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Rabid Cheetah

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Everything posted by Rabid Cheetah

  1. Sweetie, if you wanna be controversial, just wish folks a happy Juneteenth. 🙄
  2. Or a space elevator. Of course, there are folks who want to take those down, too. #KimStanleyRobinson #RedMars #GreenMars #BlueMars
  3. We. Said. No. Political Signs!!! https://shop.peewee.com/store/product/pee-wee-presidential-button
  4. I'd like to see an art installation that's limited by the size and prim count restrictions of a 4 x 4 parcel. Like a giant megaprim Cheeto. Yum.
  5. They also must TP to parcel edge, not home, and give at least 15 seconds for folks to get off the parcel.
  6. I don't know how they did it. This is in Belli, on Linden Land, which is set to autoreturn after 1 minute, but it was there for more than a minute. No one sitting in it, no invisiprim attached for a hang-just-over-the-parcel-boundary trick, not even someone who might be in the LDPW because the car's group was set to something else. It was cool to see a car parked in the street.
  7. Someone got a coveted beach trad...and put up astroturf around it lol This just proves that everyone has their own style and preferences.
  8. It used to have election signs, but they got rid of that. 😁 JK
  9. Cool! There's a house in a RL neighborhood I once lived in that had an imitation lighthouse on top of it. So it was neat finding this in Belli.
  10. Perhaps the future site of Linden Boat Pizza?
  11. Well, it might have nothing to do with building. I had a place near an info hub, deliberately, hoping for traffic. No one came. Next door neighbor had a high-traffic store, but it was a skybox. He claimed that folks were constantly wandering over from the info hub, at ground level, just to do griefing things. So he put a zero-second tp-home orb up. Which sucked, because if I slipped over the border by just a pixel I'd get zapped to my Linden home. We talked, he was a nice guy. But still convinced he had to worry about griefers. He did get rid of the orb, though. But then, he put up unsightly police-tape border markers, and stretched them to all be 64 meters in height, and made them physical. To keep the griefers out. *rolls eyes* Yeah, I had to put a big stone wall at my parcel border and then hang art from it. You never really know why people do the things they do in SL.
  12. I love them. I've had ocean land with boats going by, land with cars going by, and land with pods going by. They're fun and convenient to hop on, similar to such things in real life: Those auto-trains at DFW, people-mover tracks at other airports, even the common escalator. These are all automated movement devices that run continuously, as opposed to on-demand [the RL equivalent of SL's not-there-until-you-rez-it vehicle-givers], such as elevators. The only time I've had one get stuck on my land was when a car crashed into an empty area on my art museum. Did I return it? Of course not; I turned it into art! 😄 I built an entire exhibit around it, focusing on transportation, pollution, and roadkill issues. That never would have happened without that first spark of inspiration that came from logging in to find a car sticking up out of the sand lol Well. If something like that ever happens again, I'll be building a giant buttocks, with a trail of insects going in. You know, as a tribute to folks who have a bug up their ass over vehicles. 😁
  13. Is Bay City still an active community?
  14. I don't have your type of mesh body, so can only advise you regarding what I use. Like you, I've got 14 years worth of Classic stuff. Most of it won't work with a regular mesh body. Most of it will work with a BOM-style mesh body. See what options your particular mesh body manufacturer has. Apparently some use HUDs, as referenced in comments above. I'm using Slink Physique for my mesh body. The Slinkies, or whatever the manufacturer is called, now have two types of mesh bodies: The regular kind (and I forget what they call it) and a BOM type they call "Redux". So for me, it was as simple as going to the Slinky Store and clicking on a sign that launches their website, where you enter your SL name and it delivers a Redux to you for free. Well, almost, because it took me a while to realize I may be a SLinky user, but I'm technically not a Slinky customer: A friend bought me a mesh avatar for my Rez Day a few years ago, after I tried several demos. So SHE had to log in to their site. Once I had the Redux, I just pulled up my favorite Classic outfits, switched the body to Redux, and did a Save As with the same name as the original outfit but with the words "Redux BOM" added, along with a date change (I index all of my outfits by date so that I know which one is the final version). So your thingy might have a different body, or it might have a HUD. Check with your mesh thingy's manufacturer. I don't know of any clothing experts to recommend. Maybe ask friends in game if they have experience with that. I agree that mesh is a big complicated mess when it comes to ease-of-use. But it does offer more choices. So you need to decide whether to continue to just use Classic or Mesh, or if you want to plod on forward and do this new BOM combo thing. Now watch and I find out folks are doing this BOM stuff for purposes way beyond wearing Classic outfits with mesh bodies lol *sigh* Life was a lot simpler 14 years ago, wasn't it? Including SECOND Life...
  15. It's a definite sense of pride for me to pull up my old Classic avi's and outfits, some I even designed myself, and see all the hard work I put in back then for various avi concepts. I especially love my elf maiden, I wore that almost exclusively in the early days, designed her chain mail and shiny shield, got her tiara to fit just so, put a sword in a hilt on her back, and edited and positioned so many things without a HUD or click-n-go helper. It was all me. And the best part is she wears the Leaf Of Lorien, from an old elven group that closed its servers over a decade ago. You can't put a price on memories. I also like to occasionally put on my nicer sexy classic avis, go somewhere, and get guys hitting on me. Of course, you could be dressed in a box made out of particle emitting megaprims and a lot of guys would still tell you "u look hot bb" just for the chance to get in your pixelpants lol But it's fun when they say "i can't believe it's not butter! Er...mesh!" It's become a Rez Day tradition of mine to go back to Inspiration Island and try on all my old outfits.
  16. I've always loved flexihair, because it moves the way you'd expect hair to move if you're flying in the sky. Plus it's great to have on with my fully meshified avi when she's got her headbanger animation running.
  17. I'm old enough in the game that when I see this, I don't say "ewww". I smile, nostalgically, at the sight of an old friend. It's like the way some Guild Wars players feel when they remain in GW v1 Prophesies Pre-Searing, or have any sort of a Gwen-related encounter. I do wish the new folks get to experience this at some point, smiling fondly and saying, "ah, young one. Let me tell you about the pre-holographic days of video games, and a thing called mesh. We thought it was all the rage." I mean, sure: An old Atari can't compare to a new Alienware, for example. But it still makes me smile at the happy memories.
  18. Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I see that now, it's not just about the visuals, it's about access and right-of-way.
  19. Ah. Didn't realize that. Thanks. What a conundrum.
  20. Hey, would a 64x64x64 100% transparency non-phantom cube placed around one's parcel be covenant-acceptable? Just thinking outside the box, both figuratively and literally lol Well, really, whatever the ground dimensions of the parcel are, given its type. It could keep folks out without having to hassle with orbs. [Just a creative thought that crossed my mind while typing the above, not the first salvo in a "waaaauuuugh how dare you tell me how to manage security on my parcel" fight, in case anyone is thinking of responding that way.] Yeah, I realize folks could still TP in, and there'd be an issue with parcel owner vehicles leaving (though they could edit the cube, set to phantom, rez their boat, sail it beyond the parcel border, then edit the cube again to make it non-phantom). Double-click TP to the Linden Land next to a cubed parcel to leave it on foot. Could be a fun roleplay. "Lower shields, Mister Wharf!" "It's...Worf..." Yes, I know I think too much lol
  21. @Patch Linden @Abnor Mole Thank you so much for this directive. Those Zero Second TP Home orbs ar virtually impossible to track down and report when encountered if you've been flying fast over several regions. I once spent several hours doing a regional object search in the general area I'd been TP'd from to ensure my AR was complete, but never did find the object in question. Then there are folks who hide them underneath their homes or inside one of the walls, and change transparency of the orb to 100%. Those I CAN find, eventually, but it takes a long time. Despite my funny "Gladys Kravitz" meme, this is one of those things where I DON'T engage parcel owners for their covenant violations. I fell a responsibility to the next explorer to potentially get zapped halfway across Belli to report the orb immediately. I hope this move will increase orb policy compliance, so that @Pussycat Catnap and other folks can have the orb features they like. Failing that, I hope Linden will consider an update to the official security system that allows for banning trespassing to limited areas of the parcel rather than the whole thing -- though that would probably involve the creation of Linden Orbs, so they could be placed in the center of the given area to be off-limits, as opposed to a security system that is placed by the door controls and therefore can't really be configured for anything but the entire parcel. Suggestions: - Work with orb producers and sellers to have official LH-compatible orbs; This could be a new selling point for merchants. - Get rid of orbs and security systems in Belli altogether, and just use ban lines -- and yes, I know they're ugly, if you see them, but there are viewer options to remove them from view as easily as one removes those red parcel boundary lines. - Don't make the security system a separate object that folks have to find in the LH Dohickey Pack. And yes, "dohickey" is the correct technical term. I Googled it. Make it part of the existing Windows/Doors/Redecorate panel, so it's right there for folks. This would also mean that users could have security in place without having to decrease their available prim count -- yeah, it's only one prim, but that can be a big deal for camper dwellers.
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