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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Named and unreleased are .... SSPE069 Badger Mounds SSPE084 Antelope Lake SSPE085 Todds Landing SSPE094 Nicholasville SSPE100 Huney Junction SSPE115 Coyote Canyon SSPE253 Hammond Park Except Hammond Park they are all campers as far as I know ...but mixed as someone said
  2. They changed their tactics lately so the old spreadsheet will not help predict the future! Lately it has been one early release and another late one on the same day.
  3. So it has been a release after all? Maddison Creek released at 06:28 am SLT ... an early relese I expect there will be another late one then
  4. A whole BUNCH of campers 7:38 am SLT - did not go for them - release?? PS: wrong time!! It was 6:38 SLT
  5. That's exactly how I felt about Rocky Heights. Was no end dissapointed and really quite fed up when it was released with me not even noticing it because I had been sure after Well Springs release the day was over. But now I have a beachlot in Axim that is so exactly what I wanted that today I took a walk in Rocky Heights and found that even if I could have the very best of those I would not exchange them for my Axim lot. Some day quite by chance you will get exactly what you dream of!
  6. They could reduce the regions with old homes little by little by just only offering abandoned homes to new tenants on a reduced number of them - one or two for each theme - and letting the others slowly dye.
  7. Just now several houses went by in a row ... release? I didn't catch any though - now it is Meadowbrook again.
  8. There are lots of Addons in the MP ... just look for "Linden Homes" ... or the name of the boattype you are using ... for instance "Barnacle" ... the people who made them used the textures ... or you can make some yourself.
  9. Golly!! You may be right!!! I was assuming he was moving OUT of one of the Traditionals (Winchester ot Continental) that had an Addon.
  10. VICTORIAN???? That would be a new housestile I'd LOVE. Allready now I am VERY tempted to prolong MORE than one of my Premiumaccounts! They know how to drag the money out of my pocket!! They really do!! *lol* Well deserved promotion to (what was it?) " Vice President of Product Operations " !! ... Had to look it up!
  11. By now it IS! ... not by me though ... I just got curious and checked.
  12. As I had predicted: a late releaese! Pattern that SEEMS to be the new normal: Monday Wednesday Friday : one early and one late release - Tuesday and Thursday ONE release medium timed.
  13. A camper release! Orion Falls - I've got one - will abandon
  14. Autumn feeling! I don't go in much for Halloween but I added two nice Atumn- Trees by Maya ... BlackwaterAutumn2 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr BlackwaterAutumn1 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  15. I reckon there might ne another LATE release. They have enough regions for that.
  16. Actually my alt picked up a house! But not in Lake Dacus (though there seem to be houses there aswell) but in http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dorma/73/181/23 It is a sandy beachy seashore lot . view not upon houseboats but to the open sea. I would have been overjoyed to get it ... did I not have a better lot of the same kind in Axim! So I decided to abandon it. Will wait some time though till the campers are through. Will abandon it in about one hour from now at 10:00 am SLT. If you rezz a Winchester you have a very nice view from the balcony:
  17. Seems like release - I was offered ten houses . got none. Now lots of campers ... do not try
  18. Did you ever try to be logged in on the same Account with two machines simultaniously? PC and Phone or some such. I just try to with my Netbook plus PC - so far seems to function.
  19. I find this theory about there having to be TWO abandons before they show takes some believing! TOO complicated for my taste! I abandoned tons of homes, usually stayed and watched and more that 90% were taken within a minute (or less). I tried this game (one person abandoning at an exact time the other trying to catch it) several times as catcher and abandoner and it NEVER worked out with TWO exceptions: The last two SUPER homes I got at Blackwater Shoals and at Axim (Beachhouse) I got this way!! Both on a Weekend. Blackwater I just asked the owner (because house was empty) if she might be abandoning it and she said "Yes! I can do so right away!" ... and we timed it and it HAPPENED! ... Second time a friend who knew I was keen on that lot got a better one and we met Saturday midnight SLT and it HAPPENED! ... So what did I learn? It CAN be done but it should be done at a weekend at a very quiet time and it is risky!! But if the person who abandons the house will do so anyway - what do you have to loose? Therefor if I had a home I cherish on an alt I would NEVER run this risk just to get it on my main. If I only can afford one Premium- membership why not for the alt? The main can do without! MY main did so for eleven years!! *lol*
  20. I used to be an addicted hunter but have sort of become tired of it. So I am not sure if my alt will take part in the hunts of this week ... allthough I MIGHT run autorefresh on my netbook just out of curiosity to see when and what is released. I certainly will keep NO camper because my malealt has one like most people want "facing a lake/river" ... and I doubt if any other will top that. If and when he'll be giving it up (he MIGHT when the wintersurprise is revealed) I'll annonce it here.
  21. I am SURE she meant outside of Bellisseria! There are lots of lovely rentals outside. I myself rent a little Cottage in Ville de Coer which is themed after French provinces and has lovely seasons. So in Winter I'll rather enjoy the snow there than in Bellisseria - even if something snowy comes up, for on the long run I'll only keep ONE Lindenhome and who wants winter all year?. Renting and paying for it seems a nice way for people who give up their old homes and did not yet manage to get a new one that suits them. And funily enough having at least one Premioumaccount in order to grab a Belli home even pays for this rent ... by the stipend you get weekly. Befor Belli opened I had no Premium at all so I had to send money for my rental via Paypal. Now I once sent quite a lot to make me and several alts premium ... and the rent is payed for as a side effect!
  22. If you really are determined to get a place in a special region you only ca do one thing: camp an ava there at all the possible release times (Mo to Fr 6am to 3pm SLT) till it is restarted (which it allways is just before releasing it). If you keep the SL window open in the background you cannot miss the restart because a LOUD howling doomsday voice will tell you "Get out of here ..." and you will be logged out if you do not logg out yourself. That is the moment to STAY logged out (to save bandwidth), close all other windows and refresh the landpage manually like mad till you get something. There are multiple reasons though why this plan might FAIL (you may get an abandoned, they may make a long pause between restart and release) but it is the only way to be sure you are at the spot and noticing when this region is released. To get a special plot at a special region there is no way at all I'm afraid.
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