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Jo Yardley

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Everything posted by Jo Yardley

  1. Empty sims will always be a problem, no matter how many people there are in SL. My sim has a European 1920s theme, quite a niche. Yet we have a vibrant and busy community with lots of people and every one of our 70+ apartments has been rentedn fulltime almost since the day we started 3 years ago. But most of the people interested in 1920s Germany will either be European or America, so there is a moment during the day that Europeans and Americans are either in bed or at work. Even good running sims with decent traffic can find themselves deserted for hours now and then. The trick is to find a sim you like with or without people, try and find out if there is a community, if they have events and if so, when the right time is to visit. We have a daily happy hour, every single day at 2pm pdt, early for Americans, late for Europeans, but we're both awake. So that is when we all know that at least something is happening in the sim and some of us will be there, a good time to drop in. If you visit our sim and it is empty, well it isn't all the time and enough people keep coming to keep it going. My sim is not some charity I run and throw money at BTW, I've looked for Viking roleplay sims as well and Medieval ones, sadly couldn't find any that were even remotely historically accurate and that didn't allow fantasy stuff. One viking sim I found looked good... but then I saw viking helmets with horns, that made me run away!
  2. I've been in Sl for about 3 years almost daily, without any breaks, ever. Although of course I'm not online all the time, but at least an hour a day I guess. And I'm not sick of it yet and find there to be very very few annoying things. But I've been playing computer games since the early 1980s, I remember having to load a casette tape for about 20 minutes to begin a text adventure... and sometimes it got stuck at 19 minutes. And I remember having to wait about 5 minutes for an image to appear on my screen. That all makes me take the problems in SL with a grain of salt. Not that there aren't any and SL could/should do a lot better, but I just don't get bothered by these problems very much. Maybe it also has to do something with me running a company in RL and working in film/tv, that is a LOT of hassle and a lot of annoying people, that makes griefers, lag and bad graphics in SL seem like a holiday. And in a way, to me SL is a holiday, this is where I relax. When you get bombarded with images every time you've been away for a bit, leave the groups, or better, get the Firestorm viewer that allows you to turn receiving messages from groups off. Also set your IM's to be send to your email. This way you get all the important stuff in your email box without getting all the group messages every time you return to SL.
  3. When LL didn't do much of anything for ages and nothing changed, people said SL would die because nothing was changing. Now people are saying SL is dying because soo much is changing
  4. Yes, I've still very happy with SL, very busy, making lots of stuff. And even if there was no social interaction at all, I'd still use SL simply for the joy of building stuff. But the community I've build and the sim I manage are so much fun, that all the SL problems really melt away in comparison. And the improvements, such as mesh, have had a HUGE impact on SL to me, making it a LOT better. But yes, I very rarely go anywhere else in SL, so I don't reallly know what it is like for other people. I just know that our sim has been doing well and is doing better all the time and now with the inworld mesh builder I bought, I have been building new stuff like mad for days and nights now.
  5. I'm amazed about the stories regarding bandwith. I don't know anyone who has bandwith limits on their internet, I guess that has to do with where you live in the world.
  6. Just ignore the people who say SL is dying, they have been saying it for years. SL is changing dramatically, new things are coming, it is improving and there are still lots of people doing lots of things. I've been here for over 3 years and am loving it, having lots of fun, creating new things with mesh, pathfinding and all the other new things we've been given. As SL remains fun for you, stick around.
  7. "I have thought about getting into rp but I have no idea where to begin or how that works. So thats a dead end." When you don't know how something works or where to begin, it's not a dead end, it is the opposite, it is the start of an adventure.
  8. I learned how to build, create and manage a roleplay sim, run events, run a virtual shop, deal with weirdos, learn some mesh, etc, etc.
  9. Just in case you've missed it; http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Second-Life-is-Expanding-to-Steam/ba-p/1637751 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/New-Open-Source-Project-to-Improve-Graphics-Rendering/ba-p/1637559 In short; SL is going to be offered to about 40 million Steam users and graphics are going to be improved. Big news :)
  10. But every time someone in hotpants teleports into our 1920s party is once too often Thanks for the compliments! I was thinking... LL is making some new toys for us, including huds you wear that could teleport you directly to certain spots. Now way too complicated for this ex-blonde, but maybe shortly I can create some sort of "House key" hud that I can hand out to tenants that lets them teleport home or to other spots and that other people don't get? Mmmh not sure. Anyway, few options to try out after the suggestions I got here, see if I can get somewhere with them.
  11. Thanks, I'll look into that. In our sim it is pretty important that people arrive at the entrance so they understand the rules and don't get banned for using an old LM they found somewhere and find themselves in the middle of our sim without knowing where they are and what is expected of them.
  12. But won't that allow anyone to teleport anywhere? Make landmarks and teleport right there? I don't want every visitor to be able to do that, just the people who live here.
  13. That is what I thought but I couldn't find any differences between the people within the same group and their permissions.
  14. Ok, I own a region where I can make landmarks all over the place and teleport to them, no problem. Some of my friends in that region can do this as well. BUT some other people can not. Whenever they try to use a LM in the region, they get send back to the entrance of the sim. I looked at group roles and permissions and can't see any differences there. I would like to allow at least those who live in my region to make landmarks and use them, but not everyone. Anyone know where to look to figure out why some can and some can't?
  15. Yes, I have all my settings set to ultimate, extreme, ubergood, etc. So shadows, lightning, the works. THanks for pointing me in the right direction, I'll look into options besides the old fashioned foot shaping thingy.
  16. Since a while I've had problem with my feet, not sure what is going on here. I've had these shoes for years, never seen what I'm seeing now. Somehow the foot shaping thingy has gone wonky. Has anyone else had this? What is the solution? Weird thing is, I'm also seeing it with other people their feet.
  17. A region restart generally doesn't take longer then 20 minutes. At least that is when I contact Support. If you're premium you could ask chat support about it, maybe it is a restart that got stuck. Otherwise all you can do is contact the owner.
  18. Yes that could work but then people in the cinema are not seeing the same if I'm not mistaken. I want people to watch the same movie, share the experience. I am not sure how that can be done with this on a prim. Also the media from such a prim is not parcel related, so if someone forgets to pause it when leaving the cinema they will go nuts hearing the sound everywhere they go.
  19. I have a small cinema that I want to use to show people 1 movie from youtube, nothing more nothing less. I used to have a youtube tv screen thingy but back when youtube changed the game, it stopped working. Ever since I've simply put a link to streaming videos from online archive sites in the media stream fore the parcel, but now that has stopped working as well. So, I guess I have to go try another youtube tv screen, I don't mind because youtube has a great collection of movies I'd like to show the visitors. BUT, I've found that these systems have so many options, making things more complicated then need be. I don't want my visitors to browse youtube, I don't want it to have 32465 buttons, I don't want them to pick from several movies, I don't want it to have lots of complicated instructions, etc. And when I try to find something on marketplace, there are of course zillion different systems to choose. I have no idea which one to pick. So, anyone out there who has experience with this, let me know your advice. I want a very simple youtube player that plays the movie I pick for them to watch.
  20. Can you delete some of the windlight settings? The list of windlight settings is sooooo long and I will never ever use most of them. I'd love to be able to delete the ones I really don't like, just so it becomes a bit easier for me to pick something nice when I want to make a photo.
  21. My avatar is as much like me as I could get it. If I could, I'd simply jump in a scanner to get an exact copy.
  22. It is still fun and exciting for me, after at least one hour a day for the last 3 years. And I spend 99% of all my time in the same sim.
  23. I don't get it either. I've been here for 3 years, almost every day and there simply isn't enough time in the day or prims in the world for me to do what I want to do in SL.
  24. So... any plans? What will you do wiht these new tools? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/First-Set-of-Advanced-Creator-Tools-Launched-Today/ba-p/1618627 Teleport Agent The Teleport Agent is a new LSL call that allows scripts to teleport agents to a particular SLURL or local position. You can now create "portals" or even objects that cause an instant teleport upon being touched. For scavenger hunts, this tool might be used to instantly direct participants to the next clue or location after they discover a hidden item. However, there are plenty of other possibilities to consider. In Linden Realms, we used the same feature to "return" players to a safe location after they made contact with any pursuing rock monsters. We look forward to seeing what innovative uses our creative community comes up with for the Teleport Agent. Temporary Attachment Temporary Attachment allows you to create temporary objects like demo attachments or “region specific” gear, without creating unnecessary inventory to manage.* In the context of shopping, you now can try on outfits or accessories before you purchase them. Think having the ability to "try before you buy.” In other examples, an author can provide some unique ways to present information via the HUD. The next time a visitor enters your establishment, you can push on-screen notifications out to them with ease. This tool is as versatile as the creator’s ingenuity. How will you use Temporary Attachment?
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