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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. That would be lovely! If it's not too much work, I'd appreciate it. But don't do it if it takes too long. Thanks Ayashe!
  2. This is why I didn't do it this year. How many evenings would that have wasted? And I still have stuff I haven't unpacked from last year's!
  3. Nope, just didn't read closely enough. I don't think the mods would go for that -- but there is a reason I posted it here.
  4. I don't play it nearly as often as my other guitars, tbh, but it's lovely to have. What's really hilarious is that it's an Hawaiian guitar, with painted palm trees and an Hawaiian dancer on the back. DEFINITELY not my style, but it was a Xmas present from long ago, and my partner, who bought it for me, didn't want to wait for a custom order to be brought in. I just use it for open tuning songs, and of course slide. Pretty much exclusively old country-style blues, in other words. I am jealous that you have a Tele! Although were I ever to get another electric, it would be a Gibson, I think. Although I don't have huge hands, and their fretboards seem uncomfortably wide sometimes, that would be fun.
  5. Not sure you're getting the whole "having a civil conversation" thing, Sam. I would not be so presumptuous as to publish something he wrote to me in-world on the forums without his permission. In fact, that would be a violation of the ToS. And he doesn't really add much to the substance of the thread -- it's mostly about his interactions with me. But I'll suggest it to him.
  6. Not a peeve (on the contrary), but I just received a nice, civil, and quite long in-world message from a certain creator. I still have questions about his product(s), but it actually is nice to connect, even in an argument, with someone who listens, and doesn't take criticism personally. He seems very likable. And in that sense, Love, yes . . . successfully concluded.
  7. Again, thank you for the response, which is civil and informative, if not (to my mind) entirely convincing. I'm not going to guess at your motivations, nor try to make insinuations about your character. I don't have enough information. I will say, again, that I'm not the only one "connecting dots" here, and that, even if you are really not aware of the connotations of things like Hawaiian shirts and tactical vests, or "Ok" signs (why would you choose that particular gesture?), others are, and they will read these items have we have read them. And that includes, perhaps especially, those who identify with extremist militia groups. In other words, whatever your intentions, you are making yourself at least potentially complicit with those likely to wish to represent a racist group that endorses and employs violence. Nor, to repeat what Coffee said above, does "humour" seem a very appropriate response to what these people represent. Additionally, the "joke" is not exactly obvious. So, I'm going to once again suggest that, if you really want to prove your point, you might remove these items from your catalogue, or at the least have them accompanied, in adverts or whatever, with a strongly worded disclaimer. And I hope you too have an enjoyable weekend.
  8. Thanks for this. I'll note that you were contacted -- or you wouldn't be here now? You do not address the other items in your catalogue that seem to problematize your claim -- military style gloves that display the white supremacist "Ok" gesture, and the "Make Second Life Great" banners that you semi-apologize for, but continue to sell - - but possibly you haven't read the entire thread, and aren't aware these were also discussed by way of providing further context for the sale items. I personally don't find your disclaimer very credible, but that's fine -- I'm just one potential customer. I'm glad that you've had the opportunity to post here and lay out your own case. Others will make their own determinations. Might I suggest, however, that you might really prove your point by removing that one particular item from sale? Or even issue a disclaimer? PS. [Redacted, as it no longer applies]
  9. Pretty sure it always has, Arielle. The Pet Peeves thread is stuffed to the gills with people finding things for sale objectionable. There are entire threads about how this or that mesh head, body, outfit, or what-have-you, often explicitly named, are "bad," employ terrible business practices, and so on. Do a quick search here for "Legacy" or "Meshbody" or "TMP," for instance. If you find something objectionable in SL, why don't you give it a shot, and start a thread? Look for a leftist group, perhaps, that represents something absolutely awful like violence?
  10. One thing they could do, and it's something I've been advocating for since 2009, is expand the ratings system (G/M/A) to include a separate category for violence. Such a category would include articles of apparel or props that are associated with violence, including guns, military uniforms, tactical outfits, etc. And it would be "non-political": there'd be no reason to complain that LL was singling out right wing culture.
  11. As useful as the information on the semi-mythical Antifa is, can I again point out that this a deflection, another example of "what-aboutism"? The item in question clearly does not represent Antifa. I have never seen a representation of Antifa in SL, and speaking as someone who co-runs a couple of explicitly Leftist political groups, that's probably pretty telling. And, in fact, a quick search on the MP find exactly two items tagged as "Antifa," one of which is a tee with "Revolution" printed on the front, and other an anti-Antifa tee shirt. If someone can point to a representation of Antifa in SL that implicitly dog whistles violence, I'll be happy to condemn it, publicly: I'm a pacifist, and I don't agree with the tactics of those who confront fascist and neoNazi groups with violence. As it is, however, the discussion of Antifa is a characteristic ploy to deflect attention away from the actual point of the discussion.
  12. Associated Peeve: Creators who put out something that looks like a slip (i.e., an undergarment), and call it a "dress"
  13. When did I say this? If I ran across someone wearing this in an RP sim, I would pass over it in silence, because it's probably being used appropriately for RP (maybe a zombie apocalypse thing? Whatever.) If someone is wearing it in the context of a club or some other place where it is out of place, then, yes, I'm going to assume that they are big on guns and military stuff and like to show that off, and hence not someone I'd likely have much interest in knowing. I would not assume that everyone wearing it knows what they are wearing. In fact, on the first page of this thread, I think, I explicitly said that I didn't think 90% of those buying it would have any idea what it represents.
  14. I don't play in SL (for which everyone should be eternally grateful), but one of the my first mesh purchases, once it became available, was a blonde Strat that looked like my RL one. Just cuz I love it. Now, I need someone to make a model of my Dobro, so I can buy that too. And not play it in SL. (Yes, you're welcome.)
  15. There has been an unfortunate, if perhaps predictable shift in this thread away from discussing the matter at hand, nicely encapsulated by Quartz's description: "the propriety, or otherwise, of selling, in SL, outfits associated with US paramilitary groups." It has instead devolved into a great deal of "what-aboutism" (eeks! Antifa!), generalized and irrelevant attacks on "wokeism," and personal attacks upon me and others. Speaking personally, I don't much appreciate being referred to as "hysterical," a term that has traditionally and etymological been directed at women; I don't believe that my posts here have been in any sense "hysterical," nor do I think that I have attacked anyone of opposing views personally. I very much appreciate the fact that Quartz and the mods have allowed this conversation to remain: it's an important one. But I have no intention of descending into the muck that's been hurled around here, nor do I want to engage in a generalized defense of "woke" culture, how "nasty" the Left is, or other irrelevancies intended to deflect the discussion away from the issue of the representation of violent paramilitary groups in SL. So, unless someone has something pertinent to say about that issue, I'll just thank Pixie for raising this question, and quietly bow out.
  16. I hadn't thought of that; interesting question. I did notice that in the first weekend sales after the Uvalde shooting, someone was selling guns that looked a lot like AR15s.
  17. Both you and @Eddy Vortexhave made really important points. This isn't just "academic." It isn't a game, and it's not about virtue signaling or any other such nonsense. This matters to real people for very real reasons. These people are armed for a reason: they want to literally, physically hurt or kill those who are the targets of their hate. And that includes blacks, Jews, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and women. They represent a real and present danger to actual people. And, indeed, to American democracy itself. No, a sale item in SL isn't going to kill anyone or tip the balance. But at some point you have to draw a line over which you will not let hate and violence step.
  18. And those who don't care are welcome to skip this thread. They can cancel -- er, sorry, put me and Pixie and whoever else on ignore. That is, again, their right. Or, they can make their case and try to demonstrate that I am wrong. So far, no one has come close to doing that. In fact, the more I've learned about this merchant, the more I am convinced he knows exactly what he is doing. The key point, again, is that it is a discussion, with everyone able to make a contribution if they wish, and determine for themselves how they feel. That is what a forum is for. I'm not going to get into the "both sides" thing, however. I'm not American either: the Proud Boys have literally been banned from Canada as a terrorist organization, and I imagine this one wouldn't be welcome here either. But i don't care that it's not in my backyard, anymore than I am indifferent to the recent terrorist attack in Denmark. It still matters because people are people everywhere. If you think it's fine and dandy to signal your support for a group of armed, racist thugs, that is your choice. I am not prepared to shrug off the vileness that this group represents, nor pretend it doesn't matter merely because it's happening somewhere else.
  19. There is a tone from some people here as though what is being proposed is some sort of nefarious scheme to "cancel" or "ban" someone. Although the subject is "political," it's not really, in effect, all that much different from arguments about whether "Maitreya sucks," or "Kupra is unrealistic." It's not an interpersonal dispute, nor is it slander. It's a discussion about the nature, meaning, and intention of an item offered publicly for sale. Pixie and others have presented their views, with evidence, on this, suggesting that the maker is consciously aligning himself with an extreme right wing and violently militant group. I have been convinced that this is so. And so I will not be patronizing this store. Others disagree, and have presented their perspective. They are of course free to do so, and free to spend their money at this store if they wish. That's how this works. No one gets banned or slandered. Rather, viewpoints with evidence are expressed, and people coming to this thread can read those, and make up their own minds. There's no coercion or force -- people will decide for themselves. Which is how it should be. So, please stop suggesting that this is some sort of kangaroo court, and that summary execution awaits the "victim." That's not what is happening. Consider the evidence. Consider where you stand on extremist right wing militias, maybe. Make up your own mind, and choose your own course of action. It's that simple.
  20. The "ok" sign has been coopted as a right wing "secret hand sign." The article Pixie also posted explains it.
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