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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Totally! Look at how badly over-regulation and censorship have hurt Facebook! They can barely manage 3 billion active users! Now, 8Chan. Almost no regulation at all! There's an internet giant for you! And what a great model for us all!
  2. @Seicher Rae Heeeeey! I can bounce, you know!!! I'm a good bouncer! /me pouts
  3. I think this has generally been at the discretion of LL and the mods. I was not suspended from in-world during either of my suspensions here -- although those were each only for one day, so maybe that's the difference? But, yeah. It's an issue. It's why Desmond Shang stopped posting here, back in the day.
  4. How odd that I've never been invited to visit! /me bounces
  5. I am being very careful. And mindful too of Dyna's comment that we are all (including the mods) feeling our way through these new rules. I don't think the mods are going to be trigger-happy about bans.
  6. Who is being "called out"? In the instance I am speaking of, the mods themselves removed the posts, suggesting that they knew they were from the same account and posting merely to "backup" the OP
  7. And they've been disappearing too! The mods are evidently keeping an eye out for multiple postings by socks.
  8. Interesting case on the MP the other day. It was an ad for a very revealing swimsuit, with a very high cut crotch that showed off most of the mons. It was rigged for a flat chest, which in itself I don't have a problem with. But the avi wearing it in the ad was very clearly pre- or early pubescent -- say about 13 or so. And I don't think that was purely a subjective judgement. We can't legislate people's fantasies. But we can do something about public images that not merely cater for a taste for minors, but effectively normalize it. I never AR avatars who, in my judgement, look like teens but insist that they are 18+ -- it's too subjective. But this one crossed a line.
  9. Sure. But you're the one packing the heat. And happy belated Rez Day to YOU! ❤️🥳
  10. Now, see . . . if most kids were like you, I might have had a couple of them. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. (And if anyone thinks I'm "kink-shaming," you are, in this instance, correct.)
  11. Hey! I turned 14 on Sunday! Yay us!! /me looks up with wide eyes and lisps "Will you be my big thister . . . ?"
  12. And then there was an old friend of mine who owned a "playground" parcel on the mainland. She "RPed" as a 6-year old . . . sort of. A cigar-smoking, nuke-detonating 6 year old. She was a hoot.
  13. I agree -- it's actually about consent. That said -- because I obviously so desperately want to be luuuuurved! -- I do often try to respond to them in their chosen roles. But it's deeply uncomfortable, awkward, and cringy.
  14. Yes, thank God. There was also a lot of virtual-signalling going on -- Look at me, I'm protecting children!! -- which has mostly been replaced with a calmer, more nuanced understanding. Still see some of that inworld though, occasionally.
  15. 1920s Berlin is maybe the most prominent example. I understand (Jo Yardley once corrected me on this) that you won't be banned or ejected if you are not conforming to the general avatar preferences (a realistically sized human avatar), but it is obviously frowned upon. In that context it does make sense to ask for some conformity to region rules. If I occasionally get annoyed by places that arbitrarily set rules against certain kinds of avatar, or by those who essentially force their RP on you, I am equally judgy about people who are quite alright with deliberately or through laziness screwing up other people's immersive experiences.
  16. Yeah. It was a classic case of moral panic precipitated in part by new ratings rules, and by lingering memories of the (very different) situation from a few years before. There was a whole lot of kink-shaming going on in general, and false equivalencies being thrown out. And it wasn't helped by some (in my view) poor choices, such as when one of the best-known advocates for kiddie avatars showing up at the opening ceremonies for Zindra -- using a child avatar. (Which, to be clear, was not a violation of the ToS, but was maybe not the smartest move.) Most of the attacks on child avis were knee-jerk and ridiculously judgemental about the reasons people RP kids. At the same time, it's maybe important to recognize that there HAD been a time, quite recently, when the grid openly featured a lot of this stuff. I had a friend who did an exhibit on such practices -- but her work was documented through visits to parcels where this stuff was happening, through group descriptions and profiles and such. And, it was from a period before LL clamped down on it. On the flip side, reports of violations involving minors were being weaponized. I had another friend whose account was suspended for 5 days after he was ARed for it. It was pure griefing, and his account was reinstated. But some of the chaos of that time still lingers, I think.
  17. Yeah. Kinda noticed that too. And in the Peeves thread too. I was going to make a joke about "this is what happens when the babysitter falls asleep," but thought better of it . . .
  18. Surely you understand this already, but I'll explain it anyway. To be clear, I'm explaining, not justifying. I do NOT ban child avis from the parcels I control. There are a number of reasons why child avis can get restricted from parcels. One is concern that they represent a liability, especially in Adult areas. In the past, certainly, SL governance has sometimes been quick to suspend avatars against which any allegation of *cough* improper conduct with minors was made. I'm not sure if that's still the case, but there are many, especially club owners, who are nervous about the potential for false reports, misunderstandings, or even actual violations of the ToS in this regard. They ban children, in other words, out of an abundance of caution. The second reason is that child avatars simply make some people uncomfortable. Probably, you might argue, they shouldn't . . . and I'd likely agree, generally. But one issue with a lot of child avatars that I've run across is that they RP children 24/7, and they tend to insist upon drawing you into that if you are communicating with them. I don't personally enjoy RP, and I am not comfortable talking to an adult RPing as a child -- although I'll generally do it anyway, because I try to be inclusive. I think in that regard child avatars are sometimes their own worst enemies. I can't think of another form of RP that so consistently and often drags unwilling bystanders into the role playing.
  19. The only rules in the ToS and CS that I know of pertaining to child avatars all restrict where they can go and what they can do. That may not be fair, but it's a fact. What are you referring to?
  20. It's not clear what kind of discrimination you're referencing here. Do you mean sims that insist you have a mesh body? Parcels that don't permit furries? Or do you mean something more directly analogous to RL discrimination? Personally, I don't go to places that ban particular sorts of avi, including system ones, furries, and so forth. But that's me. As someone will be along to tell you shortly, the basic rule of land ownership in SL is, and has always been, "my land, my rules" -- barring only types of representation banned in the TOS and CS. That's not going to change, because of SL's economic model, it's philosophy, and the fact that this kind of arbitrary power and control is one of the appeals of land ownership for some. For what it's worth, my own view has always been that I don't want to patronize places that feature that sort of non-inclusive rule. I'd rather hang at places and with people who are welcoming to all. ETA: Chic's point about discrimination being against the TOS and CS is true, but applies only to intolerance against RL identities, and is, as she says, not particularly well enforced. I've never heard of a region being compelled by it to be less discriminatory.
  21. I can't thank you enough for this, Quartz. It really makes everything much less opaque, and I think will do a great deal to reduce the uncertainty and misapprehensions surround the report.
  22. That's possible! Although we need to distinguish between reporting, and how those reports are handled. About the latter i have not much to say, except that, to their credit, we have more engaged and proactive mods than in the past. So I think they'll do their best to do their job -- which is, first and foremost, to enforce the forum's own rules. I can't blame them for that: it is literally their job. I do think that the number of reports, assuming that it rises (and I have no way, obviously, of know that it will or has) will drop, for reasons I've already suggested.
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