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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Hi, I'm coming in late, after I found a note from Rolig to me under my initial reply! There are two kinds of ban lines. The general sort, created when you set your land to admit only certain people, are established at the borders of the parcel and only go up 50 meters. If you add a specific person to your parcel ban list, HIS ban lines go all the way up to 5,000 meters. My original comment still stands, though. I have seen a very few instances where a griefer seemingly gets into a properly-protected area and is able to rez objects there. These occurrences worry me, as there does seem to be something out there available to a few people which gets around the normal protections. If something like this happens to you, ban the offender (of course!) and submit both an Abuse Report AND a Bug Report to LL.
  2. To add to Rolig's great answer, remember to hit the little Refresh button just above the area where objects will be listed.
  3. What you need to look at isn't the AREA so much as the DIMENSIONS. Check those against the dimensions of your parcel. Most 512 m2 parcels are 16x32, but some parcels are strangely shaped. Here is what to look for: Turn on boundary lines with World/Show More/Property Lines. You will see colored lines around the land parcels in view. You can highlight those boundaries temporarily by right clicking the ground. Objects and water can obscure the lines, but you can turn those off temporarily with Advanced/Rendering Types. Uncheck the Simple and the Water boxes. Now look at a boundary closely. You will see that the line isn't solid...there are little tick marks in it every few meters...every FOUR meters, to be precise. Count the number of tick marks and multiply by four to get the dimension of that side of the parcel. There are no fractions here...ALL land dimensions are multiples of 4 meters, the smallest land division possible. And as Rolig says, it's not enough that the physical dimensions will fit. The prims also have to fit. If you have a building with a Land Impact of 200, it's not going to go on a 512 m2 parcel (117 prims allowed) even if it's just one meter on a side.
  4. I have run into a couple of cases where a non group member was able to enter a parcel and rez objects there. I'm sorry, but I don't have any idea how they did it! EDIT: See my further comment in the Permalink area of Rolig's Answer.
  5. Your first name is lamogio1. Your last name is Resident. Some viewers require both a first and a last name; use those!
  6. As Valerie says, you can create a group, invite the other person to the group, and set the land to that group...or you can enable building for everyone. If this is a short term project, it may be easier to set the land to allow everyone to rez there. When the builder has completed her task, she should set the build for sale to you. Purchase the build. Once it belongs to you, then you can turn off the "everyone can rez" function.
  7. You are getting help, even though it may not be the sort of help you intended. NEVER solicit money from anyone in SL. Not on these forums, not in group chat, and not one on one. You will find yourself Abuse Reported and muted, and kicked out of groups where you try begging. There are jobs you can get to earn $L. You can learn to make things and sell them to others (but this takes time and effort. Your products must be good enough to compete with other creators!) You can collect tons of freebies, prizes, group gifts, Midnigh Mania offers, Lucky Chairs.
  8. What you have is called "waterland" because the ground surface is too far below sea level to be raised above it by terraforming. Don't despair, waterland can be very good land. Some ideas: create an artificial island made from one or more prims (this is what the previous owner did, apparently) Get or build a large yacht, moor it on your patch of water, and live on it Build a skybox high up. (A "skybox" is any structure not connected to the ground. It can be as simple as a platform, or quite complex. Just be sure you keep it within the boundaries of your parcel.) Build an underwater home. I've been in some that were very cozy and unique. One was a cave carved out of the seabed and roofed over with prims. It was very hard to find and quite private.
  9. They did rolling restarts yesterday on the main server channel. That may have caused a glitch.
  10. This is both the wrong place for this topic, and the wrong way to go about it. If you want to do sociological research, learn how to do it first.
  11. Rolig is correct. There is NO real privacy in SL, and locks on doors are only for fun, not for real deterrence. But there are some security features you can employ, and some actions you can take. Ban lines. In About Land/Access tab, if you uncheck the public access box, yellow "police tape" ban lines will surround your property and roof it over at 50 meters. You and people on your Access List will not see them, and be able to enter your parcel. I don't like ban lines. They ugly up the landscape and prevent innocent people who just want to pass over or through your land from doing so. But it is one option. Security systems. You can get many types of "security orbs" from the Marketplace, some of them free. I don't like these either...they can be tricky to set up, and you have to make sure they are not affecting people OUTSIDE your parcel or you can be reported for abuse. Invisibility. Ban lines and security orbs only prevent physical intrusion. People can still move their cameras inside your house and look at you. In About Land/Options tab, uncheck the box "make avatars and chat visible to people outside my parcel". People outside your parcel will still be able to see a blip from you on their radars, but cannot see you or hear your local text chat. (And you cannot see or hear them either.) You can also limit voice chat and gesture sounds to your parcel with the Sound tab of About Land. And of course, IMs (text and voice) are always private. Open access poseballs: Many pieces of scripted furniture allow the owner to set them to "group access only". You and your partner will have to wear the correct group tag to use them, but no one else can. (You may need to create a private little group to use this feature. That's another topic!) As I said, I don't like all these methods much. We are only in SL a few hours a day, and it seems uncharitable to block off a bit of it for all the hours we are not there. Besides, people can't actually take or damage any of your stuff. But there is a very effective method of dealing with intruders when you ARE home: The eject and ban function. Right click an intruder on your parcel. Select Eject. You will get a menu with choices to eject, ban, or eject AND ban. I generally select the last one. Poof! They are tossed out of your home and can not get back in unless you remove them from the parcel ban list. That's generally all that's needed. If they were extremely rude or did some nasty griefing while they were there, you could Abuse Report them, but in the usual run of things, it's a case of overkill. I teach a class on Avatar Safety on Saturdays at 12 noon SL time, at Caledon Oxbridge University. We cover all this and many more Second Life hazards, and the class is free. I hope to see you there!
  12. Sometimes I can't see one or more of the walls of the classroom at Caledon Oxbridge University. I try several things to get them to rez, and one of them generally works. Zoom the camera waaaaaaay far away for a minute, then back again. Really far away, beyond your draw distance. Teleport to another sim, then back again Simply click the missing wall Right click the missing wall, select more/more/Tex Refresh (Firestorm viewer)
  13. If you mean hitting the Lock check box in the Edit window...no, this will not affect anyone's ability to rez other things. All Lock does is keep you from accidentally selecting and deleting the locked object(s). If you do select it by mistake and hit delete, it gives you a confirmation message: "At least one of the items you have selected is Locked. Delete anyway?" But...since you don't actually own the Linden Home object, I do not think you will be able to Lock it...but at the same time, you don't have the ability to delete it either, so that's OK. If you mean locking the DOOR to your Linden Home...well, locked doors in SL are not much of a barrier. Someone can cam inside and double click teleport into your living room.
  14. Make sure you are sending the proposal to the person's user name, not their Display Name.
  15. Busy mode is different from AFK. If you are in Busy mode, the notation (Busy) will appear in the nametag over your head, and there will be a control on your screen (near the bottom, I think) that says "Set Not Busy". Also, anyone who IMs you will get your Busy message. For more on Busy mode, see my blog post, "Not Now, I'm Busy!" If you are NOT in Busy mode, I suggest filing a Support ticket with Linden Lab. If you can, specify the dates of the failed transactions, the item names, and the midnight mania boards you were patronizing.
  16. No, you're doing the right thing. But...are you in Busy mode? If you are, any objects offered to you will be automatically refused, and vanish into the ether.
  17. Lindal Kidd

    Can you...

    I sure hope your girlfriend's husband is not reading this... The answer to your question is "no". You can have only one official partner at a time. I personally think this is discriminatory, because I am in a three way partnership...but there it is. But you have a bigger problem. You're fooling around with another man's wife. Unless he knows and is OK with that, I think you and your girlfriend should cut it out, already.
  18. Wireless internet MAY work with SL, but is NOT recommended. Use cable or FIOS or DSL if you can.
  19. Landbots serve a useful purpose...they provide a way for people to sell their land quickly when they no longer want it. If you set your land for sale correctly, you can easily avoid having it snatched up by a landbot. When setting your land for sale, do NOT set it to sell to "Anyone". Set it to sell to a specifically named resident. That resident can then use the Buy For Group button to purchase the land for the specific group you intend. Hint: Landbots look for underpriced land. If you set the land for sale at over $L 1 per square meter, it's unlikely to be noticed by a bot. Second hint: If you set the price of the land to $0 (zero), the interface will not allow you to set "anyone" as the buyer, but only sell to a named resident. However, both these hints are really unnecessary. Follow the advice in the second paragraph above and you will always be landbot-free. EDIT: If you want the land to be owned by one of YOUR groups, don't sell it! See Irene's advice for DEEDING the land to your group. SECOND EDIT: If you screw up and your land is snatched by a landbot, send a POLITE notecard or IM to the owner of the landbot. While they are not required to return your land (they are, after all, playing by the rules and bought land that you set to sell), some will be nice and sell the land back to you if you made an honest mistake.
  20. Andy, see this link http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.5.2 Since your account is not deactivated yet, but only pending, you can also call Billing at one of these numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  21. Welcome Island is not a web page. It's a place in the virtual world of Second Life. This web site is not Second Life either...it's more like a support service. Download the viewer, run it and log in with the user name and password you've set up.
  22. how much you can/should charge depends on your skills. If you do a lot of post processing in Photoshop, adding hair, changing backgrounds, lighting, and so on, you should charge more. If you just provide candid snapshots in world, much less.
  23. You should be OK as is, unless you enable auto return. In that case, objects rezzed under a different group tag will come back to your lost and found folder. If you use the popular Firestorm viewer, there is a Preferences option, "rez objects under land group where possible" which helps a lot if you forget to wear the correct group tag when building. You can mass edit objects. Select one, then drag out a rectangle to capture as many objects as possible. Then change the group they're set to. Be sure "select only my objects" is checked when you do this. If you include other people's objects in your roundup, the interface won't let you edit anything.
  24. Greenies is, alas, no more. :matte-motes-crying: They didn't have "mansions" though. The build was literally giant size. When you visited, you were about the size of a mouse, and could explore this immense house. Not immense in the sense that there were hundreds of rooms. Immense literally...a table might be forty meters high, a bowl of cornflakes fifteen meters across. Here and there throughout the build were these little (human size) green aliens, doing all sorts of goofy things. It was a whimsical and unique build, and I'm sorry it's gone from SL. You can find mansions in the Marketplace, or in world. Do a search on "houses" or "prefabs" or "mansions". But CAUTION! You must have enough land to put your mansion on! SL is not like IMVU, where you buy a "room" that is a mansion. In SL, you buy or rent land (and must pay a regular weekly or monthly "tax" on it, called "tier", which is paid either to the estate owner or directly to LL, depending on where you live.) The land must be large enough to accommodate your mansion physically, and must also support enough prims to rez the mansion...and any furnishings, landscaping, etc. you choose to add. Mansions, and large megayachts, may be cheap to buy, but they are NOT cheap to own. Be sure you understand all the costs!
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