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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Yes. You are experiencing the bug described in this JIRA >>> Sounds aren't played at first attempt Normally, an avatar cannot hear a sound when it is first played unless the sound has been preloaded. Scripters usually do that by either adding a llPreloadSound function call to their scripts or by playing a sound once at zero volume and then a second time at full volume. With this bug, the llPreloadSound method no longer works. Until Linden Lab techs find a fix, all sounds need to be played twice.
  2. First, be sure that you really did download and install the current drivers from the manufacturer..... ATI Video Driver Latest driver Last checked Feb 6th- Windows and Linux: 12.1 (Jan 25)Then, try rebooting your router. Unplug it from the power for a few minutes while you go make a cup of coffee. That will give it time to clear its RAM and get a fresh grab on an IP address. If you're lucky, that's all it will take. If not , click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question here and select EDIT to add any new information and let us know what happened. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  3. Winter Stine has a very wise piece of information in her profile... PLZ DONT PASS ME YOUR BABY BEFORE MAKEING SURE IM THERE AND NOT IN BUSY MODE... That's important, because we each have an "in box" that collects IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and any objects that people send us when we are not in world or when we are in Busy mode. That "in box" can hold a maximum of 25 items. When it is full, it stops accepting any more items --- and it throws them away. Permanently. They are not returned to whoever sent them. So, Ms. Stine's note is her way of saying that you could lose your baby forever if you send it to her without checking first to see if she is there and ready to accept it. I doubt that filing a support ticket will make any difference if this is the root of the problem, because rejected items really are gone. You can try, but don't get your hopes too high. I'm sorry.
  4. You pay Linden Lab from your US dollar balance, which you can replenish at any time either by importing USD from PayPal or by selling L$ that you may have in your account. Linden Lab will always draw first on your US dollar balance and then turn to your PayPal account if your dollar balance is insufficient. See >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.1.2 and other information on that same page.
  5. Thjere are two ways to do it. One, as you have mentioned, is to create a second account ( an alt ) and identify it as a Scripted Agent -- a bot. You'd do that on your new account's dashboard at secondlife.,com >> Account >> Scripted Agent Status. Then you find yourself software to control your new avatar and decide whether to host it on your own computer or on someone else's >>> See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bot . The other possibility -- especially good for something as simple as a greeter -- is to create something that might look like an avatar (or not), but is really just a construction that you make out of prims (or sculpties or mesh) and then animate with a simple program like Puppeteer >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Puppeteer . That's a very easy task (assuming that you have the building skills and patience), and it's well suited for a creature that is meant to stand in one place and wiggle its arms convincingly. Once you have th creature built and animated, it's as easy to put the greeteing and notecard-handling scripts in it as it is to drop them into any other greeter object.
  6. Take a look here for a good summary of ways to control lag >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_very_laggy . As you may have learned, there are some things you cannot do anything about --- the number of large textures in a sim or the number of other avatars there, for example. You can control a lot, however, with some very simple tactics. Among the easiest ... 1. Keep your draw distance low ... 128m or less. 2. Avoid using features that put a heavy demand on your graphics card, like shadows and anisotropic filtering. 3. Don't wear loads of scripted items (including HUDs). 4. Be sure that your antivirus routine has an exclusion for Second Life, so that it doesn't verify every single texture that your machine downloads ( See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/antivirus_whitelisting ) 5. Set your Maximum Bandwidth (in Preferences) to about 75% of your measured download speed (See http://www.speedtest.net/ ) .
  7. I agree completely with Peggy. Ditch the wifi. There's way too much interference with cell phones, garage door openers, smart refrigerators, fluorescent lights, and other things. Besides, wifi was never designed for the heavy, continuous data streaming that SL expects. Some people have no problem with wireless in SL at all, but it's a real headache for many residents.
  8. Nomiki Tremmor wrote: [...] ***Since there's not a button for me to reply to poster's I'll answer here. Yes it 'shows' on my Picks. When I go to the store, click their daily picks, it continually says it's not on my website picks. AdN isn't the only one this has happened with either. Yes they 'show' if you go to the website/profile area of mine manually. They used to show to the Daily Pick Prize Boards and now they don't. Am I making sense? lol Sorry if this is confusing, it's confusing to me for sure. You used the correct system for respnding (It's not easy to figure out, so congratulations. ) Since it's showing perfectly on your own picks, the problem appears to be in the store's own script. For some reason, it's not reading correctly from the profile database. I have no way of knowing how that script is written, but I can imagine several ways for it to screw up. It ought to look for your UUID or your username, but perhaps it's seeing a Display Name instead, for example. Or -- another blue sky hypothesis -- maybe the script checks against an internal list to see whether a new registrant is already on it. If you have added and removed your name a few times, the list may now be messed up -- not sure whether you are registered or not. In any case, it's probably time to call this to the store owner's attention with a very polite note. Explain that you have been a loyal customer for ages -- refer to specific recent purchases maybe, and of course to your own profile, where it's obvously there -- and see if the owner can add you to the list manually.
  9. I just looked at your profile at https://my.secondlife.com/Nomiki.Tremmor . **AdN Designs**--------------> THE OFFICIAL MAINSTORE is the first pick in the list. Isn't that what you want?
  10. hello by two time today the 13 june 2012 when i enter second life after writing my sl username i have 2 link open to porno web site i not accept and those site were open automatically just wanted to let you kind regards karrolline thanks all for your answer yes i have 3 trojan come from youcam i download recently norton not found them malawayre yes now all is ok:)
  11. Earning money is work, whether you are in SL or RL. Whether it's hard or not depends on how skilled and how patient you are. Don't expect any job in SL to pay very well, though. That's just not the way it works. If I write a fairly complicated script, I might get paid L$5,000 -- about $20 US -- for a couple of days work. A scripter in RL would be paid five to ten times that. If I sell a dress in my shop, I get maybe L$200 for it -- another 80 cents. Even if I were working full time in SL, I'd be earning way less than I could in RL, and having no time to do anything else. The bottom line is that the easy way to get money in SL is to buy it with RL dollars. Save your coffee money for a few days and bring the money in world with you.
  12. The OP's problem, of course, is that he can't do that. The box is greyed out so he can't uncheck it. At the moment, he can't even get into Phoenix. That's why everyone else is advising him to remove and replace the user_settings file.
  13. Did you buy them on the Lindex or earn them in world? If you have never bought L$ on the Lindex, it will not let you sell them, no matter how many you have.
  14. The Risk-API verifies that Third Party currency exchanges or other companies doing business with Linden Lab have a good credit rating. You are apparently using a service that has failed the test. YOU didn't fail it yourself. If you are using a currency exchange other than the Lindex, that message is a warning. You can try calling the LL billing office to see if they have more information. If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277
  15. A negative avatar? That's unlikely, but you do have to buy L$ before you can ever sell them. Buy a few hundred L$ and you should be able to sell yours.
  16. If your firewall is blocking outbound TCP port 12043, then teleporting, viewing the World Map, crossing regions, and related activities won't work and may cause unexpected crashes. Check your firewall settings >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 .
  17. If you are looking for a script that someone else has written, the place to look is the Wanted forum or Marketplace (or dozens of places in world). If you want to hire a scripter to write something for you, post in the Inworld Employment forum. This forum is a place for scripters to share insights about scripting and to ask for help with scripts that they are writing themselves.
  18. Continued at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/i-haveing-trouble-with-my-avatar/qaq-p/1567021#M9145
  19. Did you follow Lindal's instructions in her answer to your previous post at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/i-can-t-put-clothing-on-i-look-like-a-new-comer/qaq-p/1566697 ?
  20. I don't know why they are orange (they could be any color, or none), but the answer is No. Once you have emptied a box you may delete it.
  21. The best way to learn, painful though it may be, is to spend several long weekends staring at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Rotation and https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer/Rotations . Beyond that, practice and a lot of frustrated banging of your head on the desk helps. You particular challenge here, though, is fairly easy. What you need to do is use llGetLinkPrimitiveParams to get the PRIM_POS_LOCAL and PRIM_ROT_LOCAL for the prim you are trying to move. Those values are already in local coordinates, relative to the root of the linkset. (PRIM_POSITION, which you are trying to use, is in region coordinates, which is why you get no movement at all. You are telling the prim to move to a region position that is almost certainly more than 10m away, so the function fails.) Changing them, therefore, is just a matter of adding an offset (or multiplying a local rotation by a new rotation) and then using llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast to set the new values. This used to be significantly more difficult before those functions and parameters were made available, about a year ago, but it's a snap now.
  22. I agree with Nalates. When you do a reinstall, all you are doing is replacing the veiwer's files in your Programs directory. The roaming files are untouched by design. That's so that you don' have to re-renter all of your Preferences settings each time you update the viewer. In your case, though, that's exactly what you want to do, because your user settings file is apparently borked. To find it, you will need to show hidden folders. Now you need to locate the settings folder: Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[YOUR USERNAME]\Application Data\SecondLife Windows Vista: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife Windows 7: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife Mac: /Users/[YOUR USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/SecondLife linux: ~/.secondlife and delete it. The next time you run Phoenix, the viewer will automatically reconstruct it with default settings.
  23. You've probably already discovered the tutorials and other resources at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials. If not, take a look. My favorite ones are Natalia Zelmanov's many clothing tutorials -- a bit dated now, but still great. Thing is, though, most of what you will learn from tutorials is basics. The advanced stuff is not taught much, but it's experienced and discovered, one technique at a time. Many techniques are shared in the forums, so you should start lurking and participating in the Building and Texturing forum, in particular. In fact, some of the best tips are in the archives of the old Texturing Tips forum at http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/109/1.html . Beyond that, go to your favorite bookstore and buy yourself a good Photoshop manual and a stack of books on clothing design and just practice like crazy. That's really how many of us learned.
  24. Try opening your Search in world and typing the word "modeling" into the search field. Narrow your search to Events >>. Education. When I do that, I get 52 hits. A few are for classes in creating mesh models, but most of them are classes in learning how to be a model. You can do the same search in your browser at http://search.secondlife.com/?query_term=modeling&collection_chosen=events&isLeftColOpen=True&sort=start_time_asc&category=26&date=06%2F11%2F2012&dateformat=mm%2Fdd%2Fyy&starttime=1930
  25. Thanks for adding the specs for your laptop. As far as I can tell, you ought to be able to run SL, but you will probably have low to medium quality performance. One review that I was able to find says "... This Toshiba laptop delivers tons of extras, including a discrete graphics card that helps carry the video load when the going gets tough. That helps to somewhat overcome the P305D-S8900's biggest negative -- an underpowered AMD processor -- and makes the Toshiba laptop a capable performer for everything short of serious gaming." The unfortunate part of that review is that SL puts a very heavy demand on the graphics card and CPU, so the bit about "everything short of serious gaming" is a sort of red flag. You still haven't told us exactly what happens when you try to run SL on that machine. What does it do? Does it load at all? Do you get an error message at some point? What is it?
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