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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. Yes, we are losing a healthy pool of people who are contributing. Had I popped in now instead of when I did (not THAT long ago), I would have found nothing really compelling here. GDF is where I've always spent most of my time, with quick forays into other areas when my jailors forget to lock me in here. Lose this pool, and you get less in the other areas, and then the same thing happens in those areas. Then it becomes nothing more than the free CSR posts that LL doesn't have to pay for (except for the bandwidth). Sigh. We all understand why some of the rules came into play, but the execution, the stranglehold, well... we all saw this coming, too. Has there ever been a time when the Forum, the GDF particularly, has had a well-balanced approach to moderation/rules? We've had absent, irregular, clueless, stranglehold... Honestly, though, why can't the posters of the GDF "keep it in their pants" with the over-the-top crud, either? We're just as much to blame, sort of kind of. Differently. Spirited convo is different from ad hominem flame wars. How hard is that?
  2. Geez. I can work customer service. (Not for free, LL, which I agree is what it seems like "they" wish the forums to be.) If it pays to be a SL CSR, perhaps I could pay for virtual shoes? If I can man the phones the first year "Obama care" came out, I think I can handle "mah hud don't work!"
  3. I love taking SL photos. They allow me to flex my creativity muscles. I was devastated in many ways when my old gaming desktop died (dramatically!) and finances only allowed me a very moderate laptop, with an Intel graphics card. :takes a moment of silence to mourn previous Nvidia card: I was so concerned I wouldn't even be able to run SL on this laptop, and I've been surprised at how well it does do inworld. As good as the desktop? No way. But not "stick figures in black and white" either. I have even started to test the limits with some photography in SL. So far short draw distances, easy on the depth of field, but I'm getting some decent results. I'm sooooo happy about that. The latest shots are in the adult section—short draw distance on portraits. Also amazed & grateful that while Black Dragon is shooting warnings about how it won't run with Intel graphics cards even before I log in with it, it is doing ok! (Still on FS for daily out and about.)
  4. Oh gawd. So sorry to hear this. It will not surprise you to know that we are the same here. Inertia has caused me many a similar problems.
  5. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, the bossy pants, including you, finally hauled my butt (and coffee) into that thread of Rowan's. Happy? I am.
  6. I've only read page one of this, because there is much to consider. On the one hand I agree with Lindal. On the other hand I get what you others are saying. On another hand, I never thought much about Belli competing with and putting out of business private estates (makes sense though). On the other hand (yes 4 hands now)... I don't have a pony in this show other than I buy stuff in SL. As @Scylla Rhiadra mentioned, I'll wait to see if as a consumer I am dinged with a price hike. On the other hand, LL is a business and needs to make income. On the other hand... I am not an ancient avatar, but I've been around for a while, and even though we are under new management, I do remember things that have happened in the past. I thought the news release for the acquisition, via the blog, stated next to nothing other than "bought it" and "yay team" (as I typed in the other thread, only to get derided :eyeroll: ). I think I lean more towards Lindal's cynicism and wariness. I don't see this as a cause for wide-eyed "this is great!" Perhaps cautious optimism? Or perhaps, more to the point, pragmatic realism. What is done is done. What will be done, will be. And the residents and users will just have to suck it up princess.
  7. Nope. My LL houseboat is already done to the max LI and I'm too lazy to do seasonal decorations. I will, however, probably do up my avatar if I can remember what day it is when it gets here. At least I will attach my black cat who floats next to me hoisted by black and orange balloons. I've always enjoyed Halloween though, still do, and like the whole "this is now fall" thing, the costumes, the who-am-I-kidding-it-is-the-chocolates.
  8. Peeve: Trying to get the brain to mouth connection to work properly, and remember it is British not English when one is speaking of someone from the British Isles but not England. I'm from 'murrika, how am I supposed to remember this when I am not even supposed to know the difference between: England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, let alone find them on the map? I think they are near Mexico?
  9. This may be too early for some, but for me there's never a wrong time for this:
  10. If you go back to my original post, only a few pages ago, I made it quite clear the issue, and that is factual. Information omitted in the OP. Information given later. I did not call names. I wondered at the need for the OP. I did not personally attack. However, to my benign, albeit not personally fawning responses, you have in two replies cast aspersions on my intellect, reading skills and have flat out name-called, ad hominem, me as a "weird basement dweller." Your responses, not my few and short ones, are writing large your actual intent. I was prone to give you the benefit of the doubt, but... whatevs. Like the others, and unlike you apparently, I can leave the thread. Done.
  11. Uhhh, sweetie... my reading comprehension skills are just fine. You omitted key information in the OP. Period. You only clarified much later. Period.
  12. Trolling presence? Moi? Surely you have me confused with someone else? I believe the terms you were looking for were, "insightful opinions wittily disseminated"?
  13. As to the trolling comment that survivors of suicide don't survive, but cope: I call bull-sheet. But I also don't want to drag this happy thread down into the gutter by feeding mindlessly negative people who believe they can speak, with a degree of self-imposed authority, for a large group of people who encompass a wide range of lives. This survivor muddled through and has popped out the other side, possibly well into the realm of thriving. I have umpteen kinds of PTSD and that's just for starters, and I don't appreciate the broad strokes of negativism on "my behalf." :straightens knickers and skirt: Anyway, Persephone, I'm so glad to read this. I used to go to SOS, but bowed out for "reasons." But they were always a good group. I vaguely knew they had reorganized, and I appreciate you listing a bit of the specifics. Mental health care has always taken a back seat to physical health care, the world over, with some countries being better at it than others, but none are stellar (to my knowledge). With COVID, the crisis in care has gotten worse, because within whatever framework is out there, the number of therapists has decreased while the need has soared. That SL can play a part in this, in a positive way, is indeed something for which to be grateful. Thank you.
  14. I wish the OP had clearly stated IN the OP that the avatar in question was doing sexual things in public in a store. As the OP was written, my hackles went up a bit because all that was described was a "young" looking avatar being out and about. For once I decided to read the whole thread (or close to it) before responding. Oh. More information later. OK. Then, I don't understand the question of the OP. If you know it is a AR-able thing, you just... AR it. Was the the question about what button to push? (That was also answered.) As far as pushing buttons go, as the OP was written it was sure to get a lot of folks going.
  15. I wish wishedy wish that I had a magic teleporter to get a cheesecake to you. And Hrithik would hand deliver it, wearing nothing but the cheesecake and a smile. You deserve it, love. Hell, we all deserve that!
  16. Totally peeved, laughing and shaking my head. PEOPLE! Effing read before declaring something dead, would ya? I love you guys but sheez. IT IS ON TOPIC AS WRITTEN! Unless mods say otherwise, I stand by that! Sheez. Well. I'm flying too high on joy at the moment to let y'all peeve me TOO much. ♥
  17. Expletive people! Read the effing post. I made it easier for you! Big bold letters in RED in the OP.
  18. Read the OP again, Sid. It is absolutely to do with SL! For example, read my today's grateful: SL Forum. With a little creative syntax it is absolutely possible to do a "similar" to the peeve thread. Geez, folks! I'm getting a little peeved here. Give it a chance? Post what makes you smile, happy, thankful, grateful and tie it in as best as you can to SL. My OP directly gets to this. Shees, first "It has already been done" (that's been dealt with" now an "IBTL"???? At least you could have posted a cute little IBTL gif that we could smile at and keep it on topic. Some of those are hilarious. Bunch of curmudgeons!
  19. Noooooooooooo! We NEED peeve threads! need need need! :grabs them away and protects them from the silly lion: We contain multitudes. Peeves and happy. Silly and serious. Drama and calm. And quit quoting me before I edit!
  20. sigh. No. I've never seen it. Great. I did look. I searched under various words and nothing applicable showed. Well that's a peeve. Then again... I didn't see it because it is months back buried. So. We can still be thankful in a new spot for a while?
  21. Grateful: The Forum This is a little more serious than I generally post but, story time: When I wandered into the SL Forums in 2010, I was in a dark place in my life. That story doesn't matter and won't be shared here, but the truth of the matter is that being able to joke and banter and chat and learn on the forums back then near literally saved my life. I couldn't leave my apartment, and if I had it would have been to purchase components for an exit machine. The forum kept me diverted, kept my mind engaged, allowed my humor to creep back into me and so much more. It was just that important to me. (For those of you who can remember that far back, that might explain just why I fought so hard to keep "my" forum when someone was trying very hard to take me out of it.) Small lesson from that: No one then knew of my situation, but everyone who kept me positively engaged had a huge impact on my life. We rarely know the kind of impact we have on others, which is one reason to err on the side of kindness, yeah? Fast forward to today and still grateful for the Forum: I am not in a dark place. That is behind me. But. The Universe has seen fit to drop a miracle in my lap and once again, it is via the Forum that my life is improved. Mysterious ways, indeed. I'm fair to bursting with joy (peeves will never be banished for long though, rest assured!). I really do like posting in this weird place. I wish it was a little easier to do now, but I understand why some of the new rulings are in place. It could get rough in here, but despite that, even if I never post again, this place has been special for me. Plus I get to post Taylor Swift gifs.
  22. Yes, a direct rip off of the Peeve thread (and its previous iteration before numbnuts got it shut down). Yes, totally out of character for me, as I'm more comfortable in the realms of peeves. This thread is for all of those WTF?! moments that are awesome. It is also for those little quiet things that cross your path that add a little smile to your face. The subjects are as wide and as varied as you are. NOTE: UNLIKE the current peeve thread, THIS one is not grandfathered in as being ok in not being strictly about SL. Yes, that makes it a bunch more difficult and convoluted to post things, but you are all such a clever bunch, I think we can figure out the loopholes! There's a lot to be grateful and thankful and smile for just in SL. A small kindness. A little surprise find tucked away in a sim build. People. A piece of art. A totally wtf encounter that left you grinning... And gosh, if it is IRL: get creative with your syntax! Can we give thanks as well as peeve? We shall see. Thanks for the joy you are giving by sharing. And now you can wander over to the peeve thread and complain that I use Taylor Swift gifs
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