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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. One of the most important things about an SL job is...you don't need one! You can buy $L with a credit card or a PayPal account, and doing so is a much more effective use of your time...because most SL jobs pay far less than Real Life minimum wage. Another very important thing to keep in mind is, your time in SL is taken out of your "free" time. Don't waste your precious time doing anything you don't enjoy! If you find a job you truly love, whether it's working in a club, or creating and selling your own fashions, then go for it. But don't do anything in SL for the sole purpose of making money. Do what you love!
  2. You can upload Sketchup objects as Meshes to Second Life, but it's complicated. The current Sketchup version won't create a Collada (.dae) file that SL can use. You will have to save it as a .dae, then upload it to Blender (another free modeling program), and then re-export it from there. Even then, models made in Sketchup are often "corrupted" in one way or another, since Sketchup permits some conditions that don't make a mathematically "clean" mesh.
  3. The largest prim you can make with the Build tools is 64 meters in any dimension. (That's up from just 10m, a nice improvement this past year!) There are still some "megaprims" available. These were outsized prims created during two brief periods when a change to the Second Life server code provided a "loophole". These megaprims may be up to 256 m in size, in some cases. You can edit them in most of the ways you can edit regular prims...rotate them, move them, retexture them, and change from one prim type to another (box to sphere to cylinder, etc.) You can Path Cut, skew and twist them. But the one thing you can NOT do with them is re-size them, in any dimension. If you do, they snap back to the 10m maximum size and cannot be made larger again. Look for free megaprim packages on the Marketplace, or use the free SALT HUD tool to locate and deliver megaprims.
  4. What most people mean when they ask this question is really, "I put in my correct birthday, but I'm under 18 and now I want to go to Adult regions." Those who fall into this category won't like what I have to say in the way of advice: DON'T. Don't lie about your age. You WILL be found out. When you are (not "if", but "when") the least that will happen to you is that you, and everyone who uses your computer, will be permanently banned from Second Life. Besides which, engaging in adult activity, with adult players, could get both them and you in Real Life legal trouble. And because you are the one who lied, you don't have a legal leg to stand on. And most important, there are adult activities, and quite a number of adults, to whom young people should NOT be exposed. You may think you are ready for it, but you're not. You run a big risk of emotional damage. Patience, young padawan. Play by the rules and stay safe.
  5. If you have build rights in the region, you can "rebake" it for pathfinding. Whenever the terrain in the region is changed, it requires a pathfinding rebake...IF the region owner has enabled Pathfinding. All Mainland regions are Pathfinding-enabled, but not all private regions are.
  6. I agree with Nalates...integrated graphics are not good for SL.
  7. Try doing a clean re-install of your viewer. Here's how: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall It's written for Phoenix and Firestorm, but it works with any viewer.
  8. To add to Rolig's answer... Use the white resizing handles at the corners of the object, to keep the proportions correct.
  9. It's the sculpted prim, all right. Sculpties may look hollow, but for physical purposes they always take the shape of their unsculpted form, generally a sphere. You must set it to Phantom to pass through. A linkset may be either all phantom or all normal...it cannot be part one and part the other.
  10. I believe that Juicybomb has given incorrect information for installing Windlight presets. That folder, AppData/Roaming/etc, is where the CURRENT sky setting resides. The available presets are found in C:\Program Files (X86)\Second Life\Viewer 3\app_settings\Windlight\skies (the path may be somewhat different if you have installed a different viewer, or to a different directory, but the Program Files (X86) part and the app_setttings\Windlight\Skies parts should be correct for all installations.) Unzip the new presets and drop the unzipped .xml files into that directory.
  11. That would be a nice feature! Unfortunately, I know of no easy way to determine just what LL deleted from your inventory and replaced with a generic item. About all you can do is find the generic item...what sort of item it was (skin, dance animation, etc) may give you a clue as to where to look for missing items.
  12. Generally speaking, you can't get "free $L". But here are some minor exceptions to that, and other ways you can avoid the "noob look". 1. Play Linden Realms. In this game, you collect crystals and you can exchange them for $L. However, the amount is quite small. 2. Seek out money trees. These can be "harvested" for small amounts of $L by people less than 30 days old. 3. Look for Lucky Chairs and Midnight Mania boards. These are two ways to obtain free prizes, and many merchants offer them as an incentive to visit their stores. 4. Go to freebie stores. Do a Search on "freebies" and you'll find a ton of places to get free items, many of them of good to excellent quality 5. Buy some $L. You can get about $L5,000 for $20 USD, simply by buying them with a credit card or a verfied PayPal account. This is the route I recommend. Acquiring $L by looking for prizes, or getting a low paying job, just takes more hours than it's worth.
  13. That's the message you normally get when a region is offline. But for a month?? Have you tried teleporting to a region next door to yours, and then simply walking or flying to your home?
  14. If you're using the Firestorm viewer, I've found that Texture Refresh (Appearance/Tex Refresh) will often work where a rebake will not.
  15. I almost never go to the places ranked highest in Search or highest in Traffic. I go to the places that my friends or active bloggers recommend.
  16. I think Amethyst has hit on the issue. You have to unpack the main box, then drag the inner boxes from inventory and unpack THEM.
  17. A HUD is an object with clickable controls that attaches to one of your on-screen attach points. HUDs can be used to control an AO, or change the colors of your shoes, or your jewelry. A hug and kiss attachment can have a HUD. An SL pet can have a HUD to control it. A language translator can have a HUD, or a vehicle may be controlled by one. I generally have between three and five HUDs attached at any given time, each of which has a different set of functions.
  18. IMVU is not smaller than SL. At any given time, they have maybe double SL's concurrency. And they have a tremendous amount of purchaseable content. However, SL has a great deal more functionality than IMVU, and more realism. For example, you can't walk or fly in IMVU, only click to move your avatar from one position to another. And there is no way to physically travel from one region ("rooms", in IMVU) to another. They aren't physically connected, and you can only "teleport" from one room to another. There are no inworld building tools, and created content is subject to approval and/or censorship by the company.
  19. Julez Andrew wrote: You are right that it can be too much for many peple. What about some free alternatives of SL ? There are some. Check out www.opensimulator.org However, these free grids don't have anything like the amount of content and social interaction that you'll find in SL. It's the virtual economy and the Linden Dollar that have made SL the preeminent virtual world.
  20. Most SL jobs are "whenever you have the time". Talk about it with your potential employer. Skin templates: Download the templates here... https://sites.google.com/site/another/resources or here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials (download the Chip Midnight skin templates)
  21. As Charlotte says, a group must have at least two members, or LL will delete it after 48 hours. The most common solution to this is to create a second SL account, an "alt", and invite "yourself" to the group.
  22. Rolig's advice about using the RGB colors detected by your "show color under cursor" function is great...but you have to remember that this is only a *starting point". If what you get when you use these values is too dark (for example), start increasing the numbers in the R.G.B boxes manually. Try to keep about the same "balance"...that is, increase one number by 10, then the next by 10, then the third by 10, and so on. Keep tweaking until you get a match by eye.
  23. It depends on who owns the land the objects are on. If the land owner chooses, the objects of another person, even a deleted account, may be kept there as long as the land owner pays the tier on his or her land. Or, they can choose to return the objects. Since the object owner no longer has an SL account, the returned objects have nowhere to go, and vanish from the grid.
  24. You were misinformed, or misunderstood what you were told. There is no waiting list. And you cannot choose which of the two Meadowbrook styles you get. You can only choose one of the four main styles of Linden Home, one of which is "Meadowbrook". You can't even choose "Meadowbrook" unless there is one available, and it is the most popular style of Linden Home. It's strictly chance as to whether you get the quad or two story variant.
  25. A sculpted prim is made by creating a special texture, called a "sculpt map", in an external 3D modeling program, then uploading that texture to SL and applying it to a sculpted prim created from the Build menu. Many programs can create these sculpt maps. Some free ones are Rokuro, Sculptris, and Blender. There are some in world tools that enable you to make sculpted prims out of an assembly of "regular" prims. Look on the marketplace for "Sculpted Prim Generator"
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