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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. Sometimes when a resident takes a snapshot, another resident knows. How do they know?
  2. Reduce the price in small increments, waiting a couple of minutes each time before lowering it again. At some point a bot will swoop[ in and buy it. It's better than just abandoning it.
  3. Check out the Mon Tissu Westbury Mini. I think it is very nice.
  4. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: It is not up to LL to determine what rights you have to anything you buy here or what you can and cannot due. Under the TOS, creators retain all the IP rights to what they make and they are the only ones who can decide what permissions you have. That said, even if it were possible, allowing people to remove things from no mod objects will create a lot of problems since most people have no clue when it is safe to remove a script or if doing so will break an item.. You have a responsibility as a consumer. If you want to be able to do this. First, you must be willing accept responsibility of knowing if a script can be safely removed or if it breaks the item and if you break it, don't look for a free replacement. Second, don't buy no mod items OR make sure that there is a true delete all non essential scripts function in them. You can always contact the creator prior to purchase and ask if you aren't sure or even ask for a descripted version, some may be willing to accommodate you. I think we need to avoid confusing rights and abilities. I have the right to modify anything that I own, but I don't have the ability if it's no-mod, in which the creator made use of the LL permission system to infringe my right. Permissions have nothing to do with rights, other than that they are a way of enforcing creators' actual rights, as well as enforcing limitations that go beyond them and infringe purchasers' rights. In RL, it goes without saying that if I break things by modifying them when I don't understand how they work, I, not the manufacturer, is responsible. Same in SL. Also, sellers can lie. The reason that I am particularly sensitive about abuse of the no-mod permission is that, after being assured by the seller that a very expensive item was copiable and modifiable, I bought it only to find that almost all prims were no-mod, which interfered greatly with my plans for it. The seller did not respond to IMs, and I had no recourse. I think the no-mod limitation for prims should be abolished because there is never a situation in which it can be used to safeguard a legitimate right, and its only use is to prevent consumers' exercise of their rights. We do fine in RL without such a limitation.
  5. I tried it out with an alt, and it did not work as I expected from the wording. For example, the alt could return a no copy object but could not take it. Is there a good explanation of how this works somewhere? eta; i guess not. it baffles and irks me that thr Lindens don't think it necessary to document how things works. Thanks to thre two people who answered.
  6. They can also send you an IM or give you an item, but if they fuind out that way, you should be aware of it, although if they use an alt who is unknown to you, you won't know who did it.
  7. As in RL, you would do well to describe your qualifications, talents, knowledge, skills, abilities, and what you want to do. You are not likely to get an offer when all anyone knows about you is your desired income level. Would you offer to hire someone that you knew only that about, in RL or SL?
  8. If I were not so used to it, the amateurishness with which LL is run would boggle my mind. It is just amazing that a company would add features to its product and not tell anyone, or if it did, would put the information in some obscure place where most of its customers will not see it. If I didn't know better, I would think the company was run by thirteen-year-olds.
  9. LittleMe Jewell wrote: Depends on how much US$ I use to buy the L$ Me, too, exactly.
  10. I don't really know what I'm talking about, so take it with a grain of salt. I think that there are semitransparent tattoo and clothing layers that one can wear that create the appearance of more cleavage through shadow effects. Perhaps you could use something like that.
  11. One of my frustrations over the years is the lack of authoritative information about what hardware is needed to run SL well. Fortunately for me, I usually don't have to use a laptop. So in your place, I would get the best I could afford of each component. When I looked to see what was available, I was surprised at how much power can be bought for not too much money.
  12. If it offends you, why not just promptly teleport out and get on with your SL?
  13. Could it be that you used to have it on file, but removed it sometime? I think the easist fix would be to reenter it.
  14. I don't think you'd go wrong with an Intel X79 motherboard, second generation core i7 processor, 16 GB fast RAM, GTX 680 video card, SSD for programs, and a suitable power supply. That's what I have, except that I have a GTX 580, and SL runs significantly better than it did omn my previous computer, which was a pretty good computer. If you can't find what you want, there are Web sites, including Dell and HP, where you can choose from lists and they will build to order.
  15. Thank you, Rolig, for being so helpful so many times here.
  16. Cathy is exactly right. No one except the copyright owner and the person who is selling on MP know if the MP seller has the right to sell it. The only thing a bystander has the duty or right to do is to inform the person or entity that she thinks is the copyright holder that it is for sale on MP.
  17. If I increase the length of a prim by changing the number on the Object tab instead of pulling on the colored cube, and "stretch both sides" is not checked, how can I know which end will move? Thanks.
  18. Vegro Solari wrote: I'd thirdly smile. And fourthly, on a very optional basis, hire someone to either pursue DMCA takedowns for me related to this, or send out scaremonger "our legal departmet is onto you" notices to the more blatant guys. The outcome of said activities would be totally irrelevant, LL takes it down- fine. They don't - fine! One option that doesn't get talked about much is to serve LL with a DMCA subpoena demanding the RL contact information of the alleged infringer. Unless they, or the subject, are willing to file a motion in US District Court to quash the subpoena, they have to give you the information. Then you can send your letter to the real person, if there is one.
  19. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: In the case of people with no payment info on file they have no verified RL information and perhaps fear being held liable in some way if some one is selling illegal mesh and are unable to give RL information to authorities. Amethyst, I don't think that makes sense. If LL promptly removes content upon receipt of a DMCA notification, then they have no liability for infringement, and no need for RL information about the person who put it up.
  20. People have been asking for this for years. For whatever reason LL won't do it.
  21. I already have some. I will never allow convents on any of my land.
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