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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. That "issue" with Phoenix is simply a matter of Phoenix being a V1 codebase viewer, not designed for viewing mesh objects. To view mesh, you must be using a V2 codebase viewer (either LL's own or Firestorm, which is also V2). Non-compatible viewers will see only the unrendered shape, usually a sphere. There are two exceptions: (1) The Cool viewer, created by Henry Beauchamp, is a V1 viewer but has been modified to be mesh compatible, and (2) the newly-released upgrade to Phoenix (as of last week) uses Beauchamp's code to make it mesh-compatible too. Updates usually do not remove the previous version because many people prefer to keep older viewers around, to reinstall in the (highly) likely event that the new upgrade has serious bugs and will not run properly.
  2. That's a communication problem between your computer and SL's servers. Information about your appearance has to be "baked" onto your avatar on your own computer, saved there, and then uploaded to SL before it's fully visible there. If the necessary information is messed up in transmission, you may end up with a borked file on your computer, or SL's servers may end up with a borked file. Either way, your av's appearance defaults to a fluffy cloud. What works to repair the damage for one person won't necessarily work for the next person, and it may not be the same thing that works for you tomorrow. See the full list of possibilitites here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail . Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today. BTW, one of the first things to suspect is the type of connections that you and your GF are each using. If you are using a wireless connection, that could be the cause of the problem. Wireless is not a reliable method for connecting to SL. It loses bandwidth easily and is likely to suffer from interference from cell phones, garage door openers, and even fluorescent light fixtures.
  3. You might try using llSetKeyframedMotion and randomizing the amount of rotation. Something like this.... default{ state_entry() { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX]); } touch_start(integer total_number) { float spin = llFrand(10.0); list MoveList; integer i; for (i=0;i<10;++i) { MoveList +=[llEuler2Rot(<0.0,spin*PI/10,0.0>),spin/10]; } llSetKeyframedMotion(MoveList,[KFM_DATA,KFM_ROTATION]); }}
  4. Marketplace items can show as "Delivered" even if they are not. That message means that Marketplace has asked the merchant's Magic Box (an in-world storage and delivery mechanism) to send you the item you ordered. It can sometimes take anywhere from a few minutes to a day or more for your items to be delivered, especially if the merchant's Magic Box is temporarily out of service or the sim it's on is offline.The Magic Box system is due to be replaced in the very near future, but we live with its shortcomings for now. Not that it helps now, but to remember for the future: (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened. So, what do you do now? ....... To get a record of the individual items in your order, open Marketplace and click the My Marketplace menu at the top of the page. Select My Account >> Order History from the pulldown menu. If you do not receive items within about 24 hours, you should cut and paste the information about a missing item from that Order History and send it in a IM or notecard to the merchant, along with a polite message requesting redelivery. Most merchants are very kind and willing to redeliver. This happens all the time and they are aware of it. Do be patient, though. Not everyone logs in to SL every day or checks their e-mail. If you still haven't heard in another day or two, follow it up with a second polite note and finally, if you STILL haven't heard, file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ , selecting Marketplace from the pulldown menu.
  5. I agree. ~llListFindList(data, [variable]) has the advantages of using a system function and operating without the inherent slowness of a for loop. Try this simple solution .... list main_list = ["BOB", "JOE","SAM","JANE","SUE","PAM"];default{ state_entry() { llListen(-11223344,"","",""); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llTextBox(llDetectedKey(0),"What are you looking for?",-11223344); } listen (integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { if( ~channel = llListFindList(main_list,[msg])) { llSay(0, msg + " is in the main_list at position " + (string)channel); } else { llSay(0, msg + "is not in the main_list."); } }}
  6. I haven't noticed this myself, but try an experiment..... Are you wearing objects that have a shiny texture? If you can (that is, if you have mod perms on the objects), try using your Edit tool >> Texture to set the Shininess to "None" . There's a JIRA ( https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SH-2511 ) that may be relevant to what you are seeing, and the problem has been traced to bump mapping being loaded incorrectly. If that's what's creating your flickering objects, LL already has a fix for the next upgrade of the viewer.
  7. The "Waiting for Region Handshake" message occurs when the Second Life Viewer does not receive an acknowledgement from the server. The usual cause of this error is a firewall blocking UDP packets. Reconfigure your firewall to resolve this problem. For information on how to configure firewalls, see: Configuring your firewall How do I configure my software firewall? Second Life IP addresses firewall configuration Configuring your corporate firewall to allow access to Second Life About content filters
  8. Rolig Loon


    Not MY pink ones.
  9. Rolig Loon


    blackstare wrote: can you help me with a problem with my controls case every time i try to click on the pink balls it won't let me do anything but sit!!!:matte-motes-evil: That's what a pose ball is supposed to do. You sit on it, and while you are seated you cannot move anywhere else. It is "posing" you in that particular animation at that particular spot. It does not need to ask your permission to do that. Permission is granted automatically when you choose to sit and is released again when you stand up.
  10. This is a known recent issue with th latest verison of the LL viewer. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540 . If you have helpful information to add to that report, please do. You may at least wish to vote on it and add your name to the watch list.
  11. If I understand correctly, you are setting the child prim's local rotation, and you want it to match the root's global rotation, plus or minus a perturbation. So try something like llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(child_link_no,[PRIM_LOCAL_ROT, llEuler2Rot(perturbation_rot)*llGetRot()]); If your perturbation is a +/- 10 degree rotation around the child prim's Z axis, you might write it as vector perturbation_rot = <0.0,0.0,10.0 - llFrand(20.0)>*DEG_TO_RAD ; You'll need to update that everytime the root prim rotates, so put both in a timer event with a suitably short time frame. ETA: OK, so that wasn't right, but this is .... integer gON;default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { llSetTimerEvent(0.3 * (gON = !gON)); } timer() { vector perturbation_rot =<0.0,0.0,10.0-llFrand(20.0)>*DEG_TO_RAD ; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, llEuler2Rot(perturbation_rot)]); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_ROTATION,llEuler2Rot(<0.0,0.0,2.0>*DEG_TO_RAD)*llGetRot(),PRIM_POSITION,llGetPos() + <0.0,0.0,0.5-llFrand(1.0)>]); }} Tested it in world. The two-prim linkset bounces up and down randomly and the orbiting child prim wobbles back and forth on its own Z axis, like Earth's Moon with its axial perturbations. It's pretty cool.
  12. Rolig Loon

    Sim offline

    WE cannot check. We are all SL residents like you. There are no Lindens here. To report a problem with a sim off line, submit a support ticket ( https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ ) under the category Land & Region or contact either Live Chat or the Concierge service.
  13. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/The-Second-Life-Economy-in-Q4-2010/ba-p/674618 É muito difícil estimar o número de usuários no SL, porque a maioria das pessoas têm mais de uma conta (alt), e por muitas contas permanecem ativas, mas há muito adormecidas, após os donos das contas deixaram SL. As informações no link acima é da Linden Lab relatório "oficial" trimestral, por isso pode ser útil.
  14. Esta é uma área de ajuda-residente para residente. Se você tiver uma pergunta sobre o Second Life ou gostaria de ter ajuda para resolver um problema, você pode adicionar informações à sua pergunta clicando no link Opções no canto superior direito e selecionando EDIT. Se você está tentando solicitar voluntários para um projeto, você pode tentar enviar o seu pedido no Fórum de discussão geral.
  15. Remember that you only have a 117 prim allowance on that lot, so you can't build much of a stable or put many horses in it, at least not if you put anything at all in your house. :smileywink:
  16. Hehehe.... But llSetTimerEvent(31200000.0) doesn't have the same metaphorical impact as llSleep(31200000.0). llSleep stalls the entire script, llSetTimerEvent lets life go on as usual until the timer is triggered. I wanna sleep! [3.12 x 10^7 seconds ~= one year ]
  17. That's exactly the right thing to do. Sometimes the hold isn't for anything major ... they noticed some unusual activity on the account, or maybe someone filed an AR against several people in a club at the same time and you got caught in the crossfire while LL tried to sort things out. Or it was just a flat-out mistake. That happens too. They're pretty good about removing a hold when you help them see what's wrong.
  18. I'll ask the same question that PeeWee did in that other thread, then.... Can you hear the music stream on other sims, or is it just on your own that the music dies? If it's more general, then the problem is likely to be in your own setup. Take a look first to be sure that you actually have streaming audio enabled in Preferences. It might have been turned off when you updated or changed viewers in recent months. Also check to see where your Maximum Bandwidth setting (in Preferences >> Graphics ) is. If it's set too high and if you have been pushing your system to use shadows, a large draw distance, a high anti-aliasing setting, and other resource hogs, there might not be anything left for streaming media. Voice may be cutting out on you too. Maximum Bandwidth should not be higher than about 1,200 for most SL residents. Yours may need to be even lower. If you don't have the problem on other sims, then it's more likely that somthing is wrong on your own sim or parcels. You may have dead URLs, or may have put the URL in the Media URL spot instead of the Music URL spot. That's a really easy mistake to make if you have been used to the way they used to have the About Land and Region/Estate controls set up. I've done it twice.
  19. llRegionSayTo(llGetOwner(),0,"And a Happy " + llList2String(["New Year!","2012!","drive home!"],(integer)llFrand(3.0)); llSleep(31200000.0);
  20. Thanks for posting this! I do all of my off-line scripting with LSLEditor, so it's good to have a version that has caught up with the cloud of new functions and constants.
  21. Je vous crois, mais juste pour vérifier ... Ouvrez le menu About Land >> Objects et vérifiez de nouveau le nombre de prims disponible. Parfois, les gens comptent par erreur le nombre d'objets sur une parcelle, au lieu du nombre de prims. J'ai fait moi-même distraitement. :smileytongue:
  22. You are much more likely to get knowledgeable responses if you post this question in the Fashion forum >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Fashion/bd-p/Fashion
  23. Rolig Loon

    make walls

    Rez a cube and stretch it to the size you want, then drag it into position. Add any texture or color you want. The tools you need are in your Build menu, or you can access them directly with CTRL + 3. If you are unfamiliar with basic SL building skills, you may want to either spend some time with tutorials at the Ivory Tower of Prims in world or take a free class at someplace like Builder's Brewery, NCI, or Caledon Oxbridge Universty. You can see which classes are available during the week by using your Search function in world or at http://search.secondlife.com. Navigate to Events and search for "building classes".
  24. The only people who can tell you the answer are the owner or managers of Lolita's Playground. They make the rules on their own sim or parcel and have exclusive right to ban anyone they choose, for any reason at all (or for no reason at all). It's just the same as the way you operate in your own house in RL. You can tell anyone at all to leave, without any explanation. It's your house.
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