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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Kelley, Here are two lines from the gpu_table.txt file from LL's GPUUpdate Viewer, which can be found here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers NVIDIA GTX 760M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *76[0-9]M.* 5 1 0 4.3 NVIDIA GTX 76x .*NVIDIA .*GTX *76.* 5 1 0 4.3 Now, let me decode the numbers after the card identifiers: 5 = Defaults to high-ultra graphics settings.Shadows set to "Sun/Moon+Projectors." This is the highest performance class available. This card can do it all. 1 = We claim to support this card This wouldn't be the first time LL claimed to support something they didn't but if they don't this gives you permission to ‮hctib‭ 0 = Not stats based. This means they didn't test the card to see how whizzy it is, they know it's whizzy. 4.3 = Expected OpenGL version. 4.3 is the latest version. This means that nVIDIA is more up to date in their support of OpenGL than LL is. So, the long (okay it's too late for the short) of it is that your proposed video card is supported, your first launch of the GPUUpdateViewer will default to Ultra Graphics with all the bells and whistles turned on, it'll probably be 43 years before LL uses a version of OpenGL that's beyond what your card supports and they based their promise on a guess (and probably a good one) rather than by actually checking it. They let us do the checking, and I know that people with GTX 780s are in-world having a blast even as I type this, so the checking has been done. ;-)
  2. Hiya Bubbles, Try this... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clearing_settings If that doesn't work, you might try a clean install... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall And if that doesn't work, come back and edit your question via "Options" over there on the right, tell us more and we'll keep working on it. Good luck!
  3. I could party non stop to this, and there's no singing to interfere with my uncontrollable whooping... and if that wasn't enough... Get out your guitar, Ceka!
  4. Studio09 wrote: In RL portraits I prefer using a slight telephoto - 105 or 115 You can set the SL camera focal length to reduce perspective distortion. Firestorm makes the settings easily accessible in its "Cameratools" control panel, which pops up when you click the "Phototools camera" button. The copy editor was asleep when those names came through.
  5. Perrie Juran wrote: I am guessing here is what you are questioning is what is meant by "temporary" when talking about the Cache. The reason the word 'temporary' is used is because the content of your Cache can change. As others have shown and you can see for yourself content is always stored on your computer in your Cache. It does not automatically disappear when ever you log out. Unlike my Browser, I use Firefox, there is no setting to my knowledge in the Viewer to automatically clear the Cache every time I "close" it. I can set Firefox up to do that if I were to choose so. And if your intent was to rip content from websites, you'd probably not set your browser cache to clear on exit. But you'd probably also not dig in the cache for the content, there are plenty of plug-ins for browsers that will rip content in immediately useable form. Tired of not being able to right click "protected" images for saving to your hard drive? I'm sure there's a plug in for that. If not, use your PC's screen capture facility. This parallels my explanation for ripping content from SL. There are tools for doing so that are completely oblivious to SL and much more widely applicable.
  6. Hi Claus, It will be difficult to suggest solutions if we don't know what that "ALOT of stuff" you've tried actually is. Come back and edit your question via "Options" over there on the right. Until then, here's some advice from Rolig Loon, offered to a previous resident who had voice troubles a little while back... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Viewers/why-won-t-my-voice-chat-work-in-my-Singularity-viewer/qaq-p/2127197 And as for wanting your answer ASAP, I suppose we all do. But understand that we are not Lindens. We're residents, just like you. We've no reason to believe the Lindens read this forum, as we've not seen them respond. Good luck!
  7. Innula Zenovka wrote: Hi, Lexbot! What you said was The only difference now, is that the data stays on your computer a little longer so it can be re-used next time you log in. Thats all. There is no data there that hasn't passed your computer already. Can you expand on this, please? While I agree that the data have always been stored, in the hidden folder C:\Users\<your windows username>\AppData\Local\SecondLife if you use Windows 7, I don't really understand the bit about the data staying on your computer a little longer (I thought, unless I clear cache manually, it stayed there permanently until it got overwritten because I'd run over the limit of the cache size I'd set). I think I remember reading that, before the changes, the viewer had to redraw the sim each time you tp there rather (as will now happen, at least if I've got it right) telling the sim which objects it has and letting the sim send it any extra ones needed, rather than downloading the lot again. Is that what you meant? I agree, though, that, both before and after the change, when you log out, your cache contains (and always has) the most up-to-date list of all the objects you've seen. As I recall it, though, the earliest versions of the "copybot" programme, at least the ones I saw when first I heard about them and wondered how they worked, intercepted the commands your computer received from SL and made their own cache of whatever the graphics card and CPU were being told to render, regardless of where the viewer was storing stuff and for how long. Innula, I think Lexbot meant that things may stay on your PC a little longer because the effective cache size may increase with the sim caching change. I haven't seen any direct reference to total cache size increasing, but that's not unreasonable to expect if the viewer is going to pre-emptively load unseen content at low priority in the background if you dwell on a sim long enough to make plausible the assumption you'll continue exploring there. As for the way copybot programs probably work, they do not depend on anything the viewer does, except call OpenGL. I went into this more elsewhere in this thread. About two minutes of Googling reveals there's a Chinese ripping program called GameAssassin, which rips OpenGL and DirectX content, including bones and animations. I've no idea how that higher level information is gleaned from OpenGL calls, but as I explained in my other post, the motivations for creating such general purpose model rippers are there. Computer gaming is big business. SL is, I think, too small a market for people to invest in specific game ripping technology, even if the viewer is open source. It makes more sense for people to be leveraging existing, documented (even if only in Chinese) tools that are widely available and widely applicable. I have seen nothing, including Perrie's chat transcript from Andrew Linden, that says the viewer will now cache kinds of information it hasn't before. It will cache more information, but of the same kind it's always been caching.
  8. Hola Mariajo, Hay un hilo del foro se trata de esto aquí ... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Laging-bad-or-getting-a-black-screen/m-p/2331877 Es en Inglés, pero el traductor de Google le ayudará a que lo lea ... http://translate.google.com ¡Buena suerte!
  9. Hi LittleFlowerett, You are probably experiencing "bake fail". There are instructions for Firestorm that are applicable to other viewers... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail If this does not help, come back and edit your question via "Options" over there on the right. Good luck!
  10. Just in case it's a matter of SLV not knowing about the Iris 5100, try this version of the viewer, which has an updated GPU table... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers It is also possible that you've got an old settings file that's messing things up. Quit the viewer, go to Library->Saved Application State and remove the folder that's named for the viewer you are using, then relaunch the viewer. You can get to the Library by holding down the Option key while selecting the "Go" menu in Finder.
  11. Ack, it's too early to decorate for Christmas, Val!!! I'm still out terrorizing people in my Halloween spider costume. And damn them, they keep calling me "boy", and worse yet... "good"! The nerve!... Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  12. Hi Crain, Yep, it's not considered real money until you bring it out of SL. LL does not report money paid out, because they've no way to know whether the money was earned, or the result of a sale, or a return of money you brought in-world but never spent. It's up to you to categorize the money and pay the appropriate taxes (whether sales or income) to the IRS and your State. And I don't think any state (yet) recognizes the sale of virtual goods as taxable, so for the time being, it's only income tax and the IRS that you must think about.
  13. Amethyst, when this happens, does it look like shaking, or a larger, slower cycling between two camera positions? I've witnessed "shake" which came and went for no apparent reason, and was dependent on my camera position. Moving the camera slightly in any direction generally cleared it up. If clearing your cache often fixes it for you, I wonder if it's a matter of something with corrupted geometry stored there. Pamela, if Amethyst's explanation is correct, have your customer clear his cache.
  14. Pamela, I don't think the camera is zooming, it's just moving to avoid obstacles, and unable to find a safe spot. The problem may be caused by the house being located near some other object that's got invisible bits inside the house. This often happens with plants and trees near the house walls. A quick Ctrl-Alt-T might reveal the culprit, which can be addressed either by moving the offending object, setting it phantom or moving the house. Camera collision avoidance can be turned off in Firestorm via... Avatar -> Preferences -> Move & View -> Firestorm -> Allow camera to move without constraints through prims That may require a restart, I don't recall. Or... it's something else!
  15. Hi Joanna, When you are unable to connect to SL, the first thing you should check is the Grid Status page... https://status.secondlifegrid.net Tuesday's rolling restarts are in progress and the simulator you attempted to login to may have been down momentarily. Try again. If the problem persists, your internet connection may be at fault. Has anything changed recently? If you're on wi-fi and have moved your computer, the connection to your router may have degraded, try a cable and/or try restarting your router. If you continue to have problems, come back and edit your question via "Options" over there on the right. Good luck!
  16. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Bad is not good. Evil is bad. Deliberately making other people unhappy for your own purposes is evil. Griefing is deliberately making other people unhappy. Therefore, griefing is not good. To think otherwise is to have no idea what griefing is! And if my griefing is deliberately making other people happy, I could roleplaying a bad griefer! ... pinches your bum and runs. (this has been a test to see if I have any idea what griefing is).
  17. Hi Roulette, This problem has popped up on Windows PCs before. Here are two threads with potential solutions... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Mouselook-issue/qaq-p/2310453 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Mouselook-once-mouse-is-moved-all-i-see-is-the-ceiling-spinning/qaq-p/833067 The one solution common to both appears to be that which Rolig suggested... Right click your desktop → Personalise → Display → Adjust font size (DPI) → Make sure this is set to the default value of 96. Good luck
  18. Woo hoo, take her out to dinner to celebrate, Gabby. The virtual wine is on me! ;-)
  19. Gabby Handrick wrote: I'm posting for a friend who just purchased a new computer for SL (becuase English is a 2nd language for her), here are the basic specs... CPU: Intel® Core i7-4500U CPU @ 1.80GHz (2394.45 MHz) Memory: 8073 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8 64-bit (Build 9200) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 8850M For some reason she is unable to enable basic shaders. She has set the graphics to Ultra but under the Shaders checkboxes only Transparent Water, Bump mapping and shiny and Local Lights can be checked, all other shader tick boxes plus Shadows and Water Reflections are grayed out. Does anyone have sl working with an HD 8850M? It seems to easily meet the minimum requirements. A Dell technician supposedly installed updated drivers for the video card today so they should be up to date. I'd appreciate any ideas that might help get her graphics working properly. Thanks in advance. Hi Gabby, Have your friend download the GPUUpdate Viewer from the Alternate viewer site... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers I think that version of the viewer has a GPU table (gpu_table.txt) that's aware of the Radeon HD 8000 family of graphics cards. Good luck!
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Exiveria Ornitz wrote: This sounds less like a bug and more like someone hacked your account. I suggest you change the password to your account, your email address, and the password on your email account for starters, and be on the lookout for any other suspecius activity on your other online accounts. It's a known bug and has affected many people over quite some time. I'm just grateful peple aren't complaining that they look like Martians. We get blamed for too much as is. You're cute, who'd complain? I was tickled when my profile pic was replaced by that of the grim reaper.
  21. Hi 93ai, If this is a sound you hear only in a certain location, it's likely coming from a prim somewhere. You can isolate sounds from various sources by rolling over the little speaker icon on the far right of the Firestorm menu bar. A sound control panel will drop down, allowing you to check/uncheck various sound sources, or control their volume. Try unchecking "Sounds". If that eliminates your chime/chirp, then it is coming from a prim or from a gesture that's being triggered when you type certain things in chat. You can disable gesture sounds via Preferences->Sound & Media->General and unchecking "Play sounds from gestures". If that makes the sound vanish, search for "(active)" in your inventory to find any active gestures. Open them and look at the "Trigger:" text field to see if one of them is triggering on something you often type. If it's not a gesture, it might be a user interface sound (though I don't know of one as you've described). Disable the "Button" sound source, if your chirp goes away, it was resulting from some activity and can either be disabled or ignored. Firestorm has a long list of UI sounds in the three UI control panes of Preferences->Sound & Media. You could wend your way through those lists to disable things you don't want making noise. You can provide more information as Lindal described. Good luck!
  22. Hippie Bowman wrote: Lia Abbot wrote: Hey! I think Maddy and her pal have been Christmas shopping! Hope there's something in there for us! Lia! Hi you! Peace! Adds another line to her list of reasons to get a puppy. Hiya Lia!
  23. Exiveria Ornitz wrote: This sounds less like a bug and more like someone hacked your account. I suggest you change the password to your account, your email address, and the password on your email account for starters, and be on the lookout for any other suspecius activity on your other online accounts. It's a known bug and has affected many people over quite some time.
  24. Dillon Levenque wrote: Teri Garr (you doubled the r's in the wrong name). That happens when I'm swooning.
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