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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing with this one. I know what I want to do, conceptually, but . . . not there yet. Anyway, sort of a self-indulgent experiment.
  2. Fallen angel, explains your devil! In Paradise Lost, the angel Sin is born, fully armoured like Athena, from the head of Satan. She is so beautiful and sexually desirable, that Satan is driven to have sex with her, his own daughter. The result of their incestuous union is Death. Then shining Heav'nly fair, a Goddess arm'd Out of thy head I sprung; amazement seis'd All th' Host of Heav'n back they recoild affraid At first, and call'd me Sin, and for a Sign Portentous held me; but familiar grown, I pleas'd, and with attractive graces won The most averse, thee chiefly, who full oft Thy self in me thy perfect image viewing Becam'st enamour'd, and such joy thou took'st With me in secret, that my womb conceiv'd A growing burden. Sin sounds a little like Maddy, no? And Snugs is Death?
  3. ZOMG IT'S TRUE! I SAW IT HAPPEN ONCE!! (Although it may have been the boredom that killed.)
  4. He was kind of a sweetheart, but a bit clueless. He did these "para emotes" or whatever you call it, where each emote was a loooooong detailed description of what was happening and what he was doing. The problem was, he was an awfully slow typist, so each of his emotes took like 3 minutes to arrive. Zzzzzzzzzzz He told me he was a high end male escort. If so, I hope he copied and pasted his part in the dialogue, because otherwise his clients would have been asleep before he'd got as far as laying in the bed next to them.
  5. Nope. It's not possible unless you've been given permissions to take it. Shortly after I first started here, I met a guy who wanted to teach me how to *cough cough* "emote." One of the things that he told me was that there was a "special" way of emoting known to only a few -- like "magic words" or something -- that could actually kill an avatar. Needless to say, that's totally BS. The thing is, I think he was being entirely sincere. I think he believed it.
  6. This is the kind of lighting and shadow I was trying to achieve (unsuccessfully) earlier. One of the things I've discovered is that what appears on my screen in the viewer, and in the preview panel for snapshots, is not always exactly what the resulting png file looks like. In particular, I have to crank my Shadow Blur setting to about double the supposed "maximum" (i.e., 8 rather than 4) for it to really appear in the png file. Is that usual? Is there something I need to set on my computer, or in my viewer, so that what appears on screen is reflected properly in the snapshot?
  7. Well, "nice" is, of course, always nice. But don't be too nice! You need to be who you are. And I think, as much as I almost always disagree with it, your particular perspective is a valuable one. It keeps the rest of us honest, a bit, maybe? I think that there are ways of expressing your views and perspective effectively without alienating people. I know I'm always (and sometimes, maybe, even successfully!) looking for those too. I hope that you can find them. Anyway, as I say, I'm glad to see you here again.
  8. I've had mattresses get stuck going up stairs more times than I can count. (Although, generally, to be honest, it's not usually me who is moving it. Because mattresses are heavy and awkward and, really, what else are men for if not that? Right?)
  9. You talk as though one needed an excuse for those things!
  10. Really beautiful! (But maybe the truck could use a bit of a makeover?)
  11. It's nice to see you back in GD, Phorumities. I thought for a while that we'd lost you to the allure of elsewhere. ? (And that's very good advice)
  12. I love this thread so much! It reminds me of every RL move I've ever made.
  13. I'm NOT READY FOR SNOW YET!!! Stop looking so happy about it! ARRRGGHHH. (Actually, I've already got snow, a couple of inches of it, where I am. It's bad enough dealing with it in RL!)
  14. This is both unnecessary, and utterly untrue. SL has large and enormously vibrant communities full of extremely accomplished, and very courteous, international residents who speak a really diverse range of languages. Please don't leave the impression that these people are a problem. Xenophobia is not a good look on you, or us.
  15. Fear not! We've alerted Amnesty International and the UNHRC. We anticipate that with proper pressure, applied through international sanctions and boycotts, we should have your computer up and running SL properly in a few short years. Hang in there, Prok! The eyes of the free world are upon you!
  16. Although it's in some ways frustrating because very much unrehearsed, I take heart from this one by Cassie Middles because she sometimes sounds almost as confused as I was. (Almost. No one is quite as confused as me.)
  17. That "guy" thing . . . ? I think you may be doing it wrong. ? ?
  18. I'm so sorry this happened to you! Unfortunately, it's not an entirely uncommon thing at the areas that new people often congregate or start, but you'll find it's much less prevalent once you get out and start exploring elsewhere in SL. The suggestion above, that you just sit on the ground or on an object (right click and choose sit) works, and once you do it, the griefer will quickly get bored and move on. I have a question for others, that's just occurred to me. If you derender an avatar, can it still push you? I've never tried this, so I don't really know.
  19. I gave the new HUD an admittedly quick look last night, and I'm going to confess to being completely confused by it. I'm sure it will become clearer with time and practice, but I'm hoping that Strawberry Singh or someone produces a tutorial soon. For one thing, I couldn't figure out how to just turn it off! (Sorry, I'm hopeless at this kind of thing. Don't even get me started on using remotes in RL.)
  20. I have a friend and colleague whose specialization is history of the English language. He never fails to refer to this to his students as "The Great Vowel Movement." Apparently much hilarity ensues as a result.
  21. I see this as a CHALLENGE! I want to wear a yacht or a hunting lodge at least. I think I have the requisite talent!
  22. So beautiful! I've spent hours and days and (it sometimes seems) months tweaking my Genus head. It's a really nice head -- almost uncanny valley good -- but I've had a difficult time settling on a look I really like. ? But you seem to have managed gorgeous right away!
  23. I love this pic! And you look great! (I really like how good humoured you always look!) Did you get the slightly off-kilter look in Photoshop? There's no way to do that in the viewer, is there?
  24. I have no idea how to do a wolf whistle, but if I could I would insert one here. (And then probably apologize for it.)
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