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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. The exhange rate is approximately $L250 = $1 USD.
  2. It's possible...but if you do so, you are opening yourself up to a charge of libel. Here's why: Even if everything you say is completely true and verifiable, a land owner in SL has a perfect right to decide who is allowed on his or her land, and who is not. They can exclude you for any reason, or for no reason at all, and be perfectly within their rights. There are so many clubs and venues within SL. Spending your time to wage a campaign of opinion against any one of them is, in my opinion, a waste of effort.
  3. Holy crap, that's a monster! It should run SL without breaking a sweat.
  4. Besides the other great answers, make sure that your graphics settings are correct. In Preferences/Graphics, click Advanced to open the full range of settings. Make sure that the sky and water shaders are turned on, as well as the Basic shaders. Make sure that water reflections are turned on.
  5. Short answer: No. Longer answer: Games of chance are allowed, provided you are not playing for money, or anything of value. For example, you could hold a poker tournament for "points". Some clubs feature gaming tables of this sort. Games that have a monetary payout are allowed, if they are games of skill, rather than games of chance. (Do NOT ask me why poker isn't covered under this one.) There are slot machine types of games (do a search on "Zyngo".) I'm told that these are allowed because there is an element of skill involved. Don't ask me how, though...I've never figured the things out. Many clubs in SL still have "sploders"...people pay into the object to join the potential prize pool. At some point, the device "splodes", and gives some or all of its accumulated money to some of the players. Often the club keeps a percentage. These seem (to me, anyway) to violate the LL gambling policy, but you still find them all over the place. My personal, somewhat cynical take on all this is that LL strongly enforces the gambling ban against games that "everyone knows" are gambling...poker, roulette, craps, etc...and looks the other way at games that are unique to SL and unlikely to attract the attention of the Real World Anti Online Gambling people. The above opinion is NOT official LL policy. For the official word, see the previous answer.
  6. The gender transformation machines I've seen do NOT actually transform your avatar. They are props to be used in role play. You hop on one, and lights flash, things move, and messages about what is "happening to your avatar" may appear in local chat. While this is going on, you must open your inventory and change your shape/skin/hair/clothing yourself. This can be done quickly, if you have made an Outfit (or several intermediate Outfits, perhaps) in advance. If you are interested in this type of roleplay, there are several places that feature it. By searching the Marketplace ("gender transform"), I found at least three items of the sort you're looking for. And all three use either RLV or a proprietary system to enable an actual transformation.
  7. In addition to the other great answers... If you have detached everything, and you are still getting the spam text, it is probably a gesture. Use a Filter on your inventory to find all your gestures. The Active ones will be shown in boldface. Find the one that's causing the spam, deactivate it, and delete it from your inventory.
  8. Call Billing. US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  9. Some objects that say No Modify can still be re-sized. Right click the bed and select Edit, then hold down CTRL+SHIFT. If you see a bounding box with white "handles": on each corner, you can grab a handle with your mouse and drag it to make the bed larger or smaller. If you don't see a bounding box and handles, the object cannot be re-sized that way. Left click it, and see if the menu has a re-size option in it. If neither of these work, then the object cannot be re-sized, and you'll need to look for a smaller bed.
  10. For Frifta: I use Firestorm and Phoenix too, and never have trouble with my Outfits, even those with Bax boots. With Links in Outfits, you have to be careful not to move or delete the parent item that the link points to. That's what creates broken links.
  11. Kudos to Darren! Since you bought a 1024 parcel, your Premium benefit is free tier on the first 512 square meters of that parcel instead of a Linden Home. And yes, you do owe money...monthly tier on the other half of that 1024 parcel. If you want the Linden Home instead, sell or abandon the 1024 parcel, then apply for a Linden Home. But, if you are in a nice area, I would keep the 1024 as the better deal.
  12. To add to Theresa's answer: When in About Land/Objects, hit the Refresh button. It will show you not only how many prims are on your land, but whose they are. It's possible that someone has left some prims on your land (a common reason for this is a crashed vehicle stuck somewhere up in the sky over your parcel.) You can Return these objects to their owners.
  13. Knowl, in recent viewers, it's possible to wear more than one thing in a given clothing layer, by using the "Add" command instead of Wear. So you could wear (for example) an Alpha clothing layer for your shoes, another one for a Mesh dress, and a third to give you a "parted lips" look. Or you could wear one Underpants layer for your undies, and a second Underpants layer for your boot-top jeans.
  14. Things you buy generally show up in one of three places. 1. Boxed items show up in your Objects folder 2. Some items show up in their own folder 3. If your viewer supports it, and the item is sold with the new "Direct Delivery" system, the item will show up in your "Received Items" section. In most viewers this is a separate section at the bottom of the inventory window, not a regular folder. You should also be sure you're looking in the right place. Some viewers have several tabs across the top of the inventory window. The "Worn" tab shows only the folders for things you are wearing. The "Recent" tab shows only folders for things you used, wore, or purchased recently. How recently depends on your settings, but is generally either "during this current session" or "within the past day". To see ALL your inventory items, use the Inventory tab. Also, make sure that you do not have any filters enabled, or a term in the inventory Search box. These settings could possibly hide the Objects folder. EDIT: OK, I saw your screenshot. First, make sure that the missing folders (Objects, Scripts, Sounds, Textures, and lord alone knows what else) are not hiding in one of the other folders. If they aren't, first try clearing your cache. Log into an empty region like Smith, Pooley, or Heckendorf and wait for your inventory to load. if a couple of rounds of that don't solve the problem, you need to file a Support ticket with Linden Lab. You will need a Premium membership to get this level of technical support; if you don't have Premium, it may be worth buying a month's worth just to get the problem resolved.
  15. Note that some third party linden dollar exchanges may permit transfers to your country, even when LL's own policy does not. Be sure you are dealing with a reputable exchange, though.
  16. I'm not familiar with that error message, but here are some things to check: 1. If you are renting, or have land on a private estate, are you a member of the landlord's rental group? And are you wearing your group tag when you rez your skybox? 2. What is the Land Impact value of your prefab? Compare that to the number of prims you are allowed on your land. See World/About Land (or Parcel Details in some viewers), Objects tab, Parcel Land Capacity. If it's more, then you're right...your land is not large enough to support the prims (or Land Impact value, for Mesh items) of the skybox. 3. Does the land owner have some sort of script restriction on the land? I know there are devices that can eject or ban avatars that are wearing too many scripts (whatever the owner decides are "too many"), but I have not seen a device that acts on rezzed objects in this fashion. Contact your landlord and ask.
  17. I find it difficult to move multiprim and coalesced objects from ground level to altitude, so I do it a bit differently than Rolig. 1. Highlight the boundaries of your parcel. Use World/Show More/Property Lines. 2. Rez a corner post at each corner of the parcel. I make mine 0.5m square and 10m long. As an alternative, rez a big platform, making sure that all sides are within your parcel borders. 3. Raise the corner markers or the platform to the desired altitude by changing the number in the Z position box of the Build window/Objects tab. If you happen to be sitting on one of the prims as you do this, you'll go up into the sky along with the prim, which saves having to fly up there after them. 4. At altitude, rez your skybox. Position it so that it stays within your corner markers, or within the confines of your building platform. Don't forget to make a landmark! That way you can always find your way home.
  18. I don't think there is any way to sync up what everyone is seeing, not the way media is handled in SL nowadays. But talk to some DJs...they will know more about setting up streams.
  19. The estate owner or manager is the only one who can re-texture the ground...and it will apply to the entire region, not just a particular parcel.
  20. I'm sorry, but you've probably been conned. This is a common scam. A person will come up to you in a store and tell you they are a "sales rep" or even that they are the owner, and offer you a discount on an item if you pay them directly. Don't fall for this. Notify the store owner, and file an Abuse Report on the scammer. Only buy items from the in-store vendors. Or on the Marketplace, of course.
  21. Passing on IMs to a third party without your consent is a serious violation of the SL privacy policy. File an Abuse Report on the person. While in world, go to Help/Report Abuse and follow the steps in the form that appears. File a separate report for each occurrence.
  22. Find out which audio "channel" the sound is using, by adjusting the sliders in your audio settings. If it's the Music channel, it's a music URL streaming on your land. As the landowner, you can "change the channel" to whatever you wish, with the About Land settings, or turn it off entirely. There are SL "radios" made which make "changing the channel" a simpler process. If it's the Media channel, same deal. It's the audio track to an audio/video stream, playing on your land. You can keep it from starting up every time you show up on your land by disabling the "autoplay media" setting in your Preferences. If it's the Sounds channel, it's an SL sound effect coming from an object.
  23. Irene has a good point, but you're right...it IS possible, although not easy, to "get ahead" in Second Life without buying $L with real money. If that's your goal, save up your tips from your dancing job, and also learn how to create content. Whatever you like best...houses or hair, shoes or clothing. Get GOOD at it, and then open your own business selling your creations. You can start for very little money, with a Marketplace store, and if your creations sell well, then you can open a store in world. But if you find that it's just too much like "work", don't feel you have to do this. When you're in SL, you're using your precious free time. Whatever you do with your free hours isn't supposed to be "work", it's supposed to be FUN! Have fun with whatever you do, and let the money take a back seat.
  24. You are probably hosed, since you can't recall your password OR the email account you used (probably not your Secret Question either, huh?) You can contact Linden Lab with a support ticket (use Billing Issue as the category) and ask. If they allow it at all, they will probably ask you for some Real Life proofs of identity, such as a copy of your drivers license. If they don't allow it, just move on. SL has evolved a lot since 2006, and maybe it's better just to go with the new avatar. In the future, write down your avatar's name, password, email, and secret question and put them away somewhere safe, to keep this from happening again.
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