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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Not an excuse! So am I, but it doesn't stop me. Pics please.
  2. That's why it's not going to happen. There will be a mass exodus of advertisers if the site becomes a free-for-all and a haven for hate speech. There's been some good news! Mexico has legalized same-sex marriages! And Scotland's new Gender Recognition Act, making it easier for trans people to legally change their gender, has passed its first hurdle. Also, the protests in Iran are still going strong. And, um, chicken parm will always make things seem a bit better.
  3. Or . . . maybe it just means that you're a nice person!
  4. Peeve: So, there has been an explosion of people gratuitously posting racist smear words -- attacking Jews, blacks, and trans people in particular -- in the 24 hours since Elon took over Twitter. They appear to believe that Musk is going to let them do it because "free speech." I think they're wrong. In the meantime, though, it's really ugly.
  5. I will confess to doing this as well. Fortunately, such images are pretty rare. I have on occasion (very rarely, in fact) commented about pics that I think are inappropriate for those threads -- generally for reasons having to do with the representation of "adult activities." I absolutely believe there should be a place for them -- and, in fact, there now is -- but it is important that the pics there be SFW generally. (That said, the nipple thing still steams me.)
  6. You don't pick up much reputation from "thank yous," I'd have thought? I try to keep my comments down to a dull roar -- I maybe average one or two every couple of pages -- because I am sensitive to those who don't like comments burying the pics. (Although, honestly, that seems to be a battle that has been won by the chatterboxes -- the complaining about comments has almost disappeared.) But I do think comments that single out particularly nice pics or avatars, especially in posts by newer contributors, are worthwhile. Everyone needs, and deserves, a bit of validation sometimes.
  7. Technically true. But the technicality isn't going to matter much if you've been using these libraries, and parts of your documents are now rendered black instead of Pantone 19-4052. The quote provided by @Fluffy Sharkfin above is useful -- it sounds as though this will only impact colours with "spot channels" that link them to the Pantone libraries. But we'll see.
  8. @Gabriele Graves has pointed out, somewhere above, one legitimate use for reactions on posts -- in that it provides an opportunity for people who don't post to still engage with the community here. I've thought of another, as well. Images posted on the picture threads routinely receive anywhere from about 10 to 30 "likes" each. I know that there are some people who think that getting that many "likes" for a picture is sort of cheating, or unfair -- but what it does do is really create a community of support. I like that everyone, regardless of photographic skill or even avatar appearance, gets welcomed onto those threads with a flurry of congratulatory reactions. I think it makes those threads really lovely places to be.
  9. All of this. What I don't know is if it affects colours that were not actually pulled from the library, but rather just happen to use the same RGB or hex value. I'm assuming not, but I guess we'll find out! I have an old version of PS, non-subscription, so it shouldn't impact me anyway? Lots of people on Twitter are giving Affinity a shout out because of this, btw. I wish Gimp wasn't such a pain to use.
  10. In fairness, if one has access to the group list of an existing group to which the person you are targeting belongs, you can use it to find out if someone is online now. But that's obviously a much more cumbersome process than using a HUD that sends you alerts when someone logs in. And while it can't show where you are, as Innula notes,it's often not difficult to surmise that they'll be at their known home, or at a favourite club, store, gathering place, or whatever. And yes, you can block, derender, or mute . . . but that doesn't stop them from seeing you, talking about you, etc. I can think of a dozen ways this can be used to harass someone without even trying. It is creepy. Fortunately, it is a very great deal less dangerous than it would be in RL.
  11. So here's a fun thing. Adobe's licensing agreement with Pantone (who "owns" a huge library of colours) has ended, and so Adobe has now, as of today, phased out the availability of a huge range of colours that were available through all but three of their colour packs. I don't use colour libraries myself, so I don't think this is going to affect me -- but for those who do (professional designers, esp., but also people in the textile industry), the newly unavailable colours will now appear even in old files created in Photoshop, Illustrator, and other Adobe platforms as grey or black. Of course, you can buy access to these colours -- I think I saw US$21 a month as the quoted subscription rate. Yes. We live in a culture where a company can "own" a colour. And make you pay to use it.
  12. Remember the utter mess that was made of the initial rollout of Tilia, and how poorly that was communicated? Anyone else experiencing a sense of déjà vu about all of this?
  13. Ah, but that was before the transporter accident. Have you met Evil Lindal?
  14. Peeve: OMG I am stupid. I've never bothered to look into the "Pet Delights" thread, because I assumed it was literally only posts and pics of . . . pets. 🤦‍♀️
  15. I love this so much. I can burst into tears at odd moments while listening to music as I do dishes or walk the dog. I read poetry aloud to captive audiences, and occasionally have to stop mid recitation because I'm choking up. I value that part of me, as embarrassing as it can be sometimes. I also value those who recognize that they've upset someone, and make the very real and sometimes difficult effort to apologize for it. I especially value that when I'm the one doing the apologizing. All you've demonstrated, Gopi, is a strong sensitivity to and empathy for the feelings of others, and a sense of responsibility for how you interact with them. Good for you.
  16. This is all very morally complicated, and it's hurting to think about too much. Really, it should be an AITA post.
  17. What???? So, other people's AFK avatars? Ok, so, yes, I understand what AFK places are for -- but making money from pics using other people's avatars, presumably without their permission or any form of compensation, actually is not merely gross, but really kind of exploitative. Ewww.
  18. I'm sure there is an advocacy association for sex-working monsters out there somewhere that would beg to differ!
  19. Yeesh. I'm obviously taking the wrong kind of pic! I really kind of wonder, given how much is now "free" online, how anyone makes money from RL porn these days, yet alone from the SL stuff. I know that the "traditional" porn industry is more or less dead, but the existence of things like OnlyFans suggest that there is money to be made. /me coughs Well . . . whatever floats your boat, of course. I just hope it's not exploitative or abusive! Maybe someone should inform PETA? 😏
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