the same name as the associated items in your listings everything will be converted to DD for you if you have new items you want to add to the marketplace it would be an ideal time to try out the merchant outbox
  13. if your prepared to have the skirt on a clothing layer a store called Latex Station does the type of skirt your after as part of a complete outfit but it's not plain black it does have some coloured stripes down the side if you want just plain black they might have something that is plain
  14. i don't think it's fair to sell something and not mention land impact if it's more or less than the actual prim amount. maybe because the marketplace doesn't have an option to put land impact other than in the main description lots of people feel they don't have to mention it. if i were to buy something thinking it was a few prims but the land impact was a few hundred prims i'd be annoyed and if i were to review it my review would reflect that. some stores do actually include land impact in their listings and i have bought stuff i like because the land impact was much lower than the actual prim amount if you bought on the marketplace you could always flag it as not as advertised as you weren't made aware of the huge land impact
  15. i've not come across mosystem vendors so can't help with that but i can point you in the direction of a couple of good multi item vendor brands i use which you might find easier to get on with if you don't want anything too fancy Bright Univendors are one one prim each and incredibly easy to set up AbVendor really cheap for what it does one prim and keeps a record of last 20 purchases has gifting and split pay options
  16. check out http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials making an alpha layer is quite easy you need to download some avatar uv templates i use Robin (Soujourner) Wood's ones if you need reference on how to make an alpha layer pick up a free pack of https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Avatar-Alpha-Overlays-101311-update/2312783 if you are making shoes you might find some of those alphas take out the need to create your own. i'm in the process of trying to make my own alpha and it's a right pain as the product i'm creating the alpha for has a problem of skin poking through no matter how perfect my alpha layer is
  17. are you sure it's disappeared from your land it might have gone invisible have you tried relogging or using an area search or object scanner tool to see if the magic box is still on your land. if your magic box is really gone your marketplace store needn't be dead as long as you keep copies of everything you sell in your inventory and you have a viewer with a merchant outbox you can take advantage of direct delivery which eliminates the need for a magic box as long as the items in your inventory carry the same item name as the associated object on your listings all your items will automatically convert to direct delivery
  18. land usually goes to auction when someone abandons their mainland parcel you can't set your own land for auction
  19. i'd say most adult avatars look like they are in their mid to late 20's. i have seen older looking av's but many of them look like someones grandparent to see an av between those age ranges is pretty rare i think i've only known one person who went with the 'mature' look
  20. you can go back to the item on the marketplace click 'Flag this item' then choose 'Item not as advertised' from the drop down box as far as getting your money back goes if the seller refuses to give you a refund LL won't give you one as they treat it as a resident to resident to dispute
  21. it's a false positive and you need to add the SLplugin.exe to your AV whitelist. the only reason i can think norton would flag it is because it either shares the same name as a virus or not enough norton users use it for the AV to know it's safe
  22. if you are buying items that are being sent by direct delivery you need to relog your viewer there's a problem with the marketplace which has bugged up receiving direct delivery items
  23. your mesh outfit may have come with an alpha layer which will make your body invisible then you wear the mesh garment over the top all being good the alpha layer should cover all the right places on your body and shouldn't show past the mesh
  24. do you get any error messages or anything like that it would help if you edit your post and add more detail then someone will be able to help you
  25. Chronometria wrote: That photocopy thing must be a joke surely. That would be completely impractical. back in the day if you couldn't age verify via the online form and you had to manually verify you had to copy your driving license or passport and include it in a support ticket i think having to send in copies of one of those documents (you can black out all but the info LL needs to verify your age) will put off people from age verifying i was wary about manually verifying but i had to do it at the time
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