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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Flash will die, Media On A Prim will live on.
  2. The important part (regarding attached media) is this. It's disabled by default, so that it's way less likely to be exploited. I can't get inworld right now to test, but it may be that MOAP simply behaves differently from regular sounds, so it doesn't get limited to parcel bounds.
  3. I don't know, I haven't looked at AvSitter too closely.
  4. Try playing another, short (preferably one frame) non-looping animation after stopping the intended animation.
  5. Things weren't "under one roof" to begin with, though. If anything, things have consolidated a bit since so much was already on AWS.
  6. Pay Pal can be linked to a debit card or directly to a bank account. Linden Lab might not tell the difference, it's worth a try.
  7. Don't forget -- BOM has extra features specifically tailored for asymmetry. BOM itself separates one of the arms and legs. LEFT_ARM_BAKED and LEFT_LEG_BAKED can be used to apply a different texture to the other half. They both use the exact same UV layout. This means that you just need to make two versions of the base texture, one with bare skin and one with the tattoo. Then you apply the clean texture to either the default slot and the tattoo version to the left arm, or the other way around if you want the tattoo on your right arm.
  8. Not long ago I blew my own mind realizing how old I was. Now I feel like a child again, thanks guys.
  9. Essentially, yes. Text clients of course. Likely hosted on an external server ("the cloud"). The SL login system is nowhere near fast enough to just "swap accounts on the fly." Those accounts must already have a presence on standby. Beyond that, it could work by simply IMing the account with the message you want it to repeat. Alternatively you could customize a viewer with special functionality for this exact purpose (like local chat message parsing, then simply redirecting that message if it matches some criteria for an account), so you wouldn't have to manually open IMs with each target account.
  10. on_rez is triggered whenever the object is rezzed in any way. While this includes attachment and "login", it also happens whenever the object is rezzed onto the ground. You should use the event that makes the most logical sense, so on_rez may not be needed unless you want the object to do something regardless of whether it's attached or not. Scripts don't lose permissions when detached anyway, so you should not need to request permission at every opportunity (in theory). This will never happen. Both events -- on_rez and attach -- will trigger when the object is attached. If it were any other way, the attach event would be useless and most content would not work the way they do right now.
  11. Are you asking how much money the most popular mesh bodies cost? (Ranges between 2000-5000 for the body, and an additional 500-1000+ for the head.) Or are you asking how much money people are wearing on average? (Inconclusive, we don't have the data on that.) Or are you asking how much you can expect to spend for a "good looking avatar?" (Depends entirely on what kind of avatar you want, we'll need specifics.)
  12. Ah okay, that's gonna be more memory than any single script can hold. Each string in a list is going to need 18 bytes + 2 per character, or 118 * 600 in your case. That's ~69 KB (Plus all the other code required to make use of that data.) while Mono is limited to 64 KB. You'll either have to start compressing things (the Ord suggestion seems pretty good), or add more scripts whose only job is to hold data and pass it back to the main scripts when needed. Both have their pros and cons. Compression allows you to work with fewer scripts, but adding more scripts is easier to scale with your data. You might even consider an external server if you're expecting the amount to keep growing over time.
  13. Just for clarity: Physics are not handled by the viewer at all, not even avatar movement. The sim has complete control over how your avatar moves, so it's always guaranteed to be a sim issue if you're falling through things. It works in reverse too, you will collide with things that don't seem to exist, because the sim knows it's there.
  14. There's also a copyright/piracy concern when it comes to "watching streamed movies."
  15. 50 characters is not a lot. How many strings are we talking about?
  16. The physics layer is a "wearable" similar to your shape. It affects the avatar skeleton, and thus it affects anything that has been rigged to those specific "physics bones" of the skeleton. There is no distinction between "the body" or "the clothing" in SL. They are both rigged attachments and that's what matters. Not all mesh is rigged to physics, and even the things that are, aren't rigged identically so they can look and behave differently. The same even applies to mesh that isn't rigged to physics at all.
  17. Since you're on Firestorm, take a look at Preferences > Chat > CmdLine. You can type the command "tp2cam" into local chat to teleport to where your camera is located. There are several other ways to quickly teleport as well.
  18. LSL doesn't have reversible compression algorithms built-in. You'd have to implement your own. Here's one example written by someone else: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LZW_LSL_Implementation
  19. To be fair, I've been very quiet on this debate across many opportunities to take part. I'm not the one who goes out of my way to tell people "SL is a game, deal with it." These debates are almost guaranteed to begin with someone mentioning the word "game" as a placeholder term as part of some broader and completely unrelated topic, followed by someone jumping in to nitpick with "uhh, actually SL is not a game" like it's some great insult and soon the entire thread is about that. You're free to think what you want, I don't care what any individual person particularly thinks. Sometimes I just see people making really poor arguments when I think the entire discussion is fruitless for both sides to begin with, and it's fun to argue.
  20. You can't really build a car and call it a four-wheeled unicycle. As much as Linden Lab doesn't want to market its platform as a game, it is one by comparison. There are too many examples of other things people do consider games that have huge overlap with Second Life to rule that Second Life is not a game. You can certainly make significant amounts of real money from/in games, even to the point where your focus is making that money as your primary job. This does not transform the game into a non-game. An individual person's perspective doesn't affect what something is. @Theresa Tennyson I completely agree.
  21. The "bouncing out of your dress" thing happens because the body has physics but the dress doesn't, and people don't realize it's happening. (Especially if they have avatar physics disabled.) As long as you learn to adjust the physics yourself (that's what I do, I don't like overkill), they can be quite nice. It gets rid of that "plastic doll" look.
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