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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. It is maybe mildly disturbing that suggested remedies for the OP's complaint have shifted from her focus -- remaining unseen by certain people of her choice -- to how to hide from everyone. Apart from the fact that they don't address the OP's actual issue, don't these also sort of function as a "How to" for griefers and stalkers? I'm sure that's not the intent, but it's sort of the effect.
  2. My alt Laskya has used a sandbox -- The Ivory Tower of Prims -- for this. And I am pretty sure there are places on the SLRR and public highways you can use. At one point, Laskya's "home" was a spot on the rails just in front of a station.
  3. Oh, the laughter reaction is fine. He isn't at all evil (well, mostly), and generally uses it to evoke a laugh. He's a very nice man (with an execrable sense of humour). Which is why we are still very good friends after nearly 12 years.
  4. My SL ex has his chat logs not merely preserved, but carefully organized. It can be more than a little unnerving at times: he has the ability to respond to an opinion I've expressed by noting "But that's not what you said in September 2010." It takes him literally a half minute to quote me back at myself. 🙄
  5. I'm not sure how directly relevant it is, but there has of course been a fair amount of academic research on the subject of virtual or "synthetic" economies. Edward Castranova was a pioneer in that field, although I don't think he's produced anything on the subject in a while. Of course, with the advent of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs, the picture has changed quite a bit over the past few years. You might also check The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research if you haven't already: it's online and free access. It's been on hiatus, however, since 2020. Second Life is unique not merely because it was the first really successful virtual world, but also because, astonishingly, it works. It's been around now for over 19 years, and, although niche and small, continues to make a profit, and has a very robust internal economy. Quite a while ago it went through many of the teething pains that other newer platforms are just now experiencing -- rampant land speculation, ponzi schemes and scams, and economic instability. Consumerism is a huge part of the in-world experience and appeal of the platform; I don't have numbers to throw at you, but I'm pretty sure that it's much more important now than it was, say, 10 years ago. Although it is out of date, a good place to get a sense of the social dimension of "owning things" might be Tom Boellstorff's classic anthropological study, Coming of Age in Second Life, which was first published, I think, in 2008 (coincidentally, my first year in SL). My general sense of "marketing" in SL is a bit hazy -- I did at one point long ago own a bookstore, but I didn't "market" it in any consistent way. There are, however, creators on this forum who do. Marketing is a bit haphazard, I think. It uses social media a fair bit, but there are relatively few tools in-world to assist with it, other than "groups" associated with particular stores or businesses. Flickr, Twitter, and Facebook are all common places to advertise. Many creators, especially the bigger ones, employ "bloggers" who, in exchange for free stuff, feature items from a store in photos on these platforms. Blogging goods is very big here. And increasingly over the past few years, "events" -- weekly, monthly, or annual shopping fairs -- have become very big and important, and now proliferate. Most (but not all) of these are features on Seraphim, which has (in Second Life) an enormous reach, and is unquestionably the most important non-Linden Lab site and resource. My own sense is that consumerism in SL is very peer-driven. Strictly speaking, there are very few (if any) things that one "needs" in Second Life -- you can have a relatively good experience here just using the default starter avatars and/or freebie goods fairly widely available (although sometimes hard to find). In practice though one's social status, and the degree to which one can successfully and fully integrate oneself into the communities one finds here, is very much dependent on how "good" and up-to-date one's avatar looks, so avatar customization is huge. The most important components of that are clothing (there are thousands of clothing stores, some very large and successful), mesh bodies, and mesh heads. The latter two tend, I think, to be particularly susceptible to peer pressure: they are dominated by a small handful of merchants, and the market tends to be very susceptible to trends and a desire to own "the new shiny." The success of mesh head makers like LeLutka (by far the most popular current creator of these), or mesh body makers such as Legacy, Kupra, eBody, or Maitreya (this latter still dominant, but now slipping) certainly owes something to conventional marketing, but more, I think, to peer pressure and the desire to be "up to date." I suspect you'll find that other VW platforms are very different in their approach to economics, consumerism, and marketing -- although there is some overlap: some creators here produce for other platforms as well. The irony is that what SL, as "old" and out-of-date as it is in some respects, has done works very well, and continues to sustain an economy that is actually larger, more robust, and more profitable than any of these other platforms. And I suspect that's because most of the newer ones are more interested in "real life" economics (and also, frankly, scams) than SL has historically been.
  6. What I said about Rowan's pic, above, applies somewhat here too, Danielle! Great pose, and you look deeply engaged with the person taking the pic. I can totally imagine you saying this. You look like you're ready to jump out of the photo.
  7. What I think I love most about his pic (and I do love it) is your expression, which is very simple, but very expressive and lifelike. I do love when avatars come alive in photos. 🙂
  8. I agree with Miguel. Very nice composition! And yes, very cute. 🙂
  9. All You Get for Christmas Is . . . . . . MEEEEEEEE! Please note we have a strict No Return policy. (With apologies to You-Know-Who.)
  10. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2: 4-7)
  11. Unfortunately, impressive-sounding theoretical pronouncements notwithstanding, I very much fear that Lindal is right about this. When the latest Metaverse craze started ramping up a few years ago, I noticed that at least 3/4 of the tweets about it that were appearing on my timeline were predicated upon the assumption that this was mostly a wonderful new marketing opportunity for companies. That's not an exaggeration -- and I don't even follow marketers on Twitter. Zuckerberg and others aren't really interested in providing us with a new frontier to explore ourselves, connect with others, and experience things beyond the more limited horizons of our sublunary lives. They want to create a new and more effective way of marketing and selling things to us. They want our money.
  12. People here identify with the avatars to differing degrees. Some, I'm sure, view them as one might one's character in a video game, or a chess piece. Others, almost certainly most, identify to a greater degree than that with their virtual selves. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to relate to one's avatar -- just different approaches that suit each of us for individual reasons. As for our activities here, it's really important to remember that SL is inhabited not by AI-driven NPCs, but by real people, and our interactions with those people, even where they involve simulated "virtual" activities, are very real too. SL sex is obviously not the same thing as RL sex, but it very clearly produces emotional and even physiological effects that are evidently very strongly felt, or people wouldn't do it. To greater or less degrees, the same can be said of roleplay, kink, or even something as simple as dancing: they all produce emotional and/or physiological effects on the real drivers of these avatars. And if we concede that such activities and virtual experiences can have enjoyable and pleasant effects in RL, it would be illogical to argue that unpleasant experiences don't also have their impacts -- negative ones. It's obviously vital that one not erase the difference between real and virtual activities, relationships, and so forth. But to argue that what happens to our avatars -- good, or bad -- has no impact on the real people behind them is belied by the experience of hundreds of thousands of real people here.
  13. It rather sounds as though they were motivated by their racism, rather than "no particular reason" in this instance. I get fun interactions on occasion because my bio notes that I am a feminist. And I'm pretty sure they're not motivated by mere boredom when they happen.
  14. You are entirely correct; see also my (admittedly hasty) response to @Rowan Amore above. This is totally my fault for not reading carefully enough: I had assumed there was a bit more to this story than there appears to be. I did not, for instance, see this: Although the OP does mention "abuse" in one or two places, this sounds rather entitled, and seems to treat other residents as though they were customizable props. No, "rudeness" should not be grounds for an AR. Obviously. In my own defense (sort of), I'll note that have seen the kinds of responses I've described to some who have described harassment and abuse in-world -- but this doesn't seem to be the case here. So, I cheerfully withdraw my objections, and genuinely apologize to everyone (except of course Alwin, just 'cuz 🙂) who I may have seemed to have singled out for criticism.
  15. Well, I don't think hiding your avatar does fix things, which is one reason I'm not advocating it, in addition to understanding how it can be abused. (Although I can give at least a few instances where hiding oneself would help.) As I said above, I don't have a solution here -- except perhaps a better abuse reporting system than we have, and more proactive sim owners. What I'm really commenting on is the sort of "like it or lump it approach" I'm hearing here. Telling someone who may be the target of abuse in SL that they really just shouldn't use SL then is not helpful, empathetic, or kind. Telling someone in such a position that they should fork out for a private estate and avoid public areas is not helpful, empathetic, or kind. It should be possible to both explain why something can't or shouldn't be done while still commiserating with the circumstances that might make someone want to be able to do that thing. We don't need to scoff at them or provide solutions that essentially disable their enjoyment of SL.
  16. I wasn't at all referencing you, Ceka. And I don't think people are being "rude" or even deliberately unkind. They are being a little unthinking, and not working to imagine the kinds of issues that some people may have to deal with, nor the disadvantages some might have in responding to these kinds of behaviour.
  17. It is absolutely the case that permitting people to appear as invisible to others of their choice would be a very bad idea. It would immediately become a tool for griefers, harassers, and stalkers. It would create far worse problems than it might solve. I do wish, however, people would express a bit more sympathy to those who find merely blocking others inadequate. There are legitimate reasons why one might not want to be seen by someone. After all, blocking someone does not prevent them from insulting, harassing, or undermining you -- or even engaging in worse things, such as pushing, using suggestive dress (or undress) around you, etc. Blocking means you don't witness these things, and the social damage that they can potentially cause: it doesn't prevent them from happening. And suggestions like "don't log in" or "buy your own private estate" aren't merely unhelpful: they are frankly a form of victim blaming. How would we respond to someone telling the victim of homophobic remarks in RL to just plug their ears, or go elsewhere? If SL had a decent abuse reporting system, none of this might matter much, but it doesn't, and expecting those who are the targets of abuse to either shrug off the abuse, or run away from it, is just . . . crappy, frankly. Again, I don't have a solution for this. But can we please try to show a bit more empathy for those who are tired of being targeted for in-world abuse?
  18. Maybe you shouldn't. He is probably a better conversationalist than most.
  19. You're of course correct. Really, what she should be doing is going where the people are! I'm sure that IMing patrons at Frank's and Fogbound with a link to her survey would result in an absolute flood of data.
  20. I'm sorry, Cinn! It was certainly meant to be provocative, but I do very much apologize if it caused you upset! 😔
  21. Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not. (Matthew 2:16-18)
  22. I have no idea on the basis of the OP's statement what she knows, or where she is coming from. This might be course work for a PhD (in my program, we had two years of residency before starting the thesis), in which case it might very well be something new! Or, maybe she has a background and interest in eCommerce or economics that is leading her in this direction because it seems fascinating and new and important? Whatever . . . there's no way of knowing. I'd agree that undertaking a PhD in subject one knows nothing about seems odd. But it would be even odder for an institution to admit her to a program in which she had absolutely no background -- so I'm going to assume that she does have a foundation in a subject that is related and relevant. And I'm going to applaud her for being willing to explore something new. That is, in fact, what a PhD is supposed to be about, even if one is starting from a solid foundation.
  23. Why would you think the OP is not knowledgeable about and invested in their subject? I'm pretty sure, from the survey, that Second Life is not itself her focus.
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