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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. This and ditto. My timing of returning kinda sucked. I'm not leaving, but "fading fast" indeed. I like the techie threads, to scan and learn (or try to), but I have little if anything to contribute. Apparently BDSM in SL is becoming the new "must show up in every thread by largely uneducated but loudly opinionated" folks. I don't have the energy to take on that onslaught, and as that is something that is fundamental to me, the constant onslaught has a negative effect on my health. Rome fell. Everything has a season and a time. The last of the old forum community is hanging tightly to the leadened, late winter, branches of the place. Bright note: I'm glad I returned when I did, because I got the biggest prize of all from this venture into the Forums.
  2. I know some legit, good doms who joke about some of this stuff on their profiles. You can generally tell "joking" by context, but they tell me it separates "wheat from chaff." I get it. But ... um ... "domme breaking"? I'd want to see a whole lotta comical context.
  3. I can't (yet) speak to "now" but then, including right before I left here for 2 years: The ARs were being gamed and the reports didn't seem to be given much room for "context" or "who started it" but just looked at, shrugged and BAM! So they were rather ridiculous and very uneven. For you see, the "trouble makers" were the ones to do the AR game. So their targets got hit. The "targets" (like me) don't AR often, and don't game the system. You can see the problem. The troublemakers therefore remain (to this day) while the targets (me and MANY others who are no longer here) panic because "crap! I just got a 5-day ban! for THAT? ok, I'm outta here!" Hooking up inworld bans to forum posts is just... stupid. Ban from the forum, if one must, but hopefully if that happens it is made with a full context of the situation. There are people out there who target others... not with responses, but baiting and trolling to get a rise out of the targets. Due to my PTSD I'm not always the best at resisting the bait. I'm getting better at it, but 2 years ago I wasn't, and did what I needed to: leave. Both to preserve what sanity I have left and also not to get permabanned inworld because of a vicious little troll. ETA: In case anyone missed it, since I didn't say it explicitly, all of that ↑ peeved me to no end then, and is an annoying peeving memory now, and the hooking forum posts to inworld is a current peeve in SL.
  4. Peeve: Adulting Oh, not the word. I think that is one of the best "new" words ever. Very useful. No, peeved at the action. All forms of adulting. Totally overrated. Also I was told that men don't use the word adulting. Is this true? This could be the next thing since "voice verified"! If the cute Barbie Doll avie can't say "adulting" then... male! It is a theory in process...
  5. Yes, ma'am. I'm hoping the general nature of the discussion re: moderation will allow it to stand. (ie: not specific regarding topic, OP, comment, poster) Hard to type about this REAL PEEVE (for some of us) without bringing up all aspects of it. But sincerely, with a twinkle in my eye, "Yes, ma'am."
  6. I know. IF that thread had been allowed to stay up, based on its OP (and since "not SL" it wasn't going to), IF people had kept politics out of it, kept it on topic, then... good grief. But some people just can't. "Why" is beyond me. Here's a concept folks: If you didn't want to mourn the Queen, then stay out of the thread. And IF we could talk politics, THEN those people should start a thread about "why I'm not mourning" and the folks who don't want to read that, or can't conduct themselves like reasonable adults with differing viewpoints should learn to stfu. But they don't.
  7. Since I keep using the "scroll past" phrase, let me clarify that I am NOT missing your point that it is difficult to impossible, mostly with some USERS. The one person I have in mind from several years ago was a toxic, heat-seeking missile that was in every effing thread, and the prime mover for getting many threads shut down, people leaving (me included), people getting AR'd to the point of getting banned inworld... There were a few of those people. You are correct. Muting doesn't work, as someone always, as you said, takes the bait. Because of my PTSDs (plural), I know the Forums can, and have, triggered me, and that's never good (and so cannot refuse the bait at times, thankfully that is being healed over the years). I hate those people, and I rarely use that word. They upset me, and they mess up the Forum I use to socialize in. That others (including me) let those people get to us... sigh. That's on us, too. I believe firmly in personal accountability. Those people, and there were only a handful, are PARTIALLY to blame for what we have now. LL's baby-bathwater dumb reaction is another. It is both, imo. When I say "easy to scroll past" I will reiterate: If an OP is written clearly as a topic, it should be easy to predict where it could go. THOSE can be, and should be, scrolled past if they are something you don't want to see. I do not include the "white knights" and "people with causes" who cram sheet down people's throats on the same thing, over and over, in every effing thread to be included in that. THOSE people should have their arses fed to them on silver platters by the mods. That wasn't the case back a few years ago. When those people are the same ones who target a specific few other posters? Double dose of the arse feeding. Imho, of course.
  8. Serious questions: It looks like we AGREE that political posts (and let's broaden that to any IRL-SL issue) are very "scroll-past-able" especially if the OP is clearly stated as such. I suspect we agree that the stupid migration of "pet issues" into every single thread is a detriment, and it is that kind of posting that is messy, shuts down threads, and makes it hard for people like you who don't want to see it. Given those two points of agreement, isn't there room for everyone? You don't like politics here. Then, if people stay in "their lanes" you can avoid those things. For the people who LIKE such things here, can't they have them, too? That's been my position. There should have been a middle-path here. Not one or the other, both. With rules. As much as I love a good derail, and I'm good at it, I have no problem with the "stay on topic" moderation within common sense. (We've had some short little off topic joking back and forth get yanked, and that was dumb and too hamfisted.) With that kind of rules and moderation of them, we should have a much nicer place here for everyone. That's not what we got.
  9. NO... Love, you are missing the issue. Yes, the numbnuts were A problem. Perhaps the reason why the solution that was made was made. The "solution" made was NOT the proper fit for the problem. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is a dumb decision! Two wrongs don't make a right.
  10. PEEVE: I miss things that we did have in the old days, and I guess "you can't go back home" and I certainly cannot imagine, even if the rules allowed it, threads like @Scylla Rhiadra weirdly fun "I want to be a SL modal" happening here today. "Talk like Pep." So many silly threads, that were creative and fun. Those days are gone. That community is gone. Some of it is DEFINITELY "good riddance" (and I know that personally very well). But still... sigh. The GDF should be wide enough for 5-Letter games (my preference at the moment would be 4-lettered words), political/social issues, peeves, thanks, techie nerdy stuff of LOD and ALS (I'm GLAD those threads are there, even though my level of comprehension is on the low end of the sliding scale). We have people from all over the world, of all orientations, religions (oh gawd don't start on religion!), ethnicities, financial scales, educational backgrounds. My god, what a treasure... out with the bathwater. :::mopes:::
  11. Your question is unclear. Do I think trolls deserve what they get? I think with careful (key word) moderation, where posts/threads are moderated with a knowledge of this community, its dynamics, the people (there are and have been "usual suspects") and context, then yes, as individuals and their posts, they "deserve" to be shut down if they are trolling. Do I think the whole community needs to be thrown out with the baby and bathwater? NO. LL brought a bazooka to a knife fight. And various other mixed metaphors. As I said above, there was a middle-path that could have taken care of the major problems and kept this place vibrant.
  12. I disagree. When the threads are strictly political, from the OP onwards, then they are easy to skip if you do not wish to participate. Any contentious thread is easy to skip if the OP is clear. There was a recent thread here that got locked precisely because the OP wasn't clearly stated, and it went off kilter because of it, and the OPer decided to then turn it into an ad hominem fest. For people who want to discuss such things, and yes, RL issues do impact SL issues (ask the people in Ukraine about their SL businesses, or there's covid, inflation...), then this used to be a good place for such discussions—until the numbnuts that can't control themselves and their flames have to take over. Where I agree with you goes to the same numbnuts who couldn't contain their political (or whatever) idiocy in the specific threads. They had to drag their (often contentious) political "views" into everything, or what has been happening of late, their total disdain of things like BDSM. I've seen that happening recently. It is like "well we can't talk politics, what CAN I ram down people's throats in EVERY SINGLE THREAD???" The inability for people to exercise self-control has set it up so that baby got thrown out with the proverbial bathwater.
  13. While searching for a youtube I saved somewhere for future viewing I found something else. My youtube "inventory" is about as messy as my SL inventory, and so things get put in there and lost/forgotten. Today I found this, by Ever Dreamscape. Ever was a much beloved member of this forum community and inworld in Bay City. She had a delightful sense of humor, whimsy, and intelligence. She also had a tendency to blow things up inworld. She is greatly missed. What a surprise it was when I first learned she had created this for me. I'm grateful for the lovely surprise of rediscovering it today. There was a running gag at the time, I forget the particulars, but I was "missing" (on another of my on/offs with both the forums and SL, for "reasons"). At 7:50 in, the photo on the screen and the one that keeps appearing, is my profile photo at the time. I don't know when this was made, but my guess is 2011-ish.
  14. This is true, but there were some people going around like heat-seeking missiles and targeting people and threads. I was the target of one such person, as were some of my friends at the time, and many of my friends are still gone from here. Threads on various topics were slammed shut. Honestly, to my mind, that was the beginning of the end of "community" here. The community is still here, barely, hanging by a thread and on life-support. That was indeed the problem then. I know I could (and did) sometimes just get so PEEVED (sigh) from the constant stupidity of it that I snapped. I rarely resort to ad hominem (in print, although mentally it is another story). But you are 100% correct, and I wish some people would have this stamped on the backs of their typing hands. Exactly Exactly, too. I returned near simultaneously with the new rules. Considering I left a few years ago with a 5-day inworld ban over my head because of this place, I was VERY worried about what would happen here. I did have a conversation with a mole, who wasn't clear with me at ALL about what happened to those old points, like, was I still one hand slap away from being banned inworld? (I NEVER GOT A DIRECT ANSWER TO THAT.) Do those old "points" roll off? I still see them on my dashboard. Questions like that. I was/am greatly peeved at that lack of transparency regarding MY OWN ACCOUNT. However, I was told "we" would have to do something "pretty horrendous" to get inworld banned. It left me a tad more relieved, but still uneasy. It still does. Does this have a chilling effect on me, and others? oh yeah. However, again, as I've been posting here, gotten my hand slapped (along with everyone else, so that's kind of comforting), I am observing that the slaps are a little more consistent and so far I haven't been banned from anything. I've also been on very good behavior, and frankly it is nice to be able to DO that without the heat-seeking missiles... and the missiles I've had, such as the coffee cup/butt fiasco, I think was handled well by the mods and I got to reply with snark without the ad hominens and flames, which goes back to Sammy's point (a bit). There WAS a middle ground to be had here. One that could have made most people, if not happy, at least grumbling acceptance. Instead, the baby went out with the bathwater, and now we have a soap-scummy empty tub.
  15. Well, I considered it a warning as well and a darned good reason to stop posting. The bans I got were RIDICULOUS, the slaps RIDICULOUS and I can point to one or two people, some who are still here because of it. I know, without "knowing" it was part of people gaming the (then) system. I also know with knowing that it was an unfairly, unevenly applied "system." And I know it was because some people were doing it on purpose it seems. There was no doubt how this (original) thread and others got shut down. It still peeves me. It was a warning, yes, but a real honest THREAT that the next step could lead in permanent banning. For. Forum. Posts.
  16. Me neither. Sounds awful. Sounds "about right" too. I nearly got thrown out of SL INWORLD a few years ago because of what was going on here then. INWORLD. (I had a 5 day ban?) People were playing the mods left and right AND people were flaming and... yeesh. So while I don't know what Solar is saying about their story, um... yeah.
  17. You're asking me? I started my post with "I don't know who I am agreeing with." I'm kinda getting lost. My post, a few up, kind of agreed with folks who are saying that this new turn of rules and their "follow through" are slowly killing the GDF (and maybe other places). But I also agree with folks who are saying the way people were posting also bears some responsibility. But it seems like you, Scylla and Solar are disagreeing and I'm not sure why, and side comments by others seem kinda confusing. So I'm not sure who is saying what, frankly. My comment about wanting to know who to aim drama at (the opposing team) was an attempt at humor by a very tired person. Comedy is hard.
  18. I no longer know who I'm agreeing with. ? There's the general lamenting, yeah. Or we should say peeving, else we get slapped and comments removed ... which actually would be more fodder for peeving so... oh never mind. There's a general lamenting over the slow, steady death of the GDF. It is not as vibrant as it once was. The sense of community is down (as far as I can tell). Vibrant does not equal drama. Vibrant certainly doesn't equal the threads that are prominent now (except for mine, of course!). There's some discussion, nay, peeving, about how much we should be peeving about the recent state of affairs (which IS a dying GDF, right? this is so confusing). There is some discussion, and I agree... I think? Yeah, I said it, that there was reason for some of the change, but I was remembering the sheet show here 2 years ago, when this thread's original was shut down, other "good" threads shut down and the whole darn thing was a mess. I left and I know several others did too. (Conspiracy! Discuss! (only in terms of SL)) Is anyone arguing that bad players, posting that got out of control into endless, cross-thread flame wars is NOT part of the current (and therefore ironic) present? (serious question! not rhetorical!) @Scylla Rhiadra mentioned that the GDF was actually better in the past year than it was the 2+ years I just described. So maybe the posters have NO responsibility? (not rhetorical!) I don't think they will "pull" the GDF for the reasons @Persephone Emerald stated. Maybe it is only the old-timers here who see an impending death? Do more recent folks not have the sense of community here? When did that start (or stop)? Has it? It's been a long, weird day. I'm confused and rambling. But at least I would like to know who to agree with so that I could work up some moral outrage and drama against the other team. Yeah?
  19. pppptht. You're Canadian. We all know you're Canadian. That wouldn't be your sign. This would be your sign...in comic sans.
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