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Jo Yardley

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Everything posted by Jo Yardley

  1. Good riddance! If you visit a sim, you follow their rules. If you don't and someone confronts you, the least you should do is be civilised, decent and polite. Mind you, you should always be that. But especially so when you're doing something wrong. If you come to my sim and break the rules, you get warned. But if you become rude to the people who volunteer their time to help the community, you're banned before you get a chance to blink your eyes.
  2. 1. How long have you been playing second life? I joined in 2007, hated it and left. Returned in 2009, have been here ever since. 2. How often do you play second life? Every day, at least an hour. 3. Why did you begin playing second life? First time I tried it because I heard about it and was curious. Second time I rejoined just to test the abilities of my new computer. 4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality? Time travel. SL allows me to create (historical) worlds and share my passion for the past with others from all over the globe. To me SL is a great and unique educational tool and a way to share my passion.
  3. it was very very laggy for me today but we did have a big event with a lot of traffic, so I didn't think it might be SL's fault.
  4. Thanks everyone! Simply two prims on each side going across he region border and overlapping did the trick.
  5. I've got two skyboxes in different regions next to each other. Crossing from one to the other is practically impossible, I keep falling trough the floor next door. Is there a trick to make this work half decent?
  6. Goodness! I've been here for over 3 years and use the forum a lot but never even saw that... not a good spot for it! Thank you!
  7. I think a forum just for people looking for something, might be a good idea. The "Looking for stuff - forum" could be a place where people post about a certain car they are looking for, you can have subsections for clothing, scripts, animations, furniture, etc. The idea is not that you ask for people to make something for you, but to ask people if they know where you can get something. People spend a LOT of time looking around in Marketplace and shops without finding what they are looking for, but sometimes someone else can tell you in seconds and share their shopping experience. Save people some time and support the economy :)
  8. Yes I think that an animated texture on a prim is probably best, to create depth perhaps use two. Maybe have texture move in one direction on the top prim and in the other direction on the bottom one, to give the illusion of it moving back and forwards? The water in my pool does that and the effect is pretty decent.
  9. I am looking for smoke for the ceiling in my club. A bar is not a bar without lots of people smoking, so the ceiling should be almost hidden from view by smoke. I don't know it I need an emitter or just an animated texture, what do you suggest? Have you seen any, where can I buy it, etc! PS we need a forum section just for people looking for stuff.
  10. Easier said then done. My sim is very laggy at times, but that is to be expected. We are a city neighbourhood, realistic scale, so it is pretty full. Buildings have lots of details that need to look good, so expect lots of (big) textures. We have public transport, we have cars, we have telephones, we have radios, etc, etc. We have close to 90 tenants, they all need lockable doors, openable windows and there is little I can do about what they want to rent. Even if I use almost no scripts in the sim, there can be 90 tenants who all decide to rez an animated dog that uses up sim resources like there is no tomorrow. Of course we try to fight it and rebuilding the entire sim in mesh helps, I've been combining textures, so they are still big but there are fewer of them, we are always trying to find smaller scripts,etc, etc. But lag is and always will be an ongoing battle.
  11. I'm happy that I got a gift that I can actually use, one that fits in with the theme of the sim where I spend all my time. But ehm... not a good idea to fly after drinking a few schnaps...
  12. Bingo! I did try and set the distance at the top but it kept giving me an error so I assumed I had to put it somewhere else. But now it works, thanks for the patience!
  13. I see, well I did get it to move up a certain amount so I thought that was ok, I did it without having to rotate it. So I did specify the distance, but probably in the wrong spot or something. But it is all abracadabra to me I'm such a noob! I replaced that line with the one you gave but the window now only goes backwards or forwards but still does not return to its original position. // All prims in the door must be named "Mesh sash window glass", and none can be the root prim of the linksetinteger gON = 1; // Change to -1 to reverse the direction of openingfloat gDistance; // Adjust to set the the door should move long its local Y axisdefault{touch_start(integer total_number){if (llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0)) == "Mesh sash window glass"){integer i;for (i=2;i<=llGetNumberOfPrims();++i){if (llGetLinkName(i) == "Mesh sash window glass"){list temp = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i,[PRIM_POSITION,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]);rotation local_rot = (rotation)llList2String(temp,1);vector local_pos = ((vector)llList2String(temp,0)- llGetPos())/llGetRot();llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(i,[PRIM_POSITION,local_pos + (<0.5,0.0,gDistance*gON>*local_rot),PRIM_ROTATION,local_rot/llGetRot()]);}}gON = (-1)*gON;}}}
  14. I've added the minus sign to the last bit but now the window only goes up:) This may be a good moment to confess I am an absolute noob when it comes to scripting // All prims in the door must be named "Mesh sash window glass", and none can be the root prim of the linksetinteger gON = 1; // Change to -1 to reverse the direction of openingfloat gDistance; // Adjust to set the the door should move long its local Y axisdefault{touch_start(integer total_number){if (llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0)) == "Mesh sash window glass"){integer i;for (i=2;i<=llGetNumberOfPrims();++i){if (llGetLinkName(i) == "Mesh sash window glass"){list temp = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i,[PRIM_POSITION,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]);rotation local_rot = (rotation)llList2String(temp,1);vector local_pos = ((vector)llList2String(temp,0)- llGetPos())/llGetRot();llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(i,[PRIM_POSITION,local_pos + (<0.0,gDistance *gON,0.5>*local_rot),PRIM_ROTATION,local_rot/llGetRot()]);}}gON = (-1)*gON;}}}
  15. Here is the script I've used; // All prims in the door must be named "Mesh sash window glass", and none can be the root prim of the linksetinteger gON = 1; // Change to -1 to reverse the direction of openingfloat gDistance; // Adjust to set the the door should move long its local Y axisdefault{touch_start(integer total_number){if (llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0)) == "Mesh sash window glass"){integer i;for (i=2;i<=llGetNumberOfPrims();++i){if (llGetLinkName(i) == "Mesh sash window glass"){list temp = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i,[PRIM_POSITION,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]);rotation local_rot = (rotation)llList2String(temp,1);vector local_pos = ((vector)llList2String(temp,0)- llGetPos())/llGetRot();llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(i,[PRIM_POSITION,local_pos + (<0.0,gDistance *gON,0.5>*local_rot),PRIM_ROTATION,local_rot/llGetRot()]);}}gON = (1)*gON;}}}
  16. Thanks for the script, it seems to do what I want it to do except that once the door slides open, or in this case after the window slides up, I can't get the window to slide down again. Everytime I click it, it just repeats its 'go up' move.
  17. Yes as long as it won't be permanent. I'd love to walk around 1920s Berlin in stead of 2012 Amsterdam and live in a nice little room above my own bar. But my SL pet is rubbish compared to my rl pets, I'd miss some rl friends and family and even though I hate cooking, I would miss rl food. Also it takes way too many SL drinks to get drunk.
  18. That is why I would prefer groups to have emore functionality. Allow us to have more titles and title related powers within groups! I could get rid of a dozen groups just for my sim alone, if we had more options. I wrote about this in my blog; http://joyardley.wordpress.com/2012/07/01/improving-groups/
  19. This isn't about tinies or Petites, this is about normal average size avatars who are seen as being small because everyone else is so huge.
  20. We have 70+ tiny apartments in one crowded region, some apartments on top of others, so turning that all into parcels will make things very complicated. So we have no parcels at all. But our tenants agree to our rules that these state that if they rezz too much, it can be send back, no warning. We use a rental system that counts up tenants prims and if they rezz too much, they automatically get send a warning and so do we.
  21. In the unlikely event of another world war happening and if this war will be fought conventionally and not with atomic bombs, biological weapons or EMP's, it would be a good thing for SL. History teaches us that in times of war people are desperate for more entertainment and distractions. In Nazi occupied Europe more people went to the cinema then ever before or after. When there is a war going on and you are not directly involved as a combattant, you will probably spend more time in SL.
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