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Nyll Bergbahn

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Everything posted by Nyll Bergbahn

  1. I just clicked my name and then View All from Recent Posts. I have 39 pages of posts, some going back to January 2010 so I'm guessing that's all were archived.
  2. Yes, only 762 posts of mine out of a total of 3977 are archived. Maybe LL thought the rest weren't worth archiving!
  3. Ask the sim owners or managers to restart the regions and see if that solves it for you. It has for others who could not access a certain region (even home sims like you) where there was no reason why the person could not teleport in.
  4. You used to be able to include a photo you took yourself, now the AR form takes a snapshot itself from the viewpoint it has when you click the Report Abuse link and you can't alter it unless you close the AR window and reopen when you have the view you want. You have to tick a box to indicate you want to use that photo. The number of text characters is also limited and you can't attach anything. Not very good. In two ARs I lodged last year, I took my own photos as well and submitted the photos and additional text in an email reply to the automated AR response. This is not recognized procedure I should add and to be honest, I don't know if LL take any heed of such replies or not as they never correspond on ARs but I do know the ARs were successful and dealt with quickly.
  5. Sorry to hear about this. Luc has given you good advice. Just keep submitting Abuse Reports and muting each alt. List previous AR references in each AR. The AR form is somewhat limited as to what you can fit it. Copy/paste text as Luc said but also provide the UUID of any notecards, [right click on notecard in inventory, select 'copy asset UUID', Ctrl+P to paste into the AR form]. When the automated reply arrives, reply to it with any additional information you could not fit in on the original form (it is not a no-reply email so you can do this). I would suggest you open the abusive notecard and Snapshot it against part of the SL background (make sure Interface is ticked in the Snapshot Capture section so the notecard appears in the photo), save to your computer and attach to your email. You can do the same with IMs. It's harder for LL to ignore abuse like this when provided with such compelling visual evidence.
  6. I run Kirstens S21(6) and SecondLife 2.6 and don't have problems with either. You could always download a fresh copy of 2.6 and try it but I think you'll like Kirstens better especially as she is now switching development to AMD hardware on the basis that if it works for AMD, it will be fine for Intel too although she does use Nvidia graphics. I use a Core i5 750 (OC 4.1 GHz) and an ATI Radeon HD 5850 still on Catalyst 10.9 as for me it's very stable and I can use Lighting & Shadows and GI with no problems except L&S only works on Ultra and not High for some reason. She also releases new versions at a much faster pace than LL. Niran has a guide to using the various features here (much applies to official viewer too): http://www.kirstensviewer.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=573. I see an interesting sentence at the end of part 5.5 and I wonder if that is your problem with SL 2.6. Although Crysis 2 does not require Steam, perhaps you bought and use it via Steam or maybe you use Xfire. Must say the idea that Steam and Xfire could cause vertex buffer and texture overload resulting in crashes is a new one on me.
  7. That is not the message for being stuck inworld or for account on hold. Could be a firewall issue as you can access the Second Life website but cannot open the application to log inworld. Check your firewall/internet security software and make sure Second Life is an allowed application. EDIT: Here is a useful link. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_do_I_configure_my_software_firewall_(such_as_Norton_Internet_Security,_McAfee_Personal_Firewall,_or_ZoneAlarm)%3F and another...http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Is-my-firewall-responsible-for-problems-with-Second-Life/qaq-p/696359 .Note in particular Lexie's comments below and the section I have highlighted: Internet Security software also blocks network traffic; however, these programs can cause a great deal of trouble if not configured correctly. The most popular versions of internet security software contain additional features (Internet Worm Protection on Norton Personal Firewall/Norton Internet Security, Intrusion Detection Service for McAfee Personal Firewall, and SmartDefense on ZoneAlarm) that analyze internet programs and their network traffic. Based on an undetermined set of factors, including the patterns of network data, the internet security program may decide to block even a trusted program. These programs may also block a trusted program if its executable changes (which happens every time a new version of the Second Life software is released). Depending on how this internet security software is configured, it may continue to list Second Life as a "trusted program" while blocking it due to these features.
  8. If you are using viewer 2: 1. Open your mistress's profile. 2. Click the drop down menu 'Actions'. 3. Select Privacy Settings. 4. Click the relevant boxes..will have an x in them when activated. Be careful about allowing anyone edit, delete or take your objects.
  9. Try Kirstens viewer too, which is the viewer I use most. It's a more advanced high end viewer based on viewer 2 code and you can easily run it with your computer. You can install it side by side with the official viewer without any issues arising. Be interesting to see if you crash with it too.
  10. Nice setup. From those figures, looks like overheating is not the problem then. Could be what Peewee suggested. Also, what is CCC AI set at? AI is known to cause Second Life to crash for some setups but it's usually at startup rather than 20 minutes in but it's worth a shot so if you have it at Advanced, try Standard or disable and see what happens.
  11. Storm, the Linden Home is for Premium members only with no exceptions. It's not possible to keep the Home with Basic membership by paying a tier. As mentioned above, you cannot even downgrade to Basic without abandoning the Linden Home, the system doesn't allow it. Nyll
  12. Hi nikki. First thing to do is clear your cache from Me > Preferences > Setup > click Reset button. If you haven't activated logins to other locations at startup, do so now under me > Preferences > General > Start location > tick Show at login. Close viewer and then reopen. Type Smith as your login location and login. On rezzing in this low lag Linden water sim, open your Inventory and click the Recent tab to speed up your inventory reloading. Don't try teleporting or anything else yet until your inventory is fully reloaded. Once reloaded. remove all scripted attachments such as AO, HUDS, shoes, hair (if resizer or colour scripted), jewellery etc and just wear basic clothing layers. Now try teleporting. If successful, begin to wear the items you removed one by one, teleporting somewhere before adding the next item. You may find now that wearing one particular item, perhaps heavily scripted shoes for example, prevents you teleporting so you'll need to remove the scripts after making a copy in inventory or simply not wear that item when teleporting.
  13. All Abuse Reports are private and only seen by Linden Lab employees. Submit an Abuse Report from the viewer Help Menu inworld. Make sure you fill in all relevant details. Please refer to this Knowledge Base article for full details. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065
  14. Refer duplicate thread http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/I-try-to-buy-lindens-with-a-Visa-but-they-give-me-a-credit-in/qaq-p/792593
  15. If the US dollars are sitting in your account, open your Dashboard, select the Linden Exchange link and buy the Lindens. Linden Lab will use the US dollars in your account first before debiting any additional amount to your credit card.
  16. Linden Home: Not possible, the land size and 117 prims available are fixed and unchangeable. Mainland: Sell up and buy a bigger parcel or alternatively find a parcel for sale in same sim and buy it. Provided both parcels are in same name, you can use all prims available on one or other of the parcels or spread between. Only applies to parcels in same sim and they do not need to be adjoining each other. You can even join the two sims to share media etc. Private Region: Rent a larger parcel with more prims. Alternatively, if you want to stay where you are, look for low prim furniture etc to replace what you have rezzed and take back into inventory any prim hogging items.
  17. Yes, you will lose your Linden Home. In fact, you will not be permitted to downgrade to Basic until you abandon the Home via the About Land window. Once you've done that, downgrade to Basic.
  18. Overheating is the first thing that springs to mind. Download and install openhardwaremonitor http://openhardwaremonitor.org/ and see what's happening inside your computer temperature wise. Maybe the fans are clogged up with dust. Blow out all the dust with compressed air and make sure fans are all operating properly. Perhaps the thermal paste on the CPU heatsink needs redoing. If it's dried up and cracking, that can cause overheating. Could also be your graphics card is beginning to fail and while ok in normal use is failing under the stress of running Second Life. Anyway run some thermal tests and post back and also include your computer specs including CPU, graphics card and power unit.
  19. Kirsten's viewer does not yet include the Nvidia 550 Ti in the gpu_table so it's not recognising the card. Unlike Second Life's official viewer, which is likely to load at low or medium settings for new cards it doesn't recognise, the installer in Kirsten's S21(6) invokes minimum hardware requirements so it is simply not allowing the application load at all. You should still be able to use S21(5) with no problem and perhaps you can disable this hardware check in S21(6) with the viewer parameter --noprobe but I'm not sure how Kirsten implemented the hardware check. You should have Hardware Skinning ticked for Lighting and Shadows.
  20. Are you looking at off the shelf desktops or getting one custom made that you can either select a graphics card of your choice or select one from an option list? What is your budget. If a tight budget, you can buy a Nvidia GTX 460 768MB that will run SL on high for as little as $111 to $149 on Newegg (sale prices) or $150 to over $200 for a 1GB version. Newer Nvidia and ATI cards will cost more. Can suggest other cards once budget is known.
  21. Yes, works fine but the 32-bit mentioned on the System Requirements page is still there because LInden Lab has not bothered to update it to include 64-bit. We've asked that it be changed on a few occasions, the last time it came up a few months ago, Torley promised to follow it up with the Linden(s) responsible for that page but it still hasn't been done.
  22. oh lol yes its 1st April. I'm on holidays this week and lost track of the dates!
  23. I can't actually believe anyone could fall for that load of garbage. I mean, seriously.
  24. Answers is a Resident to Resident help blog not a Linden Lab support portal. Anyway, open your Dashboard and buy Lindens from the Linden Exchange link. Linden Lab will use your US dollars before debiting any further charges to your credit card or Paypal. If you still have a problem phone Billing Support - open 24/7 Have billing issues? Give us a call. Note that phone support is for billing issues only. If you're having technical issues, please use technical support. Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbersFrance: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only
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