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Nika Talaj

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Everything posted by Nika Talaj

  1. Anyone who wants to can come into my alt's Belli home and hang out when she's not there. I tend not to buy furniture that allows reconfiguration via menu unless it has access control, build is group-only, so visitors generally have no power to actually CHANGE things. I have never understood why my land pixels need to be protected while I'm gone. It makes sense for a private shared-use clubhouse I guess, where group members may be bothered by visitors whom they cannot eject, but for a private residence, security has always puzzled me. It saddens me, frankly, to fly around Belli and experience SO MANY parcels that eject in 15 seconds. Of course, the owners are nearly always nowhere to be seen.
  2. BJoyful, I don't know why you and some others are so protective of the current system, which encourages people who may not really have that much time to waste it babysitting the Linden land page. Try reading Aethelwine's post again, more calmly. Where did she (or anyone) suggest progress emails on parcels? What a textbook case of reductio ad absurdum you give here. Why so defensive? Frankly, I don't really see any reason why a list and the land page couldn't co-exist. For example, the land page itself could have a choice to put your name on a list. Depending on the length of the list and the land page demand, new houses would get reserved for distribution via either the list or the on-demand page. Pretty simple mechanism, really. But the land process is what it is. I seriously doubt the Lindens intend to spend any time changing it; from their viewpoint, they build houses and can see how many unique typists have them. They seem content. Neither Aethelwine nor I are agitating for a list, merely pointing out that we think it might be a good idea. No need to stomp so hard on other folks' opinions.
  3. Hmm. I haven't tried meshing this way yet, but I will. Thank you for this post, Aquila, so clearly explained & illustrated! I have a (perhaps stunningly ignorant) question. I'm curious about the effects of this technique on LOD (though of course that is not so very important for simple walls). But in general, if one eliminates generally invisible vertices this way, it would seem like rendering the object would end up being easier on the client (require a lower viewer LOD setting). True? It also seems like, if one were developing a really detailed piece of jewelry or something, one could lose some (arguably not so very necessary) detail if you zoomed out too far before saving. True? /me eyes your mention of 'good luck' with Blender 2.80. Should beginners start with 2.80, or an earlier version?
  4. /me admits shamefacedly that she has built a couple of houseboat walls that happened to be simple rectangles, and even a curved roof element, out of *gasp* simple prims.
  5. Oh goody! Immersion vs. augmentation! FINALLY a real purpose for this thread to continue! Although the discussion has been raging since 2006, I'm always up for another spin around this block. Immersionists on the right, Augmentationists on the left. Hold your fire until I get popcorn.
  6. RL or virtual, a person poking at authority figures (real or imagined) is a person in desperate need of ... wait for it ... attention.
  7. I have to admit that I have house envy. This home presents an opportunity to be truly unique with very little effort ... A big tree in the yard, close to the sidewalk, with an upside-down car missing a door & wheel resting against it, smoking. And as close to the road's curb as you can get it (linked to something on your plot, of course), a large Speed Limit sign! One person's trash is another's treasure, eh?
  8. Just to reiterate something said a few pages ago, there will not be any new region releases until Monday. They couldn't release any on Wednesday due to someone on the team being ill. Perhaps more than one region will be ready by Monday, who knows? (Actually, if you walk around inworld you can kinda tell when they're ready). I wouldn't be at all surprised if quite a few abandoned homes showed up late on Sunday. My partner's alt finally got a home, and altho it's a really awkwardly landscaped lot in a not-very-active neighborhood, she'll keep it while she works out which model she wants and decorates. She'll abandon it when a region she likes is due to be released, I'm guessing.
  9. If I call them regions now and forever more, can haz a houseboat?
  10. LL was working fast on Gaullaudet yesterday afternoon, when I saw it the landscaping was done and evidently being checked by Kona, and there were still about 10 of the big green proto-houses that Constantine appeared to be working with. They really are hustling! (and no, haven't had time to be near the screen, so am sitting this set of regions out. Want a houseboat, anyway). Btw, when someone says their alt has a house, that does not necessarily imply that the main, or forum avatar, does. That's the case with me ... I have one premium avatar, and she's a Belli homeless alt.
  11. Actually, once Belliseria gets further along, it might kinda make sense to nuke a set of old, more inactive LH sims and replace them with this build. Give residents on the old continent first crack at the replacement homes. But LL's never done anything like that, have they? For now, getting a Belli home is a game within the larger SL game. And the most fun part of that game really is the community building. The main Belli group chat is a lot of fun, anyone can join, and you can say relevant things just by exploring and praising what you see. Also, there's a lot of folks inworld in Belli, you can just wander around and randomly chat to folks who aren't too busy. Anyone can also watch the moles and Lindens work, I did it a little bit yesterday, it's interesting in exactly the same way that it's fun to watch construction workers in RL. Except in RL you probably won't see a huge pacific islander construction supervisor who's sporting a rainbow tail and carrying a couple of little fuzzy pets (@Kona Linden).
  12. /me dries the tears of her premium alt. She was on at 6:20, but missed the release when this troublesome typist had to take a shower! One good thing about the slow release schedule is that if you need to take time off for RL no big deal, they'll still be doing it for months. My RL is very busy this next week, so I'll catch y'all in a week or so. Good luck to the homeless, and to the homed, have fun!
  13. I have been in LL's forums since 2006. I can't ... I don't think ... no ... I can't ... remember a single thread created to thank the Moles. No, not the LDPW either, tho I do remember seeing posts praising them. But not a thread created to thank them. I *can* remember a few threads to thank specific Lindens for specific actions or words. Usually support Lindens. But I don't remember those having more than a few posts. *runs off and searches forum archive* Noooo ... hmm.... I can't *scratches head* ... no, I don't .... Well, this Bellisseria thang, and particularly the community it's building, is really kinda special. Praise to you all.
  14. Rae, I wouldn't give up my house if I were you, and if you're enjoying it. But yes, from the perspective of the hordes still waiting for their 1st house, it would be nice if those who are shopping for better neighborhoods would bow out for a couple weeks
  15. Late to the party, but went to Belli for the first time yesterday and it's really beautifully done. I just wanted to encourage the moles to take all the time needed to make it inventive and cool, love discovering special places here and there. Despite the unending pressure to give us MOAR BOATS HOUSES TRAILERS, in truth I personally would rather you take the time to continue making it special. I say this, even though I'm still Belli homeless! THAT'S how much I like what you're trying to do! Thank you!
  16. Oh I understand why it's at SL16B, makes sense. I was just a little puzzled about why the Linden Homes forum section is the place to announce it. But a nice gesture, however it's announced.
  17. I don't know if I'll make it in to pick anything up in "limited time", but the pic is gorgeous, so thanks for that at least, Patch! The "Linden Homes" section seems to me like a pretty odd place for this SL16B premium gift notification. Is it a consolation prize for all of us who are left out in the cold re:Bellisseria?
  18. 7 seconds? Lol! Well, I'll let autorefresh run for a while in case someone decides they no like their new boat. Don't laugh, it could happen! >.<
  19. So at 6:08 SLT I login to the site, figure I can fish for a Bellisseria home for 15 minutes. At about 6:20 the site crashes, logins disabled. I next checked at 6:40 and it was up, and now I see it's still up. Did we crash it? LOL! If so, perhaps we can expect a new Bellisseria land process soon! I know several of you are very protective of this process, perhaps as part of being generally supportive of things the Lindens do. Don't get me wrong, I think LL is doing a fantastic thing by putting in the effort to create a really beautiful and fun community. It has lured me to make an avatar Premium for the first time since 2005. But I also hope they come around to seeing that making available a land subscription list of some kind will be in their best interest. Not only does using the land menu in this never-seen-before land scarcity situation waste people's time on a grand scale, but more importantly it also invites extensive use of tools like auto-refresh and (say it softly) key loggers, both of which are just not healthy things to invite onto your company's website.
  20. I appreciate LL trying to be responsive, but the fact remains that if you don't have the screen time to spend waiting for a LH to show up on the UI, you may never get into Bellisseria. If lots didn't go so fast, auto-refresh would help. But during the day it usually takes me a few minutes to get free enough to interact with a computer, so auto-refresh doesn't help much. I don't really have a block of time for SL until after 9 PM SL time. I really wish you could subscribe to a list and have them let you know if/when your name pops up.
  21. Hmm. Well, if people feel it's gaming the system, then OK, I'll ... no I won't. I don't actually see a way for me to lock or delete the thread. Pfft.
  22. Different strokes. S/he may have been intending to be helpful. May have seen that the property was acquired by someone online, and decided to wait around to tell you something about the property, if you dropped by. But didn't want to impose via IM. Like: this neighbor has a party every Monday at 3 PM, and it drove me crazy, but if you're not around at that time it's a good neighborhood. Glad you mentioned your reaction, I'll be sure to zip away if I ever abandon a property. I usually have owned on private estates, and the whole process is so leisurely that one never would hang around, new owners don't grow on trees
  23. I'm in agreement with those who have speculated that, between LL releases, abandoned homes may not become available immediately, but may be made available by some automated process that takes a little time. If that's true, then I'm wondering if the process actually runs on a specific schedule. Is anyone else curious about that? Just for kicks, please post here when you see a home available, or when you refresh for hours and see nothing. Of course someone may miss something between refreshes that someone else sees, but I'm wondering if any schedule will emerge, if we collect enough data. Please post in SL time, please! Maybe like this: Sun 24th June 10:00PM Saw a home Sun 24th 10:00PM to 12:00 midnight ... refreshed, saw nothing Mon 25th 6:00AM Home seen (by Leora in Houseboat Abandoned thread) Mon 25th 6-10:00 refreshed, saw nothing
  24. May indeed have always been the same house. One thing: have you checked to see that you have a full 1024 worth of tier available? [Dashboard/account/Land Holdings section]. It's unlikely, but not impossible, that some group sucked away a few bits of tier while you weren't looking!
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