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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Suspiria Finucane wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: DissertationAnarchy wrote: I am currently doing my undergraduate dissertation in Human Geography. My dissertation is looking at SL as a space that does not have a state. Someone else in this thread mentioned feudalism, and that's a pretty good description, of how SL works. Feudalism; the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord’s land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection. SL is nothing like that. That's because you're taking the word to mean one thing. But "feudal" has a broader definition as a systemic structure. The word "feudalism", in the since that I , and several other people, used it here in this thread, is an analogy to the systemic structure of SL. Noble sim "owners" (who are actually renters) pay tier to the LL Crown, which gives them military service (full estate rights and a theoretically higher level of customer support). In turn, the Sim Nobles rent to the peasants (the rest of us) in exchange for the space we've rented, plus in some cases a subset of the Nobel's military protection (ban rights on the estate, perhaps more). There's room in that hierarchy for additional layers (fewer if you are on mainland and report directly to the Crown), but at virtually every layer, the control over what's below is very high. That's close enough to Feudalism for me.
  2. Maryanne Solo wrote: Janelle Darkstone wrote: A Capybara (Hippotamusus Bucktoothus Moosus SansAntlerus) Thufferinthukotash me don't believe that and Im not even going to google it lol. Your text is as good as your cartoons Janelle Ye of little faith. Janelle is absolutely correct. Within the same genus, there is a related and complimentary species called the YogiBerra (Deja-vu'us Repiticus). While not as vicious as the predatory capybara, the Yogi is a cunning scavenger. The capybara's clearly predatory look and demeanor makes it easy to spot for prey, and so it must depend on sheer speed and maneuverability to make a kill. A capybara sprinting at full speed moves its legs so fast that you can't see them, but their hum is unmistakable. The Yogi's chameleon-like abilities allow it to masquerade as a tourist, boarding Carnival cruise liners undetected. Once aboard, the Yogi wreaks havoc with ships engines and generators, causing passengers to panic. It then seizes the opportunity to sate it's revenous appetite on all the spoiled foodstuffs left behind in the ship's galley. The Yogi's life cycle encapsulates the phases that delineate separate subspecies of capybara. A young male Yogi will grow a set of antlers which, later in life, fall off as the adult tusks come in. Here is an adolescent YogiBerra... And a wiley adult... Ain't nature grand?
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: 11:35 AM for me: that's definately Tuesday. *shouts WAKE UP GUYS!!! HAPPY TUESDAY!" ...pulls the pillow over her head and goes back to sleep.
  4. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! Peace! It's too early to be Tuesday! Who gets up at this hour?
  5. 16 wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: On the other hand, humility, combined with self-confidence, is sexy as hell. Humility, combined with self-confidence, eh? Okay... I bet I'm twice as humble as you are! Ben Franklin wrote: In reality, there is, perhaps, no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive, and will every now and then peep out and show itself; you will see it, perhaps, often in this history (MM: his autobiography); for, even if I could conceive that I had completely overcome it, I should probably be proud of my humility. or ..... !!! can be humbled by how much proud you got like: gosh!! I got so much proud I don't know what to do with it all. am truly humbled by how much blessed I am. not like them other people who not got any. so am going to share my leftover prouds with them. then I be even more humble jejejejee (: ...sits on your front porch and looks all humble.
  6. Qie Niangao wrote: On the other hand, humility, combined with self-confidence, is sexy as hell. Humility, combined with self-confidence, eh? Okay... I bet I'm twice as humble as you are! Ben Franklin wrote: In reality, there is, perhaps, no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive, and will every now and then peep out and show itself; you will see it, perhaps, often in this history (MM: his autobiography); for, even if I could conceive that I had completely overcome it, I should probably be proud of my humility.
  7. So long as all the objects rotate about the same axis, and only that axis, everything will work. If you don't mind ignoring off-axis rotations of celestial bodies such as the Earth, an orrery is easy to make. I suspect the OP has something else in mind. llTargetOmega is a viewer side operation that rotates a prim about the orientation that prim has at invocation. So long as every object in a linkset is rotating about one and the same axis, that axis' orientation does not change and all the children spin correctly (which rarely happens in RL). ETA: As Carbon notes, hierarchical linking is not possible in SL, so all child prims must orbit the root, though they can spin at different rates. If you wanted to construct different orbital periods for the children, you'd have to co-locate multiple parent-child (sun-planet) objects, each with different root-prim rotation rates. ETA2: I'm in-world at the moment, trying to locate Pandora Wrigglesworth's orrery at her Curio Obscura store. I recall scratching my head over hers years ago, so she may have done something we all think is impossible. ETA3: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Curio-Obscura-Orrery-Lamp/614995 It might be worth getting one to get a glimpse of how Pandora did it. She's got a tilted Earth in her orrery. I expect all the planets orbit and rotate at different rates. My understanding of the limits of SL would require this to be a collection of separate Sun/Planet linksets, but I recall my headscratching resulted from looking at this thing in-world and seeing that it was one linkset.
  8. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: So my $L5,798,992 linden balance doesn't impress you? What a pity..............LOL ...sits on your front porch and looks all destitute.
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: One reason for this is that even a completely idle script that will never do anything ever again nonetheless continues to use some resources. For example, a script that once started some texture animation in a "water" prim and never again executes a single line of script code nonetheless uses script memory and, believe it or not, consumes some sim processing time: the script scheduler actually checks to see if this tiny, useless script has anything to do (any pending events) every time its turn comes around, just the same as some massive script in a tight timer loop. That checking is very, very fast, but still counts when there are lots of scripts running on the sim. That was something cool that I learned from a "Let's Lessen Lag" class - once a script activates a process that will never be used again (ie. no one is going to turn on/off the water in a fountain) that the script can be deleted and the process continues with less/no lag. The instructor said there are likely thousands of objects in SL that fit this example that could be deleted. That explains it! I had a rotating object I yanked the script out of and it kept rotating. I guess I'll have to pull it back into inventory and rerez it. It's not that a script can start processes that continue after deletion of the script, it's that scripts can set prim properties, which are persistent. Beyond the properties listed in this wiki page, there is also llTargetOmega, a viewer side rotation that persists. That's what you encountered, Perrie. Here's a script that will stop the rotation of such a prim, then delete itself... default { state_entry() { llTargetOmeta(<0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0, 0.0); llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); }}
  10. I'll add my voice to the growing chorus that thinks you are driving through the weeds. 1) In the absence of a state in SL, do you feel more free compared to RL to act out your own desires, liberties? As others have said, there is no absense of state in RL. SL is a elective participation dictatorship, within which small feudal realms exist. The relative anonymity of participation does allow for greater freedom of expression (including anarchic behavior), but so does the lack of gravity, physical pain, death, decay, etc. Whatever forms of social control you think do or do not exist in SL, I think the other aspects of virtual life trump them. I have, as far as I know, never incinerated a friend in RL. None of my SL friends has escaped that fate. Am I an anarchist? 2) Do you feel more watched, your desires are steered in RL as compared to SL? Every word you type in SL is archived by the Linden overlords. They know what's in your closet, what you are wearing, how much money you have, where you spend it, and on what, who you get it from, who you give it to, where you've been and who you know. I don't think it's possible to be this watched in RL, unless you're institutionalized. 3) If people are left by the state do you think they are naturally peaceful or brutish? The history of mankind has been that, absent some kind of social structure, we generally create it. Anarchy just isn't very efficient. It's already been established that SL has state control, so your question cannot be answered here. But that's okay, Steven Pinker and the Unibomber can give you widely disparate views on the subject of anarchy and state control. 4) Do you think there should be more punishment for breaking the TofS in SL or do you feel the TofS are too strict? You are asking two different questions here, akin to the old "Do you walk to school or take your lunch?". The question of whether there should be more or less punishment for breaking the TOS is independent of what the TOS actually covers.
  11. 3-17-1996 High school junior Rebecca Simpson calls off her planned circumnavigation of the Earth by bicycle after discovering that the planet is more than 2/3 covered by water. Rebecca's geography teacher and mentor, Myron Finkelstein, said he would have caught the error in understanding if he'd had experience with bicycles, which he thought would float. "You learn something new every day" said the pair. 3-17-2017 Christianity is rattled to the core when academics researching the life of Saint Patrick discover that the shamrocks he used to teach the "Trinity" were, each and every one them, four leafed.
  12. Rolig Loon wrote: It's people wearing mesh but either not wearing the alpha clothing layer that comes with it (if you see body bits poking through) or wearing the alpha, which makes body parts disappear, inefficiently. It's hard to design clothing that avoids both problems well, and at least as hard for customers to wear them. IMO, you'll see a lot of both cases until LL finally figures out how to release the long-awaited deformer project. Rigged mesh clothing holds great promise, but as it works today, it is awkward and unsatisfying. While this is all true Rolig, I wonder if Qwalyphi is seeing the sort of mesh glitches that sometimes plague many of us. The feeds are filled with people posting pictures of themselves partially transparent. In these cases, it seems as though the alpha layer is erasing those bits of avatar it should, but the mesh clothing object hasn't rendered. I don't have any mesh clothing, so never see this on myself. Could it be that people are bumping off their mesh clothing pieces by "wear"ing additional things that attach to the same point rather than "add"ing? I've read that many mesh pieces attach to the same point on the avatar. If one created an outfit from such pieces, would it have to be added rather than worn? I don't recall if I have any outfits in which I've got more than one attachment on the same spot.
  13. I'm glad I was able to help, even though I misinterpreted your question!
  14. Mac Fishnet wrote: I want to hand someone an object directly from my hand. is that possible. So then that person has my object in their hand? Creating machnima and that is in the script. Welcome to the forums, Mac. I think this would be easier to "fake" in post production. There is no mechanism for passing an object from one avi to another. You'd have to create an object that could be worn by both avatars in the correct positions for the exchange, complete with animations that synchronize the hand-passing motion for both. At the point where the hands intersect for the passing, you'd have the passed object become invisible on the giving avatar and visible on the receiving avatar. While that can probably be done, it requires skills in building, scripting and animation and the synchronization of animations between two avatars and those scripts. I have a similar requirement in a machinima I'm contemplating and I intend to solve it with a couple quick shots of a hand/arm in motion. I'll let the audience imagine the rest. Good luck!
  15. 3-14-2014 The Higgs Boson is accidentally misplaced by inebriated CERN scientists during a celebration of the first anniversary of the confirmation of its discovery. CERN public relations director Ethyl Alcohol, in an attempt to ease concerns, explained that both discoveries and losses must be confirmed, and that CERN budget cuts would ensure that the Higgs Boson will remain discovered for the foreseeable future. 3-14-2016 Commercial shippers operating in the Indian Ocean disguise their container ships as Carnival Cruise Line passenger liners in hopes of warding off attacks by pirates, who widely believe their prospects are better in prison than aboard a Carnival ship. (Sorry Hippie, I couldn't resist!).
  16. Hi Kids!!! I missed Progress Day (March Forth), so I'll spend a li'l extra time on today. Here are the first 365 digits of Pi, one for every day of the year (the initial 3 before the decimal point is for leap day). I chunked them as US telephone numbers to make them easier to memorize, cuz I know you all wanna... 3. 141-592-6535 897-932-3846 264-338-3279 502-884-1971 693-993-7510 582-097-4944 592-307-8164 062-862-0899 862-803-4825 342-117-0679 821-480-8651 328-230-6647 093-844-6095 505-822-3172 535-940-8128 481-117-4502 841-027-0193 852-110-5559 644-622-9489 549-303-8196 442-881-0975 665-933-4461 284-756-4823 378-678-3165 271-201-9091 456-485-6692 346-034-8610 454-326-6482 133-936-0726 024-914-1273 724-587-0066 063-155-8817 488-152-0920 962-829-2540 917-153-6436 789-259-0360 011-33
  17. I've edited the code to set the menu channel number at the script's compile time and I've removed the makeMenu function and touch_start handler. I haven't tested this, so caveat emptor. If it doesn't work for you, I'll pop in-world later and make it right. // Linkset Resizer with Menu// version 1.00 (25.04.2010)// by: Brilliant Scientist// --// This script resizes all prims in a linkset, the process is controlled via a menu.// The script works on arbitrary linksets and requires no configuration.// The number of prims of the linkset it can process is limited only by the script's memory.// The script is based on "Linkset Resizer" script by Maestro Linden.// http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linkset_resizer// This script still doesn't check prim linkability rules, which are described in:// http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linkability_Rules// Special thanks to:// Ann Otoole float MIN_DIMENSION=0.01; // the minimum scale of a prim allowed, in any dimensionfloat MAX_DIMENSION=10.0; // the maximum scale of a prim allowed, in any dimension float max_scale;float min_scale; float cur_scale = 1.0;integer handle;integer menuChan = 7; // set this to whatever suits you. I'd avoid 1, lots of scripts use that channel. float min_original_scale=10.0; // minimum x/y/z component of the scales in the linksetfloat max_original_scale=0.0; // minimum x/y/z component of the scales in the linkset list link_scales = [];list link_positions = []; integer scanLinkset(){ integer link_qty = llGetNumberOfPrims(); integer link_idx; vector link_pos; vector link_scale; //script made specifically for linksets, not for single prims if (link_qty > 1) { //link numbering in linksets starts with 1 for (link_idx=1; link_idx <= link_qty; ++link_idx) { link_pos=llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link_idx, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL]),0); link_scale=llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link_idx,[PRIM_SIZE]),0); // determine the minimum and maximum prim scales in the linkset, // so that rescaling doesn't fail due to prim scale limitations if(link_scale.x<min_original_scale) min_original_scale=link_scale.x; else if(link_scale.x>max_original_scale) max_original_scale=link_scale.x; if(link_scale.y<min_original_scale) min_original_scale=link_scale.y; else if(link_scale.y>max_original_scale) max_original_scale=link_scale.y; if(link_scale.z<min_original_scale) min_original_scale=link_scale.z; else if(link_scale.z>max_original_scale) max_original_scale=link_scale.z; link_scales += [link_scale]; link_positions += [link_pos]; } } else { llOwnerSay("error: this script doesn't work for non-linked objects"); return FALSE; } max_scale = MAX_DIMENSION/max_original_scale; min_scale = MIN_DIMENSION/min_original_scale; return TRUE;} resizeObject(float scale){ integer link_qty = llGetNumberOfPrims(); integer link_idx; vector new_size; vector new_pos; if (link_qty > 1) { //link numbering in linksets starts with 1 for (link_idx=1; link_idx <= link_qty; link_idx++) { new_size = scale * llList2Vector(link_scales, link_idx-1); if (link_idx == 1) { //because we don't really want to move the root prim as it moves the whole object llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(link_idx, [PRIM_SIZE, new_size]); } else { new_pos = scale * llList2Vector(link_positions, link_idx-1); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(link_idx, [PRIM_SIZE, new_size, PRIM_POSITION, new_pos]); } } }} default{ state_entry() { if (scanLinkset()) { handle = llListen(menuChan,"",llGetOwner(),""); //llOwnerSay("resizer script ready"); } else { llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { //you can never be too secure if (id == llGetOwner()) { if (msg == "RESTORE") { cur_scale = 1.0; } else if (msg == "MIN SIZE") { cur_scale = min_scale; } else if (msg == "MAX SIZE") { cur_scale = max_scale; } else if (msg == "DELETE...") { llDialog(llGetOwner(),"Are you sure you want to delete the resizer script?", ["DELETE","CANCEL"],menuChan); return; } else if (msg == "DELETE") { llOwnerSay("deleting resizer script..."); llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); } else { cur_scale += (float)msg; } //check that the scale doesn't go beyond the bounds if (cur_scale > max_scale) { cur_scale = max_scale; } if (cur_scale < min_scale) { cur_scale = min_scale; } resizeObject(cur_scale); } }}
  18. If you want your object to respond only to chat commands, you can eliminate the makeMenu function, but only after moving the lines that start listening for your chat. Those two lines are: menuChan = 7; //(or whatever channel number you choose) handle = llListen(menuChan,"",llGetOwner(),""); Move those two lines to inside the if(scanLinkSet) section of state_entry(), right after the //llOwnerSay("resizer script ready"); line, so they will start the script listening right away. Once you've moved those two lines you should be able to remove the makeMenu function and the touch_start event handler.
  19. Hi Napili, The script is already listening for commands from the menu, so you can chat to it. The only problem is that the makeMenu function assigns a random chat channel for the menu handler. If you replace the menuChan assignment with a constant, you can then chat on that channel and give the same commands as the menu. For example, to send commands on channel seven, you'd change... menuChan = 50000 + (integer)llFrand(50000.00); to menuChan = 7; Typing /7 MIN SIZE in the chat window would then cause the object to scale itself to minimum size.
  20. 3-13-2013 Time lapse analysis of video from the Vatican's Chimney Cam reveals that the Catholic cardinals sequestered in the Sistine Chapel for the purpose of electing a new Pope have been sending messages via morse coded smoke signals. Local Ham radio operators have decoded the following messages... 12:06 - 12:12 AM "We be jammin' !" 12:15 - 12:31 AM "Dolan is rollin' " 01:06 - 01:56 AM "TOGA! TOGA! TOGA!". 02:04 - 02:08 AM "#$%^& ". 02:15 - 02:29 AM "Ranjith snores like a girl". 03:18 - 03:26 AM "Call me maybe?" 03:44 - 04:19 AM "Beer and Merlot... no no!" 05:06 - 05:17 AM "Brady pinched me! " Meanwhile, revelers in St. Peter's Square played eucher while eating tiny tacos made from from communion hosts.
  21. Welcome to the Forums, King (I hope King is okay ;-), I don't think this problem is necessarily Mac related. She may find a solution here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/When-i-want-to-login-in-sl-i-get-this-message-quot-DSN-could-not/qaq-p/1423359 Without knowing just how she connects to the internet, I can't offer instructions for making the DNS server changes. Hopefully she knows how to do that. Good luck, keep us posted!
  22. Welcome to the forums, Lover. It sounds like you are wearing the demo version of the hair. Demos often have floating boxes attached so that people won't be temped to just wear the demo all the time. If you purchased the hair, make sure you are wearing the purchased item and not the demo. Most demos are clearly marked with "DEMO" in the item description. If the box is actually attached to your right hand (the default position for attaching things that don't specify an attachment point) then it's likely that your hair was packed in a box by the creator. If that's the case, detach the box, select it in inventory and drag it to the ground in an area that allows rezzing. Right click the box and select "Open" then copy the boxes contents to your inventory. You should then find the hair there, where you can select it and wear it. Goodl luck!
  23. Herkimer Highmist wrote: Try setting the prims you want spinning using the PRIM_OMEGA flag with llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/PRIM_OMEGA http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast Calling llTargetOmega within the child prim will accomplish the same effect. In either case, one must be careful if it's expected that the linkset may be rotated off the z-axis. In such cases, the rotating child prims will continue to rotate on their original axes. In these cases, it becomes necessary to query the linkset's orientation on rezzing, passing that vector to the llTargetOmega call, so that the child prims rotate correctly. Unfortunately, I don't have an example of this, but I'm sure someone will come along shortly to provide one.
  24. 3-12-2013 Moments after the Catholic College of Cardinals filed into the Sistine Chapel, Italians in nearby homes began experiencing interference on their radios and television sets. Ham radio operators traced the interference to jamming devices placed around the chapel. Vatican sources explained "Jamming devices have been put in place to stop the cardinal-electors from communicating with the outside world using mobile phones or other devices." 3-12-2013 Rome Police notice a sudden and unexplained drop in reports of sexting. 3-12-2013 Clouds of black smoke descend on tailgaters in Saint Peter's Square. Shortly thereafter, reports surface of singing and dancing in the square by nearly naked people wielding bags of Doritos.
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