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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Rayleen, Here's a link that may help you associate SLURLs with your viewer... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/slurl Good luck!
  2. Hi Gemina, Others have had this problem. Here's a link to the solution offered by KarenMichelle Lane... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Second-Life-I-can-not-open-it-with-Windows-8-1-What-can... Good luck!
  3. Hi Robina, Preferences->Privacy->LookAt->My look at targets: check "Don't send my look at targets to others" As for IMs, nobody can tell who you are IMing, so there's no privacy setting for them.
  4. Rolig has nailed the emotional/social side of your question, Redscar. I'm on my second Second Life. However, I do not recommend creating two new avatars and making them both known to the same circle of friends. This results in constant bickering between the alts, as they compete for the attentions of their common friends and suffer bruised egos when one is invariably preferred over the other.
  5. Hi Redscar, So long as you have a SL account, its profile will be visible. You can delete everything in your profile, empty your friends list and restrict access to your profile to "Friends", but the fact that the account exists cannot be hidden. To fold up your profile, go to https://my.secondlife.com/settings/privacy and set the access controls to Friends or, when allowed, "Nobody". The only way to make an avatar completely vanish from SL is to close the account. As for transferring inventory, you can only transfer items that have "Transfer" permissions. If you try a wholesale drag of folders if things from one avatar to another, only "Transfer" items will move. And anything you created under the original avatar will continue to show that avatar as creator, and you may find that if you were not careful assigning permissions on the things you created, your new avatar will end up with restricted permissions on the things you created. So make all your creations full perm before moving them. This includes making sure that the permissions on things contained inside things you've built, like textures and scripts, are also full perm. Good luck!
  6. Hi Rhea, Others have had this problem. Here's a link to the solution offered by KarenMichelle Lane... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Second-Life-I-can-not-open-it-with-Windows-8-1-What-can-I-do/qaq-p/2318907 Good luck!
  7. Hi Alshay, You are "Wear"ing, "Add"ing or double-clicking your furniture rather than dragging it from inventory onto the ground. And to do that, you must either own or rent land or have permission (perhaps from a friend) to rez objects on someone else's land. Here's a tutorial on using the "Build" tools, which you'll need to understand before rezzing and moving your furniture... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Build-Tools/ta-p/700039 And here's another with more advanced concepts to help you move collections of items... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-move-a-build/ta-p/919109 Good luck, and welcome to Second Life!
  8. There was no TV in my house during my childhood, and my parents were much older than those of my peers. My exposure to "pop" culture was via my parents record library, public radio, movies shown in our barn using a projector made in 1916, live local music, TV at friends' and the occasional visit to a movie theater. As a result, I'm perpetually out of sync. Here's are the kinds of cartoon that brings back memories for me... And I still marvel at Max Fleischer's work. Rotoscoping, breaking the "fourth wall", recursion, it's all there in 1919... And while my friends grew up with Sleeping Beauty and Michael Jackson, I grew up with... And now, thanks to Pixar, the animated short is back, with a vengeance. The baby grabbing the steering wheel of danger mouse's spaceship reminded me of this (the soundtrack is not original, "Lifted" is widely used as a foley/soundtrack challenge for film sound students)...
  9. Hi Keri, This has happened to me, and it's been a corrupted "saved" state file. Try this to fix your problem... In Finder, Hold down the Option key, go to the "Go" menu and select "Library". Select the "Saved Application State" folder. Find a folder named for the viewer you are using (ex: com.secondlife.indra.viewer.savedState or com.phoenixviewer.firestorm.viewer-hvk.savedState/) Toss that folder in the trash. Relaunch the viewer. I hope that works, good luck!
  10. That was perfectly silly, Peter. And well worth watching. Sort of "Douglas Adams meets Tex Avery meets Terry Gilliam". I'm sure I missed some inside jokes, but I enjoyed what I did get. I didn't gather my engineering team around the conference table to watch stuff like that, but we did sit together in the cafe many Tuesday mornings for a few minutes to watch a Mister Rogers factory tour of some kind, and listen to some jazz... Thanks to both you and Ms. Lane for making me grin.
  11. Hi Eddy, Here's another thread dealing with a similar issue, with suggestions that appear to have worked... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Windows-8-and-flashing-menu-graphics/qaq-p/2257673 Good luck!
  12. Eddy, Please do not keep asking the same question over and over again, particularly without providing any additional information. You are pushing other people's questions off the front page and decreasing your chances of getting a resolution of your own. Go back to your first post, use "Options" over on the right to edit it, and provide additional information.
  13. Hi Red, Are you saying there are two of your friend in-world, one who appears normal, appears to herself to be working properly, but does not show up on radar, and another version which appears as a cloud or just bald cap, but has a name/tag of ??? ??? and shows up on radar? If that is the case, you may have to request a sim restart, either by contacting the owner of the sim if it's private, or requesting one from LL. There are rolling restarts across the RC serverchannels this morning, which might clear up the problem if your friend lives on a BlueSteel, LeTigre or Magnum sim... https://status.secondlifegrid.net If there is only one of your friend, but appearing with ??? ??? over her cloudy self, and/or if your friend is having difficulty logging/staying in, follow Rolig's advice. If nothing works, come back, edit your question via "Options" over there on the right and bring us up-to-date. Good luck!
  14. R&B were a li'l before my time grandma! ;-) But I did see a bunch of episodes at a R&B festival when I was in college. I loved 'em. The writers were downright naughty. My favorite line from Episode 1 (yes, I watched the whole thing) was the grandma advising the President "It's raining, put on your rubbers." How prescient! ;-)
  15. Hi Silmarar, Since you are able to reach this forum to ask your question, it seems your computer is able to access the internet in general. It may be that your internet service provider's DNS servers are momentarily unable to locate SecondLife. You could try using Google's public DNS servers. Information for doing so can be found here... https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using If that does not work, come back and update your question via "Options" over there on the right. Good luck!
  16. Dillon Levenque wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Kelley all "illiterate" in something. In my case, it's apparently porn star roleplay. But I'm workin' on it! ;-) Might not be a literacy issue. Might be that you burst out laughing at inappropriate times. For the record: there are no appropriate times for that. Well, now that I think about it, maybe there are. Never mind. Apparently I'm also literally illiterate... "Kelly all 'illiterate' "?!
  17. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: This parallels my explanation for ripping content from SL. There are tools for doing so that are completely oblivious to SL and much more widely applicable. Yes, Maddy there are more sophisticated ripping tools out there, but for amateurs using the cached info is a pretty easy way to do. It also eliminates the prospect of using a client or tool that would result in a ban. So, the risk factor is less. You might be right. There is an SL cache ripper program out there (first hit on my Google search for the obvious) and probably some copybot viewers still available somewhere, but anyone hunting for those will also find more general purpose tools that can be used on WoW, EveOnline and any other game you can think of. And if those tools are as easy to use as the OpenGL debuggers used by my design team back in the days when I was a productive member of society, almost anybody could use them. And if you can't, it won't take long to find a forum (including this) where you can get some help. ;-)
  18. Kelley Wonder wrote: Thank you so much for clearing this up for me. It is painful to be so illiterate in tech comprehension, lol. Thank you for your time. *limps off slowly* Kelley, we're all "illiterate" in something. In my case, it's apparently porn star roleplay. But I'm workin' on it! ;-) ETA: increased literacy?
  19. Kelley, Here are two lines from the gpu_table.txt file from LL's GPUUpdate Viewer, which can be found here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers NVIDIA GTX 760M .*NVIDIA .*GTX *76[0-9]M.* 5 1 0 4.3 NVIDIA GTX 76x .*NVIDIA .*GTX *76.* 5 1 0 4.3 Now, let me decode the numbers after the card identifiers: 5 = Defaults to high-ultra graphics settings.Shadows set to "Sun/Moon+Projectors." This is the highest performance class available. This card can do it all. 1 = We claim to support this card This wouldn't be the first time LL claimed to support something they didn't but if they don't this gives you permission to ‮hctib‭ 0 = Not stats based. This means they didn't test the card to see how whizzy it is, they know it's whizzy. 4.3 = Expected OpenGL version. 4.3 is the latest version. This means that nVIDIA is more up to date in their support of OpenGL than LL is. So, the long (okay it's too late for the short) of it is that your proposed video card is supported, your first launch of the GPUUpdateViewer will default to Ultra Graphics with all the bells and whistles turned on, it'll probably be 43 years before LL uses a version of OpenGL that's beyond what your card supports and they based their promise on a guess (and probably a good one) rather than by actually checking it. They let us do the checking, and I know that people with GTX 780s are in-world having a blast even as I type this, so the checking has been done. ;-)
  20. Hiya Bubbles, Try this... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clearing_settings If that doesn't work, you might try a clean install... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall And if that doesn't work, come back and edit your question via "Options" over there on the right, tell us more and we'll keep working on it. Good luck!
  21. I could party non stop to this, and there's no singing to interfere with my uncontrollable whooping... and if that wasn't enough... Get out your guitar, Ceka!
  22. Studio09 wrote: In RL portraits I prefer using a slight telephoto - 105 or 115 You can set the SL camera focal length to reduce perspective distortion. Firestorm makes the settings easily accessible in its "Cameratools" control panel, which pops up when you click the "Phototools camera" button. The copy editor was asleep when those names came through.
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: I am guessing here is what you are questioning is what is meant by "temporary" when talking about the Cache. The reason the word 'temporary' is used is because the content of your Cache can change. As others have shown and you can see for yourself content is always stored on your computer in your Cache. It does not automatically disappear when ever you log out. Unlike my Browser, I use Firefox, there is no setting to my knowledge in the Viewer to automatically clear the Cache every time I "close" it. I can set Firefox up to do that if I were to choose so. And if your intent was to rip content from websites, you'd probably not set your browser cache to clear on exit. But you'd probably also not dig in the cache for the content, there are plenty of plug-ins for browsers that will rip content in immediately useable form. Tired of not being able to right click "protected" images for saving to your hard drive? I'm sure there's a plug in for that. If not, use your PC's screen capture facility. This parallels my explanation for ripping content from SL. There are tools for doing so that are completely oblivious to SL and much more widely applicable.
  24. Hi Claus, It will be difficult to suggest solutions if we don't know what that "ALOT of stuff" you've tried actually is. Come back and edit your question via "Options" over there on the right. Until then, here's some advice from Rolig Loon, offered to a previous resident who had voice troubles a little while back... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Viewers/why-won-t-my-voice-chat-work-in-my-Singularity-viewer/qaq-p/2127197 And as for wanting your answer ASAP, I suppose we all do. But understand that we are not Lindens. We're residents, just like you. We've no reason to believe the Lindens read this forum, as we've not seen them respond. Good luck!
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