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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Was it a Linden Dandelion? Those suckers are hard to eradicate! :smileyvery-happy:
  2. Sell $L! :smileylol: Seriously, if you've already tried a re-log and you're still seeing this, I would try reinstalling the viewer. See this page for information on how to do a clean reinstall: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall
  3. Exactly how are you going about changing your clothes? If you click "Add", the clothing layer or attachment will simply be added to whatever you're currently wearing. If you click "Wear", the item will displace the current clothing layer or the attachment on that attach point. If you click "Replace Current Outfit", the thing(s) you've selected will be worn, but ALL your current clothes and attachments, save shape, skin, eyes, and hair base, will be removed. Only use this option if you're sure what you are selecting is the complete outfit you want. Sometimes, even if you've removed an item, it will appear to return briefly. I usually see this with system skirts, though, not with attachments.
  4. Lots of people get around the 32 prim limit by making vehicles in two parts. 1) a very simple physical vehicle...just a transparent outline and the sit poseballs...and 2) a more complex object that the driver wears as an attachment. As long as the driver doesn't stand up, the two parts appear to be one whole vehicle.
  5. 1. Contact the owner of the airship system. 2. File a Bug Report with the new, improved, bug tracking system. One of the above should fix the problem. :smileymad:
  6. In addition to Rolig's great answer... There are other ways besides a compromised account for inventory items to "go missing". It's much more likely that this is a "glitch" rather than someone else getting into your account. See this page for some suggestions on getting back lost inventory: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Advanced-inventory-management/ta-p/1376385#Section_.3
  7. Only Linden Lab can make a region. You have to buy it from them. See: https://secondlife.com/land/privatepricing.php?lang=en-US Or, you can buy an existing region from another resident, using LL as your "escrow company". See: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-Private-Regions/ta-p/700115#Section_.4
  8. 1. Create a land group. 2. Set the rental land to that group. You may also deed the land to your group, but that is not necessary in most cases. 3. Put a rental box on your land. 4. Advertise your land for rent or rent-to-own 5. When someone pays your rental box, send them an invitation to the land group, so they can place their objects there. 6. If they are renting to buy, when they have paid you the agreed amount, sell the land by setting it to them specifically by name and with a sale price of $L0.
  9. Anyone who provides a music or media stream can determine your IP address (for example, a DJ in a club who is providing a Shoutcast stream.). This is not SL's fault, it's simply part of the way the Internet works. You can prevent this by disabling all media in your Preferences...but this makes SL a lot less fun, especially when visiting clubs or live events. In general, people who know your IP address can determine your general physical location (the area served by your ISP), but nothing more specific. Most people do not consider this to be a hazard worth worrying about. I compromise, by not enabling "autoplay media" in my viewer. I only turn my music or video functions on when there is something I want to listen to or see.
  10. I'm sorry, you can't. Once you have left that initial "starting point" region, you are considered an "experienced resident" and you are prohibited from accessing the "new resident" area. (Areas, actually; there are several identical "starting point" regions.) There is a reason for this. Some residents like to harangue and harrass newcomers. The restriction is there to prevent brand new, disoriented people from being hassled in this fashion. Well...actually, there IS a way to get there. You would have to make a new Second Life account, just as you did when you signed up the first time. Your new "alt", as we call alternate accounts, would rez in at one of the starting point regions. But why bother? They are only way points. The only thing you can do there is...go somewhere else! If you want help in learning more about SL, these places are pretty useless. Instead, go to one of the newcomer help areas, such as NCI, Caledon Oxbridge University, or White Tiger Help Island.
  11. How do you know there are "many houses available"? The only possible way you could "know" this is if you went around the Linden Home regions, right clicking homes and looking in About Land to see whether they are owned by "Governor Linden" or by some Resident. Simply because a Linden Home is empty, even for a long time, does not mean it is "available". As long as the resident who owns it continues to pay their monthly Premium membership dues, that home is theirs, whether they use it or not...even whether or not they log into SL at all. But to be honest, I don't see why anyone would WANT a Linden Home in the first place. It's true, you get more usable prims there than you would with a 512 square meter parcel of mainland, because the prims of the house don't count against your prim allowance. But you have very little creative choice with a Linden Home. You can't design or build your own home, you can't build a skybox, you can't conduct a business, and there's not enough space for landscaping. The homes are crowded together, so there's little privacy, and the Linden Home regions are some of the laggiest places in Second Life. Linden Homes are intended as a starting place, an easy way to get familiar with how Second Life land ownership works. Get out of the projects! Get out and find a better place, and use your creativity to make it better yet.
  12. You have to learn how to: rip people's throats out drain an enemy's blood survive being shot by a silver machine gun bullet fight with oaken stakes in close quarters endure partial sunlight This takes about six weeks of dedicated effort. Save up your vacation time, and lay in lots of chips and sodas. :catlol:
  13. Yes, you can buy land on the mainland! You can get a free Linden Home, OR You can find any other land for sale on the mainland. What you pay is the asking price, listed in the General tab of the About Land window (World/About Land, or World/Parcel Details). If the owner is another resident, you can contact them and negotiate a lower price. Once you buy the land, the land is yours, and here is what happens: 1. You pay no monthly tier on the first 512 square meters. This is a benefit of your Premium membership, in lieu of owning a Linden Home. 2. You will pay tier on land in excess of 512 square meters. If you owned, say, a total of 1024 square meters, you would pay LL your monthly Premium dues, plus a tier fee of $5.00.
  14. Better write that down somewhere. LL's latest "improvement' to the JIRA makes any issues except the ones you create inaccessibe
  15. Jeepers, Ed...you must be AB Negative or something. I've been in SL for over five years now. I've spent a lot of that time hanging out in newcomer areas (admittedly, nice ones like Caledon Oxbridge University, GQ Start, or White Tiger Help Island, not those sleazy Infohubs.) In all that time, I've had: One (count 'em, one) girl send me spam bite requests. I put on my Vampire Killer dagger, pretended to accept her offer, and drove a silver blade through her heart. She was not amused...but I sure was. One rather stuck-up young man at Cloud Nine who IM'd me to ask, "Did you know your soul was owned by a vampire?" One friend who asked me if she could bite me, and who I allowed to do so (hence #2 above). And that's it. In more than five years. Oh, I forgot...one really hot lady vampire with whom I did a pinup calendar photoshoot as Vampire and Victim...but she wasn't a Bloodlines player. HER request was of a ...um, different order entirely. And NSFW.
  16. Melita Magic wrote:...I get little silver pods zooming past my house several times a minute. I contacted their creator only to be told that's impossible; that there cannot be that many going by. Nothing I said would convince the person. I'm forced to live high in the sky to avoid the lag and eyesore of it all.... Create a notecard that says, "One of your pods just flew by again". Then drop it on the creator's profile every time one does.
  17. @MoiselleErin: Premium members DO get better support. If I were not Premium, I would probably still be waiting for someone to see my support ticket and get around to getting my region back on line. But Live Chat got it back up within five minutes of my contacting them. @madman: That's wrong too...Premium members DO get banned. Violate the TOS badly enough, and you get banned, Premium or not. @OP: Your friend is hosed, permanently. And she did it to herself. You say yourself "she admits she did wrong"...so it's silly to say she "never knew what she was banned for". She knew. According to your account, LL described the offense as "suspicious transfer of $L" That is not a case of paying money to an NPIOF account. That is Linden speak for fraud, or laundering stolen $L, or some similar offense, and it's serious. Then she committed another TOS violation by sneaking back with an alt. This time, her computer is probably permanently banned. No one who uses it will be allowed in SL. Never means never. There have been cases where someone petitions to return, and they seem truly repentant...LL will not relent. Mercy? She had the same opportunity to read and follow the TOS that we all do. She chose to ignore it instead, and she will just have to live with the consequences.
  18. I filed BUG-34 against the "improved" bug reporting process
  19. Hey, LL! How about a new Forum here...The Bug Forum! You can ignore it, just like you ignore all the other forums, but we can use it to report bugs and discuss them among ourselves.
  20. SL is not designed for wireless internet. Besides using lots of your data plan, you may experience various performance issues. If you can, get a DSL, cable internet, or FIOS connection to the web for SL.
  21. You can have your land show separately in Search, and then there will be a Teleport and Map option for it. You can also include a link in your Group info window to your group land, in case people wind up getting to it by that route.
  22. Besides Rolig's great answer, make sure your feet are set to size 0. Almost all shoes in SL are designed to fit this size foot. For more on shoes, see my blog post, "OMG, Shoes!"
  23. (That's OK...you've taught me tons of stuff I didn't know!)
  24. If you want to live near your friends, Linden Homes are not the best option. You and your friends can Abandon your Linden Homes, and buy 512 square meter parcels on the Mainland...there are many areas where several such parcels are available in the same region. Or you could form a group, and donate your 512 m2 of free land tier to the group, then buy a larger parcel for the group and establish a commune, or your own little neighborhood. To learn more about land in SL, come to my free class at Caledon Oxbridge University on Fridays at 5 pm SL time.
  25. That is the only link that LL has provided to request the Risk API. Since they appear not to be responding to you, try filing a Support case.
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