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Nika Talaj

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Everything posted by Nika Talaj

  1. That's odd. If these scripts are actually for vehicles using physics, I suppose there could be some problem , but ... if they are physical, having them run all the time would be terribly laggy, i would think.
  2. At the end of this thread (now locked) discussing why mainland tour pods had stopped operating, @Patch Linden said: From context, it seems reasonable to assume that one of the expansion areas would be Bellisseria. [For those unfamiliar with the pod tour system, see the pic on the OP of the (now locked) thread I point to. These pods are used to tour large events like SL birthdays and Burning Man. They also run endlessly along certain routes on mainland.] The feedback in that thread seems mostly positive about the pod tours in general. I'm fine with them coming, if people like the tours. I am glad to hear that, if they are to be more widely deployed, LL will be helping to support Yavanna's system. I have always had two issues with them, which I hope can be addressed by a few adjustments to the system. 1. They run too often, and are nearly always empty. Personally, I would prefer if they were rezzed on demand, perhaps by rezzers positioned at rez zones along pod routes. If they are to circulate automatically, I would VERY MUCH prefer that they run much less often than they had done on mainland. I don't get a friendly vibe from seeing them robotically circulating all the time; I feel like Big Brother is watching. To me, the message of endlessly patrolling robot vehicles is that this land is not mine, it is LL's, and they would prefer that I stick to approved routes to traverse it. 2. They look like Jetson taxis. I've been exploring on horseback on mainland when one zoomed by (or through) me , and I just gave up and TP'd home. It made me feel silly to be poking around in a pretty countryside on my horse, and get bowled over by an empty robot vehicle. For me, that would go for ALL of camper and cabin Bellisseria. I hope theme-specific pods will be used, if/when pods come to Belli.
  3. Ooooo Lindal, congrats! Hooray! Didn't know you were in Belli. Nice region?
  4. Feedback for you: I would AR a parcel with more than one GTFO sign, or possibly two if it was at an intersection. Indeed, I would AR any GTFO sign that was visually LOUD. SIgns should not be necessary at all, if I understand the game as explained here. "The Forum Cartel" is an inworld group that was started ... oh gosh I don't remember when, maybe 2008-ish? Anyone is welcome to join, forum member or not. It has a small mainland parcel with a clubhouse, where there is a breakfast every Sunday morning, which I can't get to. There is some group chat now and then, a discord channel, impromptu DJ gigs as well as the occasional seasonal party. It was started by a few folks who were really active in the Resident Answers subforum; a few of the original members are still active in the forums here. Over time, the membership changes, but the group still goes on. True SL oldbies had mostly left the forums when I joined (2006), due to an incredibly bitter power struggle that I never bothered to understand. There was also some risk involved in transgressing in the forums, since moderators had the ability to dole out inworld suspensions as a result of Forum infractions, IIRC. Small outbreaks of bitterness etc. continued for a few years. Prok was around, and witnessed that power struggle, as well as many inworld power-schemes over the years, so has some justification for seeing power dy namics around every corner. Now, now, Prok, be nice. Actually, Tiny Empires did invade Belli waterways for a while. I'm thinking LL beat them back, because I haven't seen gatherings of zombies around for quite some time. Pods? Let's keep focus. GTFO has nothing to do with pods Though pods are probably low lag (KFM), I do agree with you, they are visual spam, and I hope they never come to Belli. I have never played GTFO, and probably never will. If I were a Linden I would love it, tho, just because it DOES get people out and traveling long distances. Why does LL build unique contiguous land masses (a huge differentiator from other virtual worlds), if not to encourage residents to travel them? I REALLY don't understand why more residents tooling around the roads is a bad thing. ETA: GTFO not only gets residents the f*** off their parcels, it gets them talking to each other. We should be happy that LL is now interested in building community, after over a decade of complete indifference to communities in SL. I don't see any risk that LL will allow residents to build big industrial areas like on mainland in Belli, though I kind of like those. They're nice to have OVER THERE *points to someplace far away*. Truthfully, I think it would be fun if LL built a small industrial area in Millbank, for example, for roleplayers to use. HAHAHAHA believe me, LL does not look to the forums for representational feedback on SL. They know what a collection of obsessive oddballs we are here. At best, we entertain them.
  5. I am puzzled about how it is that Belli rez zones are GTFO hubs. I see two ways that GTFO might verify that a player has reached a hub: 1. The hub has a scripted object that interacts with the script in the user's vehicle to verify their presence and, perhaps, do a little RP around that. I don't see how this can be done at a rez zone, unless LL has allowed GTFO to place their scripted object in it? Surely not! 2. The user tells their vehicle that they've arrived at a hub, and the script checks with a web service to verify that they are at the correct place, and then presumably does a little RP to "unload" goods, and maybe pick up more. Is that how it works? But if so, why does the hub have to be at a rez zone. if the goods are physically nonexistent?
  6. Work in Progress (Moonstruck) in SSPE1154 (south coast of LogLand). Yes, that is a rock arch above the road.
  7. Good catch! Those outer regions on the squishy pickle sometimes have very few homes on them, and SOMEDAY LogLand will be expanded to its north. There are still a LOT of folks fishing for houseboats, and it may help them if we post before releasing one, rather than when we get one!
  8. Get The Freight Out, an SL game. https://modemworld.me/2018/07/28/an-inside-look-at-get-the-freight-out-in-second-life/ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GTFO-Game-Kit-LIVE-server-add-touch/15184490
  9. I was so chagrined when Rocky Heights went and my partner & I were left holding two Well Springs parcels! But it turned out that, for my taste, Well Springs was the real prize. That trickster Patch was standing on the corner outside our new home when Rocky Heights went.
  10. I've had a seemingly random selection of items deleted/returned when messing around with linking, physics types, or retexturing. Suddenly the LI model will be applied to a seemingly innocuous item, and the LI goes through the roof. Before you can undo it, poof things begin to disappear. Often some older things from specific avatars will disappear in addition to the offending item. I've returned to using sandboxes for big or risky edits, particularly when working with prefabs - not being familiar with what tricks the maker used to manage LI can cost you big time! I wish I understood how SL decides what to delete. It seems to me that it has something to do with what avatar owns the objects. It looks sort of like a race condition happens, where the current parcel LI is not recalculated after every deletion. Instead, it seems as if quite a few things get deleted before SL notices that the parcel LI is ok. @Abnor Mole, can you shed some light again?
  11. Full buildout in SSPE1160. And yes, Shenandoah still lurks out of sight. [TOR] MIDDAY Nostalgika, water Nam's Beach Scene The geography of the area now looks like this. Nicely thought out!
  12. Dang! I've been trying not to post, but have to say that I doubt that was a real rental box (it's gone now, or I would have tried to pay it) . Have you ever driven through the (vast) U.S. midwest? Little Whistle Stop cafes with a room or two to rent, on local roads near to little train stations are (or were, in bygone times) everywhere. They generally were not as cute as this build, lol. I think the 'rental' sign was just part of theme of the build. If you look at the owner's profile, looks like she does themed builds like this here and there around the grid. The definite 'tell' on this is the fact that she has fewer prims available than she was offering to 'rent'! Here's another piece of Americana Sometimes it's best to just give people the benefit of the doubt.
  13. I am replying only to this portion of the OP: Should Infohubs be removed from SL? Probably, yes. If the only purpose they now serve is to dump people there when the region they're en route to is unaccountably missing, I'm sure there's a better solution. For example, create a small number of regions called "Transit station <n>", which consists of a large number of featureless concourses at a variety of heights . People whose login or teleport fails in a certain way are sent to a random spot on a concourse, which will cut down on the number of people who find themselves in a mob of strangers. Transit stations might be limited to 60 avatars or so, should not have build, fly, or much of anything else in the way of permissions on. When you arrive, a large notice is displayed on your screen, with just a single "OK" button that closes the notice. "Greetings. Your login or teleport failed, probably because the region you were attempting to enter is not available. The most common reason for that is because it is being restarted, so it may be available again soon. Please feel free to choose any destination you know of & go to it at any time. You are welcome to stay here for 20 minutes, at which time you will be teleported to your home." It should be impossible to teleport intentionally to a Transit Station.
  14. If that's what you want to focus on, fine. I looked at two local news outlets, neither mentioned the pic you point to. Go ahead and ignore the fact that the entire night was given to refocusing on BLM. Ignore the thousands chanting "Black Lives Matter" and "Feds go Home" into the early morning (more than one reporter stated these were the largest crowds since the first days of BLM protests). Ignore the huge photo of George Floyd projected above the doors of the Justice Center. Ignore the repeated "Say their names" litanies. Ignore the Wall of Vets. Chants as 11:30 approached, which is the witching hour when feds pour out of their Fortress "Justice" Center to try to drive away the protesters: "Are you afraid, Portland"? "HELL NO" You've got just about the whitest city in the States trying their damnedest to be allys. I think the TRYING is something very good, particularly as it's also happening in other heavily white communities nationwide. Not everyone is gonna get it right, but from the suburban reading groups plowing through White Fragility to high school kids raising money for the Black Resilience Fund, they are trying. They are doing this because they think it's right, not so blacks will pat them on the head. So hey, have fun belittling it.
  15. Right, a joke. Perhaps you don't know that for 4 years Americans have been listening to a certain politician explain away every racist statement he makes by claiming it was a joke? So at this juncture you'll have to forgive me if I'm a little skeptical. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, being serious for a moment. I find it hard to believe this is as much a problem as the two of you (there ARE two of you, right?) are claiming. I know a WHOLE LOT of Americans, and although some are super proud of their family's various heritages, I don't know any who claim to BE another nationality. I've also traveled fairly extensively, and I've never noticed any compatriots doing so either. If it makes you guys feel better to believe that we're all like the wing nuts you see on Queer Eye, or that Americans loathe themselves so much that all of us claim to be some other nationality, OK fine. But I think it's quite possible that you're projecting your own anti-Americanism onto others. This phenomenon, on the other hand, I find very easy to believe. Americans not claiming to BE another nationality, but having some time-capsuled vision, carefully preserved in family tradition, of what current-day cultures are in other nations. I know that in our family, folks carefully preserved customs from their rather small villages of origin in 'the old country', long after that country had MOVED ON! Yes, it must be terribly embarrassing to have to deal with such visitors.
  16. Sooner or later, every bigot throws off their camouflage. Again, relax. We're all bigots, to one degree or another, about something. Don't you think it would be better, tho, to acknowledge that about yourself, and maybe be just a little quieter about it? Just a thought.
  17. Here's another way to look at it: it could be worse. You could be from New Zealand. /me sticks her tongue firmly in her cheek and claims: so far as I can tell, 1 out of every 10 Americans are rooting around Ancestry.com, desperately searching for some way to justify applying for citizenship to New Zealand. Looking for that escape hatch in case Nov 3rd turns out to be a repeat of 2016! What's that? You think I'm making fun of the serious concerns voiced in this thread? Ay-yup.
  18. Lol. Then maybe tell Nordic writers to stop flooding American bookstores with chiding tomes on how much better life is in Norway, Finland, or anywhere remotely Nordic. Get used to being a mecca for aspirational tourists, there are many books like this telling everyone in the US who can read that life is better in Nordic lands. https://www.amazon.com/Nordic-Theory-Everything-Search-Better/dp/0062316559/ref=sr_1_1?crid=30K7NXNDV3ZBN&dchild=1&keywords=nordic+theory+of+everything&qid=1595628625&sprefix=nordic+theor+%2Caps%2C218&sr=8-1 Relax. It isn't so bad having everyone in the world want to be you. Until fairly recently, that was the case for Americans, and we survived.
  19. /me returns to the thread and sighs. No Kanry, you should not shut up. You should feel incredibly complimented, that someone of a different nationality likes your country and perhaps even your own benighted self enough to want to identify with you. You should gently say 'Thank you, that's a big compliment!" Before every bigoted troll in the US felt empowered to crawl out from under their rocks and demand that the US isolate itself, that was a scene that you could see regularly played in the US. Some clerk would ask someone where they were from, just striking up a conversation, and the person would proudly say "I'm an American"! And maybe they had got their citizenship, or maybe they just liked Michael Jackson [that was the case with my 2nd cousin in Italy, who told me he felt American as we bombed around the deserted countryside around Venice in his convertible], but whatever, the clerk would usually grin and say "great!". That's what I did when a Turkish taxi driver in NYC shouted it out over the blaring Turk radio station. Dude had an 'evil eye' charm hanging on the rear view mirror, was wearing one of those big ceremonial Turkish hats and an embroidered vest, but YES, hell YES, I shouted 'GREAT!' at his assertion that he was American. So, all you who resent Americans or others trying to strike a bond with you by claiming their heritage, you could choose to welcome the admiration they obviously feel, and smile indulgently at their over-enthusiasm in voicing it. Or you can get your knickers in a proper twist, as many on this thread do. Your choice
  20. You're judging all 330 million US residents by what you are seeing on Queer Eye? ooookay. Y'know that many guests on shows like that are chosen for their ability to spontaneously say outrageous things, right? Really? You seem a little obsessed by this question. Americans you encounter may be responding to you that way because they know that YOU know that they are from the US, and probably think you're more interested in their heritage when the topic of where they're "from" comes up. Being from the US is not, after all, so very unique. Or maybe you just need new friends. See, you're not the only person who can be a troll! Is that comforting? Caricatures? Excellent, so we're entertaining to you, yes? Just laugh and move on, then. Problem solved.
  21. He (Mayor Ted Wheeler) was at the Justice Center (the focus of the protests). There was a noisy crowd of thousands there late into the night. There were large crowds protesting in places near, but not at, the Justice Center as well last night (like the waterfront downtown) - my Mom's caregiver drove past them. He gave a small speech out in the crowd, thanked them for protesting and stated that if Portland did not continue to resist, Trump would send troops to many cities across the country, then handed the mike to a protester and began to do Q&A with the crowd. Crowd then requested that he move to the front steps of the Center, which he did, and continued the Q&A. Note that he is not at all popular with the protesters - at the time he did this, this was projected very large on the wall above his head. Someone threw something at him while he spoke. He had moved away from the steps but was still near them, speaking one-on-one to people in the crowd I think, when the feds poured out of the building (about 11:30PM) and violently lashed out at anyone standing near the building. He was one of the many people tear gassed when they did this - they did not single him out. I'm not going to express an opinion as to his effectiveness, but he is certainly a brave person. Afterwards he spoke to a reporter. This was indeed what it looked like. The video played fine for me, try clicking it. No, this is not Ecuador, this is not Hong Kong IT IS PORTLAND, A GENTLE TOWN FILLED WITH FRICKIN' HIPPIES Remember. This is how it starts.
  22. Better than an email would be a message, or maybe even a gift, if you happen to log into SL on your rezday. Something silly to wear that says it's your 1st or 13th or whatever rezday. Like a shoulder pet, or poofer, or top hat, or tattoo. The same gift for everyone who makes that rezday. whaddaya think? For the 13th ... not really a lucky number ... maybe an animesh black cat pet ^^
  23. Another vote for the mudskipper here! Such fun, lots of control over the driving style, can be set to group or anyone, and the (optional) HUD has a rez zone finder built in. Love these bumptious ATVs! The only thing I REALLY wish they had is a volume control. Hey, he's right, you know. His carts may be cuteso, but they drive like a dream. Can be set to group, too. Manji - personally, I have a lot of trouble with too much acceleration and oversteering with their cars. I can get them to behave sorta in cruise mode, but that's about it. And hey, does anyone know of a nice sailboat that can be set to group? I love Bandits, but all you can do with them is hand off controls when you're already in the boat. The Loonetta allows you to specify a few alternate drivers by name. We have a fair number of alts, and I have rezzers that can rez any of the vehicles we own, but that makes no sense if the avatar rezzing it can't sail it!
  24. Athena identifies as "they", I'm told. It was a brave and uniquely Portland moment. There is some resentment from activists, saying they is just a white person co-opting the movement with performance art, etc. Seems unlikely, they have not given interviews or explanations. I saw it as a dare to the feds, meant as a gesture of ally-ship. Possible message: You want to club someone, send them to the hospital, like you did that veteran? Bring it. Small, nonviolent social justice protests have been happening around the city for weeks now. The feds have already injured two people quite badly, and are facing lawsuits. If someone dies at the protests, it's possible the whole town will erupt. Thousands again protested at Portland's justice center last night, including the mom's & dads groups. Tensions are escalating. Now would be a good time to declare victory & leave, feds. Let the town calm down on its own.
  25. What do you mean, Bree? "getting radicalized" to me usually connotes an active attempt by people with an agenda that is far outside social norms attempting to recruit allies from the general population. I just see people recounting their experiences, which may SEEM outside of social norms, but which for me are expanding my definition of "social norm" to include the less-than-pleasant experiences of those whose daily lives generally are not spotlighted. It is hard, and in my view inappropriate, to "calm down" when your neighbors are being tear-gassed nightly. Or when you fear to let your 23 year old son go shopping for your elderly lady neighbor because it's after 8:30 at night.
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