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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Yeah, I thought it might be, which is why I searched on Twitter to find the original sender (but couldn't find him). But it was too funny to resist. It wouldn't be hard to find other more legit versions -- but they'd likely be more overtly political than I want to get into here.
  2. I don't think it's from Twitter. Truth Social maybe?
  3. Oh, Love. There is sooooo much wrong with this that it would take a short essay to explicate.
  4. What he doesn't seem to understand is that the Japanese bombers began their journey in "1931" precisely because they knew it was going to take 10 years to reach Hawaii. If they were going to make it in time for the "day that will live on in infamy," they needed that much time. So, yeah, this argument looks convincing, but is flawed.
  5. As I am sure I've said before here, I use three . . . well, three and a half bodies (Slink, Legacy Perky, and Maitreya + Petite) pretty much interchangeably. My choice depends (obviously) on the rigging for the clothes I'm wearing, but also on the context. Generally I like smaller boobs, but on occasions I do want somewhat larger ones, for instance. They all have different uses, but my shapes for each are deliberately made to make them more or less interchangeable in most contexts. And on occasion, I've had to look in my inventory to see which one I'm actually wearing. So yeah, there are differences, but there are far more similarities.
  6. Yeah. I don't do conspiracy theories on the whole (unless they involve Elon Musk, cuz those are just a hoot), but there's been a pretty abrupt shakeup in the last . . . two months? All of a sudden, stores not rigging for what is still by far the most popular women's body? Flame wars on social media. "Protests"? I mean, seriously guys . . . get a grip. It may just be drama-mongers, I suppose, but I am finding it a bit hard to believe that this is all just spontaneous.
  7. Not sure what to make of this, but . . . both of the leading mesh bodies for women seem to be taking it on the chin from users right now. Maitreya is literally getting picketed (lol) for not updating. (Who says activism is dead?) And I'm seeing a lot of griping on Twitter about it. And grumbling about Legacy (something about not allowing certain mods? Furry mods? Squishy boobs? Something?) has been tearing through my stream recently too. Summat's afoot out thaa boot ar don't knah wahr.
  8. This explains why they fall apart when you leave them on my windowsill. I bet Sandor's muffins don't fall apart. (*nudge nudge wink wink*) Just sayin'.
  9. Well, on the basis of the look of your avi, I have one guess. And a different one on the basis of the photo you posted. It would be an interesting question . . . except of course we all know now that you're either Sandor or Maddy. Or . . . CINN!!! /me gasps
  10. OMG. But that would mean that you . . . and I . . . 😦
  11. I think I'm contemplating for the first time the possibility that all of the men in SL are actually Sandor's alts?
  12. Wait. Is that . . . polyamorousness? Bigamy? Polygamy? It's all very confusing. Doesn't she get exhausted? Also, all those wedding bands must have been expensive! I remember helping a friend years ago choose out an engagement ring for his girlfriend, and OMG . . . the cost. 🙄 So many questions, so many questions . . . none of which I really want answers for.
  13. We have root beer in Canada, although it's not particularly popular or easy to find I can't look at a glass of the dark, viscous stuff without imaging a tentacle slowly emerging from it in a threatening, or at least, non-appetizing way. Now, ginger ale and/or ginger beer, on the other hand . . . I don't drink pop much, but those are my go-to when I do. Because they are clear and you can be sure there are no creatures lurking at the bottom of the glass. I did once buy a bottle of root beer in SL for Maddy, for a pic I took of the two of us together. THAT'S the kind of friend I am.
  14. Maddy's answer was great. To amplify what she said, though, the qualifications for being a politician are somewhat different than those for being a beauty contestant for a reason: politicians are making decisions that impact in a very direct and often brutal way upon real people's actual lives. Beauty contestants are not. Politicians make claims about their fitness for office by boasting about their grasp of the "issues." Beauty pageant contestants do not. This politician was, and continues, to vote on laws that impact the reproductive health and rights of women. Somewhat unsurprisingly, Barbieri is "pro-life," but regardless of his stance on this, it would be nice to think that those determining what women can or cannot do with their own bodies have at least a vague understanding of the relevant science and biology. Most politicians are not, I imagine, trained gynecologists, but the ignorance displayed by this gentleman, who has pretensions to making laws concerning women's reproductive rights, is kinda breathtaking. Were the beauty pageant contestant running for the position of coordinator of educational programming somewhere, I'd say that she should be subjected to the same standards. But she is not. By way of passing, I'll also add that I criticized Sarah's posting not so much because the video was mocking this woman's ignorance for our entertainment (which, I agree with Maddy, is gross, mean-spirited, and cruel), but because Sarah was using it to mock Americans. ETA: Just saw @Love Zhaoying's post on this, which makes much the same point as mine more succinctly. Thank you, Love!
  15. Amusement, rather than peeve. 1) Tell me that you've never listened to a lyric from a Rage Against the Machine song, without telling me that you've never listened to a lyric from a Rage Against the Machine song. RATM is currently on tour for the first time in about a decade. And being RATM, they are using projections and stage patter to take aim against the Right, the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, etc. And my Twitter feed keeps producing complaints from "fans" who think that the band was better "when they weren't so political." Huh? Lol. 2) Tell me that you've never been really intimate with a woman without telling me . . . well, you know. Idaho State representative Vito Barbieri, in 2015, asking if it would be feasible to have a woman swallow a miniature camera for the purpose of conducting remote gynecological examinations. (The best part of this video is the end, when you can hear laughter break out as it is explained to him that such a camera wouldn't end up in . . . well, you know.) https://twitter.com/darafaye/status/1547462978592591873?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
  16. Well, this is one of the things that impressed me. I've tended to think of Freya as far more hourglass in shape than you've managed to achieve here. I don't want to be a beanpole, but I also don't like really accentuated hips and bust. (This is of course just a matter of my personal taste, and not a "rule.") But I could happily wear that body as you have it, excepting maybe only the boob size.
  17. 99% of the time, in my day-to-day SL, I think this is true. It's especially true, in fact, if one spends almost all of one's time reasonably fully clothed in mesh garments. I will say, as someone who takes a lot of pics in SL, that it can make a difference in that context. I tend to use my Legacy Perky for shots that involve any degree of nudity, because it is objectively better for that. And I'll avoid using Maitreya for some poses because the shoulder thing really can be a problem on occasion. And I suppose if one is having a lot of sex, it might make a subjective difference as well? But overall, yes, agreed. The other place where brand can make a difference is, of course, for more specialized body types. I prefer smaller breasts, so I favour either Maitreya Petite or Legacy Perky. And I don't know of anything else that looks quite like a Kupra. I'm impressed by the Freya, though. Not my style, but it's a nice looking body.
  18. I don't know if this was part of what you were trying to demonstrate, but one takeaway for me is that, really, these bodies are, at least at this distance, not all that different from each other.
  19. Yeah. Actually #1 was my next guess for Maitreya, because of that weird shoulder thing when the arms are up. I don't own any Belleza or LucyBody, so I wasn't going to be able to get those. But I also suck at this kind of thing, generally. Although I could probably usually tell a Genus (big forehead) from a Catwa (duck lips).
  20. Sarah, I'm going to appeal to you to stop doing this. I don't know where or why you've developed your contempt for the US, but it's ugly and unnecessary to parade it here, especially as so many people here are American. I have lots of concerns about the USA -- and about the UK and Canada, for that matter. But they're specific to particular contexts, and not reducible to general and unattractive ridicule. This is, in fact, an American platform, and you're sounding a bit like an ugly British tourist here. BTW, Canadians know that they are North Americans, but we never refer to ourselves as "American," which here is used only to denote citizens of the US.
  21. Yes but western Europe has the Gulf Stream (for now, anyway). Toronto is on the same latitude as Rome. But we're surrounded by a very large continent, rather than the warming Mediterranean. Take it from a girl who's been to Rome many times -- it ain't as cold there.
  22. Yes. Santa, who, as everyone knows, lives in Canada (whatever the Lapps might say).
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