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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hippie Bowman wrote: Woot! 9000 posts! You're running out of room, Hippie!!! Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  2. Hi Bellasara, In addition to Sven's advice, you can quickly shed everything you're wearing by doing a "Character Test", that's in the menu "Develop->Avatar->Character Tests->Test Female". Enable the Develop menu (if you haven't already) by checking "Me(Avatar in Firestorm)->Preferences->Advanced->Show Developer Menu". After doing the character test, you can redress yourself from your wardrobe. Good luck!
  3. Hi kwajkid, In addition to just turning off Media sound as Rolig suggests, there are some finer grained controls in Preferences->Sound & Media. First, tick "Enable media filter (increased security)" if it's not already ticked. This turns on Firestorm's media whitelist/blacklist. When that's enabled, any new media source will pop up a dialog asking for permission (either temporary or permanent) to play it. If the media filter was enabled and you have not been getting the permission dialog upon entering that club or clicking "play", it's probably because you told the viewer to always trust that media stream some time in the past, and it's on the whitelist. You can add streams to the whitelist/blacklist manually in the filter window, or you can add them as you encounter them by ticking the correct button in the permissions dialog that pops up when you encounter unlisted streams. If you always allow the stream it goes in the whitelist, if you never allow it, it goes in the blacklist. If you allow it just this one time, it goes in neither list. You might also disable "Allow Media to auto-play when entering a region". If you do that, only pressing the play button in the far right of the menu bar will start media. This is a more conscious way of handling media. Again, the permission dialog will pop up if you click "play" and the stream isn't on the whitelist. To remove it, click "Manage Media Sites", go to the Allowed Domains column, select the stream and click "Remove". You might also disable "Play media attached to other avatars", as that's an easy way for people to scrape IP addresses. All that said, I agree with Rolig. I'd not worry overmuch about IP address scraping. It doesn't happen as much as it once did, and it's difficult for anyone to make much use of the information. Have fun!
  4. Six Igaly wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: That's the price we pay for joining the cult. LOL Well till some versions back (Firestorm) I could not set Advanced Lightning without crashing. That has improved now for sure. I use FS sometimes especially for taking pictures most of the time, because of all the settings available. And yet somehow I just can't get the feel with SL as I have with V3..weird maybe..but for me a fact :-). I'm so rarely in-world these days that I can't get the feel of any viewer. Last week, I had to pause a moment to remember how to fly!
  5. Six Igaly wrote: Yes it will only mute a sound. And well Firestorm, it does not run as well on my iMac as V3 does, and even V3 for Mac is way worse* then the Windows one..so I'm told.. *EDIT It is getting better with each viewer update though! I'm also on an iMac. Firestorm runs about as well as V3 and I believe all Mac viewers run worse than their Windows variants. That's the price we pay for joining the cult. ;-).
  6. Six Igaly wrote: I wish! I use V3 and as far as I know so far it lacks this feature! You're right. I just tried blocking some object and they don't vanish. So, I imagine blocking an object just stops it from making noise or emitting particles. Switch to Firestorm? ;-).
  7. Hi squiffer, The closest thing SL offers to the characteristics of a blog is probably your profile feed at: https://my.secondlife.com You can post musings and snapshots there, and people can comment on them. There are privacy controls that allow you to limit access and participation on your feed. As with almost every aspect of SL, there are niggling misbehaviors and missing functionality that can frustrate you, but lots of people use it every day. Wander around to see how others use their feeds. You may find it's good enough for your purposes.
  8. Six Igaly wrote: 7. Skydomes. Not someones skydome somewhere up there, but these places with a stack of them to rent out, where the lowest one is rezzed at about 50 m above the surface and especially that one never has renters. Right click and derender, Six!
  9. Hi Rhenai, Are you asking for a follower that follows you outside your home in the sense that it follows you through teleports? That's only possible for attachments. I imagine an attachment could be scripted to automatically rez a follower (so you don't have to) after a teleport, but that would only work on sims where scripts and rezzing are allowed.
  10. Drongle McMahon wrote: w/e the long stick on front is called I think it's the bowsprit Drongle and Splatulated, thank you both for reminding me of the banter I enjoyed with the testosterone addled captain of the old sailing club boat (Soling) we drove in college. He was a stickler for nautical terminology and I'm oppositional. Our boat didn't have a bowsprit, but if it did, I'd have called it that "long stick out front" just to make him red in the face.
  11. joal Oddenfen wrote: read all the post, you are making an assumption that it was LL, when it was not, i said in a post before that DCS asked all their users and sim owners to ban her, it was in a group message sent out in the DCS users group, seems none of you read that. now as i was a dcs user i saw the post and it as sent out by DIM himself. the then owner of dcs who was at the same time trying to sue her in the US courts or threatening to And previously: Madelaine McMasters wrote: joal Oddenfen wrote: what you saw and have commented on is the detruction of a person that got very angry during that destruction, the competitors in world had every reason to stop her using this forum to promote her system over thiers, pat the company on the back as well as yourself and say a "job well done". As Tari said, and as I have observed, she is not mean to anyone. Your comment conflicts with the evidence and is unwarranted. If you truly believe that LL conspires covertly with residents for nefarious purposes, wouldn't that be the #1 thing that ruins SL for you? If I misunderstood "company" to refer to LL, I apologize. It was not clear to me that "the competitors" were a "company", so I thought you were referring to LL. But that's not my primary issue with your statement. You asked Tari to pat herself on the back for a "job well done'. That's an unwarranted accusation that Tari somehow conspired with others for purposes you don't approve of. You have no evidence to support that claim and there is evidence to dispute it. Now, back to the issue of subterfuge. I imagine a group of people in SL could conspire to AR someone over and over, but it would still require the "victim" to repeatedly violate the Terms of Service or Community Guidelines for LL to act. I'm sure that some people can be manipulated into repeated violating the TOS/CG, but that doesn't absolve those people of their responsibility. LL may be able to recognize such manipulations, I don't know. ETA: Ps: just for you, dcs could not win by legal means but found another way, now this is the end of the chat of these things, seems most of you feel guilty. I have no idea who DCS is, nor do I care. But I do sense either paranoia, agenda or attitude that tells me we really are at the end of the chat.
  12. joal Oddenfen wrote: what you saw and have commented on is the detruction of a person that got very angry during that destruction, the competitors in world had every reason to stop her using this forum to promote her system over thiers, pat the company on the back as well as yourself and say a "job well done". As Tari said, and as I have observed, she is not mean to anyone. Your comment conflicts with the evidence and is unwarranted. If you truly believe that LL conspires covertly with residents for nefarious purposes, wouldn't that be the #1 thing that ruins SL for you?
  13. joal Oddenfen wrote: well i am looking forward to it and hope it starts a whole interest in role play, as to me sl is a good place to have a massive war and then all have a party and dance after, i would like to see the top 3000 meters become space so we can role play real space battles, i would like to see lots of open and public sea so we can sail for hours never seeing the same thing, things you can do in sl but are stale and to small, like the blake sea, great idea but cant be used by more than one group and when the sailors are having a race the rest of us are almost barred from it, pity the cant put a sea say 1000 meters up, then us role players could fight up there while the sailors sail below, or just have a bigger sea, but what ever they do we will all be noobs again and i think lots of us will enjoy that, well i will, remember what fun it was finding new things, problem with being 7 years old is i have seen every thing and now dont go anywhere, dont log much, never commented here before today and wont after today, i just wanted to let the lindens know we are not all anti SL2 and if they address some of the things that upset us in SL1 then it will be even better. Ah ha! So you suffer the same problem as many of us. Familiarity breeds contempt! Ebbe spoke of empowering creators to craft their own experiences. Maybe that'll enable all the things you've mentioned.
  14. Tari Landar wrote: joal Oddenfen wrote: how many of you dress up as wolfs, is that not odd, so ideas must be only for those that claim to be human, i have been to many role play sims and have seen people be all sorts of things, some sims ban them because they look like wolfs, or are vampires in the wrong sim, ok you disagree but i saw how most of you turned them into personal insults, for a short time it looked like fun but was destroying lucinda bit by bit, but DCS wanted that as they saw her as threat to thier business and was using this forum to promote her system, have you any idea what DCS did to her in world with all your support? First, you should probably stop lumping an entire group of folks into one bunch, because not everyone that posts, and most definitely not everyone who reads the forums, would fit into that nice little package you seem to believe they fit into. Personally, I've read every single thread that particular person ever wrote, and, frankly, she(I assume a she, I'm sure I will be corrected if I have that wrong) and not very many of the threads or posts she made were even remotely kind, to anyone. Many of the posts she got in return, however, were not mean spirited at all. Yes some may have been, just like in many other cases, and some of those she got because of her commentary. I don't know what all was "done to her inworld", and I am willing to bet a lot of people here don't either. So, stop assuming everyone here is just plain mean. That sort of attitude seems to be popping up a lot here and it also seems to be coming from people who have absolutely no interest in reading rhe forums to see that what they deem to be mean is not nearly as common as they seem to beleive it is. Of course there are a few exceptions, and Lucinda happens ot be one of them. She dished out far more than she was given. I personally only responded to her maybe a couple of times, tops, because her posts were beyond off the wall, and full of hatred and vitriol. I still read them, though. I actually read nearly all of the posts on the forums, despite not participating in the majority of them. I enjoy reading posts though, partly because it gives me a new perspective on things. Sometimes, though, people do a very good job of giving terrible first, second, third and so on, impressions. Lucinda happened to fall into that category. Mind you, again, this is coming from someone who was never once mean to her, and rarely posted in a thread with her, but read every word she posted. A lot of people here think I'm annoying, because I tend to use more words than most do, and people hate reading a wall of text. Unfortunately, it's in my nature to do so. I gave up trying to post less words to be honest. But I can't fault folks for thinking I'm annoying, avoiding my posts, etc.. it's their opinion, and i respect that. Just as the impression some posters give others, such as in the case of Lucinda. She, you, no one else even, can fault people for having the opinions they do, when the person in question causes the opinions to exist. TLDR; You can't fault people for having a negative opinion of you, when all you offer up is negativity. Also, not everyone fits in a neat little package, and if you stick around, or bother to read through more of the forums, you might just find that forumites, in general, are pretty nice people. A varied group of folks post here, all kinds of opinions get tossed about, and you'll rarely find anything that the majority agree on...but it's still a pretty cool place. First, I agree with eveyrthing you wrote, though I didn't actually read any of it. Except this... "I actually read nearly all of the posts on the forums" Tari, you need to get out more! and this... "A lot of people here think I'm annoying" Thank goodness I'm not the only one! ;-).
  15. joal Oddenfen wrote: For 7 years i have been here and have seen many things, for a lot of that time i tried to see what makes people leave so have made a list, not in any order but the things i think ebby will address for sl2. 1. banning that has to be the biggest turn off and mostly done by people with low self asteem that get a tag and the power to ban, the best one i heard was from a blues club, reason for banning - "to old and making young people leave" the person admitted to being over 60, the host immed them and said they were banning them for saying that. I've been banned from places for no apparent (to me) reason. With more than 25,000 sims to visit, the loss of one doesn't bother me. I doubt many places would ban 60 somethings. More than half of SL residents are 35 or older. I'd rather suffer the negligible indignity of being banned from a place that doesn't like me (why would I want to go there?) than have no ability to remove uninvited and beligerent visitors from my home. 2. being forced to walk through malls then to find out you cant get to the sim unless you wear a role play hud or be a member of a group, when you do get a hud and join the group you find out the sim is empty of role play players. I've never been forced to do anything in SL. If I encounter a place that I don't like, I leave it. The Marketplace has all but eliminated my need to visit in-world shops, though I don't consider that an improvement to the SL experience, but rather an alternative to it. You don't get the serendipity of meeting new people in the Marketplace. 3. road side adds, well that was more a problem of the past but add farmers drove people nuts. I've been here for more than six years and haven't been bothered by such things. It's so easy to scoot about in SL that I have a hard time being annoyed. I just go elsewhere. As I've said, there is plenty of elsewhere. 4. greifers. griefing these days is done covertly, one of the worst i saw was in fact a helper from this forum, they get anyone they dont like banned, if they cant wind them up with chat they get freinds to publicly doubt thier gender and thier motives for being in sl. You're not the first to posit the Feted Inner Core theory. I've not seen evidence for it. It seems to me that people get banned for violating the Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. It's true that residents can bring violations to the attention of the Lab, but the power to ban is not ours. If one stays within the guidelines, no amount of reporting should result in a ban, except potentially to an overzealous abuse reporter. 5. arrogance. a lot of people that have been in sl a long time and are so arrogant that should a first day person meet them they wont ever return. I don't think arrogance is born of SL age. It seems rather the reverse to me. The really old timers have a long-haul temperament. I think arrogance is something we bring to SL, not hatch within it. I think it's our anonymity that allows us to push the envelope of our behavior. That's a mixed blessing, but I'll take it. 6. freedom of speech, many clubs ban people for talking about the wrong thing, this forum does the same, think this one is linked to 5 as long timers do see themselves as the police force of sl. While club owners can ban people for "talking about the wrong thing", the forum does not work like that. Banning here is done only by Linden Lab. Over in the Answers area, the most common requests for police action seem to come from noobs. The typical response is "ignore, AR if appropriate, move on". there are many more but these are things ebby can address in this new sl and taking shops and malls out of sl will help with many role play sims, also ebby might make it so only lindens can ban, which means host will have to report and not have a ban button to press, as for 5 and 6, well the old arrogant ones wont move to the new sl as they will have to start at the bottom like a noob and dont know how to any more. I'm ambivalent about removing shopping from in-world. The marketplace is certainly efficient, but there is something nice about wandering in-world shops and meeting people there. Imagine how many people LL would have to employ to handle requests from land/home owners to ban griefers from their properties. Then imagine how many people would leave if griefers were free to run wild until LL cleared the backlog of ban requests. There might be a better way to handle banning, but I don't think you've discovered it. I really don't know if SL is being ruined, so it's hard for me to point at a cause. I'd like to see more capable in-world building tools, so we could enjoy real-time collaborative creation. I'd like to see technical improvements that are probably beyond what's possible without starting from a clean sheet of paper, as Ebbe says will happen with the new world they're designing. But I'm well aware that getting what I want might mean losing everybody else. I can always find something to like about where I am, so I don't feel the need to have it all my way. Okay, maybe I do know what's ruining SL for me. My familiarity with it. I'd love to be a noob again. The most enticing thing about the new world Ebbe has on the drawing board is that I know nothing about it. ETA: Has anyone else been unable to color the text inside a quote? My favorite way of highlighting my responses within one (and annoying people with the rainbox results) no longer seems to work. I get an HTML error upon changing the color of anything inside a quoted block of text. Grrr, this is ruining SL! ;-).
  16. Dunno, that's why I said I'm not sure. I pop back and forth between Firestorm and SLV so much I can't remember what works where.
  17. Dillon Levenque wrote: For me, I figure if I look okay to me than i look okay. You definitely look okay!
  18. Hi Marcel, It sounds like that sim is only accessible to group members or whitelisted friends. If you really want access to the sim, you'll probably have to know someone on the inside who can pull the necessary strings to get you a backstage pass. Otherwise, there are lots of other fish in the sea. :-).
  19. Hi Ellie, We're residents just like you, so we have no special insight into the skill gaming changes. There's a very long winded thread on the topic here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Skill-Gaming-Policy-Thread/m-p/2771090 I'll summarize my understanding of the change, but please don't depend on it. If you are running games in which residents can or do pay in (only the ability to pay in is required, even if people don't avail themselves of it) to a game which also pays out, then the game will need to be located on a gaming registered sim, and the game itself must be registered. I'm not sure what the fees are for doing that, but I did read that the "Reasoned Legal Opinion" that's required by Linden Lab before registration is granted would usually cost $100 or more. I think these RLOs are required to ensure that the game is not a game of chance, which is flat out not allowed in SL. If you are running games in which it is not possible for people to pay in, or there is no pay out, then you needn't do anything. I did not follow the discussions of external money flow, as in games where you purchase entry out-world and receive payment out-world, but it seems reasonable to conclude that if an SL game provides the mechanism for money to exchange hands externally, it would still not be allowed. But, once again, don't depend on my understanding of this. Linden Lab's change to the Terms Of Service to address skill based games is a response to legal requirements. I'm an engineer, and though I sometimes have to deal with lawyers and even have some as friends, it's been my general experience that those people are nuts. I hope you and your Hubby continue to enjoy a profitable time in SL, and have even more fun in whatever virtual world the Lindens are trying to cook up to lure us in the next couple years. In case you didn't know about that announcement, it's generated even more chatter than the skill gaming changes... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Linden-Lab-is-building-a-NEW-virtual-world/td-p/2753476 ;-).
  20. Hi Sniper (don't shoot! ;-), Some purchased items are packed in boxes (which needn't look like boxes, you get the idea). To unpack the things, you must rez the "box" on the ground in a place that allows rezzing. (You can wear the box, but it's not as easy to unpack if you do). If you don't have your own place, like a Linden Home, you must find a place. And the best places to go for this purpose are public sandboxes. Even if you do have property of your own, if you have a small prim limit, you may not have the room to rez a fancy box (I once had one that took 12 prims!). Again, you'll have to wander over to a sandbox to unpack the box. Here's more about unpacking boxes... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 Have fun with whatever it is you got! ;-).
  21. How did I not know this?!
  22. Lindal's covered Firestorm, I'll cover the SL Viewer. Go to Preferences->Privacy and click "Block List". I think you'll find the blocked stream there (I've never blocked a stream, so I'm not sure). Good luck!
  23. It's a conspiracy, I tells ya! ;-). Okay Unknown, if there's a label above your head, it's being put there by a "titler". This is a script that resides in something you're wearing, probably a collar. For the moment, you'll have to remove all attachments one-by-one until the title vanishes. The last thing you removed contained the titler script. If the thing containing the titler is something you wish to keep, you'll either have to learn how to operate it (look for instructions that came with the purchase) or edit the titler function out of it. If you're going to role-play at slave auctions, you'll really want to know how to operate the gizmos! Good luck!
  24. Hi Monniela, Mouselook gives you a first person view of SL, through your avatar's eyes. You can enable that by typing M or zooming all the way in on your avatar. When in Mouselook, your mouse points the camera. Some objects, like snowball throwers that you wear, require you to be in mouselook for aiming and firing. Here's more information... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Camera-point-of-view-controls/ta-p/700047 You can enable/disable seeing your avatar when you look down in mouseview by checking/unchecking "Preferences->Move & View - Mouse: Show me in Mouselook". Have fun!
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