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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. davidventer wrote: Google Laptop? That'll never happen? Actually.... It already happened; It's called a Google Chrome Book I thought that what I wrote was quite clear. I meant that Google "owning the internet as we know it" will never happen. And that's true, of course. The rest of your post wasn't a response to mine so I won't comment on it.
  2. RiiCassidy wrote: But one thing you have to understand is that Google is starting to literally own the internet as we know it. Before you know it they will have Google laptop/computer that comes with all the google apps on it playstore,gmail,search,videos etc.. Thankfully, that will never happen. Microsoft is a helluva lot nearer to "owning the internet as we know it", and Microsoft owns none of it.
  3. Shy Robbiani wrote: To Linden Lab, Please stop these annoying and disturbing Google ads from appearing on the web sites. Merchants (on Marketplace) and customers will thank you! The ads are really annoying. For security reasons my browser asks with EACH page whether I want to display content that does not belong to this site. This makes shopping extremely unpleasant and even stops me from buying at Marketplace. In my opinion, to be honest, placing Google ads on a company website is extremely unprofessional. Stop users from buying and you will loose merchants and finally you will loose customers. If you can't stop and absolutely need to do this for commercial reasons, then do it better and learn from others who do this better. Thank you for listening Shy 1. The ads are neither annoying nor disturbing. 2. Change your browser settings so that it doesn't ask you on each page. You are the only one reporting it so it seems that nobody else has that problem. 3. Placing affiliate ads on websites is extremely professional, and they don't stop users from buying. 4. The ads are placed in very good positions so that they don't get in the way of the normal page content. 5. Because of the above, there is no reason to complain about the ads.
  4. I honestly don't see what the problem is with this viewer. It's not much different to the previous viewer, and it doesn't use the chunk of screen space along the bottom that some people mention.
  5. Regardless of all the discussion on this point, your name is 16. And, whilst I have your attention, I tried the rally after this week's updates, and it looked good at first. A couple of times, I got through the water sims in 4th gear all the way, and I kept going for quite a way, but in 1st gear. Then I had a string of insta-crashes in the water sims, so I stopped. I didn't try using 1st or 2nd gear though, so it might work quite well at those speeds.
  6. It was 16. 16 is her name Years ago, I bought a skin to put on the shape that I'd been given when I joined SL. The face looked very good but the shape was way too muscular - and not modifiable. So I made my own shape but I couldn't get the face right because the extra light when editing Appearance really got in the way. I hated it. This thread contains some very useful information.
  7. I'll give those water sims a try then and see if it is back to how it was when we started doing them.
  8. I've only read the first few posts - not even the whole of the first page - but I have no doubt that I'll be swimming against the tide with this post. You stated simply that SL is too expensive. What you didn't say specifically is who it's too expensive for. But your post did make it clear that having land in SL is too expensive for you personally. That doesn't make SL too expensive. It just means that having land in SL is too expensive for you. But fear not. There is a perfectly good solution for you. Don't have land in SL. That way SL isn't too expensive for you. SL is not too expensive. From the point of view of owning land, it's the monthly tier that takes the money, but that isn't too expensive either. In fact, it's probably just about right from LL's point of view. If it isn't right, they'd change it. It's not too expensive from a user's point of view either. There are a great many landowners who can afford the tier, so it's not too expensive for them. The only people for whom SL is too expensive are those who can't afford it. That doesn't make SL too expensive. It just means that those people can't use the system in the same way that other people can. It's the same with most things. Some people can afford expensive cars and huge houses, but I can't. It doesn't mean that expensive cars and huge houses are too expensive. They are not. It just means that I don't have the money to spend on those things, so I have to make do with a cheaper car and a smaller house. SL is no different. If a person can't afford it, don't buy it. It's as simple as that. I don't agree with the general idea that tier is too expensive. It's a balancing act for LL - tier fees balanced against running costs. What I've always said is that LL would probably make more money if they had more tier levels, with smaller jumps between them, but that's nothing to do with SL being too expensive.
  9. My gripe is that it's saddening that we get posts like this:- My gripe of the day... Merchant Outbox not working and they are doing away with the old x-street box system in a few days. I depend on my Market Place sales to pay for everything in SL. and this:- i hope they have a plan to fix Merchant Outbox at least an hour before the old X-Street box is obsolete, they should not make a system obsolete without making sure the replacement is working and supplying the needs of the users, or it can be a showstopper for many that depend on it. And I'm sure there are many more of them in the Merchants sub-forum. It's saddening because the people should be using SL to sell the wares and not be relying on an outside sales system. I have no sympathy with them at all.
  10. Unfortunately, Preferences > Move and View > View doesn't exist in the LL V3, and I can't see anything in Prefs to change the lighting when editing the appearance.
  11. You're just trying to get another competition off the ground, aren't you? Did the improved sim crossings get released in all sims yet?
  12. I'm astonished that so many versions of that song have been recorded. No doubt there are more that haven't made it onto YouTube - including Nina and Fred's version, of course.
  13. Until not long ago, traffic was a great help in the search rankings and it's probably still a little help. Traffic is the number of minutes that avatars spent on the land. LL banned the artificial improvement of traffic counts. Camping is not banned but it is banned on land that shows in search because it artificially inflates the land's traffic count. So if you see camping on land that shows in search, it is against the rules. However, some places, such as my store, have camping that is allowed because it's not on land that shows in search. Mine is on its own little parcel, for instance, but is within the walls of the store.
  14. Of course it's against the rules to copybot another person's stuff, regardless of whether or not the other person still uses SL. In this case, you've learned that the owner still uses SL so you can ask him/her for the item.
  15. hehe. And just so you know, over here the accent is on the second syllable and the third syllable sounds like 'is'. We have a posher way of speaking over here
  16. It's the standard and accepted way to get to get lower prices from your cable company. It's mine too. When your contract is up, it's very good policy to sound out Retentions for lower costs, and they'll usually give you a discount simply for accepting another 12 month contract.
  17. Porky Gorky wrote: Nyll Bergbahn wrote: Linden lab should never have stopped the discounts but offering a discount to new customers only is hardly new to the marketing world. Banks, telephone companies, electricity and gas companies etc frequently use this marketing ploy. Hopefully it will bring many new residents to SL and improve LL's balance sheet. All those types of companies you mention generally widely advertise the fact that they have special deals for new or returning customers. It's an obvious selling point. LL have not done this and I have to wonder why. If they have deals available to attract new business then they should be shouting about it from the rooftops. I was going to suggest that they don't shout about it because it would get up the noses of paying customers who don't get the discounts. But then I remembered that LL doesn't give a hoot about what their paying customers think so I abandoned that theory.
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Perhaps it would be better if LL made people submit to an IQ test before they could join. I'd only get half way in. There is nothing worse that a man wants to hear than, "Is it in yet?" I know of one reason why being asked that question, in the exact circumstances that you mean, doesn't indicate what you imagine. But I'm not going to write it down here
  19. English can be a weird language. Now I'm remembering from way back - back to when I was at school when, for a short time, we had a French girl teaching us French. She was probably on a short exchange scheme. She used a word and pronounced it 'boff'. We didn't understand what she meant and it turned out that she meant the branch of a tree - bough. Learning to speak English must be difficult with words like that. That 'ough' sound is used in the following ways:- oo - example: through ow (as in cow) - example: bough oh - example: though uff - example: rough off - example: trough or - example: thought What a weird language.
  20. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Then, my library (and its my best professional victory, bec im the one who initiated it) has the name of a french author, that of course, writed damn good, but also, has been a hooker in her life and also made a lot of hold ups with her bf... A kind of A little sidetrack, if I may. The use of the word 'writed' reminded me of a Portuguese guy I knew in Portugal, who spoke such good english that I'd known him for a while before I discovered that he wasn't English at all. And he'd learned to speak english like a native english speaker from watching TV. In the years I knew him I only ever heard one fault in his english, when he said that the tape had been 'rewinded' instead of rewound. Rewinded was logical but wrong. Trinity's 'writed' is also perfectly logical but wrong. It's 'wrote', Trinity. 'Writed' isn't a word.
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: She'd never get a job as a librarian, I'm afraid. The glasses are good but that's all. Would the clerk at the pet shop work for you instead? Nope. She's much too casually dressed. Not prim enough. The glasses are good though
  22. She'd never get a job as a librarian, I'm afraid. The glasses are good but that's all.
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