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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. It would be lovely to see you, Luna! I'm sorry about this: finding a time and a day that works for so many varied time zones and such is, of course, always a challenge! Don't be square!! You're one of our star exhibitors!
  2. Oh, I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. Which isn't very far, as I know from experience: God knows I've tried.
  3. Peeve: SL "Best Friends." So I was speaking this afternoon to my SL BFF, a well-known arsonist and criminal-at-large, about the fact that I needed to buy a dance machine for the upcoming opening at my gallery. I said I was dreading setting it up, but I had my eye on a pricey one that supposedly was at least easy to load and configure. [2024/06/11 16:12] Scylla Rhiadra: This one is pricey, but supposedly isn't hard to use [2024/06/11 16:12] [SL BFF]: That's enough headache. [2024/06/11 16:12] Scylla Rhiadra nods [2024/06/11 16:13] [SL BFF]: How pricey? [2024/06/11 16:13] Scylla Rhiadra: Pricey. Don't you dare. [2024/06/11 16:13] Scylla Rhiadra: I'm not telling you [2024/06/11 16:13] Second Life: [SL BFF] paid you L$2000: Pffff! [2024/06/11 16:13] Scylla Rhiadra: OH FOR THE LOVE . . . [2024/06/11 16:14] Scylla Rhiadra: God damn you [SL BFF]!!! I've been through this before with SL BFF -- on more than a few occasions she's gifted me money to buy things, I've refused and sent it back, and we've batted the money back and forth a half dozen times before I give up. So I accepted it graciously, of course. [2024/06/11 16:14] [SL BFF]: If there is a god, she's surely damned me already. [2024/06/11 16:14] Scylla Rhiadra: I HOPE SO So, after a bit more chit chat, she said goodbye and logged off. And about 3 minutes later was back again. [2024/06/11 16:30] Second Life: [SL BFF] is online. [2024/06/11 16:30] Scylla Rhiadra: What?!?!? [2024/06/11 16:30] Second Life: [SL BFF] paid you L$3000: I saw how expensive!!! [2024/06/11 16:31] [SL BFF]: I don't imagine there'll be anything left over. If there is, pay it forward. [2024/06/11 16:31] [SL BFF]: I wonder if SineWave is still around, and still has "Over and Out". [2024/06/11 16:32] [SL BFF]: KK, scooting. [2024/06/11 16:32] Second Life: [SL BFF] is offline. [2024/06/11 16:32] Scylla Rhiadra: OMG MADDY! Ooops. I seem to have forgotten to disguise her name in that last communication. ANYWAY she didn't want me to say anything about her contribution to this weekend's opening, so here I am telling you about it. Take THAT, SL BFF!!!
  4. So, 36 years ago today, a still largely unknown 24 year old singer-songwriter named Tracy Chapman was asked at the last minute to fill in for Stevie Wonder at the Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute concert in London, with an estimated international audience of 600 million watching the live broadcast. (Mandela was, at this point, still a prisoner, and South African apartheid very much a thing.) Just her, and her acoustic guitar. I don't know that there is a more humane, empathetic, and compassionate songwriter alive today.
  5. This Saturday, 15 June, from 12 Noon to 2pm SLT, I'll be hosting the opening for an exhibition of a selection of images taken from the "How does your avatar look today" thread (in the Your Avatar forum) at my in-world gallery, chosen from that thread and exhibited with the permission of the artists. DJing the event for us will be our own @SlammedSam, who has very graciously agreed to entertain us with a selection of music; I'll be setting out a place for dancing! The event is, of course, free and non-commercial. This is an exhibit about us, about the forums, and how we express ourselves through our avatars and photography! And it's a great opportunity to meet people from the forums! I very much hope you can join us! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oculea/156/152/43
  6. So this. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/405992-how-does-your-avatar-look-today/?do=findComment&comment=2751017
  7. There are some amazing pictures, and some astonishing avatars featured in this thread. And as importantly, we have a pretty cool, positive, and supportive community here. So I thought it would be worthwhile celebrating those things with an in-world exhibition of images featured here. This Saturday, 15 June, from 12 Noon to 2pm SLT, I'll be hosting the opening for an exhibition of a selection of that art at my in-world gallery, chosen from this thread and exhibited with the permission of the artists. DJing the event for us will be our own @SlammedSam, who has very graciously agreed to entertain us with a selection of music; I'll be setting out a place for dancing! The event is, of course, free, and the pictures are not for sale, although you can always contact individuals about purchasing a copy of an image you see exhibited. To choose exhibitors and images, I simply went through this thread a few weeks ago, and chose what I personally thought were the nicest images. I produced as a result, quite a long list, longer than I can exhibit all at once, and I'm going to want, for that reason, to hold a second opening and exhibition a couple of months down the road to showcase those I've missed for this one (I simply worked from the top of my random list to choose for this exhibition). So I'll be contacting others of you in a few weeks about exhibiting for "Part II" of this exhibition. This exhibition features 16 works by the following posters here: @Aiyumei @Charalyne Blackwood @Danielle Atheria @EmmaAsht0n @Ice Luv @JeromFranzic @Jordyn McGregor @Katherine Heartsong @LexxiXhan @Manu Mysterious @Miguel Rowley @Rowan Amore @SlammedSam @Tayt3rChip @ValKalAstra @Sabrina Nebula Thank you to all of the exhibitors for agreeing to share their work with us! This exhibition is about you, the people who have built this thread!! PLEASE JOIN US on Saturday! It's a great chance to see some art, meet some forumites you've likely not met before, and celebrate the community we've built here! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oculea/156/152/43 (I'm still setting up, though, so don't come yet!!!!)
  8. Both top and skirt are Silvery K, available right now at the Vintage Fair.
  9. I've been working on a semi-secret project today, which is set to open next Saturday. More to come.
  10. Wow, nicely done! And I'd say you've proven my case!!
  11. One thing I will sort of agree with Arielle on -- although I don't think she's specifically asked for this. I do think it would be more transparent to provide a simple list of changes to the ToS and associated documents when these are made. Or at least point explicitly to sections that have been changed. I don't think I'm being entirely paranoid when i suggest that corporations often count on us not to read their ToS. (I'm looking at you, Meta!) That said, LL has done, I think, a pretty good job this time around of not merely highlighting those changes, but discussing them publicly. I really can't find much fault with their approach this time around.
  12. Right. I'll just get on to that . . . So, how large were these waves of self-identifying victims of yet another SL purge? 2? 5? 10?
  13. Here's Inara's summary and quote of Keira's comment on that, from the Governance UG meeting
  14. I think you are generally correct that these endless and increasingly stultifying threads on this subject are being permitted, in part at least, because LL wants to consult them with the ToS and FAQ in mind -- and we've seen changes made as a result. The "valid concerns" expressed in the OP, however, are predicated on the assumption that LL is currently doing something -- actively and monitoring chat and IMs in real time -- that they certainly have not admitted to doing (yet). And if they were doing it, and didn't want us to know, they certainly wouldn't admit it just because the OP suggests, without proof, that it's happening. "Oh darn! You caught us! Yep, we're reading everything you say in your sex emotes! And we have some grammatical advice we'd like to pass on."
  15. A more realistic proof that they're not reading your IMs is that they mostly seem to still be awake. 🙃
  16. I have only the OP's word on this, obviously, but it seems that that is exactly what was asked.
  17. That may be so, but I'd be hard pressed to point to anything that's come up here that would likely be "useful" in that regard -- other than a blanket assurance, perhaps, that LL is not currently scouring our IMs and chat for "key word" flags.
  18. Oooh. Style challenge! Except, as I'm not really so much into the manga / anime aesthetic, I might try to do something more punk (which might just end up looking goth, but we'll see). And lol @ "brolita"!
  19. It certainly doesn't address the "concerns" expressed in the OP. It is partly fishing for contention and controversy ("Maybe THIS will get a rise out of them!"), and partly an expression of a running theme from some people: LL "needs" to lay out every possible eventuality in full detail so that 1) we don't mistakenly do something really niche that is wrong, and 2) we can complain that LL is being too specific and rigid.
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