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Nyll Bergbahn

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Everything posted by Nyll Bergbahn

  1. I've never seen an issue come up on Second Life Answers relating to Asus routers, just Netgear (many times). If you have unplugged your router/modem for a minute or two then reconnected to reset the equipment and still have problems with any of the messages appearing at the top of this Wiki link, try flushing your DNS cache or perhaps contact your ISP for advice. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_DNS_login_issues Just switching your Cat 5 connection cable to another port at the back of the router may solve your problem. That worked I know for one OP on SLA when she had connection issues and simply unplugging and reconnecting didn't work. She switched the connection to another router port and voila..it was fine then. If you want to replace, I've never come across any issues with Belkin Wireless G routers either.
  2. I ran an affiliate shop for a couple of years and sold fashion from a few creators, none of which objected to the others clothes being sold alongside theirs. I also sold my own jewellery. Some may object though so check the conditions carefully. I did try and keep each affiliate's vendors together in one part of the shop rather than mix them up. Use single one prim vendors not multiple click through ones. They are a pain for customers, especially if the sim is anyway laggy and personally when shopping, I won't click through any. Try and create your own store name rather than an affiliate name unless this is a condition of the creator but do get the affiliate name(s) in the store description for Search. Advertise your Store in Search. Try and get as many keywords in that you think people may be searching for. I used free facelight and free sexy walk which I gave away and this worked a treat at the time but may not now. Build up a customer base using your store name and most of your customers will not even know you're selling as an affiliate. You could rez floor mats on the ground with affiliate logos and that should satisfy the creators. Don't bombard customers with a flood of welcome messages and group joiners etc. One welcome message will do and locate your group joiner and LM giver in an easy visible spot. If people want it, they'll take one. Keep up to date with affiliate group gifts and put them out soon as given to you by the creator. If the creator wants a list of affiliate stores with LMs for a promotion, get your details in quickly and don't miss out. I was first on such a list once and got a flood of new customers appearing immediately the list went out and lots of sales. Personally I found malls a waste of money, rarely selling anything in a number I tried.. Sales went much better after I bought some mainland and set up a store there although a store in a business rental area went well for a while at the start. It was not a shopping mall though. Remember as an affiliate you have to pay rental cost or tier out of commission, perhaps just 25% to 30% of sales. Good luck.
  3. Clear your cache by opening Second Life to login screen then click Me > Preferences > Setup > Reset button. Close Second Life and reboot your computer. Open Second Life again and login to Smith. If you cannot type in a location, open Me > Preferences > General and click Start Location > Show on login. Open your Inventory tab and click Recent to start your inventory reloading from the server. Don't teleport anywhere until your inventory is fully loaded, then try wearing new items. Clear your cache regularly especially if you have been teleporting around a lot.
  4. I've heard that appealing a held account is better done via letter or fax. How true that is I don't know for sure but it's worth a try. I guess it's harder for Support to ignore or overlook a letter on their desk than a support ticket on a computer. You can write to the address at the bottom of this link. Send by registered post so they can't ever deny receiving it. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_is_my_account_on_hold
  5. Amacci is good for both skins and shapes and also sells nice hair and eyes too. Nyll
  6. I'm assuming you mean the lag started with your neighbour rezzing the breedable horses and that this neighbour is in the same sim and not over the border. If so, then yes, it's quite possible. Although the main breedable horse creators tout their latest horses as low lag there could be other less well scripted animals. Constant collisions between the horses could add to lag too. Lag from breedable horses was too much for one resident who put a sign up for sale for 0L on Marketplace saying "Horses must die - LAAAAAAAAG" There could be other reasons for this sudden increase in lag, badly scripted items, or temporary rezzers although the spikes with temp rezzers would tend to rise and fall rather than stay at a high peak.
  7. Please post your computer specifications. Open SL to login screen, select Help > About Second Life > copy/paste computer details into a reply here. Did you unplug the modem/router for a minute or so and then reconnect? What make router are you using? Netgear is known to cause issues for some people. When you uninstalled the viewer did you manually remove the Second Life folders in AppData > Local and > Roaming (saving chat files first if you wish) before reinstalling Second Life? Did you recently update your graphics card driver? If an NVIDIA graphics card, try uninstalling the driver and reinstalling it again or perhaps go back to a previous version that worked.
  8. It's not just you, quite a few people have reported this bug here on Answers in the past week or two. You should submit a ticked to Support and ask for help. If you have Premium membership, use Live Chat.
  9. Press Page Up key as always. If you mean how to activate the Admin Menu to enable flying in no fly zones, you can't as the Admin Menu is blocked now and has been for a while. You see a message "your request for special powers failed. Your request has been logged.
  10. Refer duplicate question here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/whered-my-skin-go-and-y-do-i-get-dns-cant-befound-screen-just/qaq-p/746733/comment-id/1092
  11. DNS: See this Wiki page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_DNS_login_issues SL is not haveing any grid wide login issues so first thing to do is to unplug your modem/router for a minute then reconnect. Also, make sure your firewall is not blocking SL. Before trying to log in again to Second Life, clear your cache to see if this solves your missing inventory item. To do this in Viewer 2, open SL to login screen > select Me > Preferences > Setup tab > Cache location > click Reset button. If you are using viewer 1.23.5, open SL to login screen > select Edit > Preferences > Network tab > Clear Cache. Log in and allow your Inventory to load. Click the Recent tab to speed this up. If still not there after an inventory search, try clearing your cache manually. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clear_Cache If you still get the DNS issue, try the other solutions on the DNS wiki page.
  12. That's great Tali! Glad you're back inworld.
  13. This one is more up to date than the one you have: http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/3733558246/ Also have a look at the World Map here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/File:World_Map_18Aug09.jpg Edit: It's missing Nascera, the Linden Home continent. I don't know of a newer map including it.
  14. Yes, file a ticket or perhaps better, write to or fax Linden Lab. See details at the bottom of this link. Someone once mentioned this method works faster than a ticket for appeals but I don't really know if that's true or not. You have left it such a long time to appeal. Good luck. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_is_my_account_on_hold
  15. Eric Castanea wrote: It's slow, cumbersome - simply awful. And if I'm forced to use it, it will degrade my Second Life experience terribly. It freezes, it's jerky - I could write a book on it's shortcomings. And really - I've tried hard to use it and make it work. I can't. I can't even walk around without it freezing up. Please think of your customers, LL. Give us a choice not to use it. Don't force it on us. uhmm..no..it's beautifully smooth and stable for me. FPS is excellent with between 30-80 depending on sim and even occasionally over 100 on really quiet well managed islands. Textures rez fast and it's a really nice viewer to use apart from Search which is not as refined as I would like to see it. The outfits feature is fantastic, one of the best parts to viewer 2. I usually use Kirstens take on viewer 2 which is always a couple of versions ahead of the publicly released viewer on the download page and it's even better. Even on ultra with full lighting & shadows and GI on, I can still achieve 15 fps and move around easily. Not options for normal running around in busy shopping malls and clubs but great for photography and quiet sims. Had problems with L & S a while back but a gpu driver update sorted that. I've been using viewer 2 official or Kirstens for a long time now and would find a viewer 1 based client very strange indeed despite the fact that I used viewer 1 since about 1.12 (I think..late 2006 anyway). If you post your computer details (Preferences > Help > About Second Life), we could probably suggest ways to get it running better for you. For those who don't like the official viewer 2, there are choices, which is wonderful for everyone.
  16. Odd you're getting two different messages. The wiki on time errors is here...http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_gives_me_an_error_message_about_being_%22Unable_to_find_a_valid_certificate%22_or_%22Unable_to_establish_a_secure_connection_to_the_login_server.%22 ...but doesn't help much if the computer time is correct and you're certain your firewall is not blocking SL. I would suggest you try unplugging your modem/router for a minute then reconnect. Reboot your computer then open SL to login screen and from the Preferences menu, clear your cache from the Setup tab and clear your History from the Privacy tab. Close SL and the re-open and try logging in. I recall one case where someone was getting the 'unable to connect to Second Life" message and while unplugging/plugging the modem/router failed to solve the problem, plugging the cable back into another port on the router sorted it and he could log in to SL again. That's happened to me too at times with an old router but with the internet rather than a specific program.
  17. Is it possible? Yes. Is it permissable for you to do so? No. If permissions on the object allow you change the texture, then you can with one of your own textures or one you have rights to use. Modify permission on an item however does not grant you the right to take the texture, which the item creator may have created or may be using a texture for which the creator has permission to use in his/her creations but not permission to sell or pass on.
  18. As Peewee said. Also, if returned safely, they will be in one single coalesced object in your Lost & Found folder and you'll have to go to a sandbox or rez on other land where you have Build rights to recover the individual items.
  19. It's difficult reading these threads with answers and comments all over the place but having done so on this one, I think there is a good chance this problem is related to an invalid character in a group tag. That message about being unable to connect to a simulator is in repsonse to a number of issues and an invalid character in a group tag is one of them. I've come across this on at least three occasions in the past year or so. It's rare but possible. If this is the problem and it is only an if, Linden Lab will have to sort this, remove you from the group whose tag you're wearing and delete the tag from your avatar so you can log in but as you've discovered, help on this issue is not available to Basic members. I would suggest you upgrade to Premium on a monthly basis and soon as it is sorted, downgrade again. Once you've upgraded, contact LIve Chat immediately and ask for assistance. Explain exactly what you believe the problem to be. Some Live Chat personnel may not be aware of this issue regarding invalid group tag characters as has happened in the past so perist if necessary until the Help person contacts a Linden to have it dealt with. Hopefully, you can now get away with just paying one month's premium fees of $10. jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6608? You won't be able to access VWR-23695 mentioned in that jira.
  20. Every Resident should be able to log in to Marketplace no matter what maturity level. Someone else recently had the same problem as you. I would suggest you submit a ticket to Support through the Help Menu. You can use General Marketplace Issues.
  21. Perhaps we can help with your login problem. What's happening and what message appears when you try to log in? If a ghosted avatar problem, try Marigold Devin's solution. It's worked for many people. These ghosted avatars that lock you out of SL appear to go offline for about a minute around 4 times in an hour (test this by having an alt or a friend add your avatar's name onto an online tracker - I use Thomas Conover's avatar online tracker). It is possible with grim determination and good timing to log in your ghosted avatar during one of these offline minutes, although it is important to change the log in location before you do this. Use a neutral location, such as "Pooley". If you are successful with logging in, teleport across to the sim where you are ghosted. When your avatar gets in range of its ghost a paradox is caused, the two entities merge, and the ghost usually clears.
  22. Hi Luc! Just tested inworld with 2.5. If Java is disabled the Search window opens but all sections are completely blank and this message appears: "JavaScript is required for Search functionality. Please go to the Me menu, select Preferences, choose the Setup menu, and check Enable JavaScript." You're right in that Search doesn't seem to need Cookies enabled, it's web Profiles that need this or they remain blank. Nyll
  23. Please check that your versions of Flash, Quicktime and Java are up to date. http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/ http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp Also, make sure you have ticked Accept Cookies and Enable Javascript in Preferences > Setup.
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