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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. "Rez", not "resinate", which is a word meaning "to flavor or impregnate with resin", e.g. a resinated wine. "Rez" is a word borrowed from the movie "Tron" and in Second Life it means: 1. To create or bring an object from your inventory into the world, as in "I rezzed a cube", or 2. Having your surroundings or your avatar come into clear focus, as in "Wait until stuff rezzes before you move", or "I'm a cloud because my avatar won't rez." End of grammar lesson and on to your problem... This could be several things. Check your internet connection speed. Check your computer...especially make sure that it isn't full of dust and that all the cooling fans are working properly.
  2. Go here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ It would seem your account has been blocked. I'm puzzled...you say it's been like this for 6 months? Why have you waited so long?
  3. Did you re-log after going through the age verification process on the SL website? Also, did you check the Mature and Adult check boxes in Search, as well as in your profile? If you've done both of those, AND you are actually 18 or older, AND successfully completed the verification steps on your Dashboard page, then you'll have to file a Support ticket.
  4. I don't know if the "unexpected error" message is caused by your PayPal account being unverified, but you can't use an unverified account as a payment method. You must clear up the problem with your checking accout and get your PayPal account verified before LL will accept it.
  5. It's not just the server location. You can't compare a game like Battlefield 3 with SL. The technologies used to get the world's content to your computer are very different. SL will always be more laggy than a game whose content is created by the game developers instead of the users.
  6. I have seen this problem before, so you are not alone. Unfortunately, I don't know what the resolution was. It is some sort of connection or setup problem, possibly in the software installation itself, or possibly in your firewall settings. You may need to open a ticket to get a resolution.
  7. If the Marketplace has blocked an item you are selling, it's because the item itself, or some of the words you use to describe it, violate the Terms of Service or the Maturity Rating you have set for the item. Linden Lab has some odd ideas about what words are "naughty". Or possibly, someone took offense at your ad or your item and reported it as "inappropriate" for the maturity rating you set. You may contact Linden Lab and petition that the item be unblocked.
  8. "Log in to accept your purchases" means that you need to start the Second Life viewer. Your purchases will either be in your inventory, or you will see notices telling you that you have received an inventory offer, and ask you if you want to accept it.
  9. You are HERE, on the Second Life web page(s). You need to download the Second Life viewer, install it, then run it and log in to the Second Life WORLD. They are two very different things. The world is Second Life...this page is just about Second Life, and provides support resources. Get the viewer here, if you haven't already: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ By the way, the reason you are confused is that you can actually get into SL from the Web, by clicking on a "SLURL", a Second Life URL. Doing so will start your viewer and log you in at that particular location in world.
  10. Go to Luskwood and ask some of the furs there. They should be able to get you in touch with a good designer.
  11. It's not a scripts issue. You need to deed the player to the land group. If you do not have this ability, the landlord should be able to do it for you. However, before bothering them, try this. 1. wear your group tag. 2. right click the player, select Edit. 3. in the General tab, click Set to Group. The Deed button should go active. 4. Click the Deed button. 5. You may need to re-start the scripts in the player, but usually not.
  12. I'm not sure Phoenix supports multiple items on the same clothing layer...but in a viewer that does, it should be possible, by clicking Add on the second alpha layer, instead of Wear.
  13. Surely you saved your shape somewhere? Unless you have lost or modified your shape somehow, recovering all the rest should just be a matter of looking in your inventory and finding the skin, hair, and clothing you normally wear. If you don't have a backup copy of your shape...shame on you! And you will have to re-create it using the Appearance sliders as best you can.
  14. If you are in a country where you can do it, I recommend getting a verified PayPal account. This is easy...go to the PayPal site and sign up, then follow their process to "verify" the account by linking it to a RL bank account. PayPal has two advantages over credit cards, IMO: 1. You can limit your liability by using a bank account you establish for online PayPal transactions, and not keeping too much money in it. 2. If you make a profit in SL, you can exchange your $L for a $USD credit, and transfer that dollar balance to your PayPal account.
  15. 1. Look in Trash 2. Use Search to try and find it. 3. If Search on *NUEVO does not work, try Searching using the name of one of the items that was in the folder. 4. Clear cache and relog to an empty region such as Pooley or Heckendorf. WAIT for you inventory to fully load. You can speed this up by typing letters into the inventory search box. 5. Repeat #4 at least once or twice. 6. If none of this has caused the folder to reappear or be found, submit a support ticket. LL can sometimes fix inventory problems that the user can't. EDIT: On re-reading your post, I see you've done all that. So, you have done the right thing. Now you just have to be patient.
  16. You've gotten some great answers. If you would like something a little more in-person, come to my class on buying and renting land at Caledon Oxbridge University, Fridays, 5 pm SL time.
  17. This is a user to user help forum and no one here can correct a billing problem. Call Billing.
  18. Hi, Salomon. If delivery failed, then the items were not delivered, and so of course, the buyer's account was not charged and you were not paid. If you know the seller's name, contact them and ask them to re-purchase the item.
  19. No, you won't. You have two options for owning free Mainland with a Premium account. 1. You can get a free Linden Home. There is no purchase price or recurring tier fee. 2. You can purchase up to 512 square meters on the Mainland from another resident, and will pay no monthly tier fee. If you buy a larger parcel, you will pay monthly tier on land in excess of that first free 512. If you decide NOT to own Mainland, but (for example) lease land on a private estate, you can rent out your 512 square meters of tier to a resident who will pay you to donate it to his or her land group. Or, you can forgo Premium membership entirely. You don't need to be Premium to get land on a private estate, or to rent it from another resident on the Mainland. Compare all your options before deciding.
  20. Correction to Rolig's excellent answer: You can not send money from your $USD balance TO a credit card. The credit card companies don't run transactions in that direction. You must use a verified PayPal account.
  21. It's what Rolig said. You ARE your avatar. You don't speak to her, you speak to OTHER avatars. Otherwise, you are muttering to yourself. There are many ways to speak and communicate in Second Life. For people nearby, there is local text chat, and local voice chat. For those far away, you can send text IMs or voice calls (sort of like using Skype). You can speak to entire groups with a group IM or voice call. You can create a Notecard and send it to another avatar, or send it to a group. If you are really smart with software, you can create an avatar driven by a software AI program, and speak to them. Do a google search on HAL chatbot. But that is a very advanced topic...I suggest you explore Second Life for a few days or weeks first.
  22. Lindal Kidd

    crash logger

    1. Check your computer specs against the recommendations for using SL. 2. Close any other programs you have running. 3. If that doesn't work, uninstall the Second Life viewer software, making sure to delete the c:\documnetns and settings\Username\Application Data\Second Life\user_settings file. Then re-download and re-install the viewer software.
  23. Well, Rolig is right...but a "bot" is any Second Life account controlled by a program instead of a live person. You could turn your account into a bot. Do a search for bot software on the marketplace, or through Google. Here is one example: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RR-PikkuBot-Premium-Bot-1st-License/378698 On a policy note, any avatars that are software controlled are called "scripted agents" by Linden Lab, and should be identified as such. To identify an account as a scripted agent, go to the {"Scripted Agent Status" link on your Dashboard account page. https://secondlife.com/my/account/sisa.php
  24. it could take up to 7-10 days. Patience, young Jedi.
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