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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Peter has it right. If you are truly determined to change the texture of the floor, use an old RL trick .... lay a new floor on top of the old one.
  2. A common cause of payment method failure is the use of unsupported card types. At this time, the majority of prepaid cards are not compatible with our system, even if they bear the VISA/AMEX/Mastercard logo. This includes cards purchased at retail stores, rechargeable credit cards, and bank-issued check cards. So says Linden Lab.
  3. Or, assuming that you define Up = 1; timer(){ llSetPos( llGetPos() + <0.0,0.0,0.725*(Up = -Up)> );} :smileywink:
  4. Well, if you try to send it to regional position <0.0,0.0,0.0>, it will always try to go to the extreme SW corner of the sim, because that's where <0.0,0.0,0.0> is. It won't get there, because you can't use llSetPos to move an object more than 10m, so it will do the next best thing and stall.
  5. You may be talking about some of the role play sims that are based on the fantasy civilization of Gor, which you can read about on Wikipedia. They have some very strict rules for their own members, but are quite careful to avoid behavior that would violate TOS in any way. You can choose to take part in their role play or not -- just like all of the other lifetyle choices you are free to make in SL. If you don't want to be part of it, just walk away and find another place that is more to your liking.
  6. The easy answer is that you don't need to be sure. You aren't the one who's making a decision. You are simply reporting an observation. If Linden Lab has reason to believe that there's a TOS violation -- in this case, an age violation -- it's their job to do something about it. Provide LL with whatever observations you have, without trying to guess at motivation or to fill in th blanks where you simply don't know. For more helpful guidance, see Torley's video >>>
  7. Take a look at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlEscapeURL
  8. Weihoppa Nirvana wrote: Hey Darkie! [...] Rolig, i've been playing on the wiki on occasion, but from what i've heard from several scripters it's more like the basic manual, and that you can learn quicker and faster from guides around the web. It really all depends really. The wiki is slightly harder to understand than the average scripting guide though. But i'm slowly and steadily learning from both. :] Yeah, you're right about that. The wiki isn;t a textbook or a tutorial. It really is a user manual, in the strictest sense of the term. In the absence of any documentation from Linden Lab, scripters have created their own manual to explain to each other how each function in LSL works. I keep the wiki's Function page open all the time as I script, because I can't be bothered memorizing all details about every single function -- especially ones that I use rarely. As I said earlier, mechanics are the relatively less important 10% of scripting -- the part for which you can always get reminders by consulting the wiki. The only reason I suggested looking at it now, as you start, is to get in the habit of using it and to pique your curiosity about functions that sound potentially useful.
  9. It's not an old problem, but things like this have happened in the past. There are three current JIRAs regarding it. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7845 or maybe https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2950 or perhaps https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1507 Take a look at all three and, if you have relevant observations that might help Linden Lab developers find a solution, add them to the appropriate JIRA. I suggest watching it too, so that you are aware of any progress on it.
  10. It can be confusing if you have never bought a skin before, but once you see how it's done, it's quite logical. If you click the HUGE photo, you almost always are asking for a demo. To get the skin itself, you need to click on one of the many small thumbnail pictures off to the side. That will generally open a "Pay" window that you click to send your L$. Sometimes skins are also sold in packages, so that you can get a selection of 4 or 5 versions of the same skin with different makeup schemes. If so, the skins in the package are all in the same row (or column) as the icon or photo for the package option. Hair is often sold he same way as skins..... a HUGE photo that you click for a dmo and a mess of small photos that you click to buy individual versions or packages. BTW: I would recommend never buying skins or hair without getting a demo --- or a hefty pile of demos -- first. You'll want to try demos with different lighting and while wearing different outfits to see how well they work in different settings.
  11. If nothing else, you can always file a support ticket and request a sim restart.
  12. If the objects that you want to control are not parts of the same linkset, there's no way you're going to get them all in sync. You could certainly add a communication channel to each script and then send a signal from one of them to control the other two, but if there's any lag at all -- isn't there always? -- then you won't be able to rely on the communication. If the objects are all linked, you have a much better chance. One way is to pass a linked message from one script to the others. That works, but it' means using three scripts when you only need one -- adding unnecessary load to the servers and contributing in its own small way to lag. All you really need to do is to calculate the color vectors as you have been doing and then apply them with llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast to each of the prims you want to texture instead of using llSetColor. ETA: Not that it's necessarily relevant to the question the OP asked, but I'd rewrtie the entire script if it were mine. It's much longer and clunkier than i needs to be for the small job that it's doing. But that's me. As Peter says, if you are truly interested in getting feedback on any changes you make, please post your work in the LSL Scripting forum. If you are just interested in finding someone to do the scripting for you, the place to ask for it is the Wanted section or the Inworld Employment section of the Commerce forum.
  13. Rolig Loon


    Well said, Charolotte. There are a few owners that have been on my "delete" list for a while.
  14. Start learning LSL with some of the beginner tutorials here >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Tutorial and then spend some time with a good tutorial on how dialogs work, like this one >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/DialogMenus Once you have written something that you need specific help with, bring it back it and post it. We'll be glad to help with the places that are giving you trouble. BTW, scripting is 90% logic and 10% mechanics. In the beginning, it's natural to spend most of your time on the 10% because it all looks unfamiliar. That's why you need to work through a few tutorials and spend some time with the wiki, and it's the part we can often help you with most easily here. The important 90%, though, only comes with practice and careful planning. It's not something that someone else can show you, except in a very general way. You have to learn that part by doing it.
  15. The "big setup, not just starter one"? There's only one if you click that yellow button. (Well, OK, you can download a PC version, a Mac version, or a Linux version, but they are all the same. There's no "big setup" or starter one".)
  16. Oh, wow! That is so cool. I learned something today. :smileyhappy:
  17. You'd need to write a custom script for your particular item. Basically what it would have to do is 1. identify the new object nearby 2. Get your permission to link the new object as the root prim of the linkset. (This will have the side effect of making the owner appear as the creator of the whole linkset.) 3. Move it to the correct position and rotation relative to other prims in the linkset. 4. Resize the new prim as necessary. It's not a trivial bit of scripting, because it will involve a fair amount of fiddling to do the repositioning and resizing steps correctly. There are some simplifying shortcuts, depending on how well you have thought out the design of the linkset, but it's still probably not an easy job for a new scripter. ETA: I am assuming that the prim that the user adds is a gemstone or cabuchon -- something that adds to your design. If that's not the case, and you just want to add a transparent prim and make it the root of the linkset, then your script just has to do steps 1 and 2. That's a relatively trivial job.
  18. That's a very good question, but it may have something to do with https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7845 or maybe https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2950 or perhaps https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1507 Take a look at all three and, if you have relevant observations that might help Linden Lab developers find a solution, add them to the appropriate JIRA. I suggest watching it too, so that you are aware of any progress on it.
  19. Unless the items are group owned, it should be impossible for the current owner to take them into his own inventory, but he could still block you from being able to pick them up unless you can get close enough. You can try standing in an adjacent sim and taking back your objects from there, or you can give one of your alts -- one that is not known to the current owner -- permission to edit your stuff. Go in world on a stealth mission sometime when you're fairly sure than the curren owner is not around. So long as you and the current oner do not do anything that violates the TOS, this is a dispute between residents. Linden Lab is not likely to intervene.
  20. That's an interesting challenge. It's a bit outside my own range of experience, but I doubt that you'll be able to do it the way you are trying to (if you can do it at all). MOAP is designed for displaying static web pages, not for real time interactivity. Darkie or Peter may have more insight if they drop by this thread.
  21. It looks fine to me and it compiles --- after I removed the line numbers and a bunch of bogus hidden line feed characters in the play function. My guess is that you were using a word processor or some other editor that stuffs formatting characters into text, assuming that you are writing a memo instead of code. Here's a clean copy.... play(){ string html = "<html><head><object width=\"2048\" height=\"2048\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"http://flash-effects.com/swf/water_ripple_follow.swf\" id=\"sb-content\" style=\"visibility: visible;\"><param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#000000\"><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></object></body></html>"; // html = "data:text/html," + llEscapeURL(html); // you may need to escape funny chars html = "data:text/html," + html; // or not, this depends upon your URL's llSetPrimMediaParams(0, // Side to display the media on. [PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_CONTROL , PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_NONE, PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_INTERACT, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_ANYONE, PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_PLAY,TRUE, // Show this page immediately PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL,html, // The url currently showing PRIM_MEDIA_HOME_URL,html, // The url if they hit 'home' PRIM_MEDIA_HEIGHT_PIXELS,2048 , // Height/width of media texture will be PRIM_MEDIA_WIDTH_PIXELS,2048 // rounded up to nearest power of 2. ]);}default{ state_entry() { play(); } on_rez(integer p) { llResetScript(); }}
  22. Well, you cn start by telling us what kind of computer you are trying to run Second Life on. What model? What graphics card? What CPU? What operating system? What kind of Internet connection? Exactly what does the error message say, and when are you getting it (at what point in the login sequence)? We need a starting point before we can begin to guess what your problem is. To add infomation, click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  23. Welcome back to SL, Kenny. I am sorry for the loss of your daughter. Anyone can drive a police car or other official-looking vehicle in SL. None of us have any special powers except the Lindens, and they don't need a police car to make their God powers work. The only way you can get in trouble is by pretending to have some official role and using that to victimize other SL residents.
  24. Take a look at Torley's cool video >>> http://vimeo.com/4243622
  25. Rolig Loon

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    I know. I curse LL daily for this mess.
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