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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Not another browser.... another viewer. All that happened was that your viewer got stuck on the TOS page. It's an old bug. Try Firestorm >>> http://www.phoenixviewer.com/downloads.php All you have to do is log in and accept the TOS. Then you can either continue in world with Firestorm or you can log out and go back to using V3 or whatever you were using before.
  2. Actually, you can't send L$ to Paypal, because they are just in-world tokens. What you do is sell your L$ for dollars. Those end up in your dollar account balance, so you can send them to Paypal. See >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107
  3. That's one of the basic methods, and it's near the top of the list at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail , which the OP says she tried.
  4. You change your password by clicking on the Account menu on the left side of the page. I have no idea what question you want to ask ( or "rest"?? ), though, and there is no place on your dashboard to ask a question.
  5. If you have tried everything at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail , and it still doesn't cure you, then you have a larger problem. You may find that the bake fail problem comes back repeatedly, even after you fix it with one of the suggestions on that wiki page. If so, you have a chronically weak Internet connection. There are many steps to take for repairing it. Perhaps the simplest ones -- ones that work best for most people -- are: (1) Don't Use WIRELESS. Wireless connections are inherently less stable than direct cable connections and are more vulnerable to interference. Then, (2) Reboot your router. Unplug it from the power for a few minutes to let it clear its RAM. The plug it back in and let it get a fresh hold on an IP address. If neither of those solutions help, check with your ISP to see if there are problems with your Internet service. You may also need to consider replacing your router.
  6. According to notes in the wiki at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Internal_Animations , hold_r_handgun is automaticlly replaced by aim_r_handgun in mouselook. That's the way those internal animations are designed to work. The aim_r_handgun animation triggers targeting, but the hold_r_handgun animation does not. You should probably try shopping for a simple animation for your project, or try your hand at making one of your own with QAvimator. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_create_animations .
  7. If you are using Firestorm, look in Preferences >> Firestorm for a box labelled “Don't send Avatar Physics to server”. If that box has been checked, then physics effects will not be transmitted to SL's servers so they can be viewed in world. I assume that there is a similar setting in V3.
  8. Most of the time when people have trouble logging in to SL, the problem is on their own computer or in their Internet connection. This last week's ghosting problem was a fairly rare exception, an unforeseen side-effect of changes that LL made to their own servers. If you are having trouble logging in, we'll need to have a lot more information before any of us can begin to recommend a solution. You didn't even tell us what kind of computer you have, or anything about it (What graphics card? How much memory? What kind o Internet connection?). You also didn't tell us which SL viewer you are using, or tell us about any error messages you might be getting. What happens when you try to log in? You can add all of that important information to your question by clicking on the Options link in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  9. Restarting the sim is not likely to make any difference, so don't worry about that. If you have tried the recommended solution and it does not work for you, file a support ticket and wait patiently. By the time LL reviews your ticket, the problem will probably be fixed anyway >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Deploys-for-the-week-of-2012-01-30/m-p/1359977
  10. Be patient. If you have tried the recommended workaround and it has not worked, then LL will review your Support ticket as soon as they can. By the time they review it, however, the problem may be solved anyway. See >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Deploys-for-the-week-of-2012-01-30/m-p/1359977 .
  11. Chances are good that the problem lies with the SL servers or the voice provider, Vivox. Still, there are things you can try: What sometimes also helps to get voice working is disabling voice in Preferences → Sound & Media -> Voice Settings, hitting apply, waiting a minute and then enabling voice and hitting apply. When these methods fail (assuming voice usually works for you) it is usually the Vivox voice servers that are the problem.Try going to another region to see if voice works there. If so, then the issue is the region you were in before. Was voice disabled there? If not, a region restart might solve the problem.Try a relog, or even a reboot of the computer.Sometimes device settings can reset, so check in Preferences → Sound & Media -> Voice Settings → Audio Device Settings, to be sure that the input and output are set correctly.
  12. That's maybe a good question for the General Discussion forum, but there's no answer, so we can't help. :smileywink:
  13. SL's servers can handle more than one sim each. Lag on your sim might not be caused by anything on your sim at all, but by something that changed on another sim on the same servers (or, more likely, on the other 1/2 of the sim that you're on). Also, the number of prims on your 1/2 sim won't make any difference to lag. Prims that are just sitting there don't cause lag. Rezzing prims does, and so does moving them. What will make a difference is how many of those prims are physical, scripted, or (heaven forbid) temp rezzers.
  14. You are charged for any land that you owned at any time during the last billing cycle, whether you still own it today or not. Your tier is based on the highest land ownership during the cycle.
  15. Any prim can be a particle emitter. The eay way to find the right one is to edit linked parts. Move each linked prim individually and see when the particles respond.
  16. Turn the emitter upside down. Particles always stream from the center of the emitter and along the +Z axis. You can also apply a negative acceleration along Z, but that's going to look a bit wonky, because the particles will be emitted and then whip around and head back the way they came.
  17. That's a particle effect. If you aren't seeing it, then you have either disabled particles (toggle with CTRL + Shift + Alt + = ) or you have set your Maximum Particle Count (in Preferences >> Graphics) too low. It should be 4096 for normal use. There's also the possibility that your graphics quality slider is set to LOW, in which case particles are either disabled or greatly limited.
  18. If you are using Phoenix, you can set Preferences >> Phoenix >> IM >> "Announce Incoming Instant Messages" . It's a clever option, triggered as soon as someone starts typing an IM intended for you. It's a little disconcerting for the sender, as you have noticed, but it gives you a few seconds to compose yourself and think of a witty repartee before the IM arrives. The Phoenix developers did not include that in the current release of Firestorm, and I am not aware of other viewers that have the feature.
  19. So, what's your script meant to do? If you get a script error, then you're asking the script to do something impossible, like divide by zero. I can't see why that could make you crash, but then I don't know what you were trying to do either.
  20. You have to make mesh objects outside of SL, using a program like Blender or Maya. Then you UPload it as a collada.dae file to SL. To do that. you need to have a V3 or Firestorm viewer and you have to be approved to upload mesh. See here >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh for more information to get you started. If you have other mesh questions, ask them in the Mesh forum.
  21. We need to know a lot more about your computer, which viewer you are using, and what happens when it "won't open" before we can offer any advice at all. You can add important information to your question by clicking on the Options link in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  22. If SL is actually crashing -- that is, it is not giving you error messages, but is just dumping you out -- then there's a very good possibility that your computer is overheating, or at least your graphics card is. Heat can cause very expensive damage, so do maintenance every month or two to be sure that it is clean. Open the case and use a can of air to blow out all accumulated dust bunnies and cat hair. Check to be sure that all fans spin freely. Be sure that there is more than adequate ventilation around the computer at all times. Check on line for free software that will monitor your computer's working temperature and vary the fans speeds accordingly. If your comuter is a laptop, you may need to take it to a professional to have it cleaned and its fans checked.
  23. If they were delivered, they are in your inventory, although maybe not where you expect to see them. Open the "Recent" tab to see what has been added recently. You may have to click the + sign and "Show Filters" if "recent" is more than a day old or so. If your Transaction History in Marketplace says that they were delivered but you really can't find them, then clear your cache to force your viewer to rebuild a local copy of inventory from SL's servers. If they still don't show up, copy the details of your purchase out of your Transaction History and send a polite note (IM or notecard) to the merchant, explaining the non-delivery and showing the details. If the merchant doesn't send you a new copy within a few days, file a support ticket and ask LL for help.
  24. From http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Maturity-ratings/ta-p/700119 >>> "Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Moderate regions as long as they don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces)."
  25. If a resizer script does nothing more than resize, it's pretty worthless. After all, so long as the object has mod perms, any fool can resize it with the Build/Edit tool by just grabbing one of the white boxes and yanking. If the item is no mod, you probably don't want to buy it. The real trick is reshaping and repositioning. There aren't many resizer scripts that let you do that, and most are necessarily custom-designed for the particular item.
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