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Josephine Carissa

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Everything posted by Josephine Carissa

  1. Hello Stephanie, https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/POST-Skyline-Drive-Retro-Cantilever-House-for-Hillside/1342513 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Cliff-Villa/19131392 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Dags-Cliff-House-in-a-Box/10656168 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Hill-House-RageWorks/15260994 Happy Shopping, Josephine https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Trompe-Loeil-Sidra-Cliffside-Cottage-mesh/12029084
  2. Greetings Ruby, Welcome to SL : ) I don't know much about the style you are going for, but you may want to start here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/44895 i have several of their styles, they make nice things. Kind Regards, Josephine
  3. Greetings Von, everyone here has given great information, to add to this you should check out "Skells" blog.... http://www.virtualbloke.com/ lots of great stuff there Kind Regards, Josephine
  4. Good Day Everyone : ) Rhonda brought breakfast so here is some desert : ) Happy Mardi Gras Best Regards, Josephine
  5. Hello Suukz, you might want to check out this ladies blog: https://thefreebielegacy.wordpress.com/ good luck with your searching, Josephine
  6. Greetings Everyone, hope you all had a very nice weekend : ) Best Regards, Josephine
  7. Hello Kathy, I saw this and thought of you : ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/5394/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[keywords]=hair Best Regards, Josephine
  8. Good Day Everyone, Happy Friday and best wishes for a really wonderful weekend. Kindest Regards, Josephine
  9. *waving* it's so much fun to see everyone's lovely photographs.... Best Regards, Josephine
  10. Hi Chic : ) Here is the one that comes to my mind, classy place and super nice lady. https://zurisjewelsisle.wordpress.com/ https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jewels Isle/196/193/25 Best Regards, Josephine
  11. Wishing you all a happy & healthy new years.... Kindest Regards, Josephine
  12. Hi Kathy, how about this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/nomatch-NO-SUFFER-B-DEMO/17165522 Kindest Regards, Josephine
  13. ~*~ Happy Sunday Everyone ~*~ Today its time to get started on Christmas cards, and oh yes i'm celebrating my new Keurig coffee maker, ( the old one finally gave it up ). Hope you are all having a great day and enjoying time with friends and family : ) Kind Regards, Josephine
  14. *waving* hello to everyone and hoping you all had a good weekend : ) Best Regards, Josephine
  15. Skell, I don't know i can think of a "black tie" outfit that you would for sure rock : ) seriously i hope you change your mind and attend. Kind Regards, Josephine
  16. i decided to change to another laq head and see how it looks.....its better i think
  17. Happy Weekend one and all.....its been officially fall for a couple of weeks here.....thought i would drop by with some treats for everyone : ) Warm Regards, Josephine
  18. Greetings Kathy, I still have all of this ladies stuff, bought alot of it. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/3152 http://icingsl.blogspot.com/ vintage and nice things : ) Kind Regards, Josephine
  19. Hello Lentissimo, There are only a few hairs here but plenty of head decorations that are totally fantasy that you may like : ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/9483 Kind Regards, Josephine
  20. Eve, No I was just thinking that he may be able to help you about the feet thing. He has alot of information there. Kindest Regards, Josephine
  21. Hello Eve, you may want to check with our very own Skell : ) http://www.virtualbloke.com/ Have a great day! Josephine
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