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Kitteh Whiskers

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Everything posted by Kitteh Whiskers

  1. Today Obviously Doesn't Affect Yesterday N I N J A
  2. Yellow Ostriches Unwelcome New Geese U V U L A
  3. I wanted to explore but the pup fell asleep 😶
  4. which one was it? they sell the skin to match the head also
  5. I would like to add I'm interested too. I just was able to get a Genus and I love the kawaii look. I tried on a few from AG Lotus etc but yea curious also lol
  6. I am very much looking but my wallet said No been trying to find ways to get $$ all day lol
  7. My guess is any of these 3 because of they jaw. As far as shape, I think that would have to be customized if you want it exactly like that.
  8. I notice it happens when i'm in a really laggy place. I just task manager and force close it lol
  9. that sounds amazin. I'll look it up. Thanks~
  10. Are there such things as road trips in SL? Where you can get a car or camper, drive, stop at rest stop, hotels etc.
  11. I'll check it out. Thank you!
  12. I'm looking for free, or almost free mesh heads. I've seen a few but they come with bodies, like Altamura. Any suggestions appreciated!
  13. With Laq you can use any Omega skins out there like 7DS. Laq also makes their owns skins. This first one below is at the store. Second one is coming soon
  14. So, we'd pay for Premium + whatever fee LL wants to charge us?
  15. This. I'm not Premium, but IF it was worth the "risk" I would get it just for the name change. I've always wanted to change my name and I guess now would be the chance!
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