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Marianne McCann

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Everything posted by Marianne McCann

  1. Meia Cosmos wrote: Shame. I'd probably be more bummed if I didn't know the combat community would never actually band together long enough to organize it anyway. Then there are the drama wars...then regulating the continent without bias... Yeah. Guess it wouldn't work anyway. Thanks for the replies guys. Welcome! I know a couple other community who were also keen on the CPP process, most notably in aviation and railroading.
  2. Meia Cosmos wrote: But yes, the question is about the validity of it, and if indeed it's possible to do at all. As I recall, it was described as a community outreach program where if a community showed enough interest, or signed a pretty petition, or similar, it were possible for Linden labs to donate sims (Or atleast something to this effect). That was the Community Partnership Program (CPP). Sadly, though there were a couple interests that did join the CPP (the Hockey folks of GOHA and the Burning Man crew, who later struck out on their own), the program has since been shuttered since sometime around the great layoff and cutback period of last Summer.
  3. Yeso Kidd wrote: I posted this in another thread on friday. Just checked and its still there. It has over 60 rotating for sale signs from the same guy. And the same person has the blocks of four trees, a lamppost, and a sign all over the ground there, like some curious pine-scented pox. These don't make that land sell any better, surely? :-)
  4. Qie Niangao wrote: I probably won't be able to make the anniversary events due to RL stuff, but it shows every sign of being a great success. Superb planning and organization. :smileyhappy: On an unrelated topic: I've been wondering why so many of the Bay City sims have landing points set for the common municipal land in the sim. Landing points work fine for specific parcels, but I'm forever landing a half-sim or more from where I'm trying to go, in regions where the Linden land is unparcelled but nonetheless has a landing point set somewhere. I'd especially like to arrange for the LDPW builds listed on the wiki to be accessible directly, without having to navigate from a distant landing point to the landmark or SLURL of the build location. Just having the landing points removed altogether would be fine, at least for my purposes, and should be easier than setting up separate parcels with landing points for those attractions. Is there anything I could do to help with this? (Or does the current arrangement have some advantage I'm overlooking?) The only "reason" for those landing points is "they've always been like that." I presume the initial idea was to give one a 'starting point" in each region, but they don't necessarily work well in practice. Perhaps this is worth moving on? I'm game.
  5. So... How was everybuggy's weekend? Didja have fun? Here's some of the things I did this weekend an stuff. I did go to the Remembrance Day event, mostly for BlueGin Yifu, but also f'r Sandy Clymer and Wiccan Sojourner. I did not take any piccies at the event, but it was very nicely done anyways. It's the Seasons Hunt spring edition time, so I'm definitely takin' part. That's also not much t'look at. Me an my sibs have been out an about, including exploring the new Where It Begins region for the store Awesome Blossom. Pretty nice place -- and they have a swing set! We've also been poking around the Weston and Oak Bluffs regions, where th' moles are doin some work on an amusement part sorta thing. Here's the three of us playing around on the pilings... And a piccie of one of th' pillars that adorn an entrance to the area. I guess they're still workin on it, but still cool to see the classic hippo there! Finally, on Sunday I got talked into judging f'r a catamaran race. Here I am eying the boats at the raceline in The Mastheat. This was more fun than I thought it might be. :-) So that's what I did this weekend. Here's hopin' yer next week is a super one!
  6. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Yer all skipping my part of Bay City... On your map there, I'm the little tan rectangle in the sim that's in the upper left, that's on the right-side end of a dead end road, and bottom right of a 'land triangle'. Bay City - Truro. Maybe 2-3 sims distance from where you're wrapping. Ya, the unfortunate nature of where we're starting from, I suppose. I hope you do attend, however!
  7. Spotted in Bay City yesterday: the start of the vintage boardwalk amusement park project! (I can't wait 'til this project has a real name!)
  8. Indigo Mertel wrote: Interesting... I hope the Lindens will do something about the Northern Passage as well. I made a post on our blog some months ago about this: http://bit.ly/cZaER8 It would be a great improvement to sailing on Sansara. If any Linden read this, please do take what suggested in my blog post into consideration. Yup. This is part of the LDPW's Northern Passage idea, discussed at Michael Linden's old office hours some months back. he rest of the connection from ANWR to the Gulf of Lauren is expected this coming week. The Southern Passage (linking Abbotts and New Port) was part of that as well. Can't wait 'til that happens, too. Both of those together will allow one to travel by boat (or plane), via protected passage, from the interior of Sansara and the Sea of Fabels, to Bay City and all the way to the Heterocera Atoll. Exciting stuff! Two additional regions were added to the Bay City area over the last few, too. Oak Bay and Davis Gulf, to the north of Oak Bluffs and Weston (technically, Davis Gulf is a reactivation, not a new region). These are part of the planned vintage boardwalk amusement park project coming to those four regions.
  9. Holy cats! Each of those spinners and every one of the ground based "four trees, lampposts, and sign" set ups are the same person.
  10. Come celebrate Bay City's Third Anniversary! Join us in a parade on Saturday, 14th May, starting from the bandshell in Bay City - Harwich and travelling down Route 66 and Park Place to the Bay City Fairgrounds at North Channel! Parade staging Sunday, May 16th at 12:00 p.m. (Noon) SLT Meet at the bandshell in Bay City - Harwich, with additional room in Bay City - Dennis, Bay City - Tisbury, and Bay City - Edgartown. The parade will begin promptly at 12:30 pm. SLT. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Harwich/11/11/24/ Parade viewing: Don't feel quite like the march? We have several handy parade viewing areas! Here's SLURLs to two of them: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Orleans/128/228/24/ (General) http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Falconmoon/240/228/24/ (Moderate) Parade end: Parade will conclude in North Channel -- but hang around for fun and festivities at the Bay City Fairgrounds! Live music will be starting at 1:30 p.m. SLT! http://slurl.com/secondlife/North%20Channel/128/128/24/ Who can participate? Bay Citizens, Nova Albions, Shermervillians, Blumfeldians, Nautilods, and *all* residents of the Second Life Grid are welcome! What do you want? Festive outfits, unique avatars, costumes, floats, Macy's parade-style balloons, marching bands, stilt walkers, dancers, kids on bikes, dancers, drill teams -- you name it! Come and represent your own special part of Second Life! zOMG! Huge Map is Huge!
  11. Yay Ever! I'll so be there!
  12. Kolby Nissondorf wrote: I never see Lindens in world, where do they all go to to hang out? Must be kind of boring whereever it is because ive never been there As many have mentioned, many likely spent their "off time" in alts, rather than in their "work clothes." Does a store employee like to roam their store in their work shirt on their off hours? That said, you will still find a few around Linden Village from time to time (the Ambleside, Grasmere, Hanley, Longfellow, etc regions) and at the various inworld User Group meetings. And on various tasks throughout their work days, if they're support or governance types. Meanwhile, just f'r fun, here's my collection of Linden piccies. Nearly 900 snaps nowadays! http://www.sluniverse.com/pics/AlbumView.aspx?id=834
  13. Jane Fossett wrote: Two quick questions Q1. Am I correct the name is now "ICE BAY," not "Icy Bay" ? Q2. Are there names for those two large lakes that separate the BEAR and BRAUNWORTH regions, south of FABLES? :-) Correct on Ice Bay. I've never heard an official name on either. As the Sutherland Abyss just got named last year (that's the L-shaped area south of Sutherland, with all the "dam" names for the regions), I wonder if they have names at all.
  14. Jane Fossett wrote: P.S: Where did all the Cape Cod names come from in Bay City Westside?? Cool maps. As to the Cape Cod names... I'd blame the former Blue Linden who, if memory serves, was originally from that area. His fingerprints are all over the former Teen Grid.
  15. Void Singer wrote: oh noes, it's spring and warmer weather isn't trapping people indoors like snow and cold do, lets all panic This, at least in the short term. I am used to April/May and August/September being the "slow months," with better weather and "end of summer" travel being a bit part of 'em. This isn't to say that the numbers *have* dropped since '09, which I think there's a whole host of reasons for. FWIW, that we're not in worse shape speaks more to me.
  16. Lookit that, it's time f'r th' weekend write up. First, in Bay City, one of the Alliance members is sorta spearheading some weekly fun race events. This week, it was planes, as we flew from Hau Koda, around the airship mooring in Bay City - Truro, and then back. It was great fun, even if I did run out of gas and had to ditch in Davis Gulf. Here's a shot from before that happened, though! My sibs an I decided to travel 'round Avaria, 'cuz it had been a while. Her's the three of us out and about. We did't stay in one place f'r too long, though, as we were being staked the whole time we were there. And this was the thing a-stalking us: And finally, jes f'r fun, a shot of yours truly enjoying a warm Sunday afternoon in The Pixel Bean region, which is very pretty even if you can't see much of it in this piccie: Hope y'all had fun weekends too, an a great week ahead!
  17. Pussycat Catnap wrote: There was another spot on the north east end of a continent somewhere, where I found the linden road turned into a rope bridge... that was really neat. But I don't recall where it was. Northeast of the Kwaito region, I suspect. ;-)
  18. Agreed.... I see some of the same greed in play that plagues the east side in its first few months, and still has an effect to this day. At some point, one must realize there is only so much the market can bear, no?
  19. Mog Munster wrote: Things I'd do for double prim lands...:smileyvery-happy: Would love to see something of that detail in Bay City or Nova Albion, too!
  20. Void Singer wrote: I did love that episode, even more when they remade it for the movie.... and it's my favorite reason listed for having a child av myself (not full time, but sometimes). kudos (the actual kind not the software kind) to the person who cited that in the wiki, and some to you too for reprinting it =) That would be me all around, then. ;-)
  21. Ann Otoole wrote: So where the locations vacated or are the last people to win a spot getting a permanent store for free now? One of them was vacated for sure (New Port). The other two, well, I think they've been getting a deal over there...
  22. Allow me to copypasta from the wiki... Why play a child in Second Life? There are a great many reasons to play a child within Second Life, and it is plenty likely that every person playing a child might have their own reasons. Here are six. 1. A way to recapture some of the spirit of youth. Much like the old Twilight Zone episode, "Kick The Can," it allows one to 'be' a child, and run and jump, and play unencumbered with the responsibilities of adulthood. 2. "Re-imagining" bad childhoods. Many SL kids have faced childhoods filled with illness or disability. Many (by no means all) were victims of sexual or other abuses as a child, and this is allowing them to "rewrite" some of those childhood experiences with much healthier ones. 3. Related to the above, many may also want to have childhoods they could not, with all the toys and goodies they may have been denied for some reason. Always wanted that Easy Bake Oven? Go buy or make it in SL. Want the big swingset, or a pony, or whatever? All yours for a few pennies. 4. For fun. It can be a fun type of character to play, allowing for a childlike innocence and whimsey to come to the forefront, and providing for many opportunities to be "silly" that might not otherwise feel comfortable in an adult avatar. 5. A few may feel more comfortable in the role of a child, for whatever reason. While some of these might fall under various "philia" subsets (adult babies, for example), not all do. 6. Some may simply enjoy the roleplaying challenge of playing a kid, which isn't always as easy as one might think. 7. Some avatars may specifically create a child avatar to "escape" from the sexual content in other areas of Second Life. This may include victims of RL child abuse or it may not.
  23. I dunno. I mean ti is "tethered" in so far as there's a prim connecting it to the build... and it's not really a microparcel or anything like that... I dunno. I don't think it's "enough." But that's just me.
  24. Meanwhile, in Algira... And furthermore, I spied a Blondin...
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