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Josephine Carissa

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Everything posted by Josephine Carissa

  1. to add to Chic's post you may want to try *Icing* https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/3152 Kind Regards, Josephine
  2. got home from work and listened to some good music on the beach : )
  3. Greetings Pinky, you may want to try out *Coco* here are some nice high waist pants: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/COCOHighWaistedFlarePantsBlack/14166114 here is a sweater: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/COCOOversizedSweaterBlack/13474398 you will have to look to see if there is something that you fancy : ) Kind Regards, Josephine
  4. last night i got a notice from one of my creator friends so of course i had to run out and purchase the new chairs : )
  5. picked up a new dress and put a flower in my hair : )
  6. Hello Thorin, I like the catwa head best....to me it looks a little softer. you look nice in both : ) Kind Regards, Josephine
  7. Greetings Lexi, A good friend of mine here in the forums introduced me to "ISON" they have everything from shorts to classy dresses. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/74396 ~*~ Happy Shopping ~*~ Best Regards, Josephine
  8. picked up this short hairdo that has a hud to make it look like you just got out of the water.
  9. Greetings Eve, Here is something from our very own "Chic Aeon". https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Warehouse-ChiC-buildings-V2/4443459 this is the LM for her inworld store : ) [http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trasimeno/32/83/87 Inworld Store] Kind Regards, Josephine
  10. got home from work and relaxed by the beach and listened to music : )
  11. Greetings Tenly, these are not the same but red and pretty: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ELUSIVE-Kourtney-Heels-Red-Fits-Slink-High-Feet-Maitreya-High-Feet-Belleza-High-Feet/14627934 i put in search "belleza red shoes" there were over 2K hits....this was the first really nice ones i saw so i thought i'd post them for you : ) Best Regards, Josephine
  12. i'm liking this pink outfit....then i went over to creation park and took a balloon ride : )
  13. Hi Jameson, those are brown sugar cubes for the coffee, (at least i think so....i use brown sugar in my coffee instead of the usual white sugar.....its yummy : ) Have a great day! Josephine
  14. Hello Anna, I replied to your other question.....i think your best bet is to check out our "Jeny Howlett" she rocks the look you are searching for. Best Regards, Josephine
  15. Hello Anna, this looks alot like our "Jeny Howlett" you might want to send her a message i bet she can help you. Kindest Regards, Josephine
  16. went over to Mango Yacht club to look at their water then went home to see my water : )
  17. found this crate floating in the water of my parcel so i sat on it : ) lol
  18. got this new life guard chair so i can watch the water : )
  19. after going by ebento event and picking up all the b-day cakes....i went over to a place i hadn't been in quite a while : )
  20. listening to music and having some lemonade on the dock : )
  21. Greetings Ricky, are you looking for something like: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mysterious-aura/7292033 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Lightning-Aura-HUD/7300423?page=2 hope this helps you with your search. Kind Regards, Josephine
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