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Honey Puddles

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Blog Comments posted by Honey Puddles

  1. I wish I had the problem of needing to cash out more than 5000 USD per month.. but even at my meager level of cashing out, I too wish that LL's Lindex would offer the speedy (minutes) cashing out that XStreet's exchange offered. It's really a pain to wonder "when" I'll get my money.. especially since Paypal piles on an extra 4 days for cashing out from them to the bank.


    If XStreet could manage it, why can't Linden Lab?

  2. When you disabled "Show Admin Menu"... you took away the built-in "fly in no-fly zones" tool. Is there a way to enable this function via a debug setting? I've always used the "Show Admin Menu" method.

    Also, llTextBox with multiple lines of text is still broken looking... but it does work. And glow on snapshots is still very broken.

    Great job on the new preferences panel, love the "Allow Multiple Viewers" and "Show Grid Selection at Login" checkboxes. Can't wait to see this background updater in action!

  3. I'm really glad to see this viewer getting released. The beta viewer has been really nice and steady, with a few fun new features. In particular, builders will rejoice over this one:

    No more relogging to turn on/off selection outlines (those yellow and blue lines that make texturing and fine adjustments such a PITA.) Build > Options > Show Selection Outlines

    To the Lindens, a question: Are there any code changes from the beta viewer (214400) to this released version?

  4. The new animation is in viewer 2. (Torley's avatar is using the new walk in the beginning of video).

    (well 2.3 beta at least, I can't remember if it was in 2.2, 2.1, or 2.0... but it's in for me now.)

    The new walk animation isn't "great" but it's way better.. and the "benny hill run" is also a LOT better now. I still wouldn't go without my AO for long.. but the default animations are a bit kinder on the noobs now.

  5. This is a brilliant expansion on the tooltips concept, and I absolutely LOVE how easy and intuitive it is to turn it off. As a beta tester, I enjoyed seeing the tips, knowing how helpful they would be for new users, but as an advanced user, I really liked that the offswitch was easy to find, and exactly in the first place I looked.

    Standard UI conventions FTW.

    Now, about File, Edit, and View...

  6. Well I downloaded the beta viewer, and made a beeline for a display-names enabled sim. The following are the things I learned.

    1. usernames (the unchangeable one) is visible by default (for now). This means that (assuming my Display name has been changed) you can still see "winter.ventura" under my chosen name in smaller letters.
    2. When display usernames is enabled, usernames ALSO show in local chat, in green, assuming that you're using the "Viewer 2" style chat with the icon bars. If you're using plain text chat, I don't think it shows.
    3. showing display names (or usernames) is optional. Meaning that you can choose to hide the display names, or choose to hide the usernames. both are on by default, but either can be hidden at your option.
    4. If you choose to use a display name, but think it's stupid, you can click a button to reset back to your "default name". I'm not really sure how this works as I didn't test this myself, whether it goes back to your previous display name, or to a name based off your username.. but you're not STUCK with a bad name for a week. You won't be able to CHANGE it again until your week is up.
    5. Group titles are using smaller text now, and seem shorter as well. I like that the text is smaller,making it easier to see which is the display name. Though there's a jira on the shorter length thing and how it interacts with unicode in titles: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-23629
    6. There is an option to "highlight" friends nametags in green. Kind of a neat feature in a crowded room, I suppose.

    I'm pretty pleased with the way that the Lindens have anticipated some of the issues people will have with this feature. I know that eventually show usernames will probably be off by default.. but it's nice that at least for the transition they'll be on for everyone.

    I've seen a lot of people fooling around with trying to use Display Names like group titles. One person named themselves "Jedi Master".. and I thought it was silly because now everyone's gonna call them "Jedi" for the next week.

    In regards to LSL, and so-called "Flavour text" from various scripted devices.. I think we're going to have a rocky time of it. Eventually we're going to get new SL users who don't have traditional "names" in their usernames.. as there will be only one lasname (Resident) the usernames will predictably get more and more complex and less human readable (quag123giggitygiggity). So using good old llKey2Name in scripts will become less and less relevant for those new users. As scripters, I think we'll have to start using the display name equivalents. How we'll deal with security doors and such, I don't know. probably just by having the customer put the person's UUID, or username in the access notecards. (which means we'll have to provide some way to find those UUIDs.. at least until LL adds the "show UUID on profile" thing that many TPV's have.)

    I think a lot of this drama will blow over eventually.. and we'll see what we've seen in the past. a few people obstinantly refusing to use it, a few people banning people arbitrarily for choosing to use it.. and the rest of us getting on with life, using it or not when it makes sense for us to do so.

  7. I filed a jira about this.. after some testing I determined that the group title may now be shorter than before, and it's cutting off unicode characters "in the middle" resulting in a character that the viewer doesn't recognize, so it just puts up a ?

    Please do some testing yourself, and add your comments/findings here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-23629

  8. I personally like the beta release schedule.. bug fixes every couple of  weeks or so.. but fixes that have already been "proven" in the nightly  builds. It feels like sort of a "medium" setting between helping test  stuff and getting the latest fixes, while not being bothered too much by  instability in experimental builds.

    Are there any differences between this release 2.2 version, and the latest Beta version? (Second Life 2.2.0 (211499) Oct  6 2010 23:31:30)

    Also, will Beta Viewer users need to "upgrade" to the 2.3 beta series manually, or will the natural "there is a new beta version" procress bring us up to date as soon as the next beta comes out?

  9. Grant, thanks for the rapid reply. It's very reassuring to know that I've been heard.

    A night's sleep? That's a totally reasonable request. You've got it.

    Please do understand, I bear no ill will towards the marketplace here. The value of marketplace sales outweighs any likes or dislikes I might have, and I'm willing to work with whatever system you want to put in place,  whether I personally like it or not. If that means removing  version numbers in the product names, then I'm totally willing to do  that, assuming someone can help me do that. It's just that since 2006, I've worked hard improving products and helping customers. The positive reviews and ratings I've earned over the years are a major business asset to me, and keeping those reviews connected to the products I'm selling is the most important thing here.

    Thankfully it's not a crucial "gotta fix it today" problem.. because I haven't done any product upgrades since the migration..and while I do have some updates planned in the future, they're not ready today. So if it's something that a fix is coming for in a week or a month or so.. I'm willing to wait that out. I've just been trying for weeks to get someone to recognize that the issue exists.

    Anyways, I wish all involved a peaceful night's rest.

    P.S. Get those Web-Lindens to fix the link on the website menu.. at this point, "Shopping > Marketplace" should probably be linking straight to the new marketplace I'd think.

  10. I hate having to post this here, but it seems there's no other way to get Support for issues with the marketplace. I tried filing a support ticket, but the Lindens there seem unwilling to address marketplace issues, and instead tell me to post issues relating to my personal merchant account, on the jira.

    Anyways, the issue is https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-2980 , namely that the items in my magic box used version numbers BEFORE THE MIGRATION, and now my item listings are LOCKED to delivery objects with version numbers: numbers that can't be changed or removed without sacrificing years of product reviews and ratings.


    I'd appreciate it if some Marketplace Linden would look into this issue and give me some feedback on how to proceed.

    Farewell, Avatars United

    I am interested in the potential that this technology aquisition brings to the future of SL. Web based profiles, web based groups, friends lists, and possibly web based messaging as well. A lot of these services, in their inworld forms, have been atrociously limiting in the past. How LL will implement this technology, we shall see. Will it be little more than the web-based profiles we have now? Or will it be something more-akin to facebook or myspace?

    This move definitely does suck for AU users. I know that I found out about AU through Star Trek Online.. and was fairly intrigued at the idea then. But at the same time, nothing is stopping anyone from taking the AU concept, and starting over again. Be it something as simple as a PHP-based forum site, or something a bit more custom made.. there are social-networking solutions built on the wordpress platform, as well as many others. It wouldn't take an enterprising individual long to put something like AU together, at least in a rudimentary form.

    This is, unfortunately, the way mergers and aquisitions go. Sometimes the buyer buys the site/service/company with the goal of profiting from the purchase (XStreetSL).. sometimes the buyer buys the site/service/company to close down competition(OnRez), and sometimes the buyer buys the site/service/company to gain access to it's secret workings, with no interest in the actual service itself(AvatarsUnited/Windlight). I'm sure that the guys at Enemy Unknown were given a choice as to whether to share their secrets for a price, or to be bought out entirely.. THEY made the choice to sell.. and I hope they got a fair price.

    Do I hope that someone stirs up a new AU-type site? definitely. I think there's a market for such a service.. though Valve's flagship community-portal-thingy "Steam" is really the frontrunner there. But there's plenty of room for healthy competition in the "multi-service social network for gamers" arena. Obviously LL just wanted the facebookish tech behind AU.. Their goal is a "facebook for SL" it seems.. so they probably won't even be competing in that multi-service field.


    Eclectic Randomness
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    No multiple attachments option in debug anymore? What does this mean? is it a default option or the Lindens quitted the idea?

    I freaked out about that too.

    But if you look at the contextual menus (right click an object in inventory), you'll see that "add" is there by default now. Multi-attachments now seem to be enabled out of the box.

    They fixed it, so "wearing" objects, now displaces the previous one on that location. I know that was driving me crazy when trying on hair demos. (Unwear one, wear next)

    Now, If you want more than one item on that anchor point, use "add" instead of "wear". If you're already wearing two "hairs" on your skull, and decide to wear a third.. if you use "wear" the new hair will replace the last one you added. (just an exmple, I don't reccomend wearing 3 hairs). I was hoping that "WEAR"ing a new item would remove ALL OTHER attachments on that anchor point, but such is life.


    A few holdouts??  That made me laugh out loud.

    I'm sorry.. you're right, that statement does need a little more context to make any sense at all.

    That was the edited version of my original post, I thought better of some of the things I said in the first version, and of the length of my post as well, and edited my thoughts for both politeness and brevity. In the longer version, I spelled out specifically that while very few will "storm off and quit", MOST users will either:

    1. adopt Viewer 2.x (grudgingly or otherwise)
    2. adopt third party viewers

    The remaining group, who will do neither, I refer to those as the few holdouts who will get left behind when logging in with Viewer 1.23.5 is no longer an option. My statement, in it's original context, merely meant to point out that LL will not keep 1.23.5 around indefinitely for that small group's sake.

    I hope this has cleared up my statement, though I am glad to hear you're keeping your sense of humour in all of this.

  13. They're making excellent progress in improving Viewer 2.x (as today's beta release shows, in spades), and they're not going to split their focus to try and continue to maintain the old version of the software just for a few holdouts. 2.x features will NOT be backported into that viewer. It's old, it's closed.. and it's over.

    The simple fact is that Viewer 1.23.5's days are numbered. They continue to "support" it, and offer it for download for the timebeing, but realise that as LL releases more and more features that the older viewer doesn't support (alpha masks, tattoo layers, shared media, meshes, outfits, whatever), the inevitability of 1.23.5's demise becomes more certain with every new feature release.

  14. Now THAT is just too fun! Thanks leliel.

    • (Double-clicks) Standing next to a box
    • (Double-clicks) Standing behind the box
    • (Double-clicks) Standing on the box
    • (Double-clicks) Standing on another box
    • (Double-clicks) Standing on the table
    • (Double-clicks) Standing on the counter
    • (Double-clicks) Standing on the clock
    • (Cams outside and Double Clicks) Standing in the garden
    • (Double Clicks) Standing on the roof
    • (Double Clicks) Standing on the chimney
    • (Cams inside and Double Clicks) standing on the box again

    This is such a cool idea! Not gonna do well for my attention span though. (Double clicks).

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